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Mr Segregation

(XBOX)A Nekros Prime

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I'm seriously tired of seeing people in recruit chat putting MR 8+,10+,12+ only,no one below is aloud.I asked some people about why they do it and they say that they want skilled people which I laughed and told them that MR doesn't show skill,it shows how much a person really plays warframe.And also,all I see is high MR people use a synoid simulor,it requires no skill and just takes a click of a button to clear an entire room of enemies.

Like a MR 20 could suck at the game because all they did was spend platinum on crap and leeched off of Draco thousands of time.While a MR 5 or somethin could have heavily formad gear,actually have skill,and don't really care much for leveling their MR up other than the certain restriction.

Note:I am pretty delirious right as I'm typing this so if something is missing in speech or doesn't sound right in context,forgive me

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I'm seriously tired of seeing people in recruit chat putting MR 8+,10+,12+ only,no one below is aloud.I asked some people about why they do it and they say that they want skilled people which I laughed and told them that MR doesn't show skill,it shows how much a person really plays warframe.And also,all I see is high MR people use a synoid simulor,it requires no skill and just takes a click of a button to clear an entire room of enemies.

Like a MR 20 could suck at the game because all they did was spend platinum on crap and leeched off of Draco thousands of time.While a MR 5 or somethin could have heavily formad gear,actually have skill,and don't really care much for leveling their MR up other than the certain restriction.

Note:I am pretty delirious right as I'm typing this so if something is missing in speech or doesn't sound right in context,forgive me


1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

Edited by CDelacroix
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1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

Also, Yes Synoid Simulor does some good damage but a MR 21 is not going to go MK-Paris 8 forma. High MR players with hundreds of hours want the job done so they use a good build i.e Mirage + Staticor or something

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Hey low MR guy, sorry but there's freedom of choice.

I often help newbies/low MR people, but for certain missions I prefer efficient squads.

1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

^This here is pure gold. 'nuff said.

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1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

MR and time played don't necessarily correlate. An MR 5 person could stay that way for a very long time because he only uses a certain set of frames and weapons that he likes, while an MR 20 might just be some noob who bought a bunch of stuff and leeched Draco a hundred times.

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MR is not at all a reliable way to tell how skilled somone is, but it's an easy way to filter out a lot of noobs. Saying "MR 12+" is kind of stupid tho. There's no way someone who's had 100 weapons is that much better than someone who's had 50.

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1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

QFT.  Yes, you can cherry pick examples of insanely good MR6's and the worst guy to play warframe ever who happens to be MR21, but at the end of the day, when you don't have anything else to go on anyway, there does tend to be a correlation.  And while I'm never that guy in recruiting chat, I will say that, especially during raids, MR correlates pretty strongly with competency in my experience.

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MR is a pretty reliable way to signify skill or at least the possession of the required gear and mods, in my opinion.

Simply put... I've seen more pro MR 18+ than low MR folks. There might be the occasional pro low MR tenno and the noob MR18+.

But the stats signify that your chance of getting a skilled/ well geared player spikes dramatically the higher their MR is.

Edited by --Q--Ascended-Seraphim
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MR and time played don't necessarily correlate. An MR 5 person could stay that way for a very long time because he only uses a certain set of frames and weapons that he likes, while an MR 20 might just be some noob who bought a bunch of stuff and leeched Draco a hundred times.


So... what you're telling me is that someone who, in your words, deliberately avoids trying out different weapons and sticks to whatever it is that, in their extremely limited experience being an MR5 or equally low rank, is somehow ever going to be a better choice than someone who's at least tried nearly every weapon in the game? Just making sure that I'm following your line of reasoning here.

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The MR gate kind of comes as a result of not being able to see experience without judging someone's MR, generally, the higher the MR, the more knowledgeable the person.


Sometimes that isn't the case, but as a rule of thumb, most people stick to the idea when running a t4 or a raid, that someone over MR 10-12 has a good grasp on "how to" on most things. and wont need to be guided, informed, and will preform on the same level as their own.


It's kind of sad, but sometimes people are just wanting guys who are a bit more well versed in the game, and that's their only way of having a gate to find "better" players.

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So... what you're telling me is that someone who, in your words, deliberately avoids trying out different weapons and sticks to whatever it is that, in their extremely limited experience being an MR5 or equally low rank, is somehow ever going to be a better choice than someone who's at least tried nearly every weapon in the game? Just making sure that I'm following your line of reasoning here.

Why does it matter whether someone has tried every weapon in the game or only tried 20 weapons if in the end they're both just spamming Simulors or Tonkors or whatever else is OP atm anyway?

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Mr segregation has always been a thing, and we all do it, to some extent. Like, I hate seeing low mastery ranker, below MR 4 with unranked or mk-1 weps in the tac alerts and events, because I know I'm going to have to carry them when things get difficult, but I keep it to myself. I completed the first round of the tac alert with a MR 10, 15, and 3; the MR 3 kept getting downed, but I just kept getting him back up, cause there's no way I'm letting him sit out the fight, he wanted to come, so he's gonna help.

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I always check everyone's profile and refuse to speak to anyone who's less then MR 16 and who's most used weapon is not a boltor prime or tonkor. Everyone else is a n00b using underpowered weapons. 




Yes, I'm kidding. 

MR filtering is freak'in stupid.

Ranking and trying new weapons needs to be encouraged, some players are awesome with weapons that others think are just MR fodder, and I'd rather have someone on my team who's playing the frame and weapons they wanna play with then sticking a restriction in their face. 


WF : ninja's play free, but control freaks should pay

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A MR20 player is much less likely going to fail a spy mission for you than a MR6 player. They will also likely have any gear you need, CP vaubans, trins, name it, than a MR6 player.


MR bias exists for a reason. I don't really care about MR, but I do care about the fact that pubs can be bad if you let it. If you have played enough you will have see the blatantly obvious correlation between low MR and bads and high MR and tryhards.

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