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[Spoiler/theory] What Are The Warframes?


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I will be using several informations, like blueprints, codex and most recent edition; Second Dream. This will contain spoilers.



First, before I talk about what are Infestation. I need to explain what are the technocyte virus and how they work. The infested are failed weapon used by Orokin during the Sentient war. This was infective against the Sentients as they are machinery drones. This caused the technocyte virus to backfire to the Orokin, this caused them to be affected virus and becoming part of the infested. Now, we know the virus originated and what they were meant for, we can move on.

In the present of game. The infested is introduced in the Once Awake quest. During this time the Infested quickly take control of Grineer and Corpuse units and turning them into infested units. Before get more deep in, we need to look at this quote:

"Individual are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination" - Infested, Warframe Lore Page

This shows that Infested is able to communicate with each other. The way they communicate using telepathy (keep on reading why), this can be seen when fighting bosses like Lephantis and Phorid. This can explain how well they work together to dominate their opposition, as they quickly taking over enemies and ships.

Now, we know how the Infested is able to work together. I can explain about Rhino Prime Codex. During this time, a Proto-Rhino was killing and devouring everything in sight. Then we have to look at some quotes:

"The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into his mouth" - Rhino Prime, Codex

"Fibrous Technocyte tumour. Handle with caution" - Nano Spores, Material

Then there is how Rhino acts violently and animalistic like how Infested describes these ones to be by themselves. Then there the fact that all the Warframes are built using Orokin Cells which contain 50,000 Nano-spores. This shows that all Warframes are built using the Infested tissue. Then we've seen when assassinating Infested bosses saying:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh?" - Lephantis, Assassination Mission

"Revoke the frailties of flesh. Let us in!" - Phorid, Assassination Mission

This supports what I say about Warframes being infested. Again, it can be backed up even more from what Margulis said during the Second Dream quest.

"This will stop the voices from taking over. You will have to dream my angles" - Margulis, Second Dream Quest.

This potentially be that the Infested are able to communicate using telepathy to directly to the Operator. From what the Margulis said this shows that Warframes are able to listen to the Infestation talking. It is possible to talk back to the infested as they are able to take over AI enemies, like Moas and etc. They could have an intelligence among the infested hive.

This is all I could manage to put together, as the Warframes are made using Infested DNA. So it's possible that the Warframes have intelligence among itself or capability to understand. So shouldn't it be possible the Tenno are suppressing Warframes conscious the infested the hive?


If you think something is wrong with this, from simply grammar, or it clashes with Warframe current lore. Feel free to correct me :)

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I will be using several informations, like blueprints, codex and most recent edition; Second Dream. This will contain spoilers.



If you think something is wrong with this, from simply grammar, or it clashes with Warframe current lore. Feel free to correct me :)

No need to correct - it's a theory you have given - your thoughts about the game. What I think after watching the Second Dream Cinematic's and listening all conversations and thinking about Alad V and he's warframe test specimen project (plus mutalist alad v) is as following:

Been writing the same things on all similar threads


The Big picture:

I think we are surrounded by the mysterious old war. Ordis tries to remember it, but all we can do is to theorize what's the all fuzz about. You remember Alad V saying during the second dream something like: Tenno/warframes almost destroyed everything during the old war". So I think it's like in Lost Planet; Conditions extreme. Warframes went berserk and almost destroyed everything. And now we are doing the full circle. Maybe the primitive behavior of warframes are seen when they are not controlled. 


What's inside Warframes:

When Alad V was introduced back in time he cut warframes in-to 6 peaces. No gore, no blood (see the attached picture below). People also want to believe that warframes are suites you equip. And some think that warframes are equipped by dormant beings -- because Lotus says something like this about cryopods in defence missions: "Cryopods containing dormant warframes" -- and there you see a hostage in the cryopod. But when you look warframes, specially Trinity Strega skin -- there's no way you can fit a dormant human figure there :)


And I believe Alad V knows exactly what's inside the warframes. But in all, what I think and what I believe is just speculations regarding what I've seen. So it's another theory.



Oh yeah, and the stalker - he's interesting person in all this, but now we strand away from the topic. It's another story :)

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You make valid point, but you have to remember during the second dream. Alad V was confused what he saw. He though they're was going to be Tenno inside. Instead finding living organism, an Infested body.

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You make valid point, but you have to remember during the second dream. Alad V was confused what he saw, he though they're was going to be Tenno inside. Instead finding living organism, an Infested body.

or perhaps, he was confused cause there was nothing inside a warframe. Or maybe a processor or a nano machine plantation. Or biological parts he never saw before while doing he's specimen's.

Warning! This is a spoiler from Robocop movie: http://i.imgur.com/KhjM1rh.gifv


It's like bringing a guy from 10,000 BC to our car and he tries to figure it out. Warframes can be anything - from living thinking biomechanical beings to plain robots. We manufacture them with chassis, systems and blueprints. Maybe alad V saw the secret essence that is us, the players playing Warframe - he was confused cause he saw a glimpse of you :)=


This makes me think about Metal Gear Solid and Psycho Mantis fight on PlayStation/Nintendo. Bad graphics but epic fight: He could read your "mind" - he could tell about the games you played and to beat him you needed to switch controller to another port in period of time :D Sooooo cool and awesome!


Also what puzzles me is that in survival missions when they cut of the life support. Enemies are having life support capsules with them and if we are in luck we get a percentage of them. We think it's air, but it can be anything. Are warframes sustained by same life support as corpus, grineer and infested? Or does it have a secret essence that Hunhow talked about to stalker.

Edit: I find it fascinating how DE made the plot and the game. It has so many holes and puzzles you just end up thinking: "wut was that I saw just there?". And we see it in our own individual perspective. So awesome and multi-dimentional :)

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or perhaps, he was confused cause there was nothing inside a warframe. Or maybe a processor or a nano machine plantation. Or biological parts he never saw before while doing he's specimen's.

Warning! This is a spoiler from Robocop movie: http://i.imgur.com/KhjM1rh.gifv

It's like bringing a guy from 10,000 BC to our car and he tries to figure it out. Warframes can be anything - from living thinking biomechanical beings to plain robots. We manufacture them with chassis, systems and blueprints. Maybe alad V saw the secret essence that is us, the players playing Warframe - he was confused cause he saw a glimpse of you :)=

Also what puzzles me is that in survival missions when they cut of the life support. Enemies are having life support capsules with them and if we are in luck we get a percentage of them. We think it's air, but it can be anything. Are warframes sustained by same life support as corpus, grineer and infested? Or does it have a secret essence that Hunhow talked about to stalker.

1) This just speculation, but they do use Infested tissue. Doesn't matter how body is, its still have traces of Infested DNA.

2) They are manufactured like that. In three part; Chassis, Helmet and System. But they do use nano spores that contain Infested gene. Am not sure, DE never explained or didn't hint at in any way.

3) The Warframe are living organism. They need oxygen to survive. So isn't surprising it can die during survival missions.

4) The capsules are dropped from enemies, like oxygen tanks from underwater swimmers.


5) For secret essence Hunhow was talking about was the Tenno at the moon. 


Stalker is an interesting feller, I would love to see a lot more lore around him. Well, if you hadn't heard about new even that coming this Monday. Its called Shadow Debt, it was shown in the Devstream, by accident. 

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1) This just speculation, but they do use Infested tissue. Doesn't matter how body is, its still have traces of Infested DNA.

2) They are mufactured like that. In three part; Chassis, Helmet and System. But they do use nano spores that contain Infested gene.

3) The Warframe are living organism. They need oxygen to survive. So isn't surprising it can die during survival missions.

4) The capsules are dropped from enemies, like oxygen tanks from underwater swimmers.

I find this conversation fascinating and extremely fun :) Valid points there, but how you explain oberon and other frames who's components are not related to infested?




I think this is what DE is after with the plot, holes and stuff - to make us confused and I find it fun =^.^=


Edit: ooo we get new content"!"! Awesome :)

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I honestly don't know how to counter this one. This just punch my theory right in the balls XD Am going to have to rethink this. Gimme some time

Edit: I did quick search on the materials. It seams that the warframes aren't just organic, but machinery. So it Bio-Mechanical Robot. Am going to look into that.

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I honestly don't know how to counter this one. This just punch my theory right in the balls XD Am going to have to rethink this. Gimme some time

Edit: I did quick search on the materials. It seams that the warframes aren't just organic, but machinery. So it Bio-Mechanical Robot. Am going to look into that.

To make this bit easier to smelt.... Maybe they are just an exception as an experiment that you wouldn't be so depended of infested DNA/Tissues? You know that in human history we try to achieve things with different approach -- we invent stuff and do applications to replace something that we are depended -- trying out different resources -- eg. we have replaced ancient steam engines with internal combustion engines and now we are developing electric cars? Why should the world of warframe be any different? Maybe frames without Infested tissues are experimental units in this warfare? =^.^=

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To make this bit easier to smelt.... Maybe they are just an exception as an experiment that you wouldn't be so depended of infested DNA/Tissues? You know that in human history we try to achieve things with different approach -- we invent stuff and do applications to replace something that we are depended -- trying out different resources -- eg. we have replaced ancient steam engines with internal combustion engines and now we are developing electric cars? Why should the world of warframe be any different? Maybe frames without Infested tissues are experimental units in this warfare? =^.^=

If what you said is true. The Oberon has no connection to the Infested. So he should be effected by the muralist technocyte virus. Infested Oberon should be something that can exist in Warframe universe. As Oberon doesn't have any Infested tissue or DNA in himself. Making vunreavle to the virus.

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If what you said is true. The Oberon has no connection to the Infested. So he should be effected by the muralist technocyte virus. Infested Oberon should be something that can exist in Warframe universe. As Oberon doesn't have any Infested tissue or DNA in himself. Making vunreavle to the virus.

What I love to think is that warframes are like eva units. Biomechanical / Artificial nano-technological beings (like ordis and other AI sentinels) that go berserk without control.


That we know that warframes aren't plain puppets. You remember in second dream that operator had to be in contact that warframe could operate? First with that chair and secondly with a touch when we needed to carry the operator towards the liset. And then we saw how our frame pulled the war sword out of the chest independently - without the link and without going berserk due the short time being "out of control" - operator had left an imprint to the warframe which kept it sane.


And during old war warframes went berserk cause operators lost the control and when the "imprint trace" was lost over the time... I would love to think that warframes behave just like an eva unit. And Stalker being a "berserk warframe" who has somehow preserved he's consciousness (we have been hunting "berserk frames" like Chroma in the past). But we will see in the future how the things are when DE goes further with the plot :)


*eva unit = neon genesis evangelion anime series - mecha unit controlled by operator/driver

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What I love to think is that warframes are like eva units. Biomechanical / Artificial nano-technological beings (like ordis and other AI sentinels) that go berserk without control.

That we know that warframes aren't plain puppets. You remember in second dream that operator had to be in contact that warframe could operate? First with that chair and secondly with a touch when we needed to carry the operator towards the liset. And then we saw how our frame pulled the war sword out of the chest independently - without the link and without going berserk due the short time being "out of control" - operator had left an imprint to the warframe which kept it sane.

And during old war warframes went berserk cause operators lost the control and when the "imprint trace" was lost over the time... I would love to think that warframes behave just like an eva unit. And Stalker being a "berserk warframe" who has somehow preserved hi's consciousness. But we will see in the future how the things are when DE goes further with the plot :)

*eva unit = neon genesis evangelion anime series - mecha unit controlled by operator/driver

If warframes are anything like the infested,. They can have seruouse intelligence of their own lime infested. The Infested have individual personalities, but are dominate over a hive mind. Like bugs in real life. Having individuals being told what to do for better of their survival.
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If warframes are anything like the infested,. They can have seruouse intelligence of their own lime infested. The Infested have individual personalities, but are dominate over a hive mind. Like bugs in real life. Having individuals being told what to do for better of their survival.

So, regarding your theory -- Tenno and Orokin took advantage of infested gestalt mind and applied it to warframes to fight a desperate war against a force never seen before. Just like hive controlling infested, operators controlled the warframes. Similar as a queen ant controlling her colony. But the key element is the infested tissue/dna or your "mutalist technocyte virus"(?).


Well, I like the idea :D

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Here's a possible wrinkle:

Hunhow says: "They make weapons from our bones".

An insect's "bones" are on the outside; an exoskeleton.

Infested Flesh is most likely very contagious, seeking to spread.

Notice how there are ZERO openings on our Warframes - no orifices including the mouth, nose, ears, etc.

Orokin scientists needed a way to control infested flesh, both in terms of contagion and overriding the Hive Mind.

I suspect that Sentients also have a collective consciousness and that their exoskeletons are highly adaptable.

The Protorhino you saw in the codex was out of control infested flesh that had been injected into a Sentient Exoskeleton and was on the rampage until encountering the sleeping Tenno...at this point the primal, basic "eat/kill" function and hive mind connection was superseded by the Sleeping Tenno's "dream" prerogative through transference.

With time, Tenno used Transference to create artistic weapons that represented their inner power.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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- snip -

Extremely interesting point of view :) Which made me think and a-lot.


When you read the codex entry of Rhino Prime, you'll notice there is two person -- presumably scientists -- running away from a beast. You can read this as a similar way as a bible: there are many ways to interpret it. But what I believe is that the codex entry focuses on presenting the Rhino Prime because the entry is under Rhino Prime -- Homer Simpson "DOH!" here :D


The "narrator" and Davis are running away from a beast who is "shoveling a heap of gore to it's mouth" -- presumably it's a berserk rhino or proto rhino. So he has a hole in he's head cause he can shovel some heap of gore in there. But at end of the codex entry Davis had a smile despite he ran just a second ago with his life -- the beast is silent and calm, and they succeeded with their experiment cause big fat promotions are awaiting:


In warframe forum archives there you find lots of theories and opinions made by other people about this whole stuff, but what I believe - specially when reading Hunhow's line: "They make weapons from our bones", I immediately think about Natah -- our dear Lotus, cause Hunhow is her dad. I think we are in the area of a figure-speech. Maybe Hunhow meant his daughter -- who turned against him -- as the weapon made of "their" bones. *Imagine here the scene from StarWars: 'I'm your father'*


But if you are referring Infested bones and making weapons (exoskeleton) from them -- and by weapons we are talking about warframes -- the weapons do not definitely need a protection from their source because they are made of the same stuff. Which makes me think like Hunhow = infested = Natah -> Lotus = Infested. It sounds like Japanese maga or anime.


Go figure. The whole plot and stuff is full of holes and you have multiple ways to construe it. 

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He's talking about Chroma there. As Chroma has quote saying "he wears try forgotten ancient race long ago", and what said about chiesling weapons from their bones. This would go hand in hand with each. Say that Chroma is part Sentient. Rest frames seem to be mostly Infested.

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I will be using several informations, like blueprints, codex and most recent edition; Second Dream. This will contain spoilers.


First before I talk about what are Infestation. I need to explain what are the technocyte virus and how they work. The infested are failed weapon used by Oriken during the Sentient war. This was infective against the Sentients as they are machinery drones. This caused the technocyte virus to backfire to the Oriken, this caused them to be affected virus and becoming part of the infetsed. Now, we know were the virus originated and what they were meant for, we can move on.

In the present of game. The infetsed is introduced in the Once Awake quest. During this time the infested quickly take control of Grineer and Curpose units, and turning them into infested units. Before get more deep in, we need to like at a quote:

"Individual are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination" - Infested, Warframe Lore Page

This shows that Infested are able to communicate with each other. The way they communicate using telepathy (keep on reading why), this can be seen when fighting bosses like Lephantis and Phorid. This can explain how well they work together to dominate their opposition, as they quickly taking over enemies and ships.

Now, we know how the infetsed work together. I can explain about Rhino Prime Codex. During this time, a Proto-Rihno was killing and devouring everything in sight. But first we have to look at some quotes:

"The beast squats down, shoveling a heap of gore into his mouth" - Rhino Prime, Codex

"Fibrous Technocyte tumor. Handle with caution" - Nano Spores, Material

This shows that this Rhino acts violently and animalistic. This shows it acts to what infested do. This can be enhanced as all warframes are built using Nano Spores. This shows that all Warframes are built using the infetsed tissue. This can be seen when assassinating a infetsed bosses, as the say:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh?" - Lephantis, Assassination Mission

"Revoke the frailties of flesh. Let us in!" - Phorid, Assassination Mission

This supports what i say about warframes being infested. Again, this can be backed up even more from what Margulis said during the Second Dream quest.

"This will stop the voices from taking over. You will have to dream my angles" - Margulis, Second Dream Quest.

This shows that the Infested are able to communicate using telepathy. From what the Margulis said this shows that Warframes are able to listen to the Infestation talking. It is possible to talk back to the infested as they are able to take over AI enemies, like Moas and etc. They could have an intelligence among the infested hive.

This is all I could managed to put together, as the Warframes are made of Infested DNA. So its possible that the Warframes have intelligence among itself. So its possible the Tenno are suppressing Warframes conscious from its family, the infested hive.

If you think something is wrong with this, from simply grammar, or it clashes with Warframe current lore. Feel free to correct me :)


it seems "second dream" leads to this questions ^^)


you did good, short and clear


one thing is "that" it drops and the gamemechanic for and to bring pieces together, one thing could be a lore about basic materials and such


'we created/builded the warframes "around" them' ... created/builded from what, where, how ?

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it seems "second dream" leads to this questions ^^)

you did good, short and clear

one thing is "that" it drops and the gamemechanic for and to bring pieces together, one thing could be a lore about basic materials and such

'we created/builded the warframes "around" them' ... created/builded from what, where, how ?

I've notice Warframe uses alot of metaphors and similies to describe them. Also the Excalibur Prime Codex you mentioned, they never said the Warframe is suit that is worned. When they meant created it around the frame, they could mention that at beginning. Excalibur was special made for the first person to use him. This can explain why we have soma many different warframes. Seeing it as they were original made around they're users.

Edit: Silverback, you make good point. But seeing Rhino having a mouth too open means he need nutriments to surivial, like living orgnism. During war, I can imagine them wanting to be efficient with their warframes. So its possible that little light we see on warframes, arnt just there for show but rather using as entry point to feed them.

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I really, really object to people calling "The beast" from the Rhino Prime codex a "Proto Rhino"


Remember that the end of the RPC has Davis finally making the connection that the Zariman Children can be used to control things remotely. That is the start of the idea of the Orokin using the Zariman children as weapons of war. To suggest that the beast mentioned was even a prototype Warframe suggests a level of prescience that simply doesn't make sense


It was described as a beast, not a weapon, a creature created simply to be tested. I agree that the beast is most likely related to the infestation. I agree that the abilities demonstrated by the beast probably means that parts of that type of creature were used in the construction of Warframes, most notably Rhino, but we have no reason at all to assume that any other attributes of the beast hold true for Warframes.

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You make great points. While was reading comments had gotten idea for a second part theory for this one. Seeing as Tenno sometimes saying there immune from virus. I'll add some post when my theory makes sense and backed up.

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You make great points. While was reading comments had gotten idea for a second part theory for this one. Seeing as Tenno sometimes saying there immune from virus. I'll add some post when my theory makes sense and backed up.

Well, but the truth or main point is that there is an infested virus - no one can deny it :)


Operation Breeding Grounds
The Lotus learns that Alad's experiments have allowed the Infestation to evolve, allowing it to infect and corrupt inorganic beings. Lotus also discovered that Alad has also engineered Infested Hives as a means of directing the spread of the Infested, as these hives can quickly corrupt new ships or colonies almost immediately.
Operation: Mutalist Incursions
With the evolved Infested at his disposal, Alad unveiled his plan to unleash a new "Mutalist Empire," infecting Tenno, Grineer, and Corpus alike in an attempt to unify and subordinate them. At this point The Lotus believes that the Infestation has corrupted Alad's mind, describing him as the Infested itself.
Patient Zero
The Lotus also directed the Tenno to locate Alad -who at this point has hybridized himself with Infested tissue- and destroy his research labs. During their searches, Alad contacts the Tenno and reveals that he has another Warframe in his possession, and plans to infuse it with Infested tissue. The search continues, and as they have located his research labs, they encounter the Infested Warframe-the epitome of Alad V's Mutalist Infestation.
source: Warframe Wikia, Mutalist Alad V.
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