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Nightmare LoR Help


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Not sure if this would go here or under Players Helping Players since I'm asking for help, but recruiting teachers. I'm looking for a patient and experienced group of players who wouldn't mind teaching me nightmare LoR and possibly even the archwing raid. I've done the normal LoR plenty of times and am comfortable with those, but I've never done the nightmare version. I'm in a clan and not really looking to join a clan. Most of my clanmates have jumped on the Division hype at the moment, which is why I'm asking for help here. I have a mic and all warframes/archwings. I play on weekdays from 8PM (EST/EDT) and am available on weekends most of the day. If you're interested in helping me grow my nightmare LoR skills, feel free to msg me here or on PSN. My PSNID is the same as my name here: BttnsMcBoomBoom. Thanks in advance.

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Just wanted to bump this. Can't ask via recruit chat as everyone is always looking for experienced players only, which prevents me from getting the experience they want me to have. Looking for some players willing to patiently teach Nightmare LoR. I've run normal LoR plenty of times and am confident running that, but do not know much about countering what has been added to nightmare mode (mostly the energy drain when standing on pads). I usually play as Loki or Nova, but have all of the frames. Once I've gotten a handle on that, I'd also like to learn Jordas Verdict. Again, I have all of the Archwings (fully leveled) and I've played some initially to collect antiserum fragments. With that said, I now have the Antiserum Injector, but have not been back to play the Jordas Verdict proper as many I played with are now on the Division. Anyone willing to help this Tenno can message me here or on PS, though PS would be faster. My PS name is the same as on here: BttnsMcBoomBoom. I'm normally on at about 8 PM EDT (12 AM GMT) on weekdays and about 11 AM EDT (3 PM GMT) on Sundays and Mondays (my weekend from work). Thanks.

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Thanks for the responses. Emils, I wasn't sure if it was ok to send a friend request or you just wanted in game invite. I will send a friend request tonight. Hamzah,that would be cool. I'll send you a friend request tonight. I was running with someone who was taking me through, but the random we played with kind of messed it up and we failed the mission. Even though I only  played half way through, I feel more confident about doing it now. Hoping to finish one sometime this weekend, if not tonight.

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