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Remove Instant God Mode From Hysteria But Keep The God Mode


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Hardly a nerf. Damage reduction or keeping the invulnerability but getting a health drain would be balancing. Trinity got her invincibility stripped and it's time for Valkyr to receive the same thing.

but she's already pretty balanced she has no cc and im sure alot of people would choose cc over godmode any day in a team setting
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but she's already pretty balanced she has no cc and im sure alot of people would choose cc over godmode any day in a team setting


She has some CC, it's just not wide-area-lockdown CC like some other frames. If anything, DE could increase the range on her Paralysis and change Ripline so it functions like a lasso to allow multiple enemy pulling.

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Wow. FINALLY a change Hysteria thread that isn't horrible. This sounds perfect but at the same time 30 kills is very easy to achieve. So I think that DR increase has to have a loooooooooong scaling kill-count. So more likeable would be like 200-300 kills = godmode. I mean when I'm playing any frame of mine I usually have anywhere between 500 and 1000+ kills in a 40 minute survival. If we have the kills = DR then 30 is way too low a number. So the whole thing is if you want your perma godmode you better do your killing before the enemies start dealing tons of damage. This'd promote her actually killing things instead of sitting on the side just to survive the 40 minutes.

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I don't think DR is a good choice.


First, you should know by now DE will stop it at 95% so no godmode.

Second,  that 5% can be way too much still late into the game, 5% of a crap ton is still quite a bit. \



Honestly increasing her health pool and making her armor insane is what i would suggest first, then we can work on DR

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Part of the problem with just removing the invincibility and replacing with DR (which would probably cap at 95% knowing DE and their other flat DR granting abilities aside from Blessing) is that her ultimate just isn't good without invincibility.

With your idea here are the pros:
-Gets a DR capped at 99%

Here are the cons:
-Is limited to 2 meter melee range
-Is limited to single target damage
-Has to be able to reach enemies to kill them without dying (and at high levels good luck with that with your starting 50% DR.  In a sortie she would be killed half way to an enemy)

-Is completely unable to deal with flying enemies (such as Sapping Ospreys)

With your idea she would just be an objectively worse Chroma.
Lets look at an Ice element chroma:
-Can reach 99% DR
-Isn't limited to melee
-Gets a massive damage boost with all weapons (up to x8 or so)

Why would anyone choose your Valklyr over a Chroma?
Because Chroma would just be flat out better at tanking and dealing damage than Valkyr would, hands down.

The problem is that none of Valkyr's kit supports having just DR.
Her stance in Hysteria doesn't support it as it is just single target DPS with horrendously long finishers(that would just get you killed with no way to avoid it if you somehow triggered them).  She doesn't have the wide area CC or speed needed to get to enemies and stop them from shooting her before she gets to them.  And being limited to 2 meter melee range sucks.

Thing is: if you're going to limit Valkyr to a ridiculously short melee range you have to give her something for that.  Otherwise her ultimate becomes less powerful than Chromas Vex Armor and Elemental Ward, and becomes actively harmful to use as her group damage becomes non-existent.

A note to the person saying "Oh she has CC, just use Paralysis and Warcry!!!!!"
Have you ever actually tried those abilities?  Paralysis has an incredibly short range (even without narrow minded which is needed for the rest of her kit), and an incredibly short stun making it useless even for reviving allies.  The only thing its good for is allowing Valkyr to more easily handle flying enemies.  That's it.  And it doesn't even do that job right.
If you use it on ground enemies and melee them in hysteria you're stuck in an overly long finisher animation that with just DR would get you killed with no way to cancel it or protect yourself if it accidently happens.

As for warcry: You can't recast it, meaning that its ability to CC is null because you can only use it to slow down enemies once every 15 seconds (base duration) and thats it.  And if you actually want to benefit from the melee speed buff (and gods know she needs it in hysteria) then you're using eternal war which means if you want to re-cast it you have to jump into a pit and respawn to slow down enemies.

Fact is that she doesn't have any reliable CC.
She doesn't have any reliable way of reaching groups of enemies quickly like some other frames.
She doesn't have any way to deal damage to large groups of enemies.
She doesn't have any reliable way to deal with flying units.

She doesn't have anything to offer teams in terms of support outside of reviving allies, which without her invincibility Frost/Chroma can do better....
And her hysteria precludes her from using anything outside of the 2 meter range claw weapons.

With all of those cons she needs something big to make up for them.
Otherwise hysteria becomes actively harmful to use with absolutely no upsides, especially when compared to other frames.

Just removing invincibility won't work.
She needs something else given to her, and your suggestion just doesn't give her anything else.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Part of the problem with just removing the invincibility and replacing with DR (which would probably cap at 95% knowing DE and their other flat DR granting abilities aside from Blessing) is that her ultimate just isn't good without invincibility.

With your idea here are the pros:

-Gets a DR capped at 99%

Here are the cons:

-Is limited to 2 meter melee range

-Is limited to single target damage

-Has to be able to reach enemies to kill them without dying (and at high levels good luck with that with your starting 50% DR.  In a sortie she would be killed half way to an enemy)

-Is completely unable to deal with flying enemies (such as Sapping Ospreys)

With your idea she would just be an objectively worse Chroma.

Lets look at an Ice element chroma:

-Can reach 99% DR

-Isn't limited to melee

-Gets a massive damage boost with all weapons (up to x8 or so)

Why would anyone choose your Valklyr over a Chroma?

Because Chroma would just be flat out better at tanking and dealing damage than Valkyr would, hands down.

The problem is that none of Valkyr's kit supports having just DR.

Her stance in Hysteria doesn't support it as it is just single target DPS with horrendously long finishers(that would just get you killed with no way to avoid it if you somehow triggered them).  She doesn't have the wide area CC or speed needed to get to enemies and stop them from shooting her before she gets to them.  And being limited to 2 meter melee range sucks.

Thing is: if you're going to limit Valkyr to a ridiculously short melee range you have to give her something for that.  Otherwise her ultimate becomes less powerful than Chromas Vex Armor and Elemental Ward, and becomes actively harmful to use as her group damage becomes non-existent.

A note to the person saying "Oh she has CC, just use Paralysis and Warcry!!!!!"

Have you ever actually tried those abilities?  Paralysis has an incredibly short range (even without narrow minded which is needed for the rest of her kit), and an incredibly short stun making it useless even for reviving allies.  The only thing its good for is allowing Valkyr to more easily handle flying enemies.  That's it.  And it doesn't even do that job right.

If you use it on ground enemies and melee them in hysteria you're stuck in an overly long finisher animation that with just DR would get you killed with no way to cancel it or protect yourself if it accidently happens.

As for warcry: You can't recast it, meaning that its ability to CC is null because you can only use it to slow down enemies once every 15 seconds (base duration) and thats it.  And if you actually want to benefit from the melee speed buff (and gods know she needs it in hysteria) then you're using eternal war which means if you want to re-cast it you have to jump into a pit and respawn to slow down enemies.

Fact is that she doesn't have any reliable CC.

She doesn't have any reliable way of reaching groups of enemies quickly like some other frames.

She doesn't have any way to deal damage to large groups of enemies.

She doesn't have any reliable way to deal with flying units.

She doesn't have anything to offer teams in terms of support outside of reviving allies, which without her invincibility Frost/Chroma can do better....

And her hysteria precludes her from using anything outside of the 2 meter range claw weapons.

With all of those cons she needs something big to make up for them.

Otherwise hysteria becomes actively harmful to use with absolutely no upsides, especially when compared to other frames.

Just removing invincibility won't work.

She needs something else given to her, and your suggestion just doesn't give her anything else.

FINALLY someone pointed this out. You'd think it'd be a little more obvious. This is exactly why I always attest that Valkyr needs her invincibility. If the rest of her kit isn't going to be changed, damage reduction just isn't enough. +1 to you sir

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I have. Now you go play against nullifiers in survival then come back saying hysteria is god mode.

Just did that once in a corpus survival sortie. Good thing that the bubbles shrink through meleeing.


But before you think i'm here against valkyr, that's not the case. I want her to keep that invincibility or at least give her some more useful abilities to compensate the loss of invincibility.

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Nice ideas and all. But no sane person would take her over Wukong and Chroma then.

Both of them would outperform her in means of tankyness and damage.

Unless you are popping in and out of Hysteria, that is utterly untrue. By the time Valkyr kills 30 enemies her DR is 99.6%... 99.6, I mean come on now. This is like what you have in Raids when that Trin is spamming Blessing... you are untouchable. And that is after 30 enemies, you could just keep murdering enemies until your DR is 99.99999%, don't you dare tell me that Chroma or Wukong are tankier than that. Sure, you wont be able to use Hysteria as a crutch when you get in a bad situation anymore, so in that sense Wukong takes the cake, but even Chroma can't just push a button and instantly become invincible, and his DR, even with a max build, is nowhere near what Wukong or Valkyr can accomplish, along with having to lose his DR temporarily every minute or so leaving you extremely vulnerable.


Maybe the issue is that Valkyr apparently will suck without invulnerability, I think that is a sign that her kit is not as good as it should be if it relies on such a crutch (don't deny it, Invulnerability is a crutch, it may be a neccisary crutch to keep her a good frame in your eyes, but it is still a crutch).

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I think she is great where she is. If you want to change something give hysteria better combos and more damage from them. She does do good dmg but it takes tedious time to kill 150+ enemies. I play her all the time but that's my only thing because I enjoy clawing people and want to do S#&$e tons of damage. Either way she is great now.

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I still think a health drain is the best way to go. If i were to change Hysteria, i'd leave it as it is and add the following:


- Hysteria drains 12 health per second while active.


- Hysteria's health drain cannot drop below 2 health.


- Hysteria increases movement speed by 50% while active.


- Health lost gets added to Hysteria's base damage(not that she needs it) with a cap or 200 extra base damage.



I'd remove the stored damage feature too. She would actually feel like a Berserk character this way because most sacrifice health and well-being for power.

Whoa, 12 health per second is really steep. It has to be lower than that.

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Anything that makes failure a possibility while playing as Valkyr is supported by me. Hypothetically, the only reason Valkyr should ever have to extract in a survival mission is because enemies are body-blocking the life support pods and they're too tough for you to kill with slide attacks before the life support runs out.

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Unless you are popping in and out of Hysteria, that is utterly untrue. By the time Valkyr kills 30 enemies her DR is 99.6%... 99.6, I mean come on now. This is like what you have in Raids when that Trin is spamming Blessing... you are untouchable. And that is after 30 enemies, you could just keep murdering enemies until your DR is 99.99999%, don't you dare tell me that Chroma or Wukong are tankier than that. Sure, you wont be able to use Hysteria as a crutch when you get in a bad situation anymore, so in that sense Wukong takes the cake, but even Chroma can't just push a button and instantly become invincible, and his DR, even with a max build, is nowhere near what Wukong or Valkyr can accomplish, along with having to lose his DR temporarily every minute or so leaving you extremely vulnerable.


Maybe the issue is that Valkyr apparently will suck without invulnerability, I think that is a sign that her kit is not as good as it should be if it relies on such a crutch (don't deny it, Invulnerability is a crutch, it may be a neccisary crutch to keep her a good frame in your eyes, but it is still a crutch).

Its not going to be 99.6 or 99 or anything like that.



DR is a poor choice. Its going to be leveled at 95% and you're going to be one shot by higher level enemies even with it because her health pool is too small. And also the build up to that is a deathtrap. You say killing 30 enemies is quick but you can't do it in exactly 1 second, and a lot of things can happen in 1 second.

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Maybe the issue is that Valkyr apparently will suck without invulnerability, I think that is a sign that her kit is not as good as it should be if it relies on such a crutch (don't deny it, Invulnerability is a crutch, it may be a neccisary crutch to keep her a good frame in your eyes, but it is still a crutch).

And you have hit on the core issue:

Valkyr's kit requires the crutch of invincibility to be any good.

Lets look at any other frame who is forced into a specific weapon with their ultimate:

Lets start with Excalibur.  Sure he doesn't have invincibility but he has auto-blocking (even while attacking) for a 60% DR from the front.  Further he has a 40 meter range with the beams and his kit gives him a great mobility tool (Slash Dash) that provides invincibility frames and he has one of the better CC abilities in the game, Radial Blind, which not only stops enemies from hurting him but gives him x4 damage with his ultimate.

Next is Wukong.  He may not have the range of Excalibur but his staff can reach pretty far and hits rather large groups of enemies at once.  Further he has a skill that makes him completely unkillable when you combine it with Rage and a decent escape ability to get out of danger and refresh Defy if he needs to.

Then we come to Ivara.  She has a the full range of a bow type weapon that benefits from primary rifle mods.  Further her kit allows her to easily stay out of the line of fire with her dash-wire and she can even go invisible for really long periods of time giving her great survivability because enemies just wont attack her.  And with a minimum drain of 1 energy per second she can keep prowling long enough to deal with most threats while using her ultimate.

Now lets look at Valkyr:

Her rip line is a single target pull or a slow mobility tool.  In most cases it'll get her killed as she slowly sails through the air to where you rip lined, further its not that accurate either.  So its usability is quite limited and can't be relied on as an escape tool should she need it.

Her Paralysis is a poor CC tool at best, low range with a rather short stun duration that forces you to go into the overly long finisher animations if you melee them before they get up.  Which without invincibility can get Valkyr seriously hurt or even killed before the animation finishes.

Her Warcry is a self buff only as its CC potential is non-existent.  Since you can't recast it while its active at base duration you'll be going at least 15 seconds before you can slow down enemies again.  Sure it increases her survivability a bit, but not enough to matter in a packed room at higher levels.

As you can see the other frames kits either provide the frame with the tools needed to survive against enemies they can't immediately reach, allow them to CC groups of enemies when there are too many to deal with in a timely fashion, have a decent mobility tool to more easily reach enemies, or gives them something to avoid damage.

Valkyr's kit does none of that reliably.

She doesn't have good CC.

She doesn't have a good, fast, and accurate mobility tool.

She doesn't have a way to avoid damage.

She doesn't even have anything to offer a team compared to the majority of other frames.

Without her invincibility she becomes outclassed by a lot of other frames that would simply be able to do her job better and without all of the drawbacks.

Yes, invincibility is a crutch she relies on.

But if you want to remove that crutch you need to give her something else to stand on.

And currently she just doesn't have that.

If you just remove her invincibility and replace it with DR she would be relegated to the trash.

Why?  Because Trinity can do that for the entire team.  Because Chroma can reach that DR while getting massive damage boost as well and isn't limited to melee range.  Because Ivara/Wukong/Excalibur simply have a better kit than her and don't have all of the limitations and drawbacks that she has.  Because pretty much every other frame has things that they can bring to a team to help the team while she doesn't.

As it stands, without her invincibility Valkyr would just flat suck.

There would be no benefits or incentives to play her in any content.

If you want to remove Hysterias invincibility then you need to rework her entire kit to support not having that to rely on.

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Part of the problem with just removing the invincibility and replacing with DR (which would probably cap at 95% knowing DE and their other flat DR granting abilities aside from Blessing) is that her ultimate just isn't good without invincibility.

With your idea here are the pros:

-Gets a DR capped at 99%

Here are the cons:

-Is limited to 2 meter melee range

-Is limited to single target damage

-Has to be able to reach enemies to kill them without dying (and at high levels good luck with that with your starting 50% DR.  In a sortie she would be killed half way to an enemy)

-Is completely unable to deal with flying enemies (such as Sapping Ospreys)

With your idea she would just be an objectively worse Chroma.

Lets look at an Ice element chroma:

-Can reach 99% DR

-Isn't limited to melee

-Gets a massive damage boost with all weapons (up to x8 or so)

Why would anyone choose your Valklyr over a Chroma?

Because Chroma would just be flat out better at tanking and dealing damage than Valkyr would, hands down.

The problem is that none of Valkyr's kit supports having just DR.

Her stance in Hysteria doesn't support it as it is just single target DPS with horrendously long finishers(that would just get you killed with no way to avoid it if you somehow triggered them).  She doesn't have the wide area CC or speed needed to get to enemies and stop them from shooting her before she gets to them.  And being limited to 2 meter melee range sucks.

Thing is: if you're going to limit Valkyr to a ridiculously short melee range you have to give her something for that.  Otherwise her ultimate becomes less powerful than Chromas Vex Armor and Elemental Ward, and becomes actively harmful to use as her group damage becomes non-existent.

A note to the person saying "Oh she has CC, just use Paralysis and Warcry!!!!!"

Have you ever actually tried those abilities?  Paralysis has an incredibly short range (even without narrow minded which is needed for the rest of her kit), and an incredibly short stun making it useless even for reviving allies.  The only thing its good for is allowing Valkyr to more easily handle flying enemies.  That's it.  And it doesn't even do that job right.

If you use it on ground enemies and melee them in hysteria you're stuck in an overly long finisher animation that with just DR would get you killed with no way to cancel it or protect yourself if it accidently happens.

As for warcry: You can't recast it, meaning that its ability to CC is null because you can only use it to slow down enemies once every 15 seconds (base duration) and thats it.  And if you actually want to benefit from the melee speed buff (and gods know she needs it in hysteria) then you're using eternal war which means if you want to re-cast it you have to jump into a pit and respawn to slow down enemies.

Fact is that she doesn't have any reliable CC.

She doesn't have any reliable way of reaching groups of enemies quickly like some other frames.

She doesn't have any way to deal damage to large groups of enemies.

She doesn't have any reliable way to deal with flying units.

She doesn't have anything to offer teams in terms of support outside of reviving allies, which without her invincibility Frost/Chroma can do better....

And her hysteria precludes her from using anything outside of the 2 meter range claw weapons.

With all of those cons she needs something big to make up for them.

Otherwise hysteria becomes actively harmful to use with absolutely no upsides, especially when compared to other frames.

Just removing invincibility won't work.

She needs something else given to her, and your suggestion just doesn't give her anything else.

Your DR comparison to Chroma is a bit misleading.

Chroma doesn't get real damage Reduction. He gets 'Damage Mitigation' since actual Damage Reduction in Warframe protects Shields and combats Armor-Ignore Bleed Procs.

Chroma can have all the Armor feasibly allowed and still get downed by Bleed Procs (Which just ignore Armor)

Hysteria with Damage Mitigation would be more in tune with how Blessing + Link stack.

-Hysteria retaining Status Immunity means no Bleed Procs

-Damage Reduction would be applied before Valkyr's Armor Mitigation so even if it where only 95% Damage Reduction it would then be mitigated by her Armor. So she would have an obtainable 90%+ Armor Mitigation on 5% of incoming Damage.

(Cannot be Killed by Bleed Procs and cannot be drained of energy by Magnetic Proc)

As for CC : Prolonged Paralysis although an Augment is decent

Non-Augment WarCry has alawys been a decent Enemy Slow...unfortunately DE did not decide to allow this to be recastable....

Nice ideas and all. But no sane person would take her over Wukong and Chroma then.

Both of them would outperform her in means of tankyness and damage.

Hysteria would still have the advantage of Status Immunity.

Playing as WuKong: a Magnetic Proc can be lethal

Bleed Procs are healthy for WuKong but Chroma is not a fan of Bleed Procs...

[DE] has made Infested easier and easier for non Valkyr players.

Ancient Disrupters need to go back to 100% Magnetic Proc.

Tar-Moa's need to go back to Heavy Radiation projectiles.... this was an unneeded nerf.

If Bursas were regular Corpus robotic enemies (I'm expecting a Corrupted Variant soon*)Valkyr would hold the advantage when there are Nullifier pucks everywhere:

Just because she has High obtainable Effective Health without needing an ability active and she only needs 1 ability to gain both High melee damage and even higher Effective Health.

Allowing her to receive damage would allow Hysteria to work with both Rage and Arcane Avenger (Infinite supply of energy and more Melee Red Crits)

-I think people would still play her

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Unless you are popping in and out of Hysteria, that is utterly untrue. By the time Valkyr kills 30 enemies her DR is 99.6%... 99.6, I mean come on now. This is like what you have in Raids when that Trin is spamming Blessing... you are untouchable. And that is after 30 enemies, you could just keep murdering enemies until your DR is 99.99999%, don't you dare tell me that Chroma or Wukong are tankier than that. Sure, you wont be able to use Hysteria as a crutch when you get in a bad situation anymore, so in that sense Wukong takes the cake, but even Chroma can't just push a button and instantly become invincible, and his DR, even with a max build, is nowhere near what Wukong or Valkyr can accomplish, along with having to lose his DR temporarily every minute or so leaving you extremely vulnerable.


Maybe the issue is that Valkyr apparently will suck without invulnerability, I think that is a sign that her kit is not as good as it should be if it relies on such a crutch (don't deny it, Invulnerability is a crutch, it may be a neccisary crutch to keep her a good frame in your eyes, but it is still a crutch).

Things, that won't oneshot an Ice tank Chroma:

Facebloking 20 lvl 105 bombard rockets.

(ok, arcane space magic is involved, but it's not like those are farmed by endgamers anyways)

Edited by bubbabenali
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I think she is great where she is. If you want to change something give hysteria better combos and more damage from them. She does do good dmg but it takes tedious time to kill 150+ enemies. I play her all the time but that's my only thing because I enjoy clawing people and want to do S#&$e tons of damage. Either way she is great now.

I have to say, I agree with this, and with Tsukinoki's assessment. Hysteria is fine as it is, and it is pretty much the sole reason to play Valkyr. It's the big thing about playing her, the main attraction. Her other abilities have their uses, sure, from the attack speed buff(though it's far outclassed by Volt & co.) and the tiny bit of Paralysis, but the big thing about playing her is Hysteria. And it shouldn't change. It's fine as it is. It has a ton of uses, from reviving squadmates to facetanking a boss so others can get at its weak points, and I think the strictly-melee, constant energy drain is pretty much a good enough drawback.


I will mention however, that Hysteria was virtually impossible to use in some Infested survival/defense missions because of all the energy-drain enemies. So, you'd be left solely with your shields(Which are the lowest of any frame, in case anyone's forgotten) and your health pool. Valkyr's fine. Decent enough to compete with other tanky frames and dish out some damage. Personally, I use Hysteria as a "Mutagen hit the fan" sort of ability, which is what it ought to be. It's meant to pull you out of bad situations, give you time to revive people, and restore your health with all those lifedrain claw attacks, taking the pressure off others for a little bit. Considering Valkyr's relatively modest energy pool, I'd say that's fine.


My voice might not carry a lot of weight. Much has changed in the past two years and my return is only recent. But I really do feel that nerfing Hysteria(That is to say, removing its invulnerability) will do more harm than good, as it is the centerpiece of the frame. I don't mind say, lowering its damage in exchange for greater range(Or at least some way of dealing with those pesky flying enemies beyond slide-attacking them outta' the sky), but the invulnerability is one of the only things that make Valkyr great.

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Its not going to be 99.6 or 99 or anything like that.



DR is a poor choice. Its going to be leveled at 95% and you're going to be one shot by higher level enemies even with it because her health pool is too small. And also the build up to that is a deathtrap. You say killing 30 enemies is quick but you can't do it in exactly 1 second, and a lot of things can happen in 1 second.

This is complete and utter BS. Seriously, strawman much? The suggestion is for there to be NO cap, why in the world are you saying my idea is bad because there will be a cap? No... just... no. And, that 95% cap is only when the ability is based on power strength mods, not from in game use. Does trinity have a 95% cap? No, no she does not, so please stop saying "your idea sucks because this different version of your idea sucks."


Sorry about that, I got kind of tired of that argument, sorry I let it out all on you.


Things, that won't oneshot an Ice tank Chroma:

Facebloking 20 lvl 105 bombard rockets.

(ok, arcane space magic is involved, but it's not like those are farmed by endgamers anyways)

And so could Valkyr... just like she does now (except that it will take her killing two mobs of enemies before she gets to that, but in a game like Warframe that will be quite fast). I did not say Chroma wasn't tanky, I said Valkyr would still be tankier. And you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between pre and post rework after you killed a few enemies.


it is pretty much the sole reason to play Valkyr.

 ​This... this is an issue. If the only reason to play Valkyr is to get invulnerability with okay damage, she needs a rework. Relying on one ability as a crutch is not good Warframe design, and designing an ability with an invulnerability crutch is bad ability design. I personally think her kit is better than that and normally use a Warcry build (Eternal War) with her, but if you think that the rest of her kit is bad and her only redeeming factor is Hysteria, you should probably be asking for reworks of her other abilities more so than using her ult as a crutch. 


And welcome to the Forums.

Edited by DrBorris
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