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Corpus Gunblade?


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Sitting around earlier today, I started thinking about new melee weapons. Of course, being a big fan of the Redeemer, I decided "What if there was another kind of gunblade?"

Since the original one was a shotgun, I decided to go with another shotgun-type weapon, namely, the Detron.

I spent a while thinking about this, then scribbled down some notes about it on a little card. Got home, pulled up Inkscape and modeled a side view of it, and here's what I came up with: YR1XPx3.png


  • Support
  • More modeling
  • A name
  • Better lore integration

Got to thinking some more, more so about actual stats.

[Physical damage version, excluding Charge Attack, listed further below]

Puncture: 62.5
Slash: 12.5
Attack Speed: 0.750 [Redeemer is at 0.833]
Crit Chance: 7.5%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 25-40%
Slam Attack: 130-160, Lower radius
Slide Attack: 200-230, Shorter reach
Wall Attack: 260-300

[ELEMENTAL DAMAGE version, again excluding Charge Attack]

Electricity/Radiation: 75.0
Attack Speed: 0.95 [Redeemer is at 0.833]
Crit Chance: 7.5%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 25-40%
Slam Attack: 130-160, Lower radius
Slide Attack: 200-230, Shorter reach
Wall Attack: 260-300

Charge Attack [Type one: Energy Blast]: Slower charge than Redeemer, deals 400-800 damage [Redeemer shot deals ~750 damage if all pellets hit], either Electricity or Radiation, fires a faster projectile similar to the Staticor's shot, with a significantly smaller radius than a full charge, but a much faster travel time. Explodes on impact, with a proc chance somewhere between 75-90%.

Charge Attack [Type two: Lightning Arc]: Faster charge than Redeemer, deals 200-600 damage, again either Electricity or Radiation damage, releasing an arc-lightning pulse, a single beam much like Volt's Shock ability, dealing high damage to enemies exposed to the beam.


Please offer opinions about which of these you'd want to see, or suggest further alterations.

Edited by Dmiitri
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Lets see what are some names of corpus weapons, think about it.  The weapon model looks like a Detron, but what if, we could upgrade some weapons to a higher and better looking model... sorry I was going offtrack, I as thinking about a weapon that had the same concept, The Serro, so what about the Setron?

Edited by CrimsonStalker666
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7 hours ago, Institute-Marksman said:

One Bo 
2 Fieldron 
524 Polymer Bundle
One Control Module
Lancea, a Corpus Polearm Gunblade

Quick Melee Button to Melee,
Aim Button to Aim/Fire Button to shoot a plasma bolt that explodes on impact.

I like where that thought process is going, but I think it'd be better to stay within the realm of what already exists as weapons, IE either a gunblade or a polearm, to ease the need to create an entirely new series of stances, animations, models, poses, et cetera.


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