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Primed Bane Of Mods, Looking At A Nearby Future.


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Imho I dont like bane mods for one reason and one reason alone: Versatility.

I dont want to have to run to the back of the ship (or use the pause menu and arsenal) after each mission just because I want to face a different faction. Id rather have a 1-fits all build that beats all factions.

Also using bane mods is not useful in specific situations (Void enemies, crossfires, invasion special event)

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Yes, I'd argue before that I don't think damage mods will be entirely remove due to Baro constantly bringing Primed Point Blank. I think there will be a tweak to damage mods. Perhaps, Half the damage is through weapon level and the other half through mod. 


Example: Prime Point Blank (165% now)

                Tweak      (80%); level 30 shotgun (85%)


That's almost certainly not going to happen, because those damage mods would still be mandatory on any weapon, which is what DE are trying to stop from happening. 

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we need a Primed Bane Of Corrupted to fite the void mobs in order for these mods to make any sense

The thing is the Corrupted are all three factions just corrupted by the Void if you think about it. You got Corpus (Corrupted Crewman and so on), Grineer (Bombards, butchers, etc.) and Infested (Just ancients in this case).

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Keep telling yourself they'll be useful. Yea sure they MIGHT. Maybe or what ever. Fact stays. They are useless right now - i dont care if they will be a little bit useful later on.

You just said it, RIGHT NOW, it doesn't mean they have to release them later right? And about useless I would argue. Just see Corpus, Toxin + Magnetic and add Bane of Corpus, there you go.

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That's almost certainly not going to happen, because those damage mods would still be mandatory on any weapon, which is what DE are trying to stop from happening. 

It's still a possibility if DE reduce the damage mod % to such a low number that fire rates, reload mods, etc. can compete.


Example: Prime Point Blank (25% extra damage). At this point, you have the option to increase your Damage per Hit or go to a fire-rate mod for Damage per Sec, or reload mod for quicker reloads. All of these are dependent on time to kill. Which mods are best depends on situation and enemy level. An enemy with 100 health will die with 1 bullet, regardless if your DPS is 100 or 1000.

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Imho I dont like bane mods for one reason and one reason alone: Versatility.

I dont want to have to run to the back of the ship (or use the pause menu and arsenal) after each mission just because I want to face a different faction. Id rather have a 1-fits all build that beats all factions.

Also using bane mods is not useful in specific situations (Void enemies, crossfires, invasion special event)


 I agree with you there, though like i said before they are not like the worst thing ever to make most of the people cry like that. I have friends that dont change loadouts and use the same build everywhere, and i also have the one that use very loadout and try to get the max damage possible. 

I can see these mods being useless for the first but they are good for the second.

And well still you can keep your old build and nothing changed with the addition of these right, you can at least be happy for the people that actual find these useful LOL.



The thing is the Corrupted are all three factions just corrupted by the Void if you think about it. You got Corpus (Corrupted Crewman and so on), Grineer (Bombards, butchers, etc.) and Infested (Just ancients in this case).


That is true, but these mods dont work on those, lets say you use the bane of grineer and go to the void, you dont get the bonus when you hit corrupted heavy gunners for example, I already tried.

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I'm not upset like most but I don't like those mods. I really hope they "don't" become a thing to, I HATE to keep changing my built to fit a faction, I'd not use them as well if they do become a thing. To much of a pain.....

Edited by SvZz
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That is true, but these mods dont work on those, lets say you use the bane of grineer and go to the void, you dont get the bonus when you hit corrupted heavy gunners for example, I already tried.


Well, I did not know about that, it was just an assumption considering the corrupted are formed by the three factions.

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A lot of people underestimate these mods.

Faction mods apply on top of all the other damage multipliers.


Let's say you have 265% raw damage (+165% from serration) and 477% elemental (2x 90% * 2.65).

So a total of 742%.


That 55% would bring that up to 1150%.

Downside is that they don't work against Corrupted units (so you won't be taking them to the void).

But for the Sorties, these mods are more than welcome in every build.

Edited by KingTaro
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A lot of people underestimate these mods.

Faction mods apply on top of all the other damage multipliers.


Let's say you have 265% raw damage (+165% from serration) and 180% elemental (2x 90%).

So a total of 445%.


That 55% would bring that up to 690%.

Downside is that they don't work against Corrupted units (so you won't be taking them to the void).

But for the Sorties, these mods are more than welcome in every build.

Problem with every game with damage numbers: SHEET STATS. Majority of people will blindly follow sheet stats and forgo hidden game mechanics.

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Yeah, the mods aren't as bad as everyone is making out

Might be better than a 3rd 90% elemental mod in terms of damage, would like to see some people to the math. but is it worth sacrificing the status proc for it...No is the answer.


ofc they are not the best mods to get

these are absolutely enormous Powercreep.

Anti-Faction Mods were already very good as it was.



and 'losing a possible Status Effect Type' is a good thing in most situations.

if using Corrosive+Fire (for Infested), you don't care about Status at all (if you did you'd be using Blast+Electricity).

if using Radiation+Toxin (for Grineer), you don't care about the Toxin Status, it's irrelevant because they have Armor.

if using Radiation+Puncture(for Grineer), you definitely don't give two craps about Puncture Status.

if using Corrosive+Ice (for Grineer), it's debatable as to which Status Effect is preferable. i'd prefer Ice personally, but you have way more Corrosive Damage so you get very few Ice Status anyways...

if using Viral+Fire (for Armor stripped Grineer), you don't care about the Fire Status, you want the Viral.

if using Magnetic+Toxin (for Corpus), the Toxin Status might be useful, but not at higher Levels where you'd start caring about it anyways, you want Magnetic Status.

if using Blast+Toxin (for Corpus), you again will generally not find much use out of Toxin Status, so will want to keep with the Blast.

>> Players will find that the rate of getting a specific Status Effect often actually goes down if they start loading up on Status Mods. if you only want one Status Type, you want as few Damage Types to choose from as possible while maintaining high Status. if multiple or many Status Types are useful to your current situation, then loading up is fine.


people that think they're terrible show how little they know of Damage in Warframe.

and should just stop talking while they're behind. you embarrass yourself if you say these Mods aren't useful.

that being said i'm not very thrilled with these Mods partly for the Powercreep reasons and partly because these Mods have a high chance of becoming Mods that everyone uses in the future. which would solve nothing about problems with Mods that everyone always uses.

The thing is the Corrupted are all three factions just corrupted by the Void if you think about it.

they're considered a different Faction though - because they are - and Anti-Faction Mods don't work on them.

though it's possible that it's a good idea to consider allowing them to work on the units from the Faction related to - in theory that would let Players specialize against certain Enemy Types more.

however in play everyone would just use the Anti-Grineer because those Enemies have the highest EHP.

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He's talking about the removal/overhaul of multishot and straight damage increasing mods with no drawback.

Mods like serration and split chamber are necessary to any and every single build on every single weapons in game.

The devs aim to turn them into relevant and situational choices depending on mission/weapon instead of a free "more damage against everything".

I don't have a particular source, but they did talk about it several times on DevStreams.


They've mentioned they *want* to do this, but they've never discussed how they might possibly do this in the context of what we have now.  A situational modding system is something we definitely do not want in this game right now.  We only get 3 loadouts right now, and swapping mods and trying to cap out our capacity is not something we could reasonably do within the timeframe of "okay just let me switch to the build i need for this mission".


Until we get more leadup revamps Damage 3.0 is a pipedream. It'll have to come after some large overhaul patches, and they're mostly working on major content patches such as Second Dream (as stated by Rebecca).  It's hard to imagine we'll see anything regarding remaking the modding system this year.

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A lot of people underestimate these mods.

Faction mods apply on top of all the other damage multipliers.


Let's say you have 265% raw damage (+165% from serration) and 477% elemental (2x 90% * 2.65).

So a total of 742%.


That 55% would bring that up to 1150%.

Downside is that they don't work against Corrupted units (so you won't be taking them to the void).

But for the Sorties, these mods are more than welcome in every build.



They're certainly good for minmaxing but you have to account for the cost (both in energy and maxing the mod).


If you already have the slot it's mostly better to go with normal elemental mod. Granted if you have all your elemental mods already on it's a great boost.


Also, I gotta love the irony of people cheering for base damage mod removal while cheering for mods like this... aka the new mandatory mods should base damage mods get removed.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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I don't see the big deal with changing a loadout to deal with a specific faction. We need more of that in this game.

Its purely optional, but provides advantages to those that want to.

Some of you are too lazy or just like to complain about any and everything.

"I don't want the option to change to a more effective faction based loadout" I mean really? Well I do. I want the option to do more damage against a faction with a build tailored to do so.

You can still keep your dumbed down boltor p spam if you want.

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I don't see the big deal with changing a loadout to deal with a specific faction. We need more of that in this game.

Its purely optional, but provides advantages to those that want to.

Some of you are too lazy or just like to complain about any and everything.

"I don't want the option to change to a more effective faction based loadout" I mean really? Well I do. I want the option to do more damage against a faction with a build tailored to do so.

You can still keep your dumbed down boltor p spam if you want.

We already have that option, bane mod exist like forever, some one ever use those? Or can we have mods that actually fits endgame-Bane of corrupted? You sure that you wanna change one mandatory mod aka serration etc for those bane mods that also will become mandatory, they gonna do the same thing, but now you have to swaps all day, sounds like a great idea

Edited by Hekovashi
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I'm actually looking forward to these things. With sortie modifiers they could become quite useful and they are end game mods so it'd make sense for them to really shine there. If you're facing lv 100 Corpus who resist both mag and poison damage they'd be the perfect thing to slot in.


I'm not saying it's the best thing we could get but do some people really expect a primed streamline caliber mod every other week?


There's still some number crunching to be done but it's too early to call them trash.

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I can see these being useful against Corpus on a weapon that normally holds 4 elemental mods where you'd normally use Magnetic plus 2 Toxin mods. You'd be able to replace the second Toxin mod with Primed Bane of Corpus. The end result would be less Toxin damage, but noticeably more overall damage.



Weapon with 100 average damage after damage, multi-shot, and critical mods would look like this:


4 90% elemental mods: 460 damage.

3 90% elemental mods + Primed Bane: 575 damage (25% improvement).

Three elementals is a common build, so non-status weapons that normally have space for 4 elementals will do very well giving up one elemental mod for the Primed Bane mod.


3 90% elemental mods: 370 damage.

2 90% elemental mods + Primed Bane: 434 damage (17% improvement).

I'm going to argue that the proc from the third elemental isn't going to be enough to out-weigh the substantial increase in damage gained from switching it out for a Primed Bane mod, especially because you generally aren't using the 90% elemental mods on a status weapon.


2 90% elemental mods: 280 damage.

1 90% elemental mod + Primed Bane: 295 damage (5% improvement).

Not worth it to switch to a Primed Bane mod unless the weapon is base elemental and you can make the desired combined element with one mod.


Status weapons will have to be a case-by-case basis depending on how much status you're willing to give up and what elemental damage types you're changing. For example, weapons that hit near-100% status after 3 90% elemental mods can certainly give up the last mod slot for a Primed Bane mod, at the very least, if the elemental damage types still line up.

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