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Rank system - pointless


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I'm one of those players that playing one single character in any game i'm playing, like using only one melee and one or in our case two guns which seem to suit me most, i'm not having fun leveling a new character or warframe in this game and cant find my self leveling weapons that wont benefit me as my main weapons its just boring. i've been playing for a long while, i've a top mod set on any of my weapons and all of them are unlocked to 30. i've unlocked all yellow sector maps long ago and have done hundrads of alerts and have pretty much 4 of the same kind of each blueprint in this game and i'm still only closing up to rank 3 atm. my target is using the hek, afurious and the heat sword atm, cant see my self leveling anything else besides the hek once i hit level 5 as the weapon will be pretty much my main once i do. so i think the rank system is messed up and wont suit the big verity of players, by forcing us to level up 8 kind of warframes and 8 kind of each weapon melee, and ranged to hit those ranks this game became pointless for me and i'm sure that many other players will think likewise. its a very sad thing, i think this game has a big potential but forcing me to grind useless weapons that i will never use just so i can progress in my rank and get my rank 5 weapon which i really want and need as my main weapon is pointless and this is just the close beta, what will be if new weapons will come out better once, a new weapon that i'll consider having as my main? i'll have than to again level up like another 8 warframes and another 24 weapons to rank 30 to even consider using it? lets wont mantion that even while leveling those weapons to take a full adv of the rank points you'll get? i cant imagine my self even leveling one of those weapons or warframes without spending 20 plats to unlock them first becouse it will be triple as hard when you reach the 15 - 18 level of that item. it seem like that what this complany is targetting at is not to have a rich endgame but to grind and level up at the same levels over and over with new weapons and warframe just so you can have a higher rank weapon and so it will go farther. i'm really having fun and its sadness me to see it comes up to that. i was enjoying every single moment unlocking areas and doing alerts but i had no idea that it will come up to - if you want to rank up and get better weapons start all over again and again and again.

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Good lord, please use some paragraphs so it's readable.

That said, I agree that the rank system is both pointless and terrible. Thankfully, I got my HEK BP before they limited it to rank 5 and I can safely say that while the gun is very good, it's by no means worth the hundreds of levels you must gain to unlock it. I'm nearly rank 4 and it requires a total of 40.000 exp, or 400 levels in various items. That's a hell of a lot, considering that any given weapon or frame is maxed out at 30 and I'm sure getting to Rank 5 is completely ridiculous in terms of exp.

I can't remember if you also gain rank exp by completing in-game missions (eg. get 10 headshots) but either way, it's just not a very good or fun way of limiting people, especially in a closed beta.

Edited by Zinn
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i dont find a problem with the ranking system at all. If i want it ill do the grind for it just my opinion. What you should do is just friend alot of people and squad up makes the grind more fun and you still have all the boss mods to toss in your gear to as you get them to the appropriate level. The game is a closed beta trust me there will be more guns your brain will explode about. Just try what i do and think Beta is Beta.

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you are one of the lucky once to get the hek weapon before they limit it to rank 5, imagine what will happend when a new weapon is out which you will mostly dessire and it limit will be rank 8 or 10 ...

imagine how hard it be even if you are mad to accually level those weapons without spending 20 plats on each of them.

we are not yes speaking about the melee weapon which takes 10x more time to max out each.

what this game is targetting at is pointless.

higher rank = same over and over pointless grinding, make it easier buy spending 20 plats on each weapon and 40 plats for double exp.

i can see where its aiming atm.

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Games need money. It's a fact, there are servers that have to be payed, developers need food(maybe you knew this before) etc.

If everything is buyable after 2 days of playing, there wouldn't be a point of playing Warframe anymore. Personally, I got no problem with the ranking system. I wouldn't mind if they put more highlevel content in.

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maybe you dont have a problem leveling 200 wareframes and weapons to get a single rank over and over and over again but its not mine. i wouldnt mind doing alerts, killing, and even crafting to get the rank points but leveling stuff over and over again.. nah not for me.

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1.Mathematics, Logic.: a symbol in an expression that may be replaced by the name of any element of the set

2. Politics: a person who holds a government office, especially one appointed to the position in return for political support or favors.

3. In general: Something used or included temporarily or as a substitute for something that is not known or must remain generic; that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later.

Chill your titties, it's known problem

Edited by Tarre
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I'd be fine grinding up mastery by selling and rebuying Braton, but it hasn't even worked up until now.

Once you sell your affinity 10 Braton, you stop getting mastery points from a new one. Was it fixed in 5.4.1?

Hotfixes since 5.4.1

-Fixes to Mod drop levels / rarity.

-Crash fixes during update.

-Rank exploits fixed.

-Fixed a few cases where setting wouldn't save (illegal characters). Sorry but this one resets your settings.

-Balance changes for out of control critical damage Mods.


But yes, regardless of your wall of text making my eyes bleed, I agee rank system needs another look, for both saner leveling up system and cooler rewards.

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