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Hotfix 18.2.2


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  • Added support for selecting full-screen refresh-rate.
  • Made several optimizations to in-game Voice Chat volume output.
  • Adjusted the minimap markers in Exterminate Missions to more accurately track slow NPCs.


Exterminate Changes / Fixes


Please note these are some of  the major in-progress fixes that are ready for deployment. We will continue to audit the issue with your constructive help and reports. Ultimately it is unlikely that mass-clump spawns will be restored, but we're working on making Exterminate Missions have a challenging pace.


  • Fixed an issue causing enemies to be teleported into terrain as players progressed mid-Mission.
  • Fixed some enemy spawn points causing enemies to appear into terrain or above the level floor.
  • Fixed NPCs taking cover behind inaccessible rooms or closed doors, becoming impossible to hit or aid.
  • Enemies lagging too far behind in a Mission when a Mission Objective Change to Exterminate will automatically be removed to eliminate mandatory backtracking.




  • Fixed several small performance problems that could build up during long missions.
  • Fixed several issues that prevented large multi-monitor setups from working properly. This one's for you, https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/3xtqdi/took_me_about_a_year_to_have_warframe_run_on_5x1/
  • Fixed 21:9 support in native full-screen modes.
  • Fixed windows getting stuck over Warframe after returning from full-screen in DirectX 11.
  • Fixed volume not changing if you move the slider before testing.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Quiver getting stuck on a single arrow type if the player activated the ability using their ‘Use Selected Power’ hotkey while Navigator was active.
  • Fixed the Hyena Pack, Tyl Regor, Vay Hek and Infested Alad V not properly giving Death Marks to players.
  • Fixed the Ignis model not looking properly when the weapon is stolen from the Drahk Master and placed on the ground.
  • Fixed enemies being alerted by the Talon’s throwing animation.
  • Fixed an error allowing Valkyr to pull player out of the extraction area as per: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/575698-valkyrs-rip-line-pulls-players-out-of-extraction-area/
  • Fixed an issue where ranking up some melee weapons could cause all challenge progress to become reset.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from seeing each other when zoning into a Relay.
  • Fixed trade icons in Maroo’s Bazaar showing as a white box.
  • Fixed an error preventing players from trading Syndicate weapons due to a non-existent XP lock.
  • Fixed NPCs taking cover behind hidden or locked rooms.
  • Fixed an error allowing players to clip through walls when in Archwing Missions.
  • Fixed Nova’s abilities being able to kill Alad V during his intro cinematic.
  • Fixed some contact-delay issues that would occur when some projectiles.
  • Fixed a performance issue caused by improper audio FX settings.
  • Fixed an error causing modular Corpus enemies to spawn in Infested Sortie Missions.
  • Fixed an issue with extreme game freezes for large friends list when trying to send gifts. 


Finally, some performance fixes. 

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Well, I haven't had any issues with things spawning in walls or getting stuck in terrain in Exterminates since the fix, but....uh....the spawning is still freaking awful. I had a mission earlier where we got to 120 out of 132 and  nothing more was popping up on the map. So, the group went to extraction to see if they were near there....nope. Literally 2 minutes of wandering around, nothing spawned. All of the sudden, AHOY, a marker on the mini-map! We all dashed to it aaaaand.....it was one lone enemy. 121/132....we had to wait another minute or so for the next guy to spawn, and so on and so on. Altogether was the most depressingly slow experience I've had one warframe. 


THIS is the kind of reason people aren't happy with Exterminate. It's not the amount of time per se(I understand wanting there to be a certain 'time-difficulty' balance), it's that you spend more time doing absolutely nothing or chasing ghosts on the mini-map only to be let down by one or two targets out of your 20+ you need left. I would much rather have the 'mass spawn' system until you fix this, because it's absolutely terrible.

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"Fixed Nova’s abilities being able to kill Alad V during his intro cinematic."

Now I know that development work is hard and all, but THIS you all fix almost immediately but Nezha's divine spears still get absorbed by Corrupted Ancients.

I suppose impaled ancients have their aura disabled, which is something, but enemies not getting CCed causes very big problems.

Otherwise looks like some good fixes so, thanks.

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  • Fixed the Ignis model not looking properly when the weapon is stolen from the Drahk Master and placed on the ground.


What is that god awful English DE... Is the ignis alive and looking places?



-Was not rendered/shown properly

-Did not show up properly

-Was improperly rendered/shown

-Was not looking proper (that's debatable)

-Was not looking properly rendered/shown

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Fixed an error allowing players to clip through walls when in Archwing Missions.
Ok, so since this is fixed, and since not many people knew about this, imma share the videos a couple of my friends made through S#&$ tonnes of testing:
I hope no harm was done to DE itself, as we were just playing around and finding the best ways to do tedious things.
It's the same with almost everyone else. A great example is Draco when people would stand on top the tower or use nova to shower down tonkor balls from above the map. Both of those glitches have been fixed, much to many people's disappointments.
Anyways, I hope, because of the fix, everyone will now actually play the raids properly, as they were intended, because I myself found that when shown this glitch, I was disappointed that we weren't doing the raids properly. Since I actually like them.



Edited by Arniox
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The things we approach don't match the locations we fight in.


- Eris Missions in Infested Corpus Ships show a Normal Corpus Ship on approach. It makes no sense that the ship is intact since it's in pieces when viewed from inside.

- Orokin Derelict Missions show an Infested Corpus Ship on approach. It should be an Infested Orokin Ship, since there is a model for them and it's a great one.

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"Fixed an error causing modular Corpus enemies to spawn in Infested Sortie Missions."


i know it was a problem for some tenno but

i was enjoyed to see how Corpus enemy fights with infested

it gives story-feel when for example some corpus soldier trying to stay alive on infected ship


i hope to see something like this in future

ps. i still remember how "Corpus Bursa" was fighting with "Juggernaut boss"

was awesome to feel some NPC along with tenno team

(i guess its something like Clem Mission but without story around Clem - instead with any NPC around something else)

(yes like Invasion type of mission but with some story-hero npc instead army of unknown npc's..)

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--- "Exterminate Missions"


also i'm still curious how many tenno even know for example

Red color of room\zone\sector on mini-map means "alive enemy in this room"

(problem on Corpus map - turrets\camera also hold room in red color)


many MANY times i seen how 3 tenno run forward and miss whole packs of enemy

because was too lazy or stupid to check red color on mini-map..


sometimes tenno can be such are kids.. (pun-intended)

i guess 90% of tenno still can't read and spy = Perfect Killing Machine

Edited by ScorpyX
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--- "Exterminate Missions"


also i'm still curious how many tenno even know for example

Red color of room\zone\sector on mini-map means "alive enemy in this room"

(problem on Corpus map - turrets\camera also hold room in red color)


It's quite obvious... yet even if you took care that you never left a room "red" (unless it bugged) and also followed enemy markers, you'd easily end up with some enemies remaining once you hit extraction...

It doesn't / didn't always happen, but it happened quite frequently.


I even take more care to the map itself.. because sometimes it'll just show an enemy marker behind you for about 200ms and then proceeds to show one ahead... (and will never ever show the one behind you...) So I remember that his had happened and go back to search for it. (1-2 rooms behind). That is.. unless the map marker was just wrong^^ But I've been able to find some enemies this way already even though the room wasn't red anymore

Edited by ShiroiTora
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"Fixed an error causing modular Corpus enemies to spawn in Infested Sortie Missions."


i know it was a problem for some tenno but

i was enjoyed to see how Corpus enemy fights with infested

it gives story-feel when for example some corpus soldier trying to stay alive on infected ship


i hope to see something like this in future

ps. i still remember how "Corpus Bursa" was fighting with "Juggernaut boss"

was awesome to feel some NPC along with tenno team

(i guess its something like Clem Mission but without story around Clem - instead with any NPC around something else)

(yes like Invasion type of mission but with some story-hero npc instead army of unknown npc's..)

I second this... i thought it was intended and found it pretty cool.

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