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Super Noob Questions From A New Tenno



First off I'm loving every second of this game. Downloaded it off the Xbox store and its pretty much exactly what I hoped it would be.


I've progressed through the Vor's prize quest and the infested quest, as well as killed the Jackal on Venus.

I feel as if I have a "decent" grasp on the game but I'm still confused about a few things so maybe you guys can assist.


1) I am constantly seeing "Affinity" bonuses and Affinity gains but where does that go and what is it used for other than reviving myself?


2) Are the stance mods random drops from any Alert? or are there any guidelines on how to farm them?


3) Is the Void the best place to go for "better/ higher end" components?


4) Is there any balancing to PVP or are all levels of warframes/weapons used as is?


5) saw a video on youtube about farming appallodorus for xp and the serration mod, is this still the best way to get the mod? I've completed 20 mins of it about 5 or 6 times and have not had it drop. I get the RNG bit but I'm just curious if it had been patched or updated as that video was from april.


I know these are a bit random, but I'm just trying to figure out the game as there are several things I'm a bit hazy on.


I've collected the components for rhino and am starting to craft him, already reached MR2 and am working on my second set of weapons, but I just feel like im missing some stuff that I could be doing. This game is obviously huge and very diverse. I don't want to be missing out on any of the experience.


Thanks for any advice you can send my way.

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13 answers to this question

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1. I think the affinity gets divided into your warframe and gear.


2. Stances mods are drops from specific enemies. Like Crushing Ruin (A rare stance for hammers) drops from all types of Grineer Seekers.


3. That is correct, like the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime, but there are some good non-prime alternatives.


4. There is, DE is trying hard to make it happen.


5. You may just be unlucky. Is the video of the Serration mod you get from a reward or from the Grineer Scorpions? 


If you have anymore questions, just ask. I'll be happy to answer for you.

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1) Affinity is, for all intents and purposes, your Experience Points.


2) Stance mods are indeed dropped by enemies, and therefore there will unavoidably be strategies for optimal farming.


3) What would "better/high end components" be?


4) PVP does have dedicated balancing. I'll leave how well balanced it actually is up to you.


5) Don't really know.

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1. Affinity is EXP in Warframe. You get affinity for Braton and it levels up. When it reaches max rank,it will give 3k exp to your profile. You can level up when you get enough.

2.No they don't.There are no farms for them. Just go to the wiki and see where they drop and farm like crazy. Or use the Trading channel...

3.Void drops Prime parts. You can either sell them for platinum or make those Primes. Personally. I don't like Primes at all. There are better and more fun weapons in the normal game than there is in the Void.

4.PVP is hyper balanced. You died? Your fault not ours.

5.That video is really old. We now use Draco/Ceres. 4 rounds of interception and your weapon is completely maxed out.

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1) Affinity is EXP. It's what levels your items. Reviving simply takes a bit of Affinity from your current pool of what you gained during the mission. 


2) Mods don't have special alerts or missions that they drop in, save for nightmare mods or aura mods (Aura mods only come from alerts, nightmare mod alerts just garuntee a certain mod, they can come from any nightmare mission). Mods drop from ENEMIES. Each enemy has a table of things they can drop, anything not on that table will not drop from them. 


3) The Void is where you get prime parts for prime items. Some are cosmetic upgrades but others show marked improvements from their vanilla counterparts (i.e soma prime, boltor prime). Other than that the things that drop in void missions can be found anywhere else, save for Argon Crystals. 


4) There is SOME balancing to PvP. Only some warframes and weapons can be used to ensure a more even playing field. More will gradually be added. 


5) Determining the best place for a mod to drop is easy. Find the mod in the Warframe Wiki, it will list the enemies it can drop from. From there it's just a matter of finding what node spawns that enemy often.

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First of all, welcome and glad to hear you like the game.


To reply on your last paragraph, yes, this is a huge games with not only multiple storylines, which you will follow and complete as your progress, but also in options based on personal preferences and curiosity. You will not missing out on anything, unless you don't login very much. Even not playing and only reading the chat channels will give you info on loads of stuff, not all be true, but it will give you a sense on the things that are in the game.

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1. Affinity = XP, use it level all your gear

2. Stance mods affect melee weapons only and are usually dropped by enemies. Aura mods only drop from alert missions, and give various buffs as well as additional points on a warframe to slot in higher ranked/more mods.

3. Void usually drops good stuff, that's where all primed gear comes from (some stuff is the derelicts too).

4. PvP tries to achieve balance, but stats and abilities in PvP are different than in PvE. The two are essentially separate.

5. I don't know, sorry bud.

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1. Think of Affinity as XP - that goes towards your Warframe/weapons. It's what is needed in order to level them up. The more Affinity you get per game, the faster you level up.


2. Stance mods do not drop from Alerts, but some Aura mods do. Stance mods are applied to your melee weapons while Aura mods are placed on your Warframes (if you match the polarity, you'll be granted even more points to certain mods that increase your abilities).


3. The Void is where you can farm for Prime gear, but it's all RNG based, as well. Look around for Drop Tables, to see where parts fall so that you can farm the appropriate missions for the item(s) you need/want.


4. I'm not big on PVP, so someone else may have to answer this one.


5. Appallodorus is a good place to farm XP for newer players. As other planetary nodes open up for you (through play), you'll get a feel for what missions grant you more XP.


Welcome to Warframe. :)

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1: Affinity gains are the xp to your warframe and your weaponry. This is not to be confused with Mastery.

You should check the wiki for specific information about how the affinity is divided between weapons and warframes, how distance between players affects affinity gain and other goodies.


2: Stance mods drop from all kinds of different locales. Check the wiki for the weapon you want to use to determine which stance options are available. From there, check to see what drops the stance and other possible ways to acquire it.


3: The void is the location to go for specific types of materials (control modules / argon crystals) and Prime parts. These include warframes, weapons, and a host of other things, check the wiki for specific drops by mission type and level.


4: Don't ask me about PvP i know little and care less. :P


5: Serration can be acquired in a few ways early on in the game, but one of the best methods is, believe it or not, spy. You can also get it as a wave 15 reward from defense and survival missions on occasion and a Scorpion (grineer chick with the machete) will drop it occasionally. (she'll spawn in grineer areas of level 11+) -- Or you can message me in-game and i'll happily give you a free one. I have dozens of spares for new players. sorry, just noticed you're an xbox tenno, can't help ya there.


Good luck!

Edited by xethier
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1) Affinity is basically the games experience points. Doing things such as killing enemies, completing objectives, reviving teammates, etc. levels up your Warframe and weapons (up until your item(s) reach level 30). It's not be confused with Mastery Rank, which is a separate level-up system that gains points as you max out (reach level 30) with different frames and weapons.


2) Stances mods drop from enemies, but a few have been rewarded during special events. Your best bet to find specific stances is to check the Warframe Wiki or to research enemies with the codex scanner to learn what they drop.


3) Pretty much. In addition to rewarding a lot of credits compared to most star-chart missions, the Void is the only place to get Prime warframes and weaponry, which are (usually) pretty high end items. Once again, the Wiki is your friend if you want to know which missions drop which parts (as each mission type and tier have their own drop tables)/


4) It's a WIP. I actually haven't played PvP in a while so I can't really say much about it, but I'm fairly certain it'll be some time before the Devs really hit a sweet spot with frame/weapon balance in Conclave. Feel free to try it anyway, just be ready for cheapness.


5) I'm not entirely sure, Serration is dropped by Scorpions but they don't spawn on Apollodorous until about 10-15 minutes into the mission. I feel like Saturn missions may be a better option, as Scorpions tend to spawn right off the bat at those levels and if I'm not mistaken some mid-tier Defense/Survival/Interception/etc. missions sometimes offer it as a reward.

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Just to clarify with regards to the Void: it is where Prime weapon/warframe parts drop. However, all the parts are scattered amongst different mission types and towers. The downside of trying to construct a prime weapon are not only the scattered pieces you must acquire, but also many require a crazy amount of Orokin Cells to build. Prime parts are ideal for trading with other players, however, as you can at least get a few plat for even the common pieces.


Regarding Serration, it may be faster to see if someone has a spare, as most who have played long enough have several lying around in their inventory that won't ever be used. There is bound to be someone generous out there.


Regarding progression as a whole, it partly comes down to discovering all the various ways to play, whether by weapon type or a particular warframe. Your mastery rank will raise with the more weapons and frames you use, and I believe there are quite a few things locked to at least MR6. Although there currently isn't much of a purpose to mastery rank as a whole beyond certain rank restrictions and limitations on things like syndicate points and extractors.

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Thanks for any advice you can send my way.


I think all your questions have already been answered above, but since you're a new player and you wisely decided to ask for advice, I'll give you a suggestion that was really important to me when I was a new player.


Warframe is a very fun game, but that fun will only last for as long as you allow it to. The moment you decide to skip through content and power-level you'll quickly start to run out of interesting things to do. So I strongly advise against taking shortcuts just to unlock certain weapons or level up faster. Take your time, enjoy your missions and develop your skills at your own pace. If you don't mind doing a bit of solo playing then that will help you in the long run.


Apologies if this is obvious advice to you, but it isn't obvious for a lot of people. You'll find a lot of folks here who have been playing the game for only a couple of few months and are already bored. In most cases it is because they skipped through half of what the game has to offer.

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