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Ask A Cephalon, Feb 16


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Greetings cephalon Cordylon!

A bit of a question for you,if you have the time. The twin queens,they are of great importance to the grineer and everything that they do seems to be done in their name. But my question is what does the average grineer clone think about them? Do they simply think about the queens as their masters or is there something more?

Edited by yetanotherunoriginalname
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Dear Cordylon,

What rendered the infestation as a promising bio-weapon to fight the sentients in "the old war"?

Speaking of sentients: Their technology seems to be far evolved from what I considered knowing as Orokin technology.
Regarding their impressive offensive and defensive capabilities, would it be possible to reverse-engineer, reconstruct or otherwise obtain sentient technology for our own purposes?

Sincerely, a curious Tenno

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When will the Oberon deluxe skin come out? 

Do tenno eat? and if so, how come they don't get fat from doing nothing but staying in the somatic link all day?

Why don't warframes have speaking capabilities?

When will Nef Anyo become a real boss?

Thanks for your answers!

*edit* Got another one for ya: From what I see from the wiki, you explained most of the rivalries between the syndicates. Steel meridian vs Perrin sequence, Cephalon cuda vs New Loka, but it doesn't look like you explained the hatred between the Arbiters of Hexis and The Red Viel, Could you shed some light on why they are against each other? 

Edited by CaterHowlett16
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Hey, Cordy.
How many argon and prisma crystals, dead desert skates, deranged labourers, decaliters of blood, sweat and other body fluids does it take to manufacture a single prisma imperator syandana? The reason why I ask is because after procuring arcane fury and avenger sets I realized that there is no atrocity too big to prevent me from getting what I want. So... Any tips from where should I start (wreaking havoc and brutally violate interplanetary labour law)?

Edited by Teloch
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Cephalon Cordylon, I was recently privy to several conversations between Cephalon Ordis and Cephalon Simaris, in which Ordis showed great admiration for Simaris.  The encounter with an aggressive, indestructible Chroma frame that led to this discussion not withstanding, is Simaris universally respected by other Cephalons, or is this an Ordis-specific situation?

Cephalon Cordylon, is there such a thing as a Grineer civilian?  While there are certainly Grineer scientists, are there full-time chefs, craftsmen, or performers?

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On 2/16/2016 at 1:01 PM, EmptyDevil said:

Cephalon Cordylon, I'm sure the news of the moon's return and it's facilities has reached you by now. I would like to know, does anyone know what happened to the contents of the 6 remaining Tenno pods at the reservoir?

Most likely, Shadow Stalker and Hunhow's fighters focused on them once you were out of there.  Lotus may have been able to arrange an extraction...but I doubt it.

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