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Warframe physical strength and weapons weight


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So, I was just having fun today with Valkyr and Jat Kittag (as usual), and the animation got me wondering. Until Berserker trigger or I use Warcry, it's pretty slow. Yet we see our Frames throw kunais hard enough to pin grineer to the walls, and lift and throw regular troops with ease.

I estimate a Grineer Lancer to weight in the hundreds of kilos, though I can 't say how accurate I am. I also think lighter warframes can probably reach 100Kg as well...

So, how heavy would the Jat Kittag be, and depending on this, how heavy are Tenno weapons? Like, do they have super strength and so their weapons would be too heavy/have too much recoil for a normal human to wield?

What are your thoughts on this?

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Well, I haven't played Halo so I know very little about it. But From the animation, I'm guessing Valkyr does find the kitty a little hard to swing, until she picks up some momentum at least.

Even then, considering their strength and the knockback of their weapons, I wonder if Tenno don't use much heavier weapons than normal. Like, a normal kunai would be too light for them, so they wield kunai heavy enough I'd be using for reps at the gym.

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The thing about weapon weight and strength is that even if you are super strong Newtons Third law still applies. You move a very heavy sword around, it moves you around. The difference between a strong vs weak wielder is that the strong one moves it faster, but the opposite and equal is still opposite and equal.

Warframes are mostly made out of steel and other metals, and they're big. They're easily in the 400-800kg range.

My thinking is that all warframes have some control of magnetics, can use magnetics either to glide on the ground or increase friction (for instance wall-grab), so they could mitigate the effects of throwing a knife so hard it sticks a dude to the wall.

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But we see noral humans use the weapons of the Tenno. There are guardians on the relais, also we use normal Corpus weapons. The thing with the kunai really is mysterious, but the bows are technologically enhanced. The description of the Paris talks about magntic fields that can be charged, thus the pinning-to-the-wall part, heavy ptojectiles and a huge force result in a lot of momentum. Kunai on the other hand seem to be rather light, so no idea how these manage to nail things.

Some of the big melee weapons could be wieldable with the right technique to keep up the momentum (much like maces and hammers).

Also, like Mastikor said, they are more Machine than Man, so this might be the reason for this strength.

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yeah , but the frames may be like hollow inside , + if they are so strong to impale enemies to walls with knives , why can't they swing faster the heavy weapons , why can't they cut trough that metal of the enemy like it would be butter like on very high lvls ? and enemies weighting  hundreds of killo ? they are also organic inside , they wouldn't be able even to stand up at that weight same with the frames.

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it is an interesting concept. the Jat Kittag is Jet-powered, so even if you couldn't lift it, you could still activate the Jets (somehow, maybe by twisting the grip or whatever) and then move it as much as you can in a given direction to swing it. it is also plausible that our Frames do have more strength than they appear, I reckon given the possibility of a Warframe's construction, it could be that their arms contain a powerful Technocyte Muscle of some kind, tightly packed into a Frame's Arms which upon contracting, can bear an enormous amount of weight.

as someone with experience of Heavy Lifting, it's not all about size and Strength, it's mostly Technique: I'm by no means a "Rhino" in real life, but with the proper technique, I've lifted very heavy sheets of thick wood and synthetic materials that weigh twice as much as I do, maybe more. the Tenno are masters of weapons, their technique is flawless as a result.

also the weight distribution of a Hammer is particularly uneven of course, with the majority at the head, so it's likely still harder to wield that than it is a Polearm or Sword, something with better balance. it would also explain why even when used by Tenno, large Hammers and Heavy Blades are still slower than other weapons.

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2 hours ago, Necromanrius said:

Well, I haven't played Halo so I know very little about it. But From the animation, I'm guessing Valkyr does find the kitty a little hard to swing, until she picks up some momentum at least.

Even then, considering their strength and the knockback of their weapons, I wonder if Tenno don't use much heavier weapons than normal. Like, a normal kunai would be too light for them, so they wield kunai heavy enough I'd be using for reps at the gym.

Just gonna ignore that heresy... Doesn't matter the frame, it has the same attack speed no matter the frame. But really, you think Valkyr would have a hard time with it? She who can rip-line across maps, or pull a bombard over to her. She who can tear the faces off her enemies with ease, no, maybe Nova or Nyx, if that were even a factor.



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I'm not thinking Valkyr has a rough time swinging that hammer, it's the game engine telling me that!

As for enemy weight, I agree Corpus can't be that heavy, though Technicians could weight a decent amount, but Grineer liberally use mechanical augmentations, and wear ridiculously top heavy suits. They are supposed to be human, or at least humanoid, underneath it all, even though they're probably more of a failed robocop suit now (visually at least)

Still, if Warframes, Grineer, and possibly some corpus (could technicians have their own enhancements?), wouldn't it make sense if their weapons and equipment was much heavier, and with possibly more recoil, to make use of that enhanced strength? It's kind of my headcanon for the story at the moment, though I'd like to hear what others have to say.

If so what would be those weapon's weight? How heavy are Gram, Galatine and Jat Kittag? what about kunais? Think a normal person could carry and shoot that Soma Prime or Boltor Prime without getting his arm ripped out by the recoil?

And what's the caliber of these weapons by the way? I doubt they use 9mm...

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