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I Would Appreciate Any Tips That Can Be Given Regarding What Warframes I'm Planning On Getting



Firstly, a note- as I'm planning out which ones to get, I think its clear I'm planning on being as free- to- play as I can be (and trust me, I can be very resilient when it comes to things like this), and I know that it is possible, through a variety of ways, to get more platinum to buy more slots (I've read the how to get free platinum guide), however I'm doing this with the assumption that it could be a month or before I have the resources to trade for it or luck to stumble upon it, even though I'm well aware that it could be a week or two before that happens if I'm persistent.


Second, I couldn't actually find a good player- made guide as to which warframes are best for which players. IK I can't rely entirely on the developer's guides, as some definitely have advantages over others that the dev's wouldn't mention, as they of course wouldn't want to heavily dictate who should play what. Feel free to point me to such a guide if I missed it. I also realize that this is a PVE game, and that pretty much all frames could get me where I wanted to go in one way or another, paraphrasing heavily. However, I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything in my plans, especially if I could be starting on this earlier (as all of the ones I have in mind are fairly late- game).


Oh, and one more thing- I generally only really like things that are interesting or unique to me in video games. It's nothing to do with balance or anything, just preference. If this were a game where I picked races for example, I would pick the most exotic looking one simply because I hate neutral stuff. However because all of the characters in this game are exotic, appearance won't really play a factor here, however me wanting exotic and unique play- styles/ abilities will.


Also, I'm not really sure how deleting/reinstating frames into inventory slots works, so if it's easier then having to rebuild the entire thing from scratch after getting it out of my inventory to free up a slot, just tell me and we'll consider this an end- game goal instead. (I forgot to go look for a guide on that, wasn't really sure what to look for, and now I'm five paragraphs in so I kind of want to finish this first before I check in case this deletes itself for some reason, sorry.. hehe ^^;)


Alright, now that all of the disclaimers are out of the way (I do those because I don't want people to think I'm just some newbie looking for other people to do my work and not looking into anything first), let me get on to what I'm looking at getting in the future.


In no particular order, and excluding the Excalibur (as it was my starter warframe, so I figure I shouldn't have to explain that one), firstly-


Atlas, who will be who I go to as my tank.

I chose this guy as my tank over what I hear most new players pick (the Rino), simply because I liked his abilities better. They looked more fun to play to me, primarily because he throws up walls (that can conveniently be turned into a boulder that combos with the stug I'm getting already), and is able to make other minions to fight for him, something I really like the idea of and would like to do, however this is the only frame with such an ability that I'm really interested in. I also really like the idea of combo- punches.


Oberon, who will be who I go to as my support

I did this for a few reasons over the more popular trinity support character.

Firstly, I don't really have any friends to play games with at the moment, so that means I want to be able to play solo with all of my builds fairly easily. As far as I can tell, most of Trinities abilities, while powerful, are only so if your guaranteed at least one other player, which I'd rather not have to rely on.

Secondly, I just find Oberon's abilities more interesting. I like the idea of his abilities causing enemies to fight each other, which is admittedly the primary reason I'm thinking of using him as my support.

Thirdly, I already have a piece of him ready to go, so I kind of feel like building him at this point, considering his chest- piece blueprint was the first blueprint I got as a drop from a mission, and my first blueprint for a warframe.


Finally, Equinox, who will basically be my "play because I want to have fun character"

I DID say I was looking at late- game builds, didn't I? Well, I feel like I need to get this frame, not because its literally the end game frame, but it fits what I like perfectly. I love dual- personality- type characters, and especially abilities. Unfortunately I rarely ever get to play a game where that is a thing. As well as this, I like all of it's abilities, and it can fit two play- styles, which gives it versatility in the sense that I get more bang- for- my- frame- slot, so to speak. I'd be fully- prepared to do a 150 hour streak of creating the thing if I had too :P. (Of course, by that time I might have enough platinum to simply buy the thing, however remember I'm working on the assumption I won't be getting much at all for a while.)


EDIT: I forgot to add, IK I don't really have a spy/ sneaky kill centralized frame in hear anywhere, which is ironic considering that's usually my prefered play- style, however it seems to me that most of the frames that have any tech related to that are pretty much ONLY good at that thing in one way or another, so I didn't really look into getting any of them. I think ash/ and/ or the latest warframe they've put out ( I forget the name) are likely what I'd best pick if I wanted something in that slot, if you really think I should look into getting one. However I'm kind of tired of writing at this point so I don't feel like typing out why I prefer those frames till IK I should really get a spy frame. END EDIT


All- right, I think that's everything. Hopefully I didn't sound too- newbish, and trust me, I'm saying that for as much my sake as yours, which would take a post as long as this one to explain why. (So I'll save that for when I decide to write my bio instead). Thanks a lot for any help you can give, and hopefully everything works out like I hope it will or better!


Sincerely, Drake

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The truth is that you will need all the frames, and particularly the prime variants, because they all have their own, very specific use. Not to mention that DE is always tuning and retuning frames and your favorite may get shot to hell for quite some time before they do a fix, so don't get too attached, but moreover learn to utilize every frame.


So get all the regular frames and level them up. Don't forma any that has a prime variant. Get the prime version and then delete(sell) the regular one. Watch some of the guys on youtube: Mogamu, AGGP, DogManDan, Tactical Potato, H3dshot, etc. They will give you a better idea of what the game is like and how to make some builds, on top of other things. Oh, and save your resources. Build what weapons you need first, those that are the best and work on maxing them out with forma and mods. After you have the crop of all the good weapons/frames, that's when you start with the mastery fodder grind, but you should be at least Mastery Rank 8-10 by then.


You will need a good amount of platinum to buy more weapon and warframe slots, so be prepared for that. You can either buy it or earn it through selling primes and other assorted items, but that takes work too.


This game takes work, just be ready for that. A lot of time. A lot. Especially at first.


Welcome to the war.

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maybe i have missed it cause this is huge thing to read , but a question do you like melee or gunplay, or ability casting ( lets say mage style ) game play more? : )

I think I prefer abilities the most, though at the moment that's probably because I still have the base weapons. So I can't really say until I get any good weapons. I just know these are the warframe's that look most interesting to me. If I had to guess I think I'd like abilities a bit more, simply because their the most unique things I can get that would be fun to use (unless I somehow get a fun weapon), however as far as actual weapons go, I expect I won't have much of a preference. I generally don't have many preferences in games other then what is most exotic and unique to play- this is even in my game choice, which I consider an unfortunate fact, considering I've never been able to stick to one game for very long, though I'm aiming to change that.


Basically, considering the only game types I don't like much is anything that tries to emulate realism, I seriously doubt I'll have much preferences within this game either. I never do in any of the other games either, with the exception of what I mentioned in the post. I'm sort of like a blank- slate when it comes to my preferences- and mastery- over video games. I'm someone who is mediocore at everything, and just sort of likes everything equally. I guess that's why I like exotic things in my games- they make them more lively and fun in what my brain registers as mediocrity.


Sorry if that was to personally- philosophical, that's kind of one of my problems. Thinking about my own brain is one of two topics I actually know anything specific about, so I kind of lean into that by accident sometimes.

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The truth is that you will need all the frames, and particularly the prime variants, because they all have their own, very specific use. Not to mention that DE is always tuning and retuning frames and your favorite may get shot to hell for quite some time before they do a fix, so don't get too attached, but moreover learn to utilize every frame.


So get all the regular frames and level them up. Don't forma any that has a prime variant. Get the prime version and then delete(sell) the regular one. Watch some of the guys on youtube: Mogamu, AGGP, DogManDan, Tactical Potato, H3dshot, etc. They will give you a better idea of what the game is like and how to make some builds, on top of other things. Oh, and save your resources. Build what weapons you need first, those that are the best and work on maxing them out with forma and mods. After you have the crop of all the good weapons/frames, that's when you start with the mastery fodder grind, but you should be at least Mastery Rank 8-10 by then.


You will need a good amount of platinum to buy more weapon and warframe slots, so be prepared for that. You can either buy it or earn it through selling primes and other assorted items, but that takes work too.


This game takes work, just be ready for that. A lot of time. A lot. Especially at first.


Welcome to the war.

Yeah, I figured that. However I don't think I'll be able to just get every frame willy nilly whenever I want in the beginning, as I won't have enough slot's in the beginning. I feel like I need to work towards something specific to start with, and then buy more slots and get more frames once I have a incoming supply of platinum. But hey, if I'm able to have enough platinum to buy enough slots to get every warframe I can get my hands on by the time I get to Equinox, then I'd be really happy. I'm just not sure I can rely on that happening.

As I said, I plan on doing this completely free to play if I can, so that means I can't just buy more slots if i need to.

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I think I prefer abilities the most, though at the moment that's probably because I still have the base weapons. So I can't really say until I get any good weapons. I just know these are the warframe's that look most interesting to me. If I had to guess I think I'd like abilities a bit more, simply because their the most unique things I can get that would be fun to use (unless I somehow get a fun weapon), however as far as actual weapons go, I expect I won't have much of a preference. I generally don't have many preferences in games other then what is most exotic and unique to play- this is even in my game choice, which I consider an unfortunate fact, considering I've never been able to stick to one game for very long, though I'm aiming to change that.


Basically, considering the only game types I don't like much is anything that tries to emulate realism, I seriously doubt I'll have much preferences within this game either. I never do in any of the other games either, with the exception of what I mentioned in the post. I'm sort of like a blank- slate when it comes to my preferences- and mastery- over video games. I'm someone who is mediocore at everything, and just sort of likes everything equally. I guess that's why I like exotic things in my games- they make them more lively and fun in what my brain registers as mediocrity.


Sorry if that was to personally- philosophical, that's kind of one of my problems. Thinking about my own brain is one of two topics I actually know anything specific about, so I kind of lean into that by accident sometimes.

I know the feeling when you don't know what you want .  In that case i would recommend to test em out yourself , and just see what peoples fav are . For me It is ash , little people play him specially melee mode, but i love to teleport around enemies and simply 1 hit em with my nikana with executions , Before i get anything i always check information on that warframe , so I recommend to check out Ash see if you like his abilites ;)


Ow and if you need help just say so i would be happy to join you in game and help you get your first warframe 

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I know the feeling when you don't know what you want .  In that case i would recommend to test em out yourself , and just see what peoples fav are . For me It is ash , little people play him specially melee mode, but i love to teleport around enemies and simply 1 hit em with my nikana with executions , Before i get anything i always check information on that warframe , so I recommend to check out Ash see if you like his abilites ;)

As I said, I already checked out the abilities of the ones I'm interested in, though I forgot to clarify;

I've looked at all of the abilities for EVERY warframe, and these (including the two spy ones I mentioned and perhaps vespyr), are the ONLY ones that I'm really interested in getting.


I can't really "try out" which ones I'd like, as that would require having the warframes, and in order to get them I'll have to do some specific farming work for each warframe I want, if I've read the wiki's correctly. I'd rather not do a ton of farming work, then wait 24 hours, only to find out the warframe I spent all that time getting is one I don't really like.


That is of course unless there is a "try before you buy" system I haven't heard about, which I'd think I would have seen in the beginner's tutorials I read, in which case by all means I'll do that.


Sorry if I seem a bit cynical here, its just i feel like people aren't understanding how much effort it will take me to actually get one warframe, let alone try out one (assuming I'd have to build it in order to do so).


Though I don't know, maybe I'm a newbie in that other people are more willing to farm a lot on a risk like that because that's how this game works, in which case I won't fight it, I just kind of figured I'd be able to get a bit more info before I dedicate myself to getting something. I'm the kind of person who plans ahead for anything that takes a decent amount of effort or time, so I was hoping to be able to here before I tried farming one boss for parts.

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As I said, I already checked out the abilities of the ones I'm interested in, though I forgot to clarify;

I've looked at all of the abilities for EVERY warframe, and these (including the two spy ones I mentioned and perhaps vespyr), are the ONLY ones that I'm really interested in getting.


I can't really "try out" which ones I'd like, as that would require having the warframes, and in order to get them I'll have to do some specific farming work for each warframe I want, if I've read the wiki's correctly. I'd rather not do a ton of farming work, then wait 24 hours, only to find out the warframe I spent all that time getting is one I don't really like.


That is of course unless there is a "try before you buy" system I haven't heard about, which I'd think I would have seen in the beginner's tutorials I read, in which case by all means I'll do that.


Sorry if I seem a bit cynical here, its just i feel like people aren't understanding how much effort it will take me to actually get one warframe, let alone try out one (assuming I'd have to build it in order to do so).


Though I don't know, maybe I'm a newbie in that other people are more willing to farm a lot on a risk like that because that's how this game works, in which case I won't fight it, I just kind of figured I'd be able to get a bit more info before I dedicate myself to getting something. I'm the kind of person who plans ahead for anything that takes a decent amount of effort or time, so I was hoping to be able to here before I tried farming one boss for parts.

By "Try one " i meant check its profile or other people play it :) 

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By "Try one " i meant check its profile or other people play it :) 

I guess i could try watching other people play them, however I'm still worried about the long- term choices. IDK, I'm too much of a worrier I guess.

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I guess i could try watching other people play them, however I'm still worried about the long- term choices. IDK, I'm too much of a worrier I guess.

I do know the feeling :)  You have no idea how much time i took to choise my first frame Used varios of strategies untill decided to try out something that i have never did before ( ash ) and i loved it. Now its my main frame .

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The thing about a frame guide is that the game is in open beta, and things change.  Frames get power changes, mission types change, enemies get updates, even goals change over time.  Many frames do at least keep to a specific type of them even after changes, but it makes a detailed guide hard to keep track of.

The more exotic frames might be...
- Atlas for a focus on in-your-face punching and tanking.
- Chroma for a focus on variable self-buffs with the energy color mechanic.
- Equinox for having two sides to each skill, with over half the effects being party buffs or enemy debuffs.
- Limbo for needing to keep track of the rift mechanic and the ability to segregate and group enemies and players.
- Nyx for the focus on turning enemies against eachother instead of outright damaging them.
- Vauban for crowd control and locking down enemy movement.
- Zephyr for a focus on deflection and disarray.

Of those, however, Nyx is likely the easiest to get, with Limbo and then Chroma trailing.  All the others are either grindy (resources or parts) or behind a big time wall.

Frame slots are inventory slots for your frames.  You can't uninstall a frame from a slot, to free up a slot you have to sell/delete a frame, so if you want it again you will have to go through the whole gather-build process a second time.  Also quest frames (Limbo, Mirage, Chroma) cannot be re-obtained right now so selling them is a bad idea.

As for your choices, Atlas as an in-your-face punching tank isn't a bad choice, and his summons being able to cause more disarray is a good realization.  I personally think his wall isn't very helpful though since it blocks you too.  The other three shield-on-demand skills (Electric Shield, Snow Globe, and Cataclysm) either don't block your vission or bullets, or have additional effects.

As far as confusion and returning enemy attacks, if that's your focus then Nyx is far better at it than Oberon.  Oberon partly focuses on team buffs and defenses.  That said, with the recruiting channel and/or clans for void missions and people running various star charts and alerts regularly, it's not hard to find a group for things other than clearing star chart nodes.

Equinox is interesting but complex, I think more people would have an opinion on her... if they had her.  She takes triple the RNG that other boss-earned frames do to get the frame they drop.

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I really like atlas.  His punch gains power and costs less per use if you spam it into big groups.   His rock buddies are reasonably durable and do reasonable things.    His wall can block key terrain chokepoints allowing stuff to pile up for a good run of punching or help out a difficult mission as a third pet and a bullet sponge/distraction.   Pretty solid.


Oberon is kinda average with a heal that is probably not necessary most of the time, but when you can save the day with it, its awesome. 


Equinox seems a bit lackluster to me, but that is why there are so many frames, people want different stuff.  Im more of a brute force type player (probably why I like atlas best of your picks).   Me smash things.  It works :)


If you want a sneaker, cant beat ivara.


-- its not that hard to get enough plat for some frame slots.   You *should* be able to buy a slot by the time you are tired of the 3 you pick.  

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The thing about a frame guide is that the game is in open beta, and things change.  Frames get power changes, mission types change, enemies get updates, even goals change over time.  Many frames do at least keep to a specific type of them even after changes, but it makes a detailed guide hard to keep track of.

The more exotic frames might be...

- Atlas for a focus on in-your-face punching and tanking.

- Chroma for a focus on variable self-buffs with the energy color mechanic.

- Equinox for having two sides to each skill, with over half the effects being party buffs or enemy debuffs.

- Limbo for needing to keep track of the rift mechanic and the ability to segregate and group enemies and players.

- Nyx for the focus on turning enemies against eachother instead of outright damaging them.

- Vauban for crowd control and locking down enemy movement.

- Zephyr for a focus on deflection and disarray.

Of those, however, Nyx is likely the easiest to get, with Limbo and then Chroma trailing.  All the others are either grindy (resources or parts) or behind a big time wall.

Frame slots are inventory slots for your frames.  You can't uninstall a frame from a slot, to free up a slot you have to sell/delete a frame, so if you want it again you will have to go through the whole gather-build process a second time.  Also quest frames (Limbo, Mirage, Chroma) cannot be re-obtained right now so selling them is a bad idea.

As for your choices, Atlas as an in-your-face punching tank isn't a bad choice, and his summons being able to cause more disarray is a good realization.  I personally think his wall isn't very helpful though since it blocks you too.  The other three shield-on-demand skills (Electric Shield, Snow Globe, and Cataclysm) either don't block your vission or bullets, or have additional effects.

As far as confusion and returning enemy attacks, if that's your focus then Nyx is far better at it than Oberon.  Oberon partly focuses on team buffs and defenses.  That said, with the recruiting channel and/or clans for void missions and people running various star charts and alerts regularly, it's not hard to find a group for things other than clearing star chart nodes.

Equinox is interesting but complex, I think more people would have an opinion on her... if they had her.  She takes triple the RNG that other boss-earned frames do to get the frame they drop.

Thanks so much for your input! his is exactly what I was looking for! I'll definitely have a closer look at the exotic frames you suggested. I was mostly looking at oberon because I wanted an interesting support character, however I guess I'll see how I end up. Though, I have a question for you, at the end of the post.

Equinox seems a bit lackluster to me, but that is why there are so many frames, people want different stuff.  Im more of a brute force type player (probably why I like atlas best of your picks).   Me smash things.  It works :)


If you want a sneaker, cant beat ivara.


-- its not that hard to get enough plat for some frame slots.   You *should* be able to buy a slot by the time you are tired of the 3 you pick.  

Thanks for the input. Yeah, it seems like atlas is going to be my primary tank, and he's easy to get considering all of his stuff apparently comes from two consecutive areas.

I do have a question though, if one of you can answer; Rydian, you said certain warframes awarded from quests can only be made once, right? I assume that means if I see on the wiki page "blueprints are awarded for this frame from X quest" it can only be made once? I'm asking because if thats the case I want to be extra sure I want a frame, like say Atlas for example, at the time I get it so that I don't have a frame I don't use in one of my slots that I don't wan to get rid of. Basically, it gives me extra incentive to be careful about getting those frames, so I want to be sure I'm understanding correctly.


Thanks a lot!!

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If I only had 3 Warframe slots, I would fill them with the following...




You are vastly underestimating her. She is nigh-immortal, has infinite Energy, able to act as both tank and support for a team, and can solo just about any non-defensive mission without fear. When you have more advanced mods, she can even remove all the Armor from her Link targets, or stack Overshield on the entire team. Cast EV and kill the target to get Energy, use that Energy to cast Link so you're not so squishy, use Blessing if you or teammates are losing Health, keep Link up at all times and regularly cast EV (then kill target) to keep Energy topped up.

Basic Build: Corrosive Projection, Quick Thinking, Flow, Stretch, Natural Talent, Continuity, Constitution, Rage, Streamline

Advanced Build: Corrosive Projection, Power Drift (Exilus), Quick Thinking, Primed Flow, Stretch, Natural Talent, Primed Continuity, Blind Rage R8, Intensify, Abating Link

Can replace Intensify and Abating Link with Overextended and Vampire Leech if team has 4xCP




While Trinity is practically immortal, she doesn't have anything to defend an objective with. That's where Frost comes in. Globe to defend an area, Ice Wave to slow things down at a distance, and Avalanche to nuke things at low levels or debuff armor at high levels.

Basic Build: Energy Siphon, Vitality, Steel Fiber, Armored Agility, Stretch, Fleeting Expertise R4, Streamline R4, Continuity, Intensify

Advanced build: Energy Siphon, Cunning Drift (Exilus), Vitality, Steel Fiber, Stretch, Fleeting Expertise R4, Streamline R4, Primed Continuity, Transient Fortitude, Ice Wave Impedance




A Stealth frame really makes things easier, especially since there damn near always seems to be a Spy mission in the Sorties. Also makes for easy Focus farming and weapon levelling. Loki is the easiest and most generally useful of the Stealth frames, with a longer duration invisibility with no speed penalty that can be cast in midair, the ability to switch teleport with a decoy to get past Spy traps, and Radial Disarm to render enemies in a wide area unable to shoot (and leaves them Confused with the augment).

'Basic' Build: Energy Siphon, Fleeting Expertise R4, Streamline R4, Overextended, Stretch, Narrow Minded, Continuity, Constitution, Redirection

Advanced build: Energy Siphon, Cunning Drift (Exilus), Fleeting Expertise R4, Streamline R4, Overextended, Stretch, Narrow Minded, Primed Continuity, Irradiating Disarm, Hushed Invisibility

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Firstly, a note- as I'm planning out which ones to get, I think its clear I'm planning on being as free- to- play as I can be (and trust me, I can be very resilient when it comes to things like this), and I know that it is possible, through a variety of ways, to get more platinum to buy more slots (I've read the how to get free platinum guide), however I'm doing this with the assumption that it could be a month or before I have the resources to trade for it or luck to stumble upon it, even though I'm well aware that it could be a week or two before that happens if I'm persistent.


Second, I couldn't actually find a good player- made guide as to which warframes are best for which players. IK I can't rely entirely on the developer's guides, as some definitely have advantages over others that the dev's wouldn't mention, as they of course wouldn't want to heavily dictate who should play what. Feel free to point me to such a guide if I missed it. I also realize that this is a PVE game, and that pretty much all frames could get me where I wanted to go in one way or another, paraphrasing heavily. However, I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything in my plans, especially if I could be starting on this earlier (as all of the ones I have in mind are fairly late- game).


Oh, and one more thing- I generally only really like things that are interesting or unique to me in video games. It's nothing to do with balance or anything, just preference. If this were a game where I picked races for example, I would pick the most exotic looking one simply because I hate neutral stuff. However because all of the characters in this game are exotic, appearance won't really play a factor here, however me wanting exotic and unique play- styles/ abilities will.


Also, I'm not really sure how deleting/reinstating frames into inventory slots works, so if it's easier then having to rebuild the entire thing from scratch after getting it out of my inventory to free up a slot, just tell me and we'll consider this an end- game goal instead. (I forgot to go look for a guide on that, wasn't really sure what to look for, and now I'm five paragraphs in so I kind of want to finish this first before I check in case this deletes itself for some reason, sorry.. hehe ^^;)


Alright, now that all of the disclaimers are out of the way (I do those because I don't want people to think I'm just some newbie looking for other people to do my work and not looking into anything first), let me get on to what I'm looking at getting in the future.


In no particular order, and excluding the Excalibur (as it was my starter warframe, so I figure I shouldn't have to explain that one), firstly-


Atlas, who will be who I go to as my tank.

I chose this guy as my tank over what I hear most new players pick (the Rino), simply because I liked his abilities better. They looked more fun to play to me, primarily because he throws up walls (that can conveniently be turned into a boulder that combos with the stug I'm getting already), and is able to make other minions to fight for him, something I really like the idea of and would like to do, however this is the only frame with such an ability that I'm really interested in. I also really like the idea of combo- punches.


Oberon, who will be who I go to as my support

I did this for a few reasons over the more popular trinity support character.

Firstly, I don't really have any friends to play games with at the moment, so that means I want to be able to play solo with all of my builds fairly easily. As far as I can tell, most of Trinities abilities, while powerful, are only so if your guaranteed at least one other player, which I'd rather not have to rely on.

Secondly, I just find Oberon's abilities more interesting. I like the idea of his abilities causing enemies to fight each other, which is admittedly the primary reason I'm thinking of using him as my support.

Thirdly, I already have a piece of him ready to go, so I kind of feel like building him at this point, considering his chest- piece blueprint was the first blueprint I got as a drop from a mission, and my first blueprint for a warframe.


Finally, Equinox, who will basically be my "play because I want to have fun character"

I DID say I was looking at late- game builds, didn't I? Well, I feel like I need to get this frame, not because its literally the end game frame, but it fits what I like perfectly. I love dual- personality- type characters, and especially abilities. Unfortunately I rarely ever get to play a game where that is a thing. As well as this, I like all of it's abilities, and it can fit two play- styles, which gives it versatility in the sense that I get more bang- for- my- frame- slot, so to speak. I'd be fully- prepared to do a 150 hour streak of creating the thing if I had too :P. (Of course, by that time I might have enough platinum to simply buy the thing, however remember I'm working on the assumption I won't be getting much at all for a while.)


EDIT: I forgot to add, IK I don't really have a spy/ sneaky kill centralized frame in hear anywhere, which is ironic considering that's usually my prefered play- style, however it seems to me that most of the frames that have any tech related to that are pretty much ONLY good at that thing in one way or another, so I didn't really look into getting any of them. I think ash/ and/ or the latest warframe they've put out ( I forget the name) are likely what I'd best pick if I wanted something in that slot, if you really think I should look into getting one. However I'm kind of tired of writing at this point so I don't feel like typing out why I prefer those frames till IK I should really get a spy frame. END EDIT


All- right, I think that's everything. Hopefully I didn't sound too- newbish, and trust me, I'm saying that for as much my sake as yours, which would take a post as long as this one to explain why. (So I'll save that for when I decide to write my bio instead). Thanks a lot for any help you can give, and hopefully everything works out like I hope it will or better!


Sincerely, Drake

Honestly man ill go ahead and say it. I 100 percent count equinox as an end game frame FOR SURE. Maim is unbelievable. But as far as which frames to get, you MUST get one of the furious 5. I would probably count the furious 5 as Nova, Loki, Trinity, Frost, and Excal. As one of those frames you can usually group up for ANYTHING and be completely prepared and be a huge help to your group.


Ill mention some of the other frames are mostly just really really fun.

Atlas: Totally not an insanely perfect frame, but damn fun as hell. Those minions are badass and they have a cool mechanic where if you have more power strength, they are much BIGGER. His other moves can be fun and useful too

Ash: If your doing grineer missions, regardless of if they are level 150s or level 100s, is a great tool of destruction. Anytime there are grineer sorties, Ash is a must for me


Also side note, If you want to make a ton of plat and dont want to farm void missions all day, get to Mastery rank 4 and do your sorties EVERYDAY. You will get extremely rare weapons which you can sell (parts or sets, i would suggest the sets) for tons of plat. Ive done Sorties everyday since they came out and havent missed even 1, and i have lots of valuable parts in my inventory.


Secret market platinum secret: look at the warframes/Weapons they are removing soon from the game, BUY MULTIPLE SETS FOR CHEAP, and when they are out of the game, sell them for 800 plat and make insane profits since everyone needs em when they are removed suddenly. Shoot me a PM if you need any advice on weps and frames, i can give you the rundown

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Get rid of the idea that there is a "one suits all" Warframe. Warframes are tools, different Job, different Warframe. Also there is no tanking in this game if you ever want to see high level content. If you just wanna hyper derp around and play casual as hell, thinking your so pro with Mastery Rank 18 and end game is Wave 15 Defense, then whatever, you will blend in just perfectly with the majority playing whatever floats your boat.


Important thing at the start is just to get a decent frame allowing you to farm stuff in the Void which you can sell to buy more slots and get more stuff in general. The steps you need to take are basically:


- Get a Orokin Reactor for your Warframe

- Grind Mods for a maxed out build, most importantly the so called "Corrupted Mods"

- Get a weapon worth using a Orokin Reactor on, and max out the build on those; Viable choice depends on which starter frame you took: Galatine for melee, if you are in a clan the Quanta is nice, other than that probably grind some stuff in the Void and sell it. Burston Prime and Braton Prime are very solid viable weapons and cheap as hell at the moment

- Use Forma to get more capacity and look out for "Aura" alerts or trade one


And to finish up some frames worth getting: Loki, Frost, Trinity, Nekros, Ember, Ash - with this arsenal you are set for a variety of missions. If you like Melee, def. get a Valkyr, she doesnt need much to come online.

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OK so from what I saw in this post of yours, you are kinda looking for an answer to speed up the beginner resource farming stuff (warframes, annoying weapons, etc...) so that you can get to the platinum trading part, I do understand what you want, because I played a lot before they even added trading possibility, am I right ?

-If I'm right, then I extremely recommend getting Frost and a dps:
                                                                                                   -Equinox (as you said dual personality, if you want to be, let's say fully prepared, you should get this frame just because it's both support and awesome damage frame, split personality)

                                                                                                   -Excalibur (hmm already have this one so gonna give you short info, even tho he was nerfed after they did rework on him, he has a awesome damage when fully moded right, altho I'm talking about Ultimate ability, he doesn't need melee weapon to do damage with his 3rd ability)

                                                                                                   -Mag (Ouuh Corpus say cheese, which they of course don't since they are quite boring faction to play against, but this nice and beautiful and I mean awesome frame does quite a nice, outstanding damage to that faction, with her 2nd ability ''Shield Polarize'', because the corpus have a lot of shields, for example level 200 corpus have only 2% health and 98% shield when you look at their health/shield bar.

                                  - The reason I'm recommending these frames (Frost + dps) is because you can easily get in farms for let's say prime parts/mods/resources/event stuff, etc...etc...

                                  -You should definitely get that Trinity, even tho she's not interesting to play with, people often want her EV (Energy Vampire, 2nd ability) build, I know this from experience and am quite good at playing with her EV build.
                                 -Reason why you shouldn't make Oberon as your ''top 5 to craft list'' so to speak, is because he's not really useful so you can go solo with him, yes of course, but what will you do when an event shows up or let's say tactical alert, which happened, with like level 100 enemies, you can't possibly go solo, and the reason why I use Trinity instead of other healing type supports is because I had some good experience with her (including tactical alert for Tempo Royal stance, which I manage to finish solo when everybody lost their last revive and died, not talking about the weapons, I finished off around 30 enemies that were left after 4th round of the interception, with just my 2nd ability.

-And if I didn't get what you meant then EEEH!
   -You should /whisper me in game and ask me whenever, whatever you need, because when I have nothing to do or just not up for it, I stay in game/relay and just wait for some newbie to ask for help or something like that. Also if you are up for it, of course I read that you are not the type of player to ask for anyone's help all the time, I can unlock some good useful farming sectors for you. Look at my friend he played this game for 6 days with me, he's already 5th mastery rank, has a good strong weapons to fight with, has useful frames that people want, and well I helped him with everything of that, but I played with him only like 1 hour each day, not much for me, but for him that's kinda skipping the newbie stuff. I do like helping girls even tho some of them are kinda slow on learning, but I help anyone that asks me, without question. Especially if you can get really quick what I'm trying to explain to you!

I like your post a lot!

~Wolfy (DarknessWolfy)

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OK so from what I saw in this post of yours, you are kinda looking for an answer to speed up the beginner resource farming stuff (warframes, annoying weapons, etc...) so that you can get to the platinum trading part, I do understand what you want, because I played a lot before they even added trading possibility, am I right ?

-If I'm right, then I extremely recommend getting Frost and a dps:

                                                                                                   -Equinox (as you said dual personality, if you want to be, let's say fully prepared, you should get this frame just because it's both support and awesome damage frame, split personality)

                                                                                                   -Excalibur (hmm already have this one so gonna give you short info, even tho he was nerfed after they did rework on him, he has a awesome damage when fully moded right, altho I'm talking about Ultimate ability, he doesn't need melee weapon to do damage with his 3rd ability)

                                                                                                   -Mag (Ouuh Corpus say cheese, which they of course don't since they are quite boring faction to play against, but this nice and beautiful and I mean awesome frame does quite a nice, outstanding damage to that faction, with her 2nd ability ''Shield Polarize'', because the corpus have a lot of shields, for example level 200 corpus have only 2% health and 98% shield when you look at their health/shield bar.

                                  - The reason I'm recommending these frames (Frost + dps) is because you can easily get in farms for let's say prime parts/mods/resources/event stuff, etc...etc...

                                  -You should definitely get that Trinity, even tho she's not interesting to play with, people often want her EV (Energy Vampire, 2nd ability) build, I know this from experience and am quite good at playing with her EV build.

                                 -Reason why you shouldn't make Oberon as your ''top 5 to craft list'' so to speak, is because he's not really useful so you can go solo with him, yes of course, but what will you do when an event shows up or let's say tactical alert, which happened, with like level 100 enemies, you can't possibly go solo, and the reason why I use Trinity instead of other healing type supports is because I had some good experience with her (including tactical alert for Tempo Royal stance, which I manage to finish solo when everybody lost their last revive and died, not talking about the weapons, I finished off around 30 enemies that were left after 4th round of the interception, with just my 2nd ability.

-And if I didn't get what you meant then EEEH!

   -You should /whisper me in game and ask me whenever, whatever you need, because when I have nothing to do or just not up for it, I stay in game/relay and just wait for some newbie to ask for help or something like that. Also if you are up for it, of course I read that you are not the type of player to ask for anyone's help all the time, I can unlock some good useful farming sectors for you. Look at my friend he played this game for 6 days with me, he's already 5th mastery rank, has a good strong weapons to fight with, has useful frames that people want, and well I helped him with everything of that, but I played with him only like 1 hour each day, not much for me, but for him that's kinda skipping the newbie stuff. I do like helping girls even tho some of them are kinda slow on learning, but I help anyone that asks me, without question. Especially if you can get really quick what I'm trying to explain to you!

I like your post a lot!

~Wolfy (DarknessWolfy)

Just figured I'd mention on this thread that I did respond to this post, just in a PM, because I thought my response might de-rail the thread a bit. Hope no one minds, feel free to ask any questions you have on any of my opinions specifically about what he said.

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