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So Youse Tellin Me That Item Beacons Were A Bug?!


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- highlight effect for Mod pickups will remain until all players have acquired the Mod


Hooray, mod beacons were reinstated! Thanks DE! Now, about those resource beacons...





- Fix for Ammo pack beacon remaining in game after ammo is picked up.


I'm sorry, WHAAAAAAT!? I thought that the beacons sitting over ammo boxes and mods that have been picked up by you but not all of your teammates were a feature! You know, so that you could know whether your teammates had yet to pick up said items should they need to and you could let them know that they could grab them!


I'm not as concerned about the ammo beacons, as ammo usually tends to be fairly plentiful. I'm more bothered by the removal of mod beacons. I'm wondering why you all saw it fit to remove something which the community at large seemed to find very helpful. As it stands now, we have no clue whether our teammates have picked up mods that might have dropped.


The timing of this is especially interesting to me, because I was actually considering making a thread suggesting ADDING item beacons to resource packs (for those times when rare materials happen to drop and your teammates miss them because they're not farming a boss for them, for example).


Please consider reinstating these item beacons, and perhaps even extending them to resource packs. Thanks!


EDIT: I've seen a small number of people stating that they support the beacons' removal because they don't like seeing the clutter. Okay, I find that odd, but sure. A solution to appease both camps would be to make it a selectable option (on by default). That way, the few that don't like seeing the beacons don't have to while the rest of us can enjoy their utility.

Edited by hiryu64
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Yeah...this patch broke A LOT of stuff. Certainly won't be getting anything else from me until they stop bandaiding...


I mean, god forbid we split up in Void missions to cover more ground. That was tooooootally gamebreaking...

Edited by carbondragon
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Why do you need it? I generally place a waypoint around the mod I manage to find anyway. Others run and pick the mod up, everyone profits.

Well, not a big deal imo.


It was a useful way to make sure nobody missed anything. If the beacon was still there, it meant someone hadn't gotten the mod yet.

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Right, the beacons remaining on mod positions were very helpful to let you now somebody hasn't picked up a mod. Especially during defense missions it isn't always possible to get the mod instantly (if everybody is running to the mod, the pod is without defense and can be destroyed in seconds) so you have to "clean up" after the wave but know you don't know, if anybody is missing a particular mod. That was a great teamplay aspect in my oppinion and now it's gone.


First, the beacons for ammo were more annoying than helpful to me, because of the many "signals" (especially during defense), but in some situations it is / was helpful to let squad members know, where to find a special kind of ammo, if they are running out of ammo.

So, give an option to activate or deactivate beacons (for mods and ammo seperate?) is a great suggestion to me and would fit both preferences.


A further suggestion is to last the waypoint / marker a little bit longer. For me it disappears way to quick, sometimes not everybody who is in fight can notice that you marked a mod (or a resource) and will miss it.

Edited by 3rzengel
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+1 for bring back the beacons ! Very helpful to aid the rest of your team in not missing out on mods.


OR and this has been said before, make it so that when one person picks up a mod the whole team gets a roll at a mod.

You gotta do one or the other, give us back the beacons, or make mods a team pick up.

Edited by Carcharias
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You must be new here...


Loot Radar works for containers that are not broken...


Nice try though darling...


You must be confused. There is no Loot Radar artifact.


I was proposing an artifact to fill the void this bugfix created.


Nice try though, Darling.

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You must be confused. There is no Loot Radar artifact.


I was proposing an artifact to fill the void this bugfix created.


Nice try though, Darling.

*sad face*


Why did I overlook artifact and think you were talking about the mod...


You win this round!

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Right, the beacons remaining on mod positions were very helpful to let you now somebody hasn't picked up a mod. Especially during defense missions it isn't always possible to get the mod instantly (if everybody is running to the mod, the pod is without defense and can be destroyed in seconds) so you have to "clean up" after the wave but know you don't know, if anybody is missing a particular mod. That was a great teamplay aspect in my oppinion and now it's gone.


First, the beacons for ammo were more annoying than helpful to me, because of the many "signals" (especially during defense), but in some situations it is / was helpful to let squad members know, where to find a special kind of ammo, if they are running out of ammo.

So, give an option to activate or deactivate beacons (for mods and ammo seperate?) is a great suggestion to me and would fit both preferences.


A further suggestion is to last the waypoint / marker a little bit longer. For me it disappears way to quick, sometimes not everybody who is in fight can notice that you marked a mod (or a resource) and will miss it.

I support both Suggestions, way point disappears a little too fast, and maybe making the partical beacons  toggle able for people? (Ammo annoys me but I'd love to see mods my friends didn't pick up and put down another wave point so they get a chance at it, if they don't want it then oh well.)


+1 for bring back the beacons ! Very helpful to aid the rest of your team in not missing out on mods.


OR and this has been said before, make it so that when one person picks up a mod the whole team gets a roll at a mod.

You gotta do one or the other, give us back the beacons, or make mods a team pick up.

No, because if you have a person who is farming as the rest are all running around, then the farmer is helping the people who are passing up the items and not taking the time to look at them. I'm all for team play, but if this is implemented then you'll have a lot of people who just make one guy the box breaker/opener as the rest rush through. Getting all the loot and being able to make w/e weapons they want with ease.

If they want to be lazy and not loot, then when it's time to make a weapon and they have no more ferrite they have to farm for it, maybe they will start slowing down and looking for the item instead of rushing it all the time.

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No, because if you have a person who is farming as the rest are all running around, then the farmer is helping the people who are passing up the items and not taking the time to look at them. I'm all for team play, but if this is implemented then you'll have a lot of people who just make one guy the box breaker/opener as the rest rush through. Getting all the loot and being able to make w/e weapons they want with ease.

If they want to be lazy and not loot, then when it's time to make a weapon and they have no more ferrite they have to farm for it, maybe they will start slowing down and looking for the item instead of rushing it all the time.

Fine, whatever. Point is now people who are playing with team work are gonna miss out on mods and through no fault of our own teammates can't even mark a mod off and say "dude you missed one" and then the typical response "oh ok thanx!".


Without the beacon that helpful conversation is dead. Cause if you play the game on a regular basis you have plenty of credits, you have the mats you need, the only advancement left to you is forma and modding your serration and redirect all the way up and that takes a lot mods. My bottom line is there should be a system in place to ensure that players are not missing out on picking up mods. The sparkly beacon used to help us to do that. Now it's gone. So now every individual player is personally responsible to check every square inch of ground for themselves to make sure that they are not missing a mod. I am not a rusher, but even I gotta admit, that's gonna slow things down. I am not missing mods, that is the only thing left for me to farm.  :/

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