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Capture target immune to Limbo catalysm now?


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Let me get right into the subject. I went to do some T1 capture today with my Limbo. When I reached the target, I dropped Cataclysm on him and proceeded to 1HKO him, except I didn't. My attacks had no effect on him. I realised, he didn't have that shine that everyone has when inside the Rift, and indeed, once I left the Rift and dropped Cataclysm, I could hit him again.

Has anyone else tested this?

To be honest I'm praying this is some kind of bug, because I don't see why would they nerf this poor gentleman AGAIN...

Edited by Necromanrius
title suits the issue better
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It's not "now", it's been changed at some point in the past, at least for Banish. I'm not sure when exactly the individual changes happened, but it looks like this is intended.

See here, too:

and the following are enlightening as well:

scroll down to "Warframe Resistance and Immunity Changes" in this:


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49 minutes ago, Kontrollo said:

It's not "now", it's been changed at some point in the past, at least for Banish. I'm not sure when exactly the individual changes happened, but it looks like this is intended.

See here, too:

and the following are enlightening as well:

scroll down to "Warframe Resistance and Immunity Changes" in this:


While i get the whole Targeted ability thing (Bullet attractor must have a Target so does banish etc etc)

My stance on the subject of interacting with anything from the Rift plane is simple

If Limbo is in the Rift No touching Control panels Loot Etc Etc (Same should apply to enemies)

And you can only Target other things specifically banished there

BUT if its in the bubble its in the Rift Too There should be no ifs ands or buts Control panels should be accessible when within the AOE Loot can Be gathered and ALL!!! Enemies inside should be in the Rift.

Limbo is the only Warframe Where the Explanation behind his powers isn't "Completely" Void Space Magic He's Described as a Magician of Physics Physics has Many Laws and Constants. And Whichever Bogus Equation Limbo Uses in his feats These laws seem to Constantly be broken by random arbitrary limitations and Enemy Space Magic.

Seriously How bad would it possibly be if the capture target is in the Cataclysm? I'm 90% sure hes Effected by many forms of CC and Instant kills but Lotus Forbid He be in the Rift. THE HORROR!

Edited by (PS4)Crimson_Judgment
Fixed error
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Yeah, especially the part about slows is what bothers me as well. I just wanted to give some context with my post above. I don't play Limbo enough (and I feel for good reason), but I think I get the direction they're taking him (not that I agree).


By the way, have you ever tried Banish & Cataclysm on Syndicate hit squads?

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Just now, Kontrollo said:

Yeah, especially the part about slows is what bothers me as well. I just wanted to give some context with my post above. I don't play Limbo enough (and I feel for good reason), but I think I get the direction they're taking him (not that I agree).


By the way, have you ever tried Banish & Cataclysm on Syndicate hit squads?

Banish Is Invalid Target

Cataclysm Last i knew worked guess we'll have to see

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1 minute ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

It's not just Limbo. Other abilities (Excal's Radial Blind for example) don't work on capture targets anymore either.

Well at least there is a Logical way to explain this

They must be wearing these



Don't hate me :) Being serious though that's a bit of a bummer

DE Logic seems to go a bit like this

Guy/Gal 1: Lets make this ability do X

Guy/Gal 2: Sounds neat but it'll break Y

Guy/Gal 1: Gee You're right. so What do we Do?

Guy/Gal 2: Well We Just make it do nothing to Z and add another Ability/EnergyGuy Nullifying Unit

Guy/Gal 1: So More Arbitrary Limitations to Warframe Abilities?... GENIUS!

Seriously I Really Love DE and This Game But Sometimes i Really Question their Logic and Ability to make good Decisions

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In case this wasn't clear from the start, I know banish was nerfed already and doesn't work on Capture targets amongst others. I'm asking about Cataclysm, the large AoE ability which sent everyone within its radius in the Rift. So far no one could escape except nullifiers, and even their bubble didn't cancel it. Now, when I cast cataclysm, I get banished to the Rift, and so does any ally and enemy within, EXCEPT the capture target. Just so we're all clear.

Cataclysm is already quite situational, and not just in the sense that it's not always the best, but that there are situations where using it will screw you up. Not many other abilities have such a downside...

And, great job DE, you may just have given Limbo trolls ammunition if they use large AoE cataclysm. cast it, target is still in the normal world, butt every other ally and enemy is in the rift. Good luck capturing that target now...But hey, at least you reduced trolling from banishing the target right???

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2 hours ago, Necromanrius said:

In case this wasn't clear from the start, I know banish was nerfed already and doesn't work on Capture targets amongst others. I'm asking about Cataclysm, the large AoE ability which sent everyone within its radius in the Rift. So far no one could escape except nullifiers, and even their bubble didn't cancel it. Now, when I cast cataclysm, I get banished to the Rift, and so does any ally and enemy within, EXCEPT the capture target. Just so we're all clear.

Cataclysm is already quite situational, and not just in the sense that it's not always the best, but that there are situations where using it will screw you up. Not many other abilities have such a downside...

And, great job DE, you may just have given Limbo trolls ammunition if they use large AoE cataclysm. cast it, target is still in the normal world, butt every other ally and enemy is in the rift. Good luck capturing that target now...But hey, at least you reduced trolling from banishing the target right???


This can also be used to troll spy missions, or any important hack panel. A Limbo can just cast Cataclysm over the area and no one can use it. Way more effective than banishing people over and over. 


It's clear DE has no idea what to do with Limbo and doesn't want to/doesn't feel they currently have the time to deal with him. I have a feeling they know fixing him would be a gigantic quagmire, and they don't feel like getting bogged down in it. Plus he's one of the newerish ones and those tend to get attention last when it comes to the fixing they actually need, and instead just get kneejerk nerfs until DE can finally tend to them fully (see Mesa, as a prime example of this. DE stopped the Peacemaker stuff but didn't really give her the attention she needs: now she's hardly used at all). 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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