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Bolde - The Tenno Halberd (Now In Orokin, Corpus, Grineer, And Infested Flavors!)


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I like halberds, I designed some halberds, and I made suggestions for a close-range spinny stance and a long range slashy-stabby stance.





"This Tenno halberd was forged for guards during the old war, and is a devastating and versatile close to mid range weapon in the right hands."


So, I have been wanting a halberd weapon type (with halberd stances too, of course) for a while, and randomly decided to doodle up an idea. I could have just *not* posted it, but I figure the .0001% chance it gets added is better than the 0% chance if I do nothing.


NOTE: If DE decides they want to include my ideas, however unlikely it may be, I understand the need to change things if needed. This is simply a suggestion.




Forgive the sketchiness of the picture, I did literally just whip out a paper and pencil and draw it up.


The name I've given this particular halberd is Bolde, a combination of Charles the Bold (who was killed via halberd to the head... I know little more of him other than he was the deciding point in a war, and that I came across him while looking up Halberd info online) and Barte, a German word for axe.


Of course, the name and description matter little.


For stances, as halberd weapon types in general are what I'm mostly interested in, would be based around the usability of the halberd's parts, with it's special gimmick being it's hook, for tripping enemies and opening them for ground finishers.


I suggest two stance mods, one being for close range, and one for long range.


Both charge attacks would have the ability to thrust the halberd spear-first at an enemy, inflicting puncture damage and quickly pulling it back as the hook trips them for ground finishers.


Close Range:


This stance mod, as the name would imply, specializes in turning the halberd into almost a staff-type weapon, but with the obvious benefit of having a weighted axe and pike at the end of it.


Wrapping the halberd's shaft with their arm, pole behind the back, the Tenno would use the axe as the default attack in quick, short swipes at nearby enemies, and in combos, would execute quick turns, jolts, and elbow trusts, launching the light but sturdy blunt end at the enemy's head or legs at a high speed for some extra impact damage, and immediately turning again to hit the concussed enemy with the other, bladed end. 


Slam attacks would be one-armed pike jabs to the floor, inflicting puncture damage.


This stance procs would be mainly slash/impact, due to the more or less lack of use of the pike on the end, though certain combos may easily include quick stabs as well.


Long Range:


The counter to the close range mod is obviously the long range mod, specializing in large sweeping axe attacks, and long piercing pike and hook attacks.


Using both hands to wield the halberd with this stance, the Tenno would make use of the axe with quick (not as quick as the close-range stance, mind you) two-handed swipes that chain into weapon-long pike lunges and axe whirlwinds (potentially an infinite combo spin?), with the drawback of a mild "cooldown" of the Tenno retracting the weapon into the original position once the combo is over, and opening them to attack from their sides during lunges, and from their backs during sweeps.


The slam attacks would likely be the same or similar to the other stance, or a forward line of AOE along the weapon's length.


The procs for this stance would be mainly slash/puncture, again due to the lack of head-bashing with the blunt end, though again having the opportunity for certain combos to use the blunt end (example being, perhaps, a backwards impact jab at enemies behind the Tenno while retracting the halberd after a lunge attack).




Now, this doesn't have to be the only way the weapon would work. Honestly, it could work with a regular staff mod (please dear god, don't make halberds use generic staff mods like the Sydon does... that should have been a spear), and the main goal of this is to spark interest in halberds and different pole weapon styles as new weapon types in-game.


Suggestions? Ideas? Unrelated spiderman pictures? Questions?


Feel free to reply!


In fact, please do if you're at all interested! More people interested means it's more likely to go somewhere!



Additional Halberd Flavors:

Apologies for my handwriting, if anything's unclear, feel free to ask.




Bolde Prime

Thanks to Ayxmirdyrer

for the awesome new prime design!


"Once used exclusively by the Orokin High Guard, this weapon's legacy now falls to the Tenno."






Previous design:

"Previously used exclusively by the most prestigious of Orokin guardsmen, this variant of the Bolde has fallen to Tenno hands to again bring out it's potential."





"The Cessita is one of the more violent-looking of Corpus weaponry, wielded by the few splintered Corpus mercenary groups that prefer finding profit in... less conventional ways."


Cessita refers to Cessitas, or "To Split" in Latin.





"A terrifying amalgamation of various Grineer weapons, the superheated spikes of this halberd are often used to 'encourage' behavior and discipline."


"Hravek" is a distortion of the word "Havoc".



Also, holy jeez. This one turned out a lot more violent-looking than I expected.

Pherid Bo


"This Infestation-taken Bo takes the form of a bone halberd, preferring to grab it's victims legs rather than using a hook, and releases spores from volatile sacks when agitated."


Ground slam attacks release a small cloud of toxin/gas at the point of impact.


Name is a combination of "Fetid" and "Phorid", and "Bo", the original Tenno staff weapon.



Edited by Maugre
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I like this idea, I like it a lot. However I am no good when it comes to useful design ideas and advice, but I want to see this weapon in the game.

Thanks a lot, even just showing you like the idea is enough to make me a happy camper :p

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please dear god, don't make halberds use generic staff mods like the Sydon does... that should have been a spear

This. That is all.

Oh, and




Unrelated spiderman pictures?


This isn't an issue right? I mean it was asked for. That and I'm pretty sure it's not actually a Spiderman picture.




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The idea about the long range stance should reminds me with how Lu Bu plays in DW.

One of my friends said it reminded him of how you use the halberd weapons in Dark Souls, too. Guess people like using halberds this way. :p

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I rather like this idea. I thought up spears and shields and javelins but not halberds But I think it might just be placed in polearms or even heavy weapons like jat kittag

Let's be honest, here. If a rapier isn't classed as a sword, why would a halberd fall under pole or heavy weapon?

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I, too have been wanting a halberd weapon, and then you suggest not one, but two stances!  I could see some elite Grineer units wielding halberds too (Possible second halberd type weapon) for the stance mod drop, and maybe for the other stance, their corrupted versions?  As much as a corpus energy halberd would be cool, it seems out of place in their arsenal to me.

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I, too have been wanting a halberd weapon, and then you suggest not one, but two stances!  I could see some elite Grineer units wielding halberds too (Possible second halberd type weapon) for the stance mod drop, and maybe for the other stance, their corrupted versions?  As much as a corpus energy halberd would be cool, it seems out of place in their arsenal to me.

Good to see yet another halberd fan :D


I didn't really consider having the enemies wield Halberds, but I can see a kind of prosecutor-type Grineer using one instead of that bumpy little stick they've got currently.


I can also see an Orokin version being used in the void, and there was someone on the forums who was suggesting mercenary Corpus units that make their money via protecting valuables, and are experts at melee combat, using energy shields and spears, so maybe those units, if added, could use energy halberds as well?



You gave me some inspiration to draw a couple more halberds... adding them to the first post as they're drawn, because why not.

Edited by Maugre
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Well the thing with the rapier is that it's classed as a different type of sword. The swords we had before were either long swords or short swords. But they all had blades and were primarily slashing weapons. The only reason why I said it might be a polearm or heavy is for productions sake. Since it so long for rapiers to come out. Ideally I'd like to see it as its own weapon type

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Well the thing with the rapier is that it's classed as a different type of sword. The swords we had before were either long swords or short swords. But they all had blades and were primarily slashing weapons. The only reason why I said it might be a polearm or heavy is for productions sake. Since it so long for rapiers to come out. Ideally I'd like to see it as its own weapon type

A halberd, and a few of the pole weapons already in-game, are used a lot more diversely than simply adding it to the swingy-stick category would do.


The poor Sydon, for example, is a spear. It shouldn't be swung around like a Bo or Orthos, it should be used, quite similarly to the rapier, for forward stabbing attacks, with perhaps a few spearhead swipes thrown in.


A halberd would be swung, but not nearly as erratically as a pole weapon with all their spins, and the axe/spear/hook would mean that what exactly is hitting the enemy makes a vital difference; if you swung it like a current pole weapon, you'd end up knocking some Corpus helmet with the hook and bend it or something, and while maybe making the corpus a bit upset, he'd likely be fine.


Now, don't take this as me being "no, you're wrong, stoppit". I actually appreciate the opportunity to explain why I feel they should be in different categories more thoroughly. c:

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No, I understand, I'm not saying it should be made a polearm I would like as its own weapon type. I'm just saying depending on DE if they want to put in the work to make it its own weapon type that would be awesome. But if not then it might be a polearm. I figure it would have a pretty balanced stats since halberds have a blade spike and sometimes hammer

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No, I understand, I'm not saying it should be made a polearm I would like as its own weapon type. I'm just saying depending on DE if they want to put in the work to make it its own weapon type that would be awesome. But if not then it might be a polearm. I figure it would have a pretty balanced stats since halberds have a blade spike and sometimes hammer

Here's hoping they eventually understand as well, and find a way to balance them properly. It might be a bit odd to try and figure out, with all the different things they do, but I have faith.


I am honestly thinking these would be viable in the end-game though, with all their traits, so perhaps construction difficulty could mend some of the unbalance.

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The best way I figure is to make it a slower hard hitting weapon. Mainly since halberds were pretty heavy and kinda unbalanced with most of the weight being in its head. Your stances make sense I should know I practice with staves and polearm. The one thing I am a bit confused about is in the short stance does the tenno use both hands or only one?

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The best way I figure is to make it a slower hard hitting weapon. Mainly since halberds were pretty heavy and kinda unbalanced with most of the weight being in its head. Your stances make sense I should know I practice with staves and polearm. The one thing I am a bit confused about is in the short stance does the tenno use both hands or only one?

I'm by no means an expert with any sort of weaponry in real life, but I've experimented around with a large metal pole I've got. The way I figured it, the Tenno would wrap their right arm around it and grip at their elbow and hand, using their left hand as more of a guide for the weapon than the actual force, letting the right arm be the one doing the work. Tried taking a picture as an example, but the angle was too awkward to take a picture of without an extra person.


I can easily see that stance be used for spears as well.

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Ah I see, Thats not a bad stance, my suggestion would be a chocked up stance, where the Tenno holds the halberd closer to the head allowing for quick slashes and stabs while also allowing him to strike with the other end thus utilizing the entire halberd but thats simply my opinion.

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Ah I see, Thats not a bad stance, my suggestion would be a chocked up stance, where the Tenno holds the halberd closer to the head allowing for quick slashes and stabs while also allowing him to strike with the other end thus utilizing the entire halberd but thats simply my opinion.

That sounds good too, but could you elaborate on what you mean by "chocked up"? I have a few visions in my head, but I'm not entirely sure.

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I accidentally put a extra C in there. choked up means that when you hold the halberd you hold it closer to the axe head. Making it a bit more balanced.

Oh, yeah, I think that's along the lines of what I was thinking when I was initially coming up with it, but sounds more halberd than spear. You'd be able to use the longer end to quickly whip the blunt end using the head as a sort of weight too, wouldn't you?

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