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[Clan Hive Co] - [Recruitment Closed] : Discord > Alliance > Relaxed > LGBT friendly > All Research


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Currently at 19 of 30 members

Hive Co is Recruiting!


A little bit about us

We are a relaxed clan, which believes that all tenno are equal, and wish to help Warframes already amazing community by helping others.

You won't find military structure, or otherwise in this clan. As said before all are equal... our ranks serve as a way of maintaining some order and are based on the level of trust within our clan. If this does not appeal to you then it may be best to look elsewhere.

Our History

Our clan started as a small group of high school friends, about two and a half years ago here on Warframe. At that time, our clan was under another name, one which our small group of friends still uses in some cases. Over time, our group created and finished our dojo, and even began adding a few new friends we had made in college. Half a year ago we made the choice to remake our old dojo, and only recently finished all research, rooms, and decoration. Becoming public with our clan was always something we wanted to do but never quite knew how to do so. Until it just sort of happened... two new members were added to our clan, ones which we knew nothing about, but by adding and assisting these new players we grew inspired to continue on with our clan. We preceded to join an alliance, and have found more members... and now here we are making a forum post... time sure goes by doesn't it?


Both our clan and the alliance use Discord as our form of voice communication. You can follow that link for the software, once you join we will send a link to you which can be used to join our chat server. You can also use the link in our clans MOTD.


✮No foul language - At least TRY to contain yourself... plz....
✮Respect your fellow tenno, no matter their  MR, gender, race, sexuality all are equal and welcome here -- Disregard of this rule will not be tolerated! This extends to those outside of the clan.
✮If possible, try looking for groups in the clan or alliance first
✮Active at least once every 30 days - If you plan to be gone longer send a Hive Mind or a Royal a message about it -- We all understand how easy it is to burn yourself out on this game.
✮No tenno left behind! -- Help your fellow tenno when possible, and do not leave a match without good reason.

✮We would like to maintain a level of maturity. Preferred age 16

Exceptions can be made if we feel you're mature enough or have a voucher from someone in the clan.
✮Willing to help other tenno
✮Able to speak English... (I mean... you are reading this sooooo)

To apply please leave your info below
❤IGN (required)
❤MR (required) - This is found in brackets next to your ign ex: ObsidiaNocturn [18]
❤Server location (not required... useful for us to know where to host our clan voice server... currently it's in London, UK)
❤Anything you may like to share about yourself (not required... only if you want to share anything)


Example application

- ObsidiaNocturn

- MR 18

- NA west

- Trying to spend more time studying... won't be on a ton  ---or--- Brand new/Old player looking forward to joining a clan for/to help  ---or--- Only able to be one during the weekend because of work/school (Just anything you wanna share doesn't matter really)



Our Dojo Layout


Edited by ObsidiaNocturn
MR req and Alliance removed...
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I'm currently looking for a clan, EUR or US time zone, if you guys have some space let me know.

IGN SynthBreed
MR 4 atm 5 tomorrow (just need to find more time to play)

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IGN: Stevened

Mastery Rank: 2 

Region: Europe

I'm actually a 2013 player that started playing again and im just about getting the hang of it back. My mastery is quite low because I haven't invested into leveling other weapons yet and im just grinding missions over ranking weapons and frames for now. Any advice (if I manage to join) is appreciated as it is currently what im looking for :) .

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10 hours ago, Stevened said:

IGN: Stevened

Mastery Rank: 2 

Region: Europe

I'm actually a 2013 player that started playing again and im just about getting the hang of it back. My mastery is quite low because I haven't invested into leveling other weapons yet and im just grinding missions over ranking weapons and frames for now. Any advice (if I manage to join) is appreciated as it is currently what im looking for :) .

Invite sent :3 Welcome to Hive Co. I'm sure you'll find whatever help you need.

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I started playing warframe mid 2015, and i just recently started playing again.  I've been playing warframe when i'm not grinding in Black Desert.  I'm also not very sure what weapons are good because i don't know where to look for help so anything would be very appreciated! :D  

Edited by MaximilianKnight
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Good morning, 


I'm CreamPuffDelight, just started the game yesterday so obviously I have little experience in anything. I'm confused by many things in the game, particularly how to farm and grow my warframe (or get new frames for that matter). I heard that joining a clan is a great way to learn about the game and your post was the first i noticed. 

ign: CreamPuffDelight

MR: 2 

server: NA I guess? I'm not sure since when i log in, i puts my directly to my frame, and there's no server selection. I'm a Malaysian player if that means anything. 

About myself: 27 years old = years single. Typical working adult searching for a decent MMO with great community which is why I came to warframe. 

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1 hour ago, BlutKaizer said:

Good morning, 


I'm CreamPuffDelight, just started the game yesterday so obviously I have little experience in anything. I'm confused by many things in the game, particularly how to farm and grow my warframe (or get new frames for that matter). I heard that joining a clan is a great way to learn about the game and your post was the first i noticed. 

ign: CreamPuffDelight

MR: 2 

server: NA I guess? I'm not sure since when i log in, i puts my directly to my frame, and there's no server selection. I'm a Malaysian player if that means anything. 

About myself: 27 years old = years single. Typical working adult searching for a decent MMO with great community which is why I came to warframe. 


Well welcome to Warframe! I've sent an invite :3

We have plenty of players in our alliance and our clan who can help you out. And I think they would drop you in either the Asia server or the eastern europe server...

Edited by ObsidiaNocturn
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I started playing warframe mid 2015, and i just recently started playing again.  I've been playing warframe when i'm not grinding in Black Desert.  I'm also not very sure what weapons are good because i don't know where to look for help so anything would be very appreciated! :D  

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3 hours ago, MaximilianKnight said:




I started playing warframe mid 2015, and i just recently started playing again.  I've been playing warframe when i'm not grinding in Black Desert.  I'm also not very sure what weapons are good because i don't know where to look for help so anything would be very appreciated! :D  

Invite is sent, welcome back to warframe!

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2 hours ago, Bishop__ said:

IGN: Bishop__ (two underscores) MR10

Server: NA West

Info: i like vidya gaem pls inv ;) <3 <3 <3
19 years old, single, and ready to mingle


1 hour ago, RatJunky said:

IGN: RatJunky

MR: 12

Location: NA East

Info: Just a guy looking for an active clan and some new people to play with 


Invites Sent

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IGN: 19DuX91

MR:5 (almost 6)


I've played warframe actively back in the 2014, but due to irl obligations, had to stop with it. After prolonged break from the game, I am back (for over 2 weeks now). I'd love to get back in action and improve myself. To do so, I would need guidance firstly, bcs game changed a lot since I've played it, and secondly, it's an mmo and without friends and teamates u can't accomplish anything. I mostly play my Frost prime. I hope you guys will consider me as worthy of being part of your family :)


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12 hours ago, 19DuX91 said:

IGN: 19DuX91

MR:5 (almost 6)


I've played warframe actively back in the 2014, but due to irl obligations, had to stop with it. After prolonged break from the game, I am back (for over 2 weeks now). I'd love to get back in action and improve myself. To do so, I would need guidance firstly, bcs game changed a lot since I've played it, and secondly, it's an mmo and without friends and teamates u can't accomplish anything. I mostly play my Frost prime. I hope you guys will consider me as worthy of being part of your family :)


Invite sent, I'm sorry for the late reply >-< I stayed up waaay to late last night.

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