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Are There Any Players Who Buy Prime Access Every Time?


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Yes, ppl like that do exist, you can sometimes tell by the cosmetics they use, they use different combinations of prime armor, prime syandana and possibly a prime sigil, everything on a excalibur prime, so yes, they do exist.


I don't mind really, plat needs to be introduced ingame so i can gather it, if i don't get plat, someone can get it for me.

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Never have nor will.


I bought a Disciples Founder, $9.99 pack on sale 50% off on steam, and a 50% off 75 plat pack way back when - so roughly $33 worth.


Will never put another penny into the game because I believe that is more than enough money to enjoy an entire game for its entire lifespan.  


They'd go bankrupt if everybody believed this. Most games you pay 50 bucks or so once and then you get the game. No updates, maybe some patches. They always charge more for DLC or expansions.


Warframe is constantly updated rather than the studio developing a new game, so micropayments and prime access is how they keep this continuous development on one game funded.

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This is the first time I bought it. For some reason the weapons seemed to appealing and Saryn was a frame I was meaning to play for a while but didn't because I am not a fan of its design. 

And for once I didn't want to grind the void only to get frustrated. 


I bought the 2nd pack, the one without the accessories because lets be honest. That syndana isn't worth that much. If the accessories were more appealing I'd buy them as well.


I want to think of this as a one time thing, but if the next prime comes with a beautiful designed frame, better accessories and weapons I may reconsider.

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I've skipped a few. I don't have as much time to play as I used to cause of my new job. I want to log on and play...and not worry about grinding anymore. I take 60-70 bucks out each time I get paid for spending money. So it works out.

Besides ever since I started back in 2013 I don't play anything else

Edit: I always give the plat to my clan mates so it's a win win for me

Edited by MakaraBando
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Ive bought the Access and accessory packs each time since Nova Primes access. My thoughts are I dislike farming prime parts cause my RNG has always been terrible in any game, also it's a good way to support the company and help ensure more content to come our way. That discounted Plat is also nice, gets me by fr a while, or gives me a nudge to help finish some builds on my frames that I've been reluctant to invest in.


But I don't always buy them day 1, bills and life must come first, so I budget out to make sure I can afford to do that when I can.

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They'd go bankrupt if everybody believed this. Most games you pay 50 bucks or so once and then you get the game. No updates, maybe some patches. They always charge more for DLC or expansions.


Warframe is constantly updated rather than the studio developing a new game, so micropayments and prime access is how they keep this continuous development on one game funded.

I never said I was going to start a worldwide campaign to prevent/ban micro-transactions or obnoxiously priced bundles to be sold to the willing masses...


Just my opinion.  I was a free player in Spiral Knights for a while and to support the Devs, I bought some stuff. That game went downhill when they got into the excessive reskinning business for fashion's sake. Sound familiar? Hopefully DE can keep Warframe from going the same route.

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I used to. I really liked the content in the Prime Access packs, however ever since the Loki Prime pack I haven't really felt any of it was worth the money.


Sugatra's and sigils are fine an all, but they are terribly weak content, I wouldn't rate then any higher that half an armour set piece. They are the sort of thing you should throw in as well as a notable piece of content (and a single syandana isn't that)


If the next PA came with two good weapons (The Spira Prime is Terrible) and a full armour set with a Warframe I liked I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But a (not great) Syandana and a sticker doesn't cut it at all.


Shame, because I really like Saryn.

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I have Grand Master Founder and all Prime Accesses with the exception of the Volt's one because i was low on money at the time tho i did buy the accessories pack for it. :3

Some people may call me crazy but no, thats how much i like the game, its how i contribute to its development and say thanks for the outstanding work Digital Extremes has done on it so far.

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Just kidding :P


I myself have bought 1 Prime Access (Ash) and I do buy plat occasionally. If I have the spare income at the time I see no issue with it. This game has given me 1,400 hours of entertainment (and sometimes frustration) so far and dropping some $ every now and then is a fair trade IMO.

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10 minutes ago, MumblesMcphatty said:

I do have to wonder how many of you who say yes have things like responsibilities in life? Is it your money you're spending? 

Not being rude - just curious to be honest. $100+ on a shiny reskin and fictional currency every 3 months? The wife would be long gone I tell ya!

Whose money should it be other than my own XD

Not going out and rob people, for me at least =P


Oh, and I like whales so you really could consider me being one here ;)

Edited by OldSnakeMGS4
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I obviously purchased founders, and the only Prime Access I purchased otherwise was Volt's tier III.  I wanted that Archwing and I knew Volt himself would be a PITA but I really liked him.  Otherwise, I usually just get the accessories packs if they have something I like.  It would help if we could somehow preview the accessories in game.  Relying on a tiny thumbnail or some crappy low texture picture from someone playing on a toaster isn't nearly enough to sway me.  Missed out on some Kubrow armor I'm still not sure I would have appreciated.  Ifrit feels like a prime armor though, but I digress.

I told myself I would get Saryn Prime, but I just can't bring myself to actually do so.  Not impressed with another prime syandana or a sigil, and was really hoping for new armor, and overall, I'm just a little skeptical about the direction of Warframe.  It still feels like they're just layering on "cool new idea" after "cool new idea" without any real cohesion and have zero idea on what they're doing or how to do whatever it is they're doing.  New enemies constantly release as either underwhelming or overwhelming.  The mod/weapon scene is still a mess.  Archwing is still mostly barebones and save for the occasional bone, largely off the development table (they did fix sprinting in any direction to full speed finally... I think.)  I just can't feel any confidence that my money is actually going towards anything that will make the game actually better, rather than just toss in yet another skinner's box element everyone else believes is making for great game play... while they whine about how grindy it is.

Fortunately, the sabotage reworks actually tickle my fancy, but I kind of want to actually SEE those in action within the next three months, but it's still going to take more archwing development and that whole damage/modding 3.0 thing to really convince me.  Mess up the latter, and I think I'll be banking on DOOM to eat up several thousands of hours of my life from May 13th on.

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I have bought every max P.A since I started when Nova Prime was out.

The P.A deals have gotten worse, I don't plan on buying another P.A until a P.A is released with a full set of accessories.


Reason for buying, expendable income / supporting a great game.

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I only bought Volt Prime Access, Volt Prime Accessories, Ash Prime Accessories, Saryn Prime Access, and Saryn Prime Accessories.  So no I am not one of those folks.  I only started the game last year.  But if people like the game enough to buy every Prime Access... Good for them they help the devs get money to expand the game and it allows those who play free get constant free updates and content.  I personally plan on only buying Prime Accessories that I like. And I only plan on getting the Access pack if a Warframe I like shows up like Chroma and Limbo.  

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I've only been around since the ending part of Trinity Prime Access. By the time that ended I only barely understood what it was (its called Prime Access, which sounds like a monthly membership or special top end content so I just avoided it) - however with Saryn I bought the middle package with the primes weapons and frame.

Outside of prime access I've gotten a couple of 75%, a 50%, and bought a couple of steam packs that went on sale as well.

Probably in over $300 at this point and if Vauban is the next prime I will be most likely the full package.

That all said Saryn felt like a waste, I really don't enjoy the frame all that much yet and spira prime is ehhh even with the update. Actually I think I don't like the aesthetic of Saryn, maybe that's the actual problem.

Great game through, I will gladly spend more with this many updates coming out all the time. Constantly updating and fixing everything about the game. Few games offer this amazing level of follow through, even if some is misguided at times. 

Also to those saying "I hope mom's credit card is safe" and other childish comments like that - there are some of us out there earning more than $30k a year... Its really not hard to afford $150+ on entertainment a month, especially if you don't go to the movies or spend money on other forms of entertainment. 

Edited by Vaizrin
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