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New patch alooot of new bugs.


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Funny things happend to me so far:

1. Killed while being down ( no one was shooting at me or any grenades near me)

2. Being shot through walls ( I got shot and almost killed while in a sectret place under the platform)

3. Killed without being down.

4. Epic delay

5. Skills animation is off (like with the gauntlets, when I swing the fiend might point upward or backwards, or when excali is dashing his light just flies in 2 different directions)

6. Unkillable barrerls

7. Lossing ability to pick up loot

8. Insta killed by a mob.

Am I the only one or are there others?

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If dead, wrinkled, dried out bodies that you didn't kill are there, and they do not despawn in a flash, they are lootable.

2. Railgun MOAs can do that.

3. Happens when you are alone. You only "bleed out" when others are in your game.

4. Peer-to-peer game, connection issues?

6. What are/is barreris? Barrels? Barriers? The Fragor has hitbox issues with them.

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