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Time To Update Zephyr


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Hiya warframe fans :)  I've been thinking for awhile now that Zephyr needs a rework.  I've seen some other ideas on Zephyr through the forums, but I didn't see any that looks like what I had in mind.


First, I would like to say her movement and speed are great.  When I use her, I feel like I can control her better than most frames... just in terms of movements (without abilities).  But there can be some changes and buffs to her abilities. 


I think she also should have a higher base power stat. Currently, at rank 30, Zephyr has 150 power.  I think this could be increased to 180 (a 30 point upgrade). 


Now for the abilities. 


Skyfall: Jumps into the air (like Tail Wind), stays in the air for 15 seconds allowing you to shoot from the air.  Then divebombs to the ground knocking back (or killing) nearby enemies.  Range and Power Strength would effect this ability (range determines how high you soar, strength determines how much damage you'll deal when you divebomb to ground).


Turbulance:  No change here, except for it becoming the second ability instead of third and a range increase.


Air Purge/Hurricane: Zephyr will cause massive bursts of air that knocks enemies over and disarms most enemies while also dealing damage to those closest to Zephyr (within a radius).  Range, Power Strength, and Duration would effect this ability.


Tornado: Instead of summoning tornadoes like before, Zephyr will become the tornado.  This ability would be a toggle ability (like Excalibur's Exalted Blade).  There could be an augment that could allow to summon a couple extra tornadoes to cause more damage.  Power Effeciency and Power Range will effect this ability.  (Power Range will determine the size of your tornado...less range, smaller tornado... more range, bigger tornado.  Bigger Tornadoes will have the tossing effect... where the tornado tosses enemies and loot.)


These here are my ideas of how Zephyr can be improved.  What are your thoughts?

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1st I was gonna criticize you on the tornado ...but then I thought if Hydroid can turn into a puddle why not and if atlas can turn people to stones why not.
SO yeah cool I think I would have to at least see as test look of it before I approve but decent ideas.

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The reason Zephyr was created is to overcome mobility limitations of maneuver 1.0 long ago. But now that we have Parkour/Maneuver 2.0, her/his skill doesn't make any sense anymore.


I agree with the rework idea for Zeph's first and 2nd skill. They should be combined. WTH Wukong can float and zephyr cant? Tail Wind should give us more air time like Wukong's float, and make the energy consumption per second thing on it. This will be very effective with the Agility Drift for extra evasion as well. Dive bomb should be a 2nd mechanic on his first skill that activates whenever the player ends the skill or duration expires.


I believe they are already working on Zephyr since they have made that Deluxe skin preview. Let's just hope its very soon! :3

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Skyfall...removes her main aspect of mobility..which is what her playstyle is....

I think it needs to be tailwind+divebomb at choice by direction...enhanced by mobility and range and duration mods...

to atleast override bullet jump.......


What about add tailwind as a passive that replace bullet jump ?^

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I don't know why people think that Zephyr's mobility needs to be changed with Parkour 2.0. It's still incredibly useful and is still a huge boon to using her.


The only ability she has that needs to change is Divebomb and I have zero ideas as to how to change it, without just stealing an ability from another frame, so I will not get into that discussion. Everything else she has is perfectly fine.


Superior mobility, in all situations, with Tailwind.

Almost complete invulnerability to projectiles with Turbulence.

Uncontrollable but heavy CC with a side effect of damage and status chance with Tornado.


Combined with each other these 3 abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.

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I don't know why people think that Zephyr's mobility needs to be changed with Parkour 2.0. It's still incredibly useful and is still a huge boon to using her.


The only ability she has that needs to change is Divebomb and I have zero ideas as to how to change it, without just stealing an ability from another frame, so I will not get into that discussion. Everything else she has is perfectly fine.


Superior mobility, in all situations, with Tailwind.

Almost complete invulnerability to projectiles with Turbulence.

Uncontrollable but heavy CC with a side effect of damage and status chance with Tornado.


Combined with each other these 3 abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.

I agree with this. I wouldn't say she's "perfectly" fine, but her overal kit is pretty good and just need some QoL improvements.


As for Divebomb change, I think it only need a better damage scaling. Like maybe have it affected by melee mods, since it's quite similar to melee slam. And give it even more scaling based on height (more range with height and even more damage scale with height) Possibly it could have a separate ground cast variation for more quick CC in a slightly larger area, but less damage. So if you cast Divebomb on the ground Zephyr summons a quick gust of wind blowing enemies away from her or something like that.


Tail Wind need a lot of bug fixes/behavior improvements and possibly a cost reduction (at least the consecutive cast one) but other than that it's a decent ability which gives Zephyr great mobility.


Tornadoes need some spawn and enemy detection improvements, so they don't all spawn in the same spot when there's more enemies in other places. And they definitely need some way to shoot enemies that are trapped inside, so people would stop complaining about that. The best option would be to channel all damage dealt to Tornadoes to every enemy currently inside them.


I would also love Aim Glide improvement for Zephyr as part of her floaty passive. Like 3x longer Glide time, and fixed descending speed during Aim Glide, so you won't start falling faster over time while gliding.

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I prefer Zephyr as is because Divebomb is actually useful in more than one way.



If you want damage with Divebomb you need to max level Zephyr for the most part and you need mods to make it that much more devastating.


Heavy impact actually synergies best with divebomb because it activates at any height with divebomb. It serves as a damage boost to the damage that it deals. Yes it deals damage but it doesn't show up.


Add mods that might help divebomb because it can be either useless if used wrong or one of the most powerful abilities out there.


Second, divebomb descends slightly faster then melee slam which works for getting down from that perch near the roof.


Third, divebomb is a great breaking mechanism for tailwind.


Tailwind deals a good bit of damage as well if you hit with it do you got a plummet ability that deals damage and a rising/dashing ability that deal damage.


If you want to get the most out of divebomb then land on top of them and it seems to do the damage to kill them at any height.


All her abilities are devastating if used right. That's why she's the frame that I play when I do something other than grind.

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I don't know why people think that Zephyr's mobility needs to be changed with Parkour 2.0. It's still incredibly useful and is still a huge boon to using her.


The only ability she has that needs to change is Divebomb and I have zero ideas as to how to change it, without just stealing an ability from another frame, so I will not get into that discussion. Everything else she has is perfectly fine.


Superior mobility, in all situations, with Tailwind.

Almost complete invulnerability to projectiles with Turbulence.

Uncontrollable but heavy CC with a side effect of damage and status chance with Tornado.


Combined with each other these 3 abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.


Parkour 2.0 is a very convenient scapegoat to claim Zephyr is obsolete and useless.  The people who go here fit into the group of people who want to play Zephyr but can't figure out how, and therefore have no idea what Zephyr really needs.  There's two problems with this argument:


1)  First and foremost, before Parkour 2.0 did you ever hear a group shout Looking for Zephyr?  This right here is enough to invalidate the entire parkour 2.0 argument.  People didn't seek Zephyrs before parkour 2.0, and they don't seek them after parkour 2.0.  Parkour 2.0 is not a problem.


2)  While mobility is nice, it does not add much value to groups who tend to be more stationary.  While mobility adds lots of fun and whatnot to Zephyr, it doesn't do much for everybody else. Improved mobility will not add improved value.  Maps do not support it, squadmates do not need it.  It will add more fun, provided you enjoy playing by yourself.


The above quoted post is correct that you can build Zephyr to be quite tremendously powerful, but she is a selfish frame and does not share that power very well with the rest of your team.  The end result is you have 3 frames working in synergy (i.e. Frost, Nova and Trinity) and 1 frame who is working alone (Zephyr).


Frost, Nova and Trinity would rather play with a 4th warframe that they get some benefit from other than just commando dps.  While Zephyr can offer some limited CC and support, choosing her over another frame who does it better is like choosing the 90 lb nerdy kid who can't catch for your sports team over the more coordinated varsity athlete.


Zephyr needs to fill a niche other than mobility with regards to the rest of the team because mobility is not valuable for most teams.  There's no reason for Zephyr to lose mobility while doing this, but any fixes or enhancements will be meaningless if they do not give Zephyr a unique role to play that adds value for the other 3 warframes in the group.

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Parkour 2.0 is a very convenient scapegoat to claim Zephyr is obsolete and useless.  The people who go here fit into the group of people who want to play Zephyr but can't figure out how, and therefore have no idea what Zephyr really needs.  There's two problems with this argument:


1)  First and foremost, before Parkour 2.0 did you ever hear a group shout Looking for Zephyr?  This right here is enough to invalidate the entire parkour 2.0 argument.  People didn't seek Zephyrs before parkour 2.0, and they don't seek them after parkour 2.0.  Parkour 2.0 is not a problem.


2)  While mobility is nice, it does not add much value to groups who tend to be more stationary.  While mobility adds lots of fun and whatnot to Zephyr, it doesn't do much for everybody else. Improved mobility will not add improved value.  Maps do not support it, squadmates do not need it.  It will add more fun, provided you enjoy playing by yourself.


The above quoted post is correct that you can build Zephyr to be quite tremendously powerful, but she is a selfish frame and does not share that power very well with the rest of your team.  The end result is you have 3 frames working in synergy (i.e. Frost, Nova and Trinity) and 1 frame who is working alone (Zephyr).


Frost, Nova and Trinity would rather play with a 4th warframe that they get some benefit from other than just commando dps.  While Zephyr can offer some limited CC and support, choosing her over another frame who does it better is like choosing the 90 lb nerdy kid who can't catch for your sports team over the more coordinated varsity athlete.


Zephyr needs to fill a niche other than mobility with regards to the rest of the team because mobility is not valuable for most teams.  There's no reason for Zephyr to lose mobility while doing this, but any fixes or enhancements will be meaningless if they do not give Zephyr a unique role to play that adds value for the other 3 warframes in the group.


The problem, though, is what niches exist for stationary groups that aren't already taken? Oberon, Night Equinox and any other 'healing' frame are utterly obsolete because of Trinity. Nova crowds out Banshee and Saryn in terms of team damage multiplication (I know Banshee can be hugely powerful, but she's harder to play than Nova). Frost has basically invalidated any other possible 'point defence' frame, like Limbo or Atlas or Volt (or even Zephyr). When it comes to CC, there are lots of options, but the gold standard is Loki's Irradiating Disarm, who lots of players already complain invalidates Nyx, who is a damn good CC frame to begin with. Let's not even go into poor saps like Hydroid who were obsolete before they were even released. Tanking? How do you even beat literal invulnerability with Valkyr? By giving the rest of your team 99% damage reduction? And then pretty much all the nuker frames drop off at high levels anyway, except for Excal who can scale with mods and Ash with his armour-ignoring finisher damage. Stealth? Well, teams don't need stealth in the first place, and we already have three different frames with full freaking invisibility.


Bluntly, we already have too many frames for all of them to be viable in the ultra-competitive fully optimised bleeding edge 'impossible survival' meta. Simply the nature of that kind of setup encourages theorists to whittle down the stable of possibilities to a tiny pool considered 'viable'. Moreover, the last kind of people I think we should cater to are the pretentious blowhards demanding "H>Draco LF Frost, Bless Trin, MR21 ONLY!!!!!". We have 20+ frames right now and the majority of those are not requested by those Draco Dictators who feel the need to micromanage the composition of their squad, and Zephyr isn't unusual at all in that respect. And we shouldn't be encouraging the degenerate playstyle where, in a game about super agile parkour space ninjas, the team spends hours standing in a tiny area enclosed by a block of ice. Yes, Frost beats out Zephyr in static Defence missions, but try taking Frost to Triton and going further than 20 digs. Techs will evapourate your globe in seconds, while Zephyr can protect the excavator indefinitely.


The problem of being overshadowed by Frost isn't that Zephyr isn't strong enough, it's that missions don't discourage static play enough, so mobile defensive protection is underrated. Yeah, Frost is and probably should be king of the hill in Defence, but the immobility of his globes should be a liability in Survival or even Interception. The fact that those modes don't punish static gameplay is a failing that exacerbates the tendency of players towards trying to 'play' with minimal input. Players will always try to maximise their gain per activity; it is in fact part of the job of designers to put obstacles in their way. When sitting in a globe inside a sewer nets you the same likelihood of reward as running around trying to collect life support and moving between capsules, players are going to sit in the globe. If they had to move a lot, to the point that globes become a liability for blocking line of fire and must be recast frequently because the team keeps moving, I'd expect players' opinions of Zephyr to rise.


Rather than worrying about hyper-optimised group composition and possible functions therein, we should be looking for a unique feature that makes Zephyr stand out and fun to play. Thing is, she's already fun to play (which just about everybody agrees on) and functions well in most situations, so is mostly missing some standout feature. She could certainly have splashier abilities, but on the whole she isn't in a bad spot in terms of design. Her biggest problem, in my opinion, is actually that she's different from what many players expect of an 'air' frame, so they want to change her into something closer to their expectations, despite not suffering from any intrinsic crippling flaws. Mismatches between expectations and reality can kill perfectly good things, but in this case it merely results in relatively low usage and constant proposals to overhaul her, neither of which actually necessitate any change.


Out of any ranking of popularity, somebody is necessarily going to be the lowest, so just having low usage is not an argument for change. The other unpopular frames, Limbo and Banshee, also function on the whole perfectly well, but due to being somewhat difficult to use well (and somewhat irritating to teammates in the case of Limbo) people don't play them, and while they could be overhauled to make them more straightforward, it just isn't a high priority compared to things like balancing the starters or improving interactivity in some other frames. I dare say half the reason Zephyr, Limbo and Banshee are unpopular is because they require a relatively high level of interaction to be effective, whereas playing Frost and spamming Snow Globe, Nova spamming M-Prime or Trin spamming either Bless or EV is much simpler. Those of us more interested in playing than collecting virtual resources or pursuing high scores will play whatever we enjoy, but those who are into it for the e-peen are going to bulk out the player numbers in the less complicated frames, but in actuality I expect future reworks and overhauls to err more on the side of the convoluted, interactive frames rather than the single button press frames.

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The problem, though, is what niches exist for stationary groups that aren't already taken? Oberon, Night Equinox and any other 'healing' frame are utterly obsolete because of Trinity. Nova crowds out Banshee and Saryn in terms of team damage multiplication (I know Banshee can be hugely powerful, but she's harder to play than Nova). Frost has basically invalidated any other possible 'point defence' frame, like Limbo or Atlas or Volt (or even Zephyr). When it comes to CC, there are lots of options, but the gold standard is Loki's Irradiating Disarm, who lots of players already complain invalidates Nyx, who is a damn good CC frame to begin with. Let's not even go into poor saps like Hydroid who were obsolete before they were even released. Tanking? How do you even beat literal invulnerability with Valkyr? By giving the rest of your team 99% damage reduction? And then pretty much all the nuker frames drop off at high levels anyway, except for Excal who can scale with mods and Ash with his armour-ignoring finisher damage. Stealth? Well, teams don't need stealth in the first place, and we already have three different frames with full freaking invisibility.


Bluntly, we already have too many frames for all of them to be viable in the ultra-competitive fully optimised bleeding edge 'impossible survival' meta. Simply the nature of that kind of setup encourages theorists to whittle down the stable of possibilities to a tiny pool considered 'viable'. Moreover, the last kind of people I think we should cater to are the pretentious blowhards demanding "H>Draco LF Frost, Bless Trin, MR21 ONLY!!!!!". We have 20+ frames right now and the majority of those are not requested by those Draco Dictators who feel the need to micromanage the composition of their squad, and Zephyr isn't unusual at all in that respect. And we shouldn't be encouraging the degenerate playstyle where, in a game about super agile parkour space ninjas, the team spends hours standing in a tiny area enclosed by a block of ice. Yes, Frost beats out Zephyr in static Defence missions, but try taking Frost to Triton and going further than 20 digs. Techs will evapourate your globe in seconds, while Zephyr can protect the excavator indefinitely.


The problem of being overshadowed by Frost isn't that Zephyr isn't strong enough, it's that missions don't discourage static play enough, so mobile defensive protection is underrated. Yeah, Frost is and probably should be king of the hill in Defence, but the immobility of his globes should be a liability in Survival or even Interception. The fact that those modes don't punish static gameplay is a failing that exacerbates the tendency of players towards trying to 'play' with minimal input. Players will always try to maximise their gain per activity; it is in fact part of the job of designers to put obstacles in their way. When sitting in a globe inside a sewer nets you the same likelihood of reward as running around trying to collect life support and moving between capsules, players are going to sit in the globe. If they had to move a lot, to the point that globes become a liability for blocking line of fire and must be recast frequently because the team keeps moving, I'd expect players' opinions of Zephyr to rise.


Rather than worrying about hyper-optimised group composition and possible functions therein, we should be looking for a unique feature that makes Zephyr stand out and fun to play. Thing is, she's already fun to play (which just about everybody agrees on) and functions well in most situations, so is mostly missing some standout feature. She could certainly have splashier abilities, but on the whole she isn't in a bad spot in terms of design. Her biggest problem, in my opinion, is actually that she's different from what many players expect of an 'air' frame, so they want to change her into something closer to their expectations, despite not suffering from any intrinsic crippling flaws. Mismatches between expectations and reality can kill perfectly good things, but in this case it merely results in relatively low usage and constant proposals to overhaul her, neither of which actually necessitate any change.


Out of any ranking of popularity, somebody is necessarily going to be the lowest, so just having low usage is not an argument for change. The other unpopular frames, Limbo and Banshee, also function on the whole perfectly well, but due to being somewhat difficult to use well (and somewhat irritating to teammates in the case of Limbo) people don't play them, and while they could be overhauled to make them more straightforward, it just isn't a high priority compared to things like balancing the starters or improving interactivity in some other frames. I dare say half the reason Zephyr, Limbo and Banshee are unpopular is because they require a relatively high level of interaction to be effective, whereas playing Frost and spamming Snow Globe, Nova spamming M-Prime or Trin spamming either Bless or EV is much simpler. Those of us more interested in playing than collecting virtual resources or pursuing high scores will play whatever we enjoy, but those who are into it for the e-peen are going to bulk out the player numbers in the less complicated frames, but in actuality I expect future reworks and overhauls to err more on the side of the convoluted, interactive frames rather than the single button press frames.

Yeah I totally agree with almost everything here also.  I'de have gone down this route (interaction = less popular), but i'm tired of writing books on these threads.

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I didn't read all of the longer posts but enough to know what to say.




Zephyr has a unique tribulation to the team with being the one who takes the advantage above the rest of the team and the enemy with how much she floats which means even though she's squishy squishy squishy when when being prodded by a load of enemies, she can be the one that revives the rest of the team when down and lays down fire when not getting shot at in return.


In addition to that, her mobility can still be combat oriented and if you manage to get the enemy's attention and they can't shoot you then you have yourself a decoy that will will fire back, get hit a few times and the team can fight back. If you want to have a quick row or two of enemies stunned then you got tailwind and if you want an airstrike then you got divebomb. To help with being a decoy you got turbulence and CC is tornado and her ability alter mods make her mor powerful and much more helpfull to the team.



Divebomb Vortex drags a load of enemies together for an AOE from another frame or a good wall of fire from the whole team.


Jetstream gives the team a speed boost.


The tornado one makes high damage builds great because if the AOE effect and 8 extra tornadoes.



You need to play with the team other than on your own. No one does that.

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I didn't read all of the longer posts but enough to know what to say.




Zephyr has a unique tribulation to the team with being the one who takes the advantage above the rest of the team and the enemy with how much she floats which means even though she's squishy squishy squishy when when being prodded by a load of enemies, she can be the one that revives the rest of the team when down and lays down fire when not getting shot at in return.


In addition to that, her mobility can still be combat oriented and if you manage to get the enemy's attention and they can't shoot you then you have yourself a decoy that will will fire back, get hit a few times and the team can fight back. If you want to have a quick row or two of enemies stunned then you got tailwind and if you want an airstrike then you got divebomb. To help with being a decoy you got turbulence and CC is tornado and her ability alter mods make her mor powerful and much more helpfull to the team.



Divebomb Vortex drags a load of enemies together for an AOE from another frame or a good wall of fire from the whole team.


Jetstream gives the team a speed boost.


The tornado one makes high damage builds great because if the AOE effect and 8 extra tornadoes.



You need to play with the team other than on your own. No one does that.


You're first two paragraphs are better served by Valkyr or a myriad of other frames..  Why take squishy squishy squishy when you can do the same thing with Invincible?  Also, if you were a more useful frame that played nice with others, you're team probably would not require the revive in the first place.


Divebomb generally doesn't work on anything inside a Nullifer bubble or anything that has a corrupted ancient buff on it, which accounts for a large % of enemies in Void missions.  I question too if you have a mod slot to waste on a nearly useless highly situational ability, actually two mod slots because of Jetstream.?  Actually THREE mod slots because you are mentioning 8 tornadoes?  I have 6 formas on my Zephyr and can barely manage to fit in all the mods I require for near-god-mode using only jetstream. 


Jetstream's team speed boost when built for actual speed does not have the range or team duration to be valuable.  When built for range, the increase is not fast enough to be valuable, and still doesnt last long enough if somebody moves out of range.  Worse, if somebody falls behind, it can split the team up as 3 characters are now moving faster.


Tornadoes block firing lanes because they absorb the damage to change the status type.  Think of it like a frost who puts a bubble between you and your enemies.  Often times the damage they prevent can be greater than the damage that would have happened.


The very very best you will ever get with a team is if you can get a Tonkor crew together, stick close enough together to all reap the benefits of +++ power strength jetstream Turbulence, and go to town.  This is awesome for sure.

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I agree with everything except for the new ability suggestion, disarming enemies is a little OP considering it also knocks them down. Besides, banshee already has this as her first. I realize several of these already exist but maybe make it so this "hurricane" ability acts like hydroids tidal wave, zephur moves forward along a powerful gust of wind that knocks enemies back, and zephur is immune to projectile fire while in this effect. 


Her becoming the tornado is an excellent idea, especially if she can become invincible (remember tornado will still not do huge amounts of damage or anything) and the tornado's damage type will deal two sets of damage, magnetic damage which can be changed if teammates fire on your while in tornado form, and a secondary damage type that acts like chroma in a way, changing the hue changes the single element type. This lets you use it solo (you get elementals you want every time, since you cant shoot the tornado yourself). 


eg: your energy color is green making toxin, and a teamate shoots you with corrosive damage making the tornado deal corrosive and cold. 

Edited by Darthmufin
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I don't know why people think that Zephyr's mobility needs to be changed with Parkour 2.0. It's still incredibly useful and is still a huge boon to using her.


The only ability she has that needs to change is Divebomb and I have zero ideas as to how to change it, without just stealing an ability from another frame, so I will not get into that discussion. Everything else she has is perfectly fine.


Superior mobility, in all situations, with Tailwind.

Almost complete invulnerability to projectiles with Turbulence.

Uncontrollable but heavy CC with a side effect of damage and status chance with Tornado.


Combined with each other these 3 abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.

the only problem is she is one of those frames that is extremely annoying to mod, unless you drop health and shield mods entirely. If you mod for turbulence (duration and range) you lose on strength, making all her other abilities crap. if you try to even it out, the abilities either don't really last long enough or her crutch ability (turbulence) has little range to actually be effective. 


This is why i have always hated zephur and every build i have ever tried just makes me frustrated, so i have to keep casting or everything is good except for turbulence. 

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mesa has like 3


is it just me who thinks it odd that players other than the creator of the original zephyr are trying to come up with what they feel should be a reworked zephyr?

has like*

But they are only on certain circumstances.


I think zephyr is fine as is, dive bomb should be intregated or buffed into tailwind.

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Hiya warframe fans :)  I've been thinking for awhile now that Zephyr needs a rework.  I've seen some other ideas on Zephyr through the forums, but I didn't see any that looks like what I had in mind.


First, I would like to say her movement and speed are great.  When I use her, I feel like I can control her better than most frames... just in terms of movements (without abilities).  But there can be some changes and buffs to her abilities. 


I think she also should have a higher base power stat. Currently, at rank 30, Zephyr has 150 power.  I think this could be increased to 180 (a 30 point upgrade). 


Now for the abilities. 


Skyfall: Jumps into the air (like Tail Wind), stays in the air for 15 seconds allowing you to shoot from the air.  Then divebombs to the ground knocking back (or killing) nearby enemies.  Range and Power Strength would effect this ability (range determines how high you soar, strength determines how much damage you'll deal when you divebomb to ground).


Turbulance:  No change here, except for it becoming the second ability instead of third and a range increase.


Air Purge/Hurricane: Zephyr will cause massive bursts of air that knocks enemies over and disarms most enemies while also dealing damage to those closest to Zephyr (within a radius).  Range, Power Strength, and Duration would effect this ability.


Tornado: Instead of summoning tornadoes like before, Zephyr will become the tornado.  This ability would be a toggle ability (like Excalibur's Exalted Blade).  There could be an augment that could allow to summon a couple extra tornadoes to cause more damage.  Power Effeciency and Power Range will effect this ability.  (Power Range will determine the size of your tornado...less range, smaller tornado... more range, bigger tornado.  Bigger Tornadoes will have the tossing effect... where the tornado tosses enemies and loot.)


These here are my ideas of how Zephyr can be improved.  What are your thoughts?

Only thing I disagree on is turbulence range increase, it's just where it needs to  be right now.  Making it any higher would make Turbulence too big.

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Running around with Zephyr, I found out that divebomb initiated from a regular jump deals decent damage and with heavy impact it instantly killed quite a few enemies.


But it's true that it deals no damage to ancients but does knock them down and enemies near an ancient still take a good bit of damage.

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