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Fallen Vanguard - Archived Recruitment Thread


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7 hours ago, Samathiel said:


I am a 35 years old gamer, veteran warframe player from Hungary (somewhere in middle Europe GMT+1). I'd like to join! 

IGN: Samathiel 

MR: 7

Frames: Ash, Excalibur, #LokiMasterRace

Instead of some sort of lifestory: 




Invite being fired...in a couple minutes. 

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IGN: PsychoTechARMS

MR: 15

Time Zone: PST

About me: Been playing warframe off and on for the past 3 years along with SWTOR.I don't normally raid much anymore in SWTOR however I still contribute Credits and items into the Guildbank. I'm usually way more observative as apposed to talkative. Would very much appreciate an invite if there is still room for more. Still have never Raided in Warframe, however I am not unfamiliar with Raids in MMOs at all. Looking forward for an invitation. Thanks.

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Are you folks still recruiting ?

I'm just got back into the game am currently looking for a clan. Hoping you'd consider recruiting an old warframe vet.

A tad confused with all the new content as I stepped away from the game about 3 years ago (Played when the game launched WAY back - pretty much finished all content available then hence why i left) and my previous clan was understandably empty when I got back. Would like to join some folks in killing stuff again after I settle back down into all the changes.

About myself - Generally quite an active player but given that I'm older now and hold a full time job (Banking) - hours may be intermittent of when i'm on. Been a really hardcore gamer during my youth for the better part of 20+ years. Enjoy power-lifting and coaching, spending quality time with the missus and am also an avid tennis player. Enjoy reading about a multitude of topics ranging from finance to psychology and of course min/maxing in games. Generally quite introverted by nature but enjoy conversing on a pretty damn wide range of topics. Aspires to be a true renaissance man! 

Looking forward to joining you guys

MR 10 (11 soon!) - SPACE NINJA who kills things in GMT +8 timezone

IGN: DiabloExMachina

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IGN: Kidking

Mastery Rank: 16

Timezone: GMT +2

About Me: I'd call myself a casual pleb thats been playing warframe for quite awhile but recently took a 1 year break from the game and just recently came back and o'boy am i confused with all the new content,but it sure is awesome though

What can i bring to the clan?: Awesome dance skills! (not really i hate dancing so please dont ask me to dance)


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8 hours ago, KidkinG said:

IGN: Kidking

Mastery Rank: 16

Timezone: GMT +2

About Me: I'd call myself a casual pleb thats been playing warframe for quite awhile but recently took a 1 year break from the game and just recently came back and o'boy am i confused with all the new content,but it sure is awesome though

What can i bring to the clan?: Awesome dance skills! (not really i hate dancing so please dont ask me to dance)



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IGN: Paradox1903

MR: 11

Timezone: PST

About me: I like to have fun and push my warframe skills to the limits.

What can I bring to the clan?: A primed grate. (just kidding tenno, here comes another) yes, expect this kind of humor...

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IGN: Omni_Colour

MR: 11

Timezone: EST

About me: Video game junkie my entire life and plan to be the cool video game playing grandpa (when it comes to that, still some years to go). Played Warframe a while back, remember being stoaked running around with frost prime and boltor prime, just as I got them, then life happens and games get put to the side. Back and trying to learn my way around again.

What can I bring to the clan?: Work schedule permitting an active member. Have Officer and Guild leader experience, have been part of hardcore and casual clans/guilds. For being away a little while have managed to get a good chunk of the Meta frames worked up in the last week or so, but just want to be an active member in an active clan again.

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ign:  Camb3r

Timezone: CST Central us timezone  ( -6GMT).

Mastery rank 14 and counting.

My real name is Jimmy or Jim or James, depending on who is talking to me. I'm 36 years old and enjoy gaming. I picked up Warframe earlier this year and have become a daily player and put down all other games I played. Im looking for a bigger more active clan that I can enjoy the game with, and that has sense of humor that fits mine....which you guys have locked down. Lol 

What can I bring? I have a +1 that would love to join if I am accepted. Let's see I used to co-own a website devoted to blackberry operating systems when they were the "in" thing before Android. We used to build hybrid operating systems using different versions of blackberry's so I have alot of experience providing tech help and general help to people new to things. I love helping people aquire items they are wanting and I'm always down for endless missions no matter what it is. 

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IGN: Honest

MR: 18

Time Zone: AST

About me: Recently returned to warframe about a month ago and have been slowly catching back up. Was interested in joining a clan i could stay in for the long term. One where i could have fun with, learn raids with and even PvP with.

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7 hours ago, Camb3r said:


I also used to develop websites during my free time, until school was a thing...

It would've been nice though if you could also include your timezone your application (or pm me, both is fine :)

6 hours ago, Honest said:


Welcome back! Depends on your duration of hiatus much might have changed during your leave... But no worries, we could get you up to speed again! :)

Invites sent.

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IGN: Morgann_Freemann

MR: 6

Time Zone: EST

Frame: Excal, mesa, hydroid, ember, loki p, rhino p, frost p, some other p stuff i cant remember.


About me: Got two 75% of coupons in the first month of playing.  Im an RNGesus magnet.  My runescape and warframe luck has been LIT.  I like mesa because he goes pew pew. I like excal because she goes swoosh swoosh.  I try to be funny, im usualy not.  Also i'm 8,018 days old! (Thats including leap years!)

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IGN: DeadlockedUp

MR: 15

Timezone: GMT+1 (aka CET)

About Me: I'm the +1 Camb3r spoke about. Shouldn't spend as much time in Warframe as I am, to begin with, but I'm still playing daily. I'm looking for a clan with good organisation and members that are not only helpful, but also funny and possibly playing at similar hours I do. I know I will be a bit shy and silent at the beginning, but I will surely warm up in time.

What can I bring to the clan?: Free of charge medical advice, as I'm a med student and always willing to help or cheer someone up. I also used to draw a lot, both on paper and digitally, so I have a knack for overall art and design. My sense of humour is also free of charge. When it comes to Warframe, I'm always up for Sorties, Sabotage, Defense and resource farming missions as well as I'm willing to help new players how to do Spy missions or Lua challenges for Drift mods; I like playing in a group.

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6 hours ago, -FV-Derppening said:

I also used to develop websites during my free time, until school was a thing...

It would've been nice though if you could also include your timezone your application (or pm me, both is fine :)

Welcome back! Depends on your duration of hiatus much might have changed during your leave... But no worries, we could get you up to speed again! :)

Invites sent.

Added time zone my bad man. 

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7 hours ago, Morgann_Freemann said:


Lately I've been an RNG magnet myself. Since Thursday, I've gotten 6 rare items from relics in about 9 or 10 runs. I don't get it. Also, hey, kid..... Catch. *throws invite*


3 hours ago, DeadlockedUp said:

~also snip~

My, my. 4 people in a day. This is exciting. Yes, the two most active moderators we have in the Vanguard are Derp and I. We normally keep the day to day operations in check, which involves keeping our "Warframe News" channel up to date and a huge member list that keeps track of who goes in and who goes out. Anyway, I'll leave the invite at the door.

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9 hours ago, Zebbeblade said:


Hello there, please fill in the information required by our application; it is on the first page of this thread. Your invite will be sent once you modify your application.

8 hours ago, MostDefinitelyNotSteve said:


Ah, a Lux Eterna member. Welcome! 

8 hours ago, Twilight053 said:


Moderating experience is always good, especially if it's on wikis. 

Invites sent.

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