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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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I was wonder if there could be a fundamental change on how load out are stored. As of right now you have load out at the top and when you click on them it bring you to a new instance of items you saved, this idea is OK, but I sometimes forget that I have a load out selected and it was made for a certain type of mission and I go and change it and I mess up my whole load out. Is there any way you could make load out more like instance save where when you click on a load out, it changes what you have on, but when you change builds or items, it does not change the load out. If i wanted to save my current load out to a current load our or a difference one there could be a re-save option or a option where you go to the bottom and click save current load out to load out x.

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We heard that Ash was having his Bladestorm ability changed to be more interactive. A few things have been mentioned before the end of last year. Some of the things we heard were that the camera popping would be eliminated, along with the possibilities of Ash just having clones do the work. I know this is something a lot of Ash players did not want. So I am wondering if anything progress had been made if not a finalized idea on what is going to be happening to Ash's fourth ability? Also I am wondering if his entire kit is being looked at for a rework? Another thing I am wondering is if there is any news on an Ash deux skin, as I need another reason to throw my wallet at the screen.

Edited by Xaentrick
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Any idea when next pack of these "arcane" mods(argon scope, body count. ETC.) come out and is there possibility that there will be these type of mods for warframes too? and because many of the weapons can now go over 200% crit chance will there be new crit or will it always be capped at red crits.

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i'd really like to know if you're working on next gunblade/gunblade stance, and we all want to see concept art of saryn prime, or at least what her main color will be, and will it be possible to transform prime acces you bought either into plat, or accessories, iregret buying volt prime speed pack, and would really like to transform it onto accessory pack




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A few questions:


-Any new rooms for dojo?

(Lyseth hangar bay that becomes bigger depending on the clan, kubrow haven, rework of tenno lab and a separate archwing lab, or a room to play Go?)

-Possibility to change the texture of the ground? (like rock, grass, water, sand?)

-Possibility to check inventory while in dojo (in a specific room maybe)?

-Possibility to expand the quantity of decorations we make in a single room?

-Any news on a parkour rooom that takes Parkour 2.0 into acount (could the hidden "replay tutorial" of the codex be a dojo room)?

-Also, more decorations?

-and why, WHY does the dojo caps at 110 rooms whatever the capacity left?


Moon: any prospect to expand the moon?

Like more than three missions?

I admit when you mentionned an event, I expected something with the Grineer worried that an orokin thing came out of nowhere nextdoor to their homeworld, and with the Corpus trying to establish a presence there, I thought you were going to talk about this. And the Moon coming from the Void, I expected Baro to be implied as well ^^



More gunblades, claws, machettes, tonfa, whips?



Will we see the new ennemies of the event (not the acolytes, the new corpus/grineer) on a regular basis in missions?



Wouldn't it make more sense that we scan the kubrow dens to get data to replicate an egg? Drop rates wouldn't even have to change, it's just I've always found the idea of slaughtering a whole familiy of kubrow to get the chance to breed one one, well... weird.

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Question #1


Are you ever planning to test new content you put into the game? So that it wouldn't be exploited by players and followed by numerous hot-fixes and hot-fixes for hot-fixes?


*Points finger to shadow debt mission aborts and stuff, jordas verdict various bugs, skipping stages, halloween event affinity aura drops/replacements to l. core and other content*


Question #2


Star-chart rework. You have said that your goal is to rework it so that grinding-farming for some parts wouldn't be as repetitive and boring as it is now. How are you planning to achieve that? Will you add more maps and/or mission types? Will you tweak RNG and make it more "smarter"?

Edited by --RV--Batman
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Over the past few years we've been amazed by the changes brought to warframe. As a veteran my question is would it be possible to have smaller more frequent updates instead of larger slower ones?


There is some amazing updates that I think get out shadowed, so perhaps smaller and sharper updates would help the team not feel overloaded? just a thought.

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Question-Why was Baro removed and why was there no PSA to the community as to the reason why he was removed? IMHO it's non-transparency like this that breeds incorrect rumors and sometimes discontent among the community. I am at a loss as to why someone just did not simply post saying "We are removing Baro because...." or something like "We have removed Baro but at the moment can not say so as not to spoil story tie in". 

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Hi! I would like to ask one question:

Will there be a plan to reshape the game connection system? e.g. longer time out limit if a player's connection were to be disconnected for a few seconds (2 request time out in a row).


Keep the good work guys. Never stop debugging the game :D

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With Kavats coming soon, when can we expect a Command system?



One of the reasons why Sentinels are so great is because they are always by your side, and even though Kubrows are suppose to do the same thing (like the Raksa) they tend to run off and get killed or attack the wrong enemies which puts the player at risk in reviving their companion.  I hope one day my dog can actually always stay at my side and can be issue commands like attacking a specific target, calling them to your side or making them stay.

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