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Debuff/Support Warframe


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A little while back I had an idea for a warframe I wouldn't mind seeing...

Name: Witch

Role: Ranged Debuff/Support

Power 1: Curse (cost 25)

A single target, or small group of targets are 'cursed' by the Witch, marking them as a target for allies to attack. Cursed enemies take extra damage from attacks, and deal less themselves.

Level 1: single target, lasts 10 seconds

Level 2: tight group, lasts 15 seconds

Level 3: small area, lasts 20 seconds

Power 2: Phase (cost 50)

The witch becomes intangible and gains invulnerability, allowing her to run through enemies to safety when pinned down by enemies. The downside to this is, she cannot attack, and using powers cancels the intangibility early. Enemies that she runs through are stunned for a moment as well, making it a viable way to support allies at close range at later levels when the duration is longer.

Level 1: Lasts 5 seconds, Staggers enemies

Level 2: Lasts 8 seconds, Stuns for a few seconds

Level 3: Lasts 11 seconds, Stuns for longer

Power 3: Mire (cost 50-75)

The witch afflicts an entire area with a hazardous energy field, slowing the movement and fire rate of any enemies caught inside of it. Radiation poisoning causes modest poison damage over time as well.

Level 1: Medium area, slows by about 20%, light damage, 8 second duration

Level 2: Large area, slows by about 40%, medium damage, 13 second duration

Level 3: Very Large area, slows by about 60%, medium damage, 18 second duration

Power 4: Familiar

The witch deploys a small energy being that stays near her at all times, attacking the witch's enemies with a priority on enemies that the witch is currently attacking. The familiar stays close, but will stay out far enough to attack enemies hiding around nearby corners. The familiar's attack type and style are random, picked from a list that grows longer as the witch ranks the skill up

Level 1: Basic, short list of attack possibilities, 90 second duration

Level 2: Longer attack range, more hp, more variants, 120 second duration

Level 3: Even more hp, more variants, 150 second duration

This is a warframe I would definitely play as, and hope you all agree.

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I think curse skill does not fit game's atmosphere well... Phase should cost 100 energy, else you simply can't die. Mire and Familliar should be swapped.

It's a fun warframe, I think we will get something like you described someday.

Well, curse is just a name. In actuality it would be more like a swarm of voracious armor and weapon disrupting nanites.

And as useful as phase would be, remember, you would not be able to attack with it, and at most could use it up to 4 times. That invulnerability will run out eventually. Though I can't argue the idea that it might need to cost a bit more. 75 perhaps.

Apart of bosses enemies die pretty fast, so there's no need of support / debuff warframe, That's why we have major problems with Trinity

I dunno, I've been hearing horror stories about pluto :P

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