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Mr Segregation

(XBOX)A Nekros Prime

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So to me, MR is to competency as age is to maturity. As a general rule it has a certain undeniable truth but I'm sure we can all think of exceptions to these rules.

I believe in a live and let live approach to this issue, if someone wants to host a mission that's for pink limbos only then that's their choice and I support their freedom to do so. I've only taken issue one time having joined an MR5 player who had specified MR8+ only. I told them it was poor form and left the squad.

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I MR segregate for the raid because I got sick of asking for an EV trin who kept overwritting the blessing and had terrible power strength.

Everything else it doesmt matter, I just have two rules.

I dont revive randoms more than once and I dont revive kubrows.

I only go down these days because I'm reviving someone or a scorch/napalm sneaks up on me.

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So... what you're telling me is that someone who, in your words, deliberately avoids trying out different weapons and sticks to whatever it is that, in their extremely limited experience being an MR5 or equally low rank, is somehow ever going to be a better choice than someone who's at least tried nearly every weapon in the game? Just making sure that I'm following your line of reasoning here.


Not picking on your argument, but someone who is proficient with a favored chosen weapon will typically outperform someone who is constantly switching, especially if they are just leveling most of them. Generalization of course, but so is the continued argument that low or high MR is any indicator of skill when we all know players of skill across the MR's. But back to my first point, tried every weapon does not correlate to being experienced with every weapon, especially when many of them are leveled while being carried on one's back and never actually "tried".

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What discourage experienced players from helping fresh players is that usually someone that just approached warfame, will leave it in few weeks.


Actually the game is way more grindy compared to past, XP farm is a thing and not anyone is ready to play 15hrs a day just to get XP in return.. and login the day after just to cap again hes XP pool


You cant imagine how many items \ mods i gifted away to people that just left the game a couple of weeks after, how many hours spent teaching them how the game works, just to see em going inactive forever.


At some point is frustrating, so i understand Mr Segregation behaviour as well

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I MR segregate for the raid because I got sick of asking for an EV trin who kept overwritting the blessing and had terrible power strength.

Everything else it doesmt matter, I just have two rules.

I dont revive randoms more than once and I dont revive kubrows.

I only go down these days because I'm reviving someone or a scorch/napalm sneaks up on me.

I give 'em three (unless they're way underlevelled and not contributing, then I just ignore them - if I wanted to sherpa a run, I would have recruited for it), and I pick the dog up first - not his fault his owner decided to put him in harm's way.  


I've found a much better way to segregate for the raid by the way - run it four man, require everyone to have CP, and run Loki P/Mirage/Bless/EV.  A Trin who's taken the time to have CP is almost definitely going to have a 25+ second blessing, or a ~200 str 235 range EV with Vampire Leech.  Coincidentally though, I've never hosted a raid with those requirements and zoned in with a group less than MR15 (for reference, I'm MR20, and yes, some of it was Draco, but I didn't know about Draco until ~12-ish).  I have gotten several MR5-10's who turned out to have lied their way in and, due to lack of a kick function upon discovering they didn't match up with the team I wanted to run, caused me to disband and re-recruit the other couple members.  That one's frustrating.

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MR and time played don't necessarily correlate. An MR 5 person could stay that way for a very long time because he only uses a certain set of frames and weapons that he likes, while an MR 20 might just be some noob who bought a bunch of stuff and leeched Draco a hundred times.

What's more likely:

1) Most lower MR players holding some sort of vendetta against the mastery rank system and insist on using only a certain loadout of weapons - leaving several great weapons XP locked

2) Most higher MR players buying a bunch of stuff with real money and leeching on Draco, only to suck at the game


come on man. MUCH more often than not, the higher MR player is the better player. Not always. but a great majority of the time.

I don't agree with the MR requirement mission hosting thing - but if you're trying to do a long run, you want people that know what theyre doing.

MR is the only indicator that we have for that.

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I have a guy in my alliance that was mr0 for several months and could do what most mr21s i find cant.

He just didnt know that you could rank up mastery for a long time.

If he doesn't know, how to rank up, what does he know about the game?


People with low MR mostly know they are low and stay calm; people with him MR can be full of themselves.

The most toxic players, in my expererience, are in MR range 8-14, very often they think they are pro but they aren't.

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If he doesn't know, how to rank up, what does he know about the game?

People with low MR mostly know they are low and stay calm; people with him MR can be full of themselves.

The most toxic players, in my expererience, are in MR range 8-14, very often they think they are pro but they aren't.

I watched him solo a t4 surv for an hour as a mag.

He had his mods ranked up and everything.

Hes mr21 now.

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MR = Content


Content = Experience


Experience = Safety



That being said, I rather pick a higher MR over a lower MR because I feel safer knowing they probably have knowledge of more content than the lower MR player.

If the lower MR player happens to be just creating a second account, then oops I guess.


When I invite people, I generally don't care what MR they are because I am confident of carrying myself, and I am Vazarin, so I am basically jesus when they drop dead.

But through personal experience, I would rather much not have someone activating the Life Support at 90% just because they don't know how the game works. 

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I'm mr7, almost ready to go to 8. I'm not amazing, but I don't need to be carried either. I've got forma'd gear, almost have my frame builds complete, rarely ever go down, have carried pugs.

I'm a low MR. I'm not pro, but I'm not a liability either. I just have limited free time to rank up new gear all the time. You know with a full time job, relationship, and social life taking up much of my time.

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For me its simple a higher MR typically means youve played enough to accumulate some decent gear, level up some mods and have a basic understanding of frame synergy so when we go into a corpus sortie you dont question why im using Mag Prime while your down yet again from bringing in a Mirage or Nyx that you dont understand the mechanics on.

I usually dont play the MR game but sometimes its nice to not have to worry about the other people and just focus on the task at hand.


I understand MR doesnt equal skill and blah blah and yes I do knowna MR 5 could be abgreat addition to a squad ifbthey use their gear right but it is too few and far between from MY experience

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You realize there is a good reason why people say that kind of stuff, right? While there are most definetely exceptions, Higher MR generally = More experience. And to add on to what people said earlier, MR21 people are more or less guarunteed to be pros. It's not as easy as plat-buying and then Draco-ing the **** out of your new weapons and throwing them away. If that happened, then there is no point in really playing. Players who do that become experienced in the process.

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Loki is next useless. nice to cheese tram with during nm mode, but yes, I mostly recruit Loki runners just so the Trins don't whine because it's the meta and I don't feel like spending 20 minutes typing with a controller explaining why it'll be fine.

We do nova with the wormhole augment or banshee with max range. I agree, Nova with Escape Velocity is great.

Extra CC never hurts. This confuses me that you close on this, because Irradiating Disarm is kinda good cc.

I dont care about the CP since no one ever formas trins aura it seems.  Provin my point buddy.

Besides I have a raid group and we sometimes just have to pug one person.  

We come close to matching the fastest times.

You entirely missed the point I was trying to make.  Allow me to rephrase using a general case, since a specific example apparently made you unable to see the forest for the trees.  Make your own group.  Make the requirements restrictive enough that anyone capable of meeting them, by virtue of having built to those requirements, will pretty much be guaranteed to be a competent player.  If you do not need to make a group, I'm a bit unsure of where you're trying to contribute to this discussion - as a steady group prevents having to worry about pretty much all of this.



I'm a low MR. I'm not pro, but I'm not a liability either. I just have limited free time to rank up new gear all the time. You know with a full time job, relationship, and social life taking up much of my time.

Nothing wrong with any of this.  But, look at your last point.  There's nothing wrong with being a filthy casual because you've got more important stuff to do, but you can't expect a bunch of dirty sweaty tryhards to ignore things they value just because you don't have the time to worry about it.

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What's more likely:

1) Most lower MR players holding some sort of vendetta against the mastery rank system and insist on using only a certain loadout of weapons - leaving several great weapons XP locked

2) Most higher MR players buying a bunch of stuff with real money and leeching on Draco, only to suck at the game


come on man. MUCH more often than not, the higher MR player is the better player. Not always. but a great majority of the time.

I don't agree with the MR requirement mission hosting thing - but if you're trying to do a long run, you want people that know what theyre doing.

MR is the only indicator that we have for that.

im guilty of buying archwing garbage for mastery cos farming it is painful (when it was on sale) but anything else except primes maybe is perfectly easy to get


i dont believe theres even an insignificant amount of players who spend thousands of plat just for MR

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Nothing wrong with any of this. But, look at your last point. There's nothing wrong with being a filthy casual because you've got more important stuff to do, but you can't expect a bunch of dirty sweaty tryhards to ignore things they value just because you don't have the time to worry about it.

It's not that I don't worry about it. Just that what I can get done in a few hours every other day is limited. This is the only game I play now. It's not casual, I love this game, I'd play all day if I could. I just don't like the idea people will assume I'm terrible because I don't have time to just level gear I don't plan on using

Edited by (PS4)Galaxy_Cicada
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Actually I understood it, just poking holes in your requirements.

I have literally sat in recruiting for 7 hours once trying to get 4cps for the raid.

Thank god I was playing tiberian sun while waiting.

Irradiating disarm loki... Hmmm

My 30 videos of them killing off the tram while blinded and irradiated are a sign of that being bad.

Its also not reliable CC on nightmare.

As respawning in more disrupters and bombards can screw right off.

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To be honest, I don't care what mastery rank you are. Not to toot my own horn but the only time I need a group to complete a mission is when I plan to do a raid (because it's required). Otherwise everything else can be soloed if you know what you're doing.

Don't worry about those people who require a mastery rank because they are terrible themselves (unless it's raiding...maybe). If THEY can't solo it AND require something along those lines, then they're garbage.

That's right...I said it...GARBAGE.

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To be honest, I don't care what mastery rank you are. Not to toot my own horn but the only time I need a group to complete a mission is when I plan to do a raid (because it's required). Otherwise everything else can be soloed if you know what you're doing.

Don't worry about those people who require a mastery rank because they are terrible themselves (unless it's raiding...maybe). If THEY can't solo it AND require something along those lines, then they're garbage.

That's right...I said it...GARBAGE.

What if you can solo it and require stuff?
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This is getting pretty heavily threadjacky, continuing in private.


It's not that I don't worry about it. Just that what I can get done in a few hours every other day is limited. This is the only game I play now. It's not casual, I love this game, I'd play all day if I could. I just don't like the idea people will assume I'm terrible because I don't have time to just level gear I don't plan on using

I feel you, but unfortunately it kinda is what it is.  And I didn't say you didn't worry about it, just that you don't have the time to - or to rephrase, you don't have the time to do anything about it whether you worry or not, and therefore shouldn't worry about it.  We're using casual differently btw.  There's no offense intended in it.  Was pretty strongly in reference to this:


Edit:  Tried to add a little clarification, because apparently I'm really not doing a good job at conveying my perceptions today.

Edited by (PS4)Cwellann
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