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Sniper Rifle Idea


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I had a thought that a high powered sniper rifle, even more specialised then the available ones, would be cool. By extra specialised I mean 130-180 damage, 100 accuracy, 0.5 firing speed, 1-2 shot mag. just an Idea. This weapon would be unstopable and overpowering at long range, but a bit of a handicap when surrounded at close range, this creates a balance. The more damage it does, the more it's firing speed and mag cap suffers. A less specialised and more specialized versions of the gun are below.

Type 1: 70 damage, 100 accuracy, 1.5 firing speed, 5 shot mag, 0.2 crit. chance, 1.5 crit. damage

The one I want to see:

Type 2: 160-200 damage, 100 accuaracy, 0.5 firing speed, 1 shot mag, 0.2 crit. chance, 1.5 crit. damage

The one shot mag makes the high damge rifle less op, but still insanely powerfull and fun.

This would still be possible to play, as you could still just switch to your pistol or blade at any time. Also remember that any mods that increase damage by a percentage could increase overall damage by as much as 20 damage from a 10% increase. That's why it needs to be a one cap mag so you reload after every shot.

The barrel would accelerate projectiles further using a magnetic rail accelerator, hitting enemy units at a velocity able to do one hit shots even on heavily armored infantry....

Let me know what you think!

Edited by Uaneped
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I guess its lower magazine and firerate would be a good tradeoff for the really high damage, i would enjoy using a rifle like that ingame. I think adding a puncture mod to it might make it a bit overwhelming though.

One thing you didnt mention though is its crit chance. One of the things that makes the snipetron so powerful is its high base crit chance.(.2 or .25?, forgot) Going with the same crit chance, or back to the standard one? Getting 1.5x boost for crits constantly with an already 180-210 gun would be pretty absurd, heh. I think itd have to be either normal crit chance or start at 0.

Im sure we'll see some more snipers eventually, since there is ammo dedicated specifically to it. Wonder if they will go higher damager/slower, or lower damage/faster compared to the snipetron.

Edited by Kilikaji
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I guess its lower magazine and firerate would be a good tradeoff for the really high damage, i would enjoy using a rifle like that ingame. I think adding a puncture mod to it might make it a bit overwhelming though.

One thing you didnt mention though is its crit chance. One of the things that makes the snipetron so powerful is its high base crit chance.(.2 or .25?, forgot) Going with the same crit chance, or back to the standard one? Getting 1.5x boost for crits constantly with an already 180-210 gun would be pretty absurd, heh. I think itd have to be either normal crit chance or start at 0.

Im sure we'll see some more snipers eventually, since there is ammo dedicated specifically to it. Wonder if they will go higher damager/slower, or lower damage/faster compared to the snipetron.

I hope higher damage/slower. (or even better, both)
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you can consider the Latron as a sniper/battle rifle due to it's medium magnification during sights, higher rof (rate of fire), slightly less recoil...

yes, I'd like to see an AMR (anti material rifle) with high dmg output, massive recoil (possibly some kickback if shot without aiming), very low reload time (single shot mag) and a low recoil, high rof and, of course, less damage sniper...

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