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Suggestion on Melee weapon as Primary as well?


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Just a thought, since we are playing as Space ninja's, there are those who prefer melee more than ranged attacks..Would having the Swords available to be picked as ur primary weaponry in battle possible?..Not just like the Press "E" to melee which we have seen loads of times on other games?..Just a thought..wouldn't hurt right o.o

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loles, itis possible play as melee. mechanic of game is allows you do that. its all depends on you game style, and mods you use.... use you emagination))))

and about animations, its beta, they have a lot of work to do. think you self... and of corse there will be more animations, weapons, locations, new warframes.... but it will take a lot of time...

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Just make melee your left mouse click.


not so bad idea lol))) but this new patch!!!! got alert mission with jakall boss 56 lvl.... and you know what?!. I can`t kill him solo((( i kill creep at this lvl with 1 melee hit, some times 2..... but this jakal!!!! his kinde hard kill solo with melee(( i even solo farm Art Etina - pice of cake))

but i think its coz i play on job))) where got default mouse, and low graphic card, got lags =\ ))))

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This actually sounds like an awesome idea. It would make rolling a melee-only character an actual alternative to gun users.

All they'd have to do is add some more attack types (replacing LMB and RMB of guns) and maybe combos of some sort.

Would be pretty legit.

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Get Furax, solo Jackal, achieve bithces.


yes, it is jakal 56 lvl!!!!! not 30 lol... you wont kill him solo with melee.... ofcorse this is possible... but it will be unreal-hardcore... wtch will cost you about 20-30 tries... and you still need primary gun with good damage, to shoot his legs! and all equipment slot shood be with ammo...

so its almost unreal kill him with only melee!!!

so solo jackal 56 lvl, yes - problem)))

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I do a charged punch just as fast as I do regular melee's. If the 30 jackal only can take one punch, I bet you the 56 Jackal only needs two.

you wrong, got axe 30 lvl... my build do my single melee hit more powerfull than my charge attack, i got mods attack rate speed and melee damage... as you got charge speed and charge damage mods... and for some reason i think my build do much more dps that your....

and you still telling me this crap....

tell me how much hits you need to kill solo Ern Etina...

on your words it must be 2 charge attack max 3 ))) dont belive you...

PS and you shood notice that charge attack can be canseled...

still dont belive me? ))

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you wrong, got axe 30 lvl... my build do my single melee hit more powerfull than my charge attack, i got mods attack rate speed and melee damage... as you got charge speed and charge damage mods... and for some reason i think my build do much more dps that your....

and you still telling me this crap....

tell me how much hits you need to kill solo Ern Etina...

on your words it must be 2 charge attack max 3 ))) dont belive you...

PS and you shood notice that charge attack can be canseled...

still dont belive me? ))

You know I meant that the charged strike will make him fall to his knees, right?

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You know I meant that the charged strike will make him fall to his knees, right?

if it will be enought damage to kill all hp on leg - yes, its not just one charge hit = 100%?) fall. And he still can knock you/cancel charge with his shock-wave, and launch rokets (hes not so slow and stupid like in fobes. he doing his skills like insane), one rocket hit - 100% dead (of corse if you don`t put all slot with armor and sheild mode, but this i not our mode situation). so if you got knocked = 99% dead. 1% - if he don`t launch rockets after shock-wave)))

and you don`t answer me about Arn Etina...

just wonder how much damage do your charge attack?)

Edited by EvilAndrew
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if it will be enought damage to kill all hp on leg - yes, its not just one charge hit = 100%?) fall. And he still can knock you/cancel charge with his shock-wave, and launch rokets (hes not so slow and stupid like in fobes. he doing his skils like insane), one rocket hit - 100% dead (of corse if you don`t put all slot with armor and shild mode, but this i not our mode situation). so if you got knocked = 99% dead. 1% - if he don`t launch rochets after shock-wave)))

and you don`t answer me about Arn Etina...

just wonder how much damage do your charge attack?)

I would not know how many hits it would take me to kill Arn Etina, since I would die before him.


He will shockwave as soon as he comes back up. I can manage to get one charged strike on him, but if it requires two, it will be risky.

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I would not know how many hits it would take me to kill Arn Etina, since I would die before him.

so forget about jackal too, creeps on this alert was 55 lvl))) you wont even reach him... but telling me that will kill him simple with few charged hits.. lol ))

i kill thous creeps on 1-2 hit... maybe you shood think on changing your mods, and gamestyle?))))

PS sorry for this kinde off-topic...

but its not 100% off topic coz we talking about mechanic of game and control))) i play like Berserk-tank-melee player, and i telling you control system are perfect!!!! and fit to this game on all 140% )) just wish some more parkur moves, and some combo...

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back to the topic - i think it would be nice to run around with sword in hands, it could work as is, you run around with guns and melee attack with E but it would be great if it could be switched by presing some button and run around with sword,gloves,axe whatever in hands and then youn push and hold something and you sheat your close-range weapon and take out guns, shoot what is out side of swords reach let go of that button and bam! melee weapon back in hands... slash* slash* slash* \(O_O)/ yeay

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As long as melee could rank like guns when in groups, I have no issues. I feel melee and weapons being held should attain XP for any/all kills. It's quite annoying leveling melee again and again for days, yet I could rank a gun in 30 in a few hours.

While I could go to infected, they yield so little XP unless they are heavy and good luck on poison ones unless you're using melee with decent reach for the KS.

Edited by Reaps989
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Anything that puts melee weapon XP on par with ranged would be awesome. Right now melee weapons seem underpowered to me as they are mainly useful in a minority of situations, so that hurts their XP, and when they are useful they get less XP than ranged? Who the heck thought that was a good idea? I want to use a variety of melee weapons but it is just too much of a grind to get one of them maxed much less multiple. It is even more annoying compared to how relatively easy it was to level up my ranged weapons.

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..it just beats the idea of space ninjas having guns as primary..Ninja's primarily use melee weapons and only use Shurikens as long range ones(Kusari dama too which is still melee but with a long chain for mauling..(heavy ball at end, sickle at the other)..

Thats why i think we really need a Primary melee thing..

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primary - no, coz you need shoot alot in this game too... even if you do full melee build. cameras, fast kill creep to prevent alarm, shoot in jump, shot on barrels, poison creeps...and so on....

but here is a thougt how it can be done....simple if you use melee weapon its stay in arms, until you click fire button. he will switch to range weapon, same fast as pushing "e" button.

and another thought about melee and ninjas, i wonna some war-cry or war taunts!! they can be unequie to weapons, or to frames, but they must be... of corse in will be cool that creeps respond on him some how, run on fear) or begin attack you... but respond it will change so gameplay... so it decide to you my dear developers. But if they apper without creep respond it will be much more interesting play on levels....

coz when you play co-op you wont more fun) limited set of actions,you only see shooting, melee attack and some skills.... not borring, but wont some more fun.. more animations witch will be more awesome as for me.

PS sry for my eng.... do my best)

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warcry+ninja= fail ninja..Ninja's are stealth people, hit and run..they don't make much noise o.o u ever hear what lotus says everytime u start a round?(the sensors have not seen u yet) then u want a warcry there o.o thats why we need a primary melee too specially for ash who is a stealth type warframe..We can put something like a silencer mod on guns to make it more stealth type. Would be better if we have special attacks like back stab or something..

Just making the game a bit more Ninja-esque..

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warcry+ninja= fail ninja.

Just making the game a bit more Ninja-esque..

from your words they must delete from game all range weapon coz ninja dont use cyber-tech guns, and remove axe and hammer?)) you so boring...

I sad war-cry and taunt... no only war-cry!!! got pure english to describe my idea more wide... it will be in this game) you will see)

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