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Mod Drop Rates Somewhat Discouraging


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That is what I am saying, exactly.

We only have the mods to fill 8/7/5/4 of our upgrade nodes. With a total of 120 upgrade nodes, out of which 6 (charge speed/damage on the melee weapons) are already questionable save for specific builds, 20% of our entire power base comes from mods. Currently, these upgrade nodes would be better suited with straight upgrades, if you take their effciency across the board. A regular node gives a flat +10% damage increase, +10% Fire Rate, +10% Clip Size, and so. If the mod slots would be like that, we'd be "fine" - and about as different as an army of clones. Might aswell join the Grineer.

But we have these mod slots to make us special. But with the current drop rates and drop behaviour, we get a selection of poop. We don't have diversification in the drops, we don't have significance in them. And especially these are the only nodes we can gradually upgrade even as our frames reached the end of the ladder, receiving a +15% damage mod in blue is just ... disheartening. There is nothing cool, special, unique about it.

You know that +25% Electricity / + 5 Puncture mod I have? That is my holy grail. My keepsake. The lucky stroke I had, once. It's brimming with utility, with promise. It shreds MOAs, stuns Crewmen, lights up Grineer, and it punches through riot shields and mows down hordes when they line up. That mod alone makes my Braton a beast. The rest just kinda helps out. It's not one of those insane +87% Multishot mods, it's a utility thing.

Nowadays, I see a +10% armour piercing mod and think: 1,100 Credits. I see a +30% Critical Damage mod, and I think: 2,700 Credits. It's disheartening.

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I think you're presenting the situation as far more dire than it is. I'm still finding powerful mods that change the way weapons work significantly. After the drop nerfs I've found a +10 puncture mod for rifles, a +75 multishot/+50% crit damage combo, a +75 multishot for pistols, plenty of +25% damage mods of every sort, including a fire one for melee, and quite a few shield mods in the +80-100 range. I wasn't even playing more than an hour or two a day (not able to play at all until friday right now unfortunately) and I was finding mods you could comfortably toss on an end game frame or weapon. I hope they don't ever make the kind of mod you'll never want to remove something you come across every day.

It looks like they upped drop rates in the latest hotfix, so the situation should only improve.

Edited by Sealgaire
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I'm farming much more games than i used to before the patch (playing for about a week), and i didnt find a single mod to upgrade my warframe, and barely found anything great for weapons these last days. Basically, all my good mods are still the ones i got prior patch.

Before patch i was all excited at lvling warframe and weapons, while finding good mods quite regulary. It was satisfying playing warframe a lot.

Now pretty much the other way round. All i get is mostly trash mods, ton of whites, shotgun and loot radar.

I was tempted to get another Warframe today, but then realised i would have to do lower missions, hence having no chance to loot anything usefull for days. The previous drop system related to your items rank was much better for replayability, and most importantly for game addiction.

Edited by roniseyez
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I've only been playing a couple days with friends at night but good mods seem to be very rare, I did find a Rank 1 +2 puncture and rank 17 +58% multishot both for Braton though both blue, I've never seen a fire mod or energy efficiency mod, I assume combo mods are high level only so won't be seeing those for a while.

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