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Improvements I'd like.


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So before I start, I love this game, its beautiful and very fun.

If anyone disagrees with any of my points thats fine, but dont hate the whole thing cause you hate one, Im sure evceryone can find something they like, and even one of theses points would help improve the game. I know its in beta, I'd like to seethese upon or before full release

These will range from new content to buff/nerf to bugs (I know some of these are listed)

Well here we go

-Ash's 4th is super bugged

-Vote boot people

-Lower cost of platinum

-Double Warframes (Like an Ice Warframe)

-Triple guns

-Make getting blue prints easier or increase drop rate

-Add 1-2 more Factions

-Outdoor areas

-Improve stealth gameplay

-Nerf grenades slightly

-Add a little customization to the Warframes

-Add bundles you can buy with platinum or credits that give you 3-5 things. (Mass Effect made more money doing this then they made selling all 3 games total.

-Add a Horde mode

-Add Verus mode(against infected players)

-Add PvP (thouugh i don't like it, a lot of people do)

-Customize weapons (like lazer sights and silencers)

-Asassionation to unaware targets

-Turrets don't unfold til facility is alerted

-Gender option

-Choose and Emblem that would go on Warframe (maybe a clan thing)

-More advantages to being in a clan, (like weekly challenges for "?" rewards)

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-Yes, Ash's 4th ability needs a fix.


-Up to the devs, and I doubt they will do that but I think a slight decrease in cost will make it look... Prettier.

-Elemental Warframes? I don't see what this will achieve. Auras that do different effects?

-Triple guns..? If you mean having three guns then no. The weapon holster system is good as it is now, IMO. (maybe 2 melee weapons and 1 primary would be nice? But that's all I can think of to improve it.)

-Yeah, but only a slight increase on drop rate.

-Yes, maybe one more faction - rogue Tenno. Otherwise I don't see what others there could be.

-Yeah, outdoor areas will be a nice change in enviroment.

-Stealth gameplay does indeed need improvement.

-Nerf grenades only by the slightest bit.

-You need to elaborate on this point. (are you talking about different patterns? Skins?)

-Already implemented. One of the 5 catergories in the market.


-Elaborate on 'Versus mode' and 'infected players'.

-PvP? Yes.

-Customize weapons. Maybe. But it'll start to look a lot like other shooters. Add new skill tree points for these? (+different add-on mods)

-Uneeded. Charge hitting an enemy in the back is sexy enough.

-Turrets unfold when a camera spots you, that's good enough.

-Gender option? Nope.

-Emblems? Meh. Clan emblems? Yeah.

-More advantages to being in a clan? Probably planned on being implemented. Why wouldn't it?

Edited by Tauxi
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-Vote boot people

I just got with a few ppl that either wouldnt come to boss fight so it wouldnt start or they would use loki and keep switching places with me.

-Double Warframes (Like an Ice Warframe)

Warframes like Volt and Ember but with Ice/Cold instead so you got 3 covered, maybe do a rock one but rhino kinda does that.

-Triple guns

Triple guns (like triple the amount, thats my bad, should have worded it better.)

-Add a little customization to the Warframes

Id like to see changable suits and helmets(all unique to each class)

-Add bundles you can buy with platinum or credits that give you 3-5 things.

I didn't elaborate enough on this one, but not like a standard bundle, a completely random. Example of what you could get (Color pack, 3 different equipment and Ember) But Warframes would be rare unless you bought a very very expensive one and even then they should be rare.

-Add Verus mode(against infected players)

Basically a 4v4 with 4 as Tenno and 4 as part of the Infected, kinda like Left 4 Dead's Verus mode

-Asassionation to unaware targets

But it doesn't always kill, so it breaks your steath. Atleast make it a 1 shot if aware.

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Greetings fellow Tennos!

Let me sart with saying that it is good your keeping a open mind about your post, and you've earned my rescpet for it, for what that is worth.

I looked though your post and i grouped up simular things you wanted to change, hope you don't mind XD

On with the show then!

-Ash's 4th is super bugged

Haven't played on Ash, nor have I seen meny Ashes around, although if it is bugged, I'm sure the DE team is on it.

-Vote boot people

I don't know if I'm ok with this.. mostly becuase I have played games like that, and people will kick "non-guild/clan/group" players to let their friends into the run, becuase, why do they care about pick up memebers? I don't want to think the worst of my fellow Tennos, but lately.. its getting harder.

-Lower cost of platinum

And how would they (DE) support themselves? Remeber that the cost of Plat is directly related to the cost of development, maintance, salaries, and other assosated cost that we don't know about.

-Double Warframes (Like an Ice Warframe)

In otherwords, add more Frames. I'm sure they are working on it, remeber any good dev team is acually working on a version of the game that is 3 or 4 versions ahead of public release versions, even CBT. I mean, just look at how hateful some of the people are now, in CBT, after a lot of bug fixes and balancing issues have been address.

-Triple guns

... coming up with new ideas, that arn't just variations, is suprisingly hard. Try coming up with a gun yourself, starting from rank 1, 15 and 30, add mods to it, and see how you think it would feel.. you might find that your idea is too powerful, or feels too much like other guns. If that isn't the case, then post it in the feedback fourm. the worst part about CBT, or anything really, is waiting to see whats next.

Hell, if it's really good you may even see it in game!

-Make getting blue prints easier or increase drop rate

Isn't that the same thing? haha. In all seriousness, It took me 3 days to get, craft and start building a Rhino Frame, and as of right nowit is the hardest one to build.

-Add 1-2 more Factions

With what kinda back story? there are already 4 factions, and one of them has practally taken over the whole system.

-Outdoor areas

Now, do you mean, Open World, or planetside missions? Open World is a list of problems I won't rattle here, but they are working on adding in new mission in new locals as we speak. give it time, young pada-tenno!

-Nerf grenades slightly

Never had a problem with them, you see a Grineer arm move for no reaosn, GTFO. Other then that, there has been some work on the damage that mobs can do and grenades, as a after effect, got stronger.

-Add a little customization to the Warframes

-Customize weapons (like lazer sights and silencers)

-Gender option

-Choose and Emblem that would go on Warframe (maybe a clan thing)

A few color options not enough for you? ;D This has been proposed, A LOT. Dev must know by now, but given that the charater models are acually just one piece, and not seperate pieces, customization will most likely come in the form of Plat-bought skins for frames. Gun options have been proposed too, and while it would be cool, I think the guns, like the frames, are one soild model. Givin that the Models are one piece, there is a good chance there isn't a "base" modal the Frames and weapons go on, making gender options harder, if not impossable without creating a entirely new frame.

-Add bundles you can buy with platinum or credits that give you 3-5 things. (Mass Effect made more money doing this then they made selling all 3 games total.)

Lock Boxes that cost Credits wouldn't get them any money. Having played Mass Efect 3, and refusing to give EA any more moeny then they already got for the game, I have a hard time seeing this as a viable option for Plats.

Lock Boxes have been propsed as a Credit Sink though.

-Add a Horde mode

Horde... mode? you mean like.. Defence mode.. but different how? please clearify XD

-Add Verus mode(against infected players)

-Add PvP (thouugh i don't like it, a lot of people do)

PVP is a bad idea given the powers and the current strengh some of them have. Then you get into balancing, and class balance, and it all goes to hell from there. I don't like it either, and to the people that do, there are only about a million other games they could play XD Little heartless I know, but.. when you've watch the PVP crowd ruin one game after another, you get jaded.

-Improve stealth gameplay

-Asassionation to unaware targets

-Turrets don't unfold til facility is alerted

As I am sure you know, there are about a million post on this, its safe to assume the devs know people want stealth gameplay. Target awareness this is something that will most likely need to be added/tweak in for Stealth gameplay to work, assuming that is the direction the Devs want to take the game. Cameras should be your first priority if your looking to do sneaky works in a grineer crusier reguardless.

-More advantages to being in a clan, (like weekly challenges for "?" rewards)

the Clan system is just a foundation for now, more will be added, although I don't think you should add bouns for being in a clan, it just makes being in a clan a requirement to play the game to the best of your ability and frankly, people tend not to like my... abrasive attatude, and thus I find it hard to find a good Clan to hang out with.

All and all, a good post, and i look forword to seeing more insights to the Ash Frame from you!

See you all out of the rails!

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I appriciate your honesty towards my ideas and your insight. Though i do disagree with some thing and a few I dont like but put in the post anyoways because I know alot of people like them.


Basically fails with the 4th ability, Shuriken is good, Smoke would be better if you could escape detection once your spotted, Teleport is alright, not a fan but some people like it. And 4th is nerfed verison of volts 4th plus its bugged. :/

-Lower Platinum Cost

I agree that the cost has a direct connection to the development and that is how they make money. But I think they would make more money if it were cheaper. If anyone is like me, I spent $30 on here, got the founder, bought ash, and the color pack. But i doubt i spend anymore money. If they lowered the price Id probably spend about $60 on it. Usually if its cheap people will spend more on it because they feel they are getting more(which they are but they will spend more) This is a trend I have noticed.

-Triple guns

I'd actually be cool with basically skins(same gun just different look) personally I dislike they way the Gorgan looks but Its good so i use it, Id rather have the Braton with the stats on the Gorgan.


Id like to see an Alien faction, only problem is i see people saying its a rip from the infected but I'd like it. and as mentioned above, rogue Tenno, even if it were just a boss fight would be a cool idea.


Not an open world, you can keep it as "closed in" but have the sky showing and rock walls, or trees. Things like that.


THe Jackal can be a problem with his, if he shoots them at you its hard to get away, and with the Grineer in general if you dont see him or didnt notice the animation then you just died. I think it should take away full shield and half health or 1/4 health. Just so you have a chance to survive if you were unaware.


Like the defense but it would just keep getting more difficult until you lost and the longer you go the better the reward.


Personally I dont care for it but a lot of people like it. So id say give it to them but if they want nerfs or buff keep it on pvp mode. PvP and PvE should always has seperate nerfs/buffs.


I feel they should have a bonus because as of now i feel no reason to have/be in a clan. Its just a contacts list with a different name.

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Just my 2 cents, Keep in mind im a low-mid level player. So my views might not hold true in the higher level areas.

-Triple Guns

Right now I think they should be focusing on content and fixing rather then cosmetics. I have no objections to seeing some more veriety in the guns themselves.

For example I would like to see more then the one sniper. How about weapons that are burst fire (3 round bursts per click, If this is already in my bad. Haven't seen every gun in action.) I like the new addition to the melee weapons. More plx. How about Arm Blades?


Probably will come with time. Patience.


Already planned. I'm looking forward to it.


I would love to see this. And its already halfway done with Defense Missions. I hope to see crazy things like using the procedural generation the maps already have to make new rooms every X waves, so groups can't get too comfy in that one good spot. Also would love to have bosses dropped in at higher waves. Maybe multiple bosses at once.


Is not going to happen. Not soon anyway. Atleast from what I've read on the forums the development team wants to focus on PvE to make it the best they can rather then being split between two very different types of play.


Are just another contact list. As someone already mentioned not all of us like the idea of being forced to joining a large group just to get the most rewards. I play this game with my small group of friends and don't really want to feel pushed into being a part of some 50+ players group whatever clans do.

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I really like the following:

-Ash's 4th is super bugged

-Outdoor areas

-Improve stealth gameplay

-Nerf grenades slightly

-Add Verus mode(against infected players)

-Customize weapons (like lazer sights and silencers)

-Asassionation to unaware targets

-Turrets don't unfold til facility is alerted

-Gender option

-Choose and Emblem that would go on Warframe (maybe a clan thing)

-More advantages to being in a clan, (like weekly challenges for "?" rewards)

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The only problem I see with Ash besides it being bugged is that when it is fixed. His 4th is a nerfed version of Volt's 4th. you just kill things slower.

Something else some people might lke(Or hate) if Ex's dash was shortened so it wasnt so pwerful for a 1st. Personally I think i'd be cooler if his abilities were like this

1. Throw a single Spear dealing high damage pinning every enemy to the wall it hits. (Basically like Ash's but with the ability to hit more tagets

2. Super Jump

3. Radial Blind (Increase duration since it cost more)

4. Slash Dash (But it would have 3-4 charges, so basically you could dash 3 times before you have to pay for it again, but each dash must be used within 3 seconds of the one before it.)

^Just one idea

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-Add PvP (thouugh i don't like it, a lot of people do)

PVP is a bad idea given the powers and the current strengh some of them have. Then you get into balancing, and class balance, and it all goes to hell from there. I don't like it either, and to the people that do, there are only about a million other games they could play XD Little heartless I know, but.. when you've watch the PVP crowd ruin one game after another, you get jaded.

I don't have time to comment on every idea given by the OP, I like some and dislike others.

Do want to comment on this though. I think PvP will probably be added but I agree that I don't care for it. There are tons of games out there that have PvP and frankly it's a bit overwhelming. Especially when a great franchise like Mechwarrior suddenly goes the F2P PvP route . . . really haven't been impressed by that move. Anyway, back on subject, if the devs add PvP it needs to be a very separate mode because I really like that this game is PvE. That is one of the biggest draws for me that sets it apart from the rest of the F2P crowd where I have to deal with trolls, whiners, and then the pro players. Yeah, I get there will always be somebody out there better then me but do I have spend a whole match being stomped by them? At some point, the game starts to lose some fun after enough losses.

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