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Mod Drop Rates Somewhat Discouraging


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Neptune/Triton - 10 Runs.

RANK        RARITY    TYPE        STATS
Rank 18 W Pistol + 9% Damage
Rank 18 G Pistol +12% Fire Rate
Rank 18 G Pistol +10% Critical Chance
Rank 20 W Pistol +35% Critical Damage
Rank 21 G Pistol +8% Stun Chance
Rank 23 W Pistol +11% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 25 W Pistol +13% Damage
Rank 26 W Pistol +13% Electricity Damage
Rank 28 W Pistol + 9% Critical Chance
Rank 28 W Pistol +14% Damage

Rank 20 W Melee +12% Electricity Damage
Rank 22 G Melee +20% Freeze Damage
Rank 23 W Melee +8% Critical Chance

Rank 5 W Rifle + 2% Critical Chance
Rank 16 G Rifle +10% Critical Chance
Rank 21 B Rifle +74% Critical Damage / +36% Fire Rate
Rank 25 W Rifle +12% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 30 W Rifle +50% Critical Damage
Rank 29 G Rifle +24% Freeze Damage
Rank 30 G Rifle +10% Stun Chance

Rank 19 G Braton +39% Reload Speed
Rank 22 G Braton +43% Reload Speed

Rank 1 W Shotgun + 2% Freeze Damage
Rank 1 G Shotgun + 3% Stun Chance
Rank 2 W Shotgun + 2% Freeze Damage
Rank 16 W Shotgun + 8% Freeze Damage
Rank 16 W Shotgun + 8% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 16 G Shotgun +15% Electricity Damage
Rank 19 W Shotgun +10% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 20 W Shotgun +10% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 23 W Shotgun + 8% Critical Chance
Rank 28 G Shotgun +46% max ammo
Rank 29 W Shotgun +14% Freeze Damage
Rank 30 W Shotgun +50% Critical Damage

Rank 3 G Strun + 3% Armour Piercing Damage
Rank 16 G Strun +12% Fire Rate
Rank 19 G Strun + 8% Stun Chance

Rank 14 W Warframe +20% Armour
Rank 16 W Warframe +18 Loot RADAR
Rank 20 W Warframe +18 Loot RADAR
Rank 22 W Warframe +31% Armor
Rank 24 G Warframe +81 Shield Capacity
Rank 25 W Warframe +19 Loot RADAR
Rank 25 G Warframe + 9% Sprint Speed
Rank 27 W Warframe +44 Shield Cpacity
Rank 28 W Warframe +46 Shield Capacity
Rank 30 W Warframe +50 Shield Capacity
Rank 30 W Warframe +20 Loot RADAR

Rank 7 G Rhino +16 Loot RADAR
Rank 7 G Rhino +16 Loot RADAR
Rank 20 G Rhino +42 Health
Rank 21 G Rhino +76 Shield Capacity


1764 killed mobs.

52 Mods dropped.

01.9% Blue

40.4% Green

57.7% White

Type Spread:

28.85% Warframe

28.85% Shotgun

19.25% Pistol

17.3% Rifle

05.8% Melee

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The issue is that Triton has the same drop behaviour as Pluto - boatloads of white and green crap mods with janky stats. There is one blue in there, (Rank 21, Rifle, +74% Critical Damage / +36% Fire Rate), but the rest is garbage. I sold them - useless junk, compared to what we used to be able to get. Considering that Pluto is endgame, I am expecting more than crap that is just another Credit Drop in a different form.

I'll maybe run Pluto tomorrow, collecting the data takes time. ;)

Oh, and we are still getting rank 1/2 drops. Not cool. :/

Edited by Ced23Ric
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Looks about what I usually see drop as well. Only scored random rare things here and there, like worthwhile blue Gorgon mods, random warframe-speicfic mods, and sometimes useful damage-related mods. Tons of loot radar, armor-piercing damage, critical damage, and freeze damage.

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Finished testing. At this point, I'm fairly convinced the game is trolling me lol because this was not at all the rates I was getting prior to this test. I guess I just had a terrible string of luck?

Anyways, results found in this excel file: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/34832701/Hades%20Mod%20Run.xlsx

In this test, I came across 6 blue mods including: a combo for Bolto, a +5 puncture for rifle, a fire mod for shotgun, and a 73% multishot for rifle. Also note that I did not finish (died while on solo without revives) in game 4, so I likely could have gotten more that game.

The "Owned" category is how many were actually applicable to the weapons I had equipped at the time (regardless of level as that no longer factors in).

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Volt, looking over your sheet, I still only see 3 mods sticking out, which are Puncture, Multishot and the Combi-Mod for the Bolto, yet, even those are weak. All the other mods are pathetic - especially the blue 15% damage mods. Greens do 10% more, 15% is what white trash mods do.

You may have more blues in there, but the factual lay of the land is the same. You have one single Combi-Mod, two outliers as a stroke of luck, and 39 times garbage.

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3 days of farming Pluto (Hades) with 2-3 friends. Results: 80% whites (mostly radar mods, some as low as rank 1), 19,9% greens (with some of the stats worse than lower rank mods, what) and... one worthwhile blue (rank 30 +5 puncture for rifles).



Edited by RaZ0R_R
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I spent most of my 3 days weekend to farm mods at Hades (Pluto) and Triton (Neptune). About 80% are some pretty sh*tty white mods, mostly are loot radars and very poor stats. 15% are green mods, the stats are not so pleasant and they're all the same (+ %damage, crit dmg, ammo). 5% are faulty blue mods, some had worse stats than green ones.

Multishot and double stats mods are NO WHERE to be found.

WTF...devs? I understand that mods are not to be given out like candies, but at least make them worth it for players whom spent hours and hours raiding boss stages. Also this is highly unbalance and discourage for new players, because they had certain disadvantages over previous players, whom had good and descent mods. Especially when there isn't a character wipe, new players will suffer bad and sh*tty things and 'older' ones had all the good stuffs.

Edited by matkiencan138
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1) Keep calm! This is a closed beta, the game isn't live yet and there are lots of bugs to fix and adjustments to be made. No need for ragemode.

2) Search the forums. You are by far not the first one to mention this and it is already been looked into.

3) Have fun playing and don't take it so serious ;) For an early-ish beta we have a pretty stable version already

This was actually a direct reply to matkiencan138 before these posts got merged :)

Edited by Whandall
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EDIT: whoever merged this, can you please change the title to what it was? I was never mad about anything at all. Discouraged and OUTRAGE are two very different things...

Merged the wrong way around. :D

Just edit the first post, Volty. Edit, Use Full Editor, edit the title. :)

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I just wonder if it has occured to anyone that the super duper OP double mods that dropped like candy a while ago might just not have been very balanced and thus don't really drop anymore? I'd like for Ced to post his setups and what he defines as "good" because I faceroll everything with most weapons, despite not having mods even remotely in the category he seems to define as usable.

It just seems like people haven't realised the previous drops were like playing with cheats on and that there might have been a few overhauls since: Think about how many extra bullets you can squeeze out of a rank 30 Gorgon with as "little" as 25% multishot and a couple of ammo mods, even if it may be less effective than the godlike gear you could find on Mercury a little while ago.

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I'd like for Ced to post his setups and what he defines as "good"

Already did, different topic. Lemme link ya. General Consensus on difficulty or Warframe | Post /w Ced's Pluto Setup

On what I define as good: Blue's being better than greens, diversity over uninspired flat bonuses, mods better than upgrade points. Currently, I level my weapons up skipping any mods point joints not on a way to a +Damage node. Why? Because the node gives me +10% damage, that's the peak of a rank 30 white. And considering that I am on my way to 30, a +6% damage increase is hardly worth the upgrade point if I can get something better out of a pure upgrade node.

But if that is the case, why even bother with mods? With their current spread, I would almost prefer the mod slots replaced with upgrade nodes - the mods are generally weaker or on par with them. I am also not getting much different feel out of a gun with mods either. Fire has become so rare, gearing up for Infestation is a nightmare, Puncture is a legend now, but gives a function any modern day shooter has (ammo pierces paper-thin sheet metal? Not unless you have a mod. Rounds pierce bodies? Only with +Puncture).

If mods don't give me anything to care for, why should they excite me? Currently, mods are just another Credit Drop. I am sitting on a good 2 mil, all from mods. I don't need 200 mods doing +5% Freeze Damage. I can only use 8 / 7 / 5 / 4 at a time anyway. But without Combi Mods, I can't even go a splitway. I can either stack Crit Chance or Crit Damage. I cannot do both, giving me either an unreliable weapon or a weapon with mod slots wasted for the occasional +40% damage, yay. The problem right now is, plain and simple: Mods are unengaged, unfun, unnecesaary and could be replaced by regular upgrade nodes. And that is a bad state of play.

PS: Multishot can go. Without replacement. It's inherently broken, by design.

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Already did, different topic. Lemme link ya. General Consensus on difficulty or Warframe | Post /w Ced's Pluto Setup

On what I define as good: Blue's being better than greens, diversity over uninspired flat bonuses, mods better than upgrade points. Currently, I level my weapons up skipping any mods point joints not on a way to a +Damage node. Why? Because the node gives me +10% damage, that's the peak of a rank 30 white. And considering that I am on my way to 30, a +6% damage increase is hardly worth the upgrade point if I can get something better out of a pure upgrade node.

But if that is the case, why even bother with mods? With their current spread, I would almost prefer the mod slots replaced with upgrade nodes - the mods are generally weaker or on par with them. I am also not getting much different feel out of a gun with mods either. Fire has become so rare, gearing up for Infestation is a nightmare, Puncture is a legend now, but gives a function any modern day shooter has (ammo pierces paper-thin sheet metal? Not unless you have a mod. Rounds pierce bodies? Only with +Puncture).

If mods don't give me anything to care for, why should they excite me? Currently, mods are just another Credit Drop. I am sitting on a good 2 mil, all from mods. I don't need 200 mods doing +5% Freeze Damage. I can only use 8 / 7 / 5 / 4 at a time anyway. But without Combi Mods, I can't even go a splitway. I can either stack Crit Chance or Crit Damage. I cannot do both, giving me either an unreliable weapon or a weapon with mod slots wasted for the occasional +40% damage, yay. The problem right now is, plain and simple: Mods are unengaged, unfun, unnecesaary and could be replaced by regular upgrade nodes. And that is a bad state of play.

PS: Multishot can go. Without replacement. It's inherently broken, by design.

but mod is basically the only form of progression we have after getting a weapon or frame to 30. what type of system should replace it?

Edited by aTaVaX
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