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Only One Item From The Void Trader?


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I hope they fix the skin so I can use it on my quanta vandal. The mods are hard to max but maybe worth it because you get +50% damage boost on r9 which is actually nice. My only problem is that they are useless in the void....also I hope we get bane of grineer 2 weeks later, because I play against grineer a lot.

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I'm honestly not sure if they're sticking a rusty knife in our gut then twisting, or preparing us for when we get the mod revamp...


Thats what i think too.....maybe i should buy them

but 400 ducats for one mod for mere +55% Damage....

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that the only game where people cry when they get free skins ...


But not the only game where folks come in talkin out the wazu! idk what your definition of "free" is but mines is obviously very different. But I guess if someone gave you a "free penny" you would jump for joy?


Primed Streamline


Honest think that mod would make little sense


All in all LoL! this is why I don't get hopes up for anything. If it's good your pleasantly surprised and if it's bad it surprises nun~

Edited by DiabolicalHamSandwich
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It's insulting because some people spend time and effort farming credits and Ducati fodder, only to be given this pitiful selection of tripe.

That's like saying... Hey, you worked really hard this week, however I'm only paying you in garbage that doesn't even have resell value.

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I wouldnt mind the mods, if they also affected "corrupted" version of those factions and it would make sense in primed version of bane mods. Also in current state mods(and skin) cost far too much ducats, it actually kinda weird how much they cost since DE limited amount of stuff  Baro brings so he wouldnt bleed people dry of their ducats and its first time he drained from more ducats then I earned in last two weeks.....

Edited by Culaio
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Non functional focus, sortie rewards, Baro items, RNG in general, Chinese take over and now DE tell its customers to grow up. One thing for sure they are not gonna get my money anymore and probably my time either.


Good way to start 2016.

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Thread cleaned of derailing comments.

That said, if you have a complaint regarding aDE staff member's behavior, please file a complaint with a support ticket.

Beyond that, spamming the in game chat will result in chat suspensions; the same holds true for Twitch chat. "Riot" spam serves no constructive purpose and is incredibly detrimental (and disrespectful) towards those who are trying to use the chat to discuss things, seek assistance, et cetera.

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^This. I don't care about his items, but no one should "speak" through red text in this manner. Red text represents official words, why threat people with banning? And banning for what, jokes?


Yes.. Because spamming everywhere yelling Riot is a joke. 


1. It's Spam


2. Trying to cause an uproar

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Non functional focus, sortie rewards, Baro items, RNG in general, Chinese take over and now DE tell its customers to grow up. One thing for sure they are not gonna get my money anymore and probably my time either.


Good way to start 2016.


I guess yelling Riot and spamming the chat with nonsense is mature.


Also, great ignorant doom comment right there. 

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Hey guys, specially the ones spaming "RIOT!"


Are we Tenno or are we those prepubescent inmature children that play CoD all day and swear over the voice chat?

Honestly, I would move on and wait for the next two weeks if he brings better stuff. And there's a lot more to do in the game... lets say... struggle getting Nezha... getting moar prime equipment, playing at conclave. Even then... perhaps you should get some fresh air and calm down.

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This "garbage" Mods can be pretty usefull, when the dmg rework comes.



actually, not even then. I'm pretty sure reload, firerate, hell, even mag size will be chosen over this.


And what's wrong with people yelling riot everywhere? They were labeled as immature already. And it's not like they can do much else aside of spending this energy looking for other game.


also, why there is not a single old item in this rotation?

Edited by 5HV3N
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I guess yelling Riot and spamming the chat with nonsense is mature.


Also, great ignorant doom comment right there. 


Instead of silently dealing with spammers, DE have to fling "grow up" comments on regional chat. Imagine what would happen if any other business would do like that?


Also, i see no doom and gloom in my comment, every thing i have said is a truth.

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