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You know what this game is missing?


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You people are silly. I thought I had made my OP ridiculous enough, but apparently not?

Anyway, perhaps to have some more relevant discussion, what kind of cosmetic items would you like to see?

I apologize if your op was meant in jest. Sarcasm doesn't relay well over text.

Why would you wear a hat on top of a helmet? Customisable Helmets would be cool, but not in the sense of wearing novelty cowboy hats and stuff. I could see thematic helmets which complement a Warframe's aesthetics whilst still providing a degree of originality for each user.

Clan symbols, or just a "Sticker", the suit that everyone imagins a ninja whearing, patterns. Just to name a few....

As for customization, I think both of these ideas are good. Stuff like different skins are already in the works as it is.

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I could see 'vanity' skins or alternate apperances for each warframe (separately for each, of course) being a decent income-source when the game is completed. Of course, they should in no way affect gameplay, and the prices should be moderate or low for each (something <$2 real moneys).

Individual 'pieces' (hats, torso, gloves/hands) are probably not entirely feasible with the current model implementation, but I would very much like to eventually see a mix and match customization process, if not only because I love those sorts of things. The major hassle with that, of course, would be creating 'pieces' that match each warframe thematically and work well with all of the alternate 'parts' so as to not break the visual tone of the game. :/

Things like this seem like they should be a low-priority concept at this point in development.

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Purple pimp hats. With leopard-spot hat-bands and a huuuuuge feather that can double as a melee weapon.

Also Trinity, being a support 'frame, should get the option of one of those tall Onmiyoji hats.

And while the Tenno are based on the idea of a space ninja, they can't actually be space ninjas, because stuff like Grineer soldiers and Infested monsters can kill them. And as everyone knows, only a ninja can kill a ninja.


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I mean, the warframes' heads look so bare and hatless! The devs need to drop everything they're working on, and immediately begin modeling several haberdasheries worth of hats into the game, that can be purchased with platinum or found as random drops.

What do you think? Good idea? Great idea?

aww come on... suggestions about nonsense, any ideas (if it's not to much of a rubbish) isn't a bad thing to do. Throwing in some ideas could be inspiring. I am not saying 'devs! abandon your actual work on game mechanics, that are clue for a proper gameplay and add more content, skins, candy, fireworks etc.' but maybe some ideas could pay off as good later on. We should encourage brainstorms.

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I came in to this thread expecting photoshops of Tenno wearing fedoras... and sadly, this hope remains unrequited...

just for you guys, I've drawn up a couple concepts of what the hats can look like. (by the way, is there bbcode to embed images?)



Do not forget the golden monocles, ol' chap!


Edited by 10twenty4
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hats would be silly, but Warframe mods having a graphical representation on your character beyond a number of little blue lights on the forearm representing the number of mods in the suit would be cool. Small little sensory-looking equipment for loot radar mods, some extra plating for armor mods, things of that nature. Alternate warframe skins, similar to the alternate helmets, would also be a nice addition although that would be a lot more work to do since you'd have to redo the skin weights on the thing to make it work on the same animation rig. That ranges from being not too difficult to a horrible pain in the &amp;#&#33; depending on how much you've altered the deformation zones.

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