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Hotfix 18.5.6


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12 hours ago, DE_Adam said:

Hotfix 18.5.6




  • Adjusted the Grineer Drone nullifier shields in the Law of Retribution to blue in order to make it easier to notice in the desert environment.

  • Changed Shock Eximus auras to proc with Electric Damage instead of Magnetic. Now all 4 raw elements are represented in Eximus Units.





  • Fixed the Shadow Stalkers blueprint drop rate not having been properly increased to match the normal Stalker’s drop rate increase - this was indeed an oversight.

  • Fixed the Simulor’s orbs not consistently fusing together when used with Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors.

  • Fixed Squad information not properly displaying after a Host Migration or failed Host Migration. (??? no longer will the MOD disappear...)

  • Fixed a crash related that would occur when rendering shadows with some drivers.

  • Fixed some graphics options not saving when re-entering the game.


Edited by Kijimoshi
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5 hours ago, xcynderx said:

whats acting up about it?

The simulors orbs disappear client side. Easy to reproduce. Shoot one and then another to the side. They drift together for 1-2 sec and then disappears before merging. Same thing with mirage but less noticeable since it shoots a crap ton. Currently takes 7+ shots for a vortex. Annoys me beyond belief lol.

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  • Changed Shock Eximus auras to proc with Electric Damage instead of Magnetic. Now all 4 raw elements are represented in Eximus Units. 

Best change by FAR. Thank god. I can play melee again without getting punished for it.

Edited by Azathoth1977
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Something seriously broke after last update. Not sure if it's related to the hotfix or Thousand cuts alert. But I failed to finish missions 2 or 3 times. At the end of the mission game wouldn't load my ship. My frame just keeps standing there at the extraction point, can't even move. Had to restart Waframe after that and of course I lost mission rewards including all syndicate tokens I farmed

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I'm having a bug where my warframe and all other characters in game are on a tilt. some elements of the skins are right side up such as my head and the bottom part of the Oberon's tabard, the masks of the grineer whip guys (don't know the name) and all weapons. I have restarted the computer, reinstalled the game and still having this issue.

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This time we ask with love and anxiety the following, which suggest that they can be reintegrated into upcoming tactical alerts, sorties or other specific missions, and are as follows:

Latron Wraith - Quanta Vandal

This would be all for now, my greetings to all and to continue enjoying the game, Thank you by hotfix

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On 10.03.2016 at 11:00 PM, DE_Adam said:

Fixed the Shadow Stalkers blueprint drop rate not having been properly increased to match the normal Stalker’s drop rate increase - this was indeed an oversight.


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It won't download it only shows, some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers,

Any tip on how to fix it i have aleady tried uninstalling the game and re install it and delete all the update stuff from a folder and re update the game and is there any other ways meaby possible please any answers will be really appreciated.

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The game is buggy as ***** since the last Inaros update with intempestive deconnexions and some missions are not getting validate (from lost connexion to server maybe). I am not the only one experiencing this issue and the problem is not coming from my computer/internet connection. Please do something

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9 hours ago, Hesyol said:

Something seriously broke after last update. Not sure if it's related to the hotfix or Thousand cuts alert. But I failed to finish missions 2 or 3 times. At the end of the mission game wouldn't load my ship. My frame just keeps standing there at the extraction point, can't even move. Had to restart Waframe after that and of course I lost mission rewards including all syndicate tokens I farmed

Have the same problem... Now playing is waist of time.

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Depois desse Hotfix 18.5.6  meu jogo ta mais bugado que a pessoa jogando no pc da xuxa com a net da xuxa 

Mano, quando entro no jogo o chat fica bugado só fica carregando e quando eu vou joga uma partida ou da conexão perdida ou sou movido de host!! 

alguem pode arruma isso para mim

Edited by Frost82
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