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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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I was here when Dark Sectors were implemented, and I played in almost every conflict that took place. Strategy my foot. It was a lot of melodrama over a few clans monopolizing the rails with alliances, smaller clans never getting a chance, and vaubans and ashes spamming bastille and bladestorm at spawn.

There was the occasional fun match, but it was mostly the same deal over and over again. Not to mention stupid taxes over the dark sectors.

I've no attachment to Dark sector PvP being removed. Keep PvP and PvE separate.   

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While I personally do not mind if Dark sectors lost PVP as it was not a very fun mode really; I did like the potential presented in the Dark Sector conflicts to have something akin to the first two Star Wars Battlefront games which I greatly enjoyed. While the possibility was there, unfortunately, that potential was not realized. Besides it didn't really work on a community aspect as it was encouraging the most negative aspects of the community - at least here on PC - while not rewarding players that picked up missions and being buggy on mod unlocks and heavily skewed towards certain load outs and fighting situations. For one, I fought Cosmic specter forces, they were not as bad as endless Bladestorming Ashes using Black energy or similarly colored Loki's killing players as they spawned.

Using the Dark Sector nodes instead of as a fracturing point, but as a community reinforcing mode would be a welcome goal. Though I would still like a mode of Warframe Battlefront or something, it might be possible to show Tenno as working toward a common goal instead of making players incapable of getting rewards from a node intended for farming while posting petty messages at the main players' expense. Perhaps, this new starchart will require clans to stabilize Tenno solar rails for safe Tenno travel or give safe passage to faction contested zones. Either idea would be neat if worked well into the existing framework of narrative we have with the game's current state.

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Well im not a PVP player but i was hoping for PVE for me and PVP for others  like a pve players gette minor points in confits and PVP get the maijor points  that was quite nice too see  well im 0 intressed in PVP but DE was a bit rushy in removing it  
well maybe they have more plans for conclave the same way they have for archwing but not "Soon" thats for sure  well "Dark Sector mode" will be full PVE  i hope conclave have something too do with the areas of the new starchart  it will be divided with areas so each clan that take control of a area will win a small% of the credits resources that other player get from there  and call this mode "BadLands" conclave mode   
*Badlands was the original name of the dark sectors
that way PVE gets more stuff
and PVP too

well i hope

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Warframes Dark Sectors conflict was Halos " Warzone" before Halo 5 guradians came out. Of course this cant be said for everyone but as a majority rules vote goes, "Warzone" is probably one of the most unique multiplayer modes in Halo 5 and its multiplayer is what saved the games lack of single player campiagn luster. Warframe is a Co-OP first game and its focous was always that. However, seeing how halo pretty much copied the dark sectors mission style of PVE mixed with PVP and sold millions of copies and gained back fans approval from a horrible campaign,,,why totally abandon the gold mine of a game mode that attracts people in others games and that you basically started DE? Even if we dont know what the end product of the new Dark Sector 2.0 will be..please look at the feed back on this topic alone and see that 15 minuetes after the DEV stream was over we got 150 responses within 6hrs!! some topics dont even have that much response within 2 mnths! PC and console Tennos care about the pvp aspect of dark sectors and infact see pvp and dark sectors as one in the same. I'm a leader of our clans conclave team and we have prepped and recruited and were still recruiting players for the Dark Sector pvp conflicts alone. If you take this away you leave our clans pvp team along with several other clans pvp squads with nothing but petty squabbles in a played out team annihilation match.(conclave is appreciated but nothing compared to the dark sectors pvp we were hoping for) If the money or  unblanaced weapons in the previous dark sector were the issues than fine fix THOSE aspects or whatever it was that made it unfair or caused you guys to stop it,, but it wasnt pvp that caused problems in dark sectors. The PVP aspect is what made dark sectors! Please i hope youll see the responses from this day alone and see that taking PVP competiveness out of Dark Sectors will be a loss not only from our clan but from the 100 plus faithful players that have responded to this thread alone, not to mention the ppl who havent even read or know about this topic.

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.. Really? That's too bad.. I have been training since Conclave 2.0 first came out. Now there is no reason to dedicate myself toward Dark Sector as it wouldn't emphasize on skills but rather circling around imbalance. 

Edited by AzumaReiji
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No pvp in dark sector 2.0?? Doesn't seem very rewarding to take control of a sector by doing pve. Gaining control over a dark sector was competitive and fun BECAUSE it was pvp! Conclave 2.0 is good, stick with the original plan and just improve dark sectors by making it fall in line with what conclave 2.0 has become

Edited by (XB1)BroadsideMobste
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11 hours ago, Siran_Kari said:

if i wanted difficult PvE I could go to the Simulacrum and crank the level. You miss the point bruh.

Implying that you could get anything in the simulacrum to be "difficult PvE". It's not even a game in there- it's a simulation. You select your enemies. There's only one map tile with the same layout 100% of the time. The enemies can only be spawned in batches of 20. I'm not missing the point, you are.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)LastxMOHICANx said:

Warframes Dark Sectors conflict was Halos " Warzone" before Halo 5 guradians came out. Of course this cant be said for everyone but as a majority rules vote goes, "Warzone" is probably one of the most unique multiplayer modes in Halo 5 and its multiplayer is what saved the games lack of single player campiagn luster. Warframe is a Co-OP first game and its focous was always that. However, seeing how halo pretty much copied the dark sectors mission style of PVE mixed with PVP and sold millions of copies and gained back fans approval from a horrible campaign,,,why totally abandon the gold mine of a game mode that attracts people in others games and that you basically started DE? Even if we dont know what the end product of the new Dark Sector 2.0 will be..please look at the feed back on this topic alone and see that 15 minuetes after the DEV stream was over we got 150 responses within 6hrs!! some topics dont even have that much response within 2 mnths! PC and console Tennos care about the pvp aspect of dark sectors and infact see pvp and dark sectors as one in the same. I'm a leader of our clans conclave team and we have prepped and recruited and were still recruiting players for the Dark Sector pvp conflicts alone. If you take this away you leave our clans pvp team along with several other clans pvp squads with nothing but petty squabbles in a played out team annihilation match.(conclave is appreciated but nothing compared to the dark sectors pvp we were hoping for) If the money or  unblanaced weapons in the previous dark sector were the issues than fine fix THOSE aspects or whatever it was that made it unfair or caused you guys to stop it,, but it wasnt pvp that caused problems in dark sectors. The PVP aspect is what made dark sectors! Please i hope youll see the responses from this day alone and see that taking PVP competiveness out of Dark Sectors will be a loss not only from our clan but from the 100 plus faithful players that have responded to this thread alone, not to mention the ppl who havent even read or know about this topic.

I think you are under a mistaken impression, I played in every dark sector conflict and many of the other players here did as well. I can only speak for PC and not the land of Xbone of course, but Dark Sectors here were one of the least fun experiences in the game. I still played in each one despite not benefiting from it as my clan wasn't contesting the solar rails, because there was the promise both of making a difference and helping affect a lasting mark on the starchart. That didn't last of course as a few alliances took control of each sought after node and then mocked players publicly while raising the taxes to 100%. Who can forget the drama of two parts of the same alliance fighting each other with Fire versus Ice or Lords of the East versus Ladies of the East! And the support for your mods unlocking was a fun concept right? Unless you used any auras other than Rifle amp, steel charge, corrosive projection, or Energy Siphon; then your aura mod would trigger each unlock but not do anything using up each of your level unlocks. Hope you didn't use the Rage mod, because one of the patches made it so the mod didn't work but if it was on your loadout, the mod would also be the only thing unlocked each level up. Of course on top of that, if you didn't use a one-shot type weapon during the early stages, your only chance was that the clan used specters - which most didn't bother - since unmodded, you did almost no damage to the enemy warframes or many missile and sniper turrets until your mods unlocked if of course they unlocked.

I am glad that the experience on Xbox 1 is apparently so much more positive than the original experience here on PC; I had read otherwise and am pleased that was incorrect. However, you shouldn't assume that because you had a good experience with the PvP element of the Dark sector conflicts that those that played them since they existed must have given up early. The old conflicts were toxic and pressed Tenno against Tenno in a manner that many felt were unfair and somewhat lackluster. That said, I did enjoy the times when everything didn't glitch or enemy players didn't have Bladestorm lvls and energy upon the start of the conflict, when I fought through to the core and Angstrum'd the power core while Whirlwinding through Valkyr's spamming Orthos prime quick attacks. When it worked, it almost felt like you made a difference for a few seconds; but it didn't really work. I hope that the new system engages the community in a positive fashion.

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Well I'm excited for the more PVE aspect of Dark Sectors. All I remember of the original was the specters, and then suddenly it was all about clans monopolies, then turning it into total garbage, or a dramafest that ended in an armistice. I'd rather De not allow a watering hole like Senchura to be managed by players setting tax rates and back chat deals with each other to the detriment of PVE players. And then there was the nodes with the PVP conclave ratings...that to was full of drama, or completely ignored by the majority of PVE players.

PVP in Warframe needs a major re-think as it is anyways. It needs a fun casual aspect added to appeal to PVE players. Specters (Bots) to practice on, sports contests like Rocket League, Racing, fun modes like Infested, Indiana Jones, Juggernaut (EVOLVE/ Halo) for those who are a little more competitive, but need gimmicks like turning into a monster. 


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Good riddance. All it does is perpetuate the complaining about "overpowered" weaponry. Plus, unless there were servers dedicated to running it (which i doubt) PTP connections are absolute garbage for something like the old Dark Sectors.


I'd much rather prefer PVE (you know, the thing this game is based upon?) for whatever Dark Sectors has in store for it.

Edited by -Mr.Meeseeks-
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22 hours ago, DarkPhoenix1175 said:

This is bs all the time waiting for dark sectors to return and now you go and crush the hopes of erveryone waiting for some major pvp fun. The sad part is that you don't realize just how much more of the community we will loose now do to your unthought out process on how to approach and reintroduce dark sectors back into the game. personally I was looking forward to more than just pve but now will have no choice in what I and many others want to do in the game. It is a shame to see the people we will lose due to a non pvp aspect in dark sectors now.


Okay you along with other people once again have missed something. Instead of complaining about them THINKING about not having pvp in dark sector, why don't you think of ways to add pvpve into its mix. I also played when DS was pvp and yeah it was fun but like some people have said, if you weren't a big clan you struggled to even attack let alone damage the core. Its possible but highly irritating. I was in a small clan of 10 so yes a ghost clan had the balls to attack the owners of a moon clan's rail. The specters yeah make it pve to an extent but depending on the specters. (Cosmic and forces are like fighting actual players) you are fighting over 1000 enemies while trying to hack a console then breaking through the enemy defenses. Then unlocking the cores housing several times to attack it all the while being attacked by specters of varying levels which included specters of the corpus and grineer and other players. Yeah that does sound amazing and highly irritating but if so many people liked it find or make a thread with ideas that will assist in making it were pvp is still there. Heck i don't know pve is when you fight all the enemy factions to control the Dark Sector that could be fun a massive war tenno vs grineer, corpus, and infested. But its still a beta for something hasn't been finalized just stated could happen.

Edited by (XB1)StealthinWolf
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7 hours ago, Urlan said:

I think you are under a mistaken impression, I played in every dark sector conflict and many of the other players here did as well. I can only speak for PC and not the land of Xbone of course, but Dark Sectors here were one of the least fun experiences in the game. I still played in each one despite not benefiting from it as my clan wasn't contesting the solar rails, because there was the promise both of making a difference and helping affect a lasting mark on the starchart. That didn't last of course as a few alliances took control of each sought after node and then mocked players publicly while raising the taxes to 100%. Who can forget the drama of two parts of the same alliance fighting each other with Fire versus Ice or Lords of the East versus Ladies of the East! And the support for your mods unlocking was a fun concept right? Unless you used any auras other than Rifle amp, steel charge, corrosive projection, or Energy Siphon; then your aura mod would trigger each unlock but not do anything using up each of your level unlocks. Hope you didn't use the Rage mod, because one of the patches made it so the mod didn't work but if it was on your loadout, the mod would also be the only thing unlocked each level up. Of course on top of that, if you didn't use a one-shot type weapon during the early stages, your only chance was that the clan used specters - which most didn't bother - since unmodded, you did almost no damage to the enemy warframes or many missile and sniper turrets until your mods unlocked if of course they unlocked.

I am glad that the experience on Xbox 1 is apparently so much more positive than the original experience here on PC; I had read otherwise and am pleased that was incorrect. However, you shouldn't assume that because you had a good experience with the PvP element of the Dark sector conflicts that those that played them since they existed must have given up early. The old conflicts were toxic and pressed Tenno against Tenno in a manner that many felt were unfair and somewhat lackluster. That said, I did enjoy the times when everything didn't glitch or enemy players didn't have Bladestorm lvls and energy upon the start of the conflict, when I fought through to the core and Angstrum'd the power core while Whirlwinding through Valkyr's spamming Orthos prime quick attacks. When it worked, it almost felt like you made a difference for a few seconds; but it didn't really work. I hope that the new system engages the community in a positive fashion.

Yeah i played on the one and we had the same kind of thing happen to us my ghost clan attacked the alliance art of war which tax everyone way to much a sort of revolution happened where clans were trying to get rid of them anyone associated with them. That seem alot more toxic than people running looting frame ( no offense wizard i dont even use my ivara prowl for that just solo survival for energy.) That i didn't enjoy. I like pvp my friends thought was a cool idea. If the community comes with ideas how to keep it that create a friendly competition that while allowing pve strategy that would awesome. Players fighting other players while PvE is attacking the other factions that are trying to control the Dark Sector or something like that.

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9 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

Implying that you could get anything in the simulacrum to be "difficult PvE". It's not even a game in there- it's a simulation. You select your enemies. There's only one map tile with the same layout 100% of the time. The enemies can only be spawned in batches of 20. I'm not missing the point, you are.

Then allow me to clarify; there are roughly 5-7 tilesets in the game right now yes? and each level is, in its own way, procedurally generated. However, when youve been playing the game since 2014 you tend to be really familiar with the tilesets, so there addresses the map issue, which ties to this; if one is familiar with the map, knows what type of enemy they're facing, and can look up and be prepared for the type enemy (in terms of weaponry damage and frames), what is the difference? 20 heavy gunners vs an Inaros with a Paris Prime is as managable as 100 infested vs a Frost with a Dread. and there is always a way to look up the weaknesses of an established AI enemy.

However, when fighting another human being, there are variables you just cant predict every single time. What frame/ What build? What weapon? What's the build on that? Which way are they going to come from; around the middle? Right through? Over it?


It can be hard to beat the human random factor with coding.

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Been doing this dance with DE and the community for over a year now and extremely tired of it... This is just another thread in the long line of threads that have been brought up only to be shut down due to people being overly adamant (or just plain ignorant) about the situation. If you want to read the first waves of this regurgitated banter, you can find a good portion of it here: 

 Some of the most involved and intelligent players ever to play this aspect of Solar Rails posted some of their ideas on the first above thread during the height of Solar Rail Wars on Xbox 1, and after asking us for our opinion, rather than listen, they basically ignored it until this point, shut down any previous conversation that was gaining traction (even though it would get heated... but that is what forum mods are for, or am I wrong?) and are now asking a community barely experienced in the game type they are referring to, due to stripping the game type away from us for over a year and the majority of true Rail Vets leaving due to lack of patients, for feedback about it's pitfalls. Good luck with that lol. 

 To anyone who is coming to this thread just to say how much they disliked old Solar Rails and the PvP aspects of it, how about you make the simple decision of not playing it? Could have done it when it was around, and could still do it if they were to come back... you are not FORCED to play it but the people who truly enjoy the game mode have no alternative that is even remotely related to the same aspects of Solar Rail conquest, aside from PvP that is still not balanced anyway. 

 Or we could go right into the reasoning behind the lore perspective of it and ask why do we even still have dark sectors with node bonuses at all without a Solar Rail to reach these Dark Sectors? If I am not mistaken, weren't Solar Rails the only way to reach Dark Sectors in the first place...? and thus the reason they are built and those zones can be conflicted on? No more Conflicts or Solar Rails should mean no more bonuses or even no more nodes themselves period. How would the community who "hates pvp but loves the bonuses" from these nodes, feel about just losing the bonuses altogether? 


9 hours ago, (XB1)StealthinWolf said:

Yeah i played on the one and we had the same kind of thing happen to us my ghost clan attacked the alliance art of war which tax everyone way to much a sort of revolution happened where clans were trying to get rid of them anyone associated with them. That seem alot more toxic than people running looting frame ( no offense wizard i dont even use my ivara prowl for that just solo survival for energy.) That i didn't enjoy. I like pvp my friends thought was a cool idea. If the community comes with ideas how to keep it that create a friendly competition that while allowing pve strategy that would awesome. Players fighting other players while PvE is attacking the other factions that are trying to control the Dark Sector or something like that.

 10% taxes... wayyyy too much (lol). I wonder how many people start civil war in whatever country you are from due to the toxicity of your tax system because I am sure that your tax values are much higher IRL lol.... I know mine are atleast roughly equivalent. Also 10 person Ghost Clan attacking fully active 4000 person Alliance... and you are surprised about the outcome? Players fighting other players while PvE aspects (other factions) of the game were involved and also attacking each other is EXACTLY what Solar Rail Conflict was before it was taken away... you said you played it but you obviously aren't very educated on the mode and how things actually worked... but you are ready to judge it full on.


 ...and that is EXACTLY what I am talking about in the first paragraph after the links. I don't mean to offend you with this comment but if I do, I apologize for doing so... but they are now going to piece together input from a group of people with either none, or next to no experience in the mode they are trying to improve... aka majority of posters on this and any recent thread involving Solar Rails.... should be interesting.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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2 hours ago, (XB1)Xodus03 said:

Been doing this dance with DE and the community for over a year now and extremely tired of it... This is just another thread in the long line of threads that have been brought up only to be shut down due to people being overly adamant (or just plain ignorant) about the situation. If you want to read the first waves of this regurgitated banter, you can find a good portion of it here: 

 Some of the most involved and intelligent players ever to play this aspect of Solar Rails posted some of their ideas on the first above thread during the height of Solar Rail Wars on Xbox 1, and after asking us for our opinion, rather than listen, they basically ignored it until this point, shut down any previous conversation that was gaining traction (even though it would get heated... but that is what forum mods are for, or am I wrong?) and are now asking a community barely experienced in the game type they are referring to, due to stripping the game type away from us for over a year and the majority of true Rail Vets leaving due to lack of patients, for feedback about it's pitfalls. Good luck with that lol. 

 To anyone who is coming to this thread just to say how much they disliked old Solar Rails and the PvP aspects of it, how about you make the simple decision of not playing it? Could have done it when it was around, and could still do it if they were to come back... you are not FORCED to play it but the people who truly enjoy the game mode have no alternative that is even remotely related to the same aspects of Solar Rail conquest, aside from PvP that is still not balanced anyway. 

 Or we could go right into the reasoning behind the lore perspective of it and ask why do we even still have dark sectors with node bonuses at all without a Solar Rail to reach these Dark Sectors? If I am not mistaken, weren't Solar Rails the only way to reach Dark Sectors in the first place...? and thus the reason they are built and those zones can be conflicted on? No more Conflicts or Solar Rails should mean no more bonuses or even no more nodes themselves period. How would the community who "hates pvp but loves the bonuses" from these nodes, feel about just losing the bonuses altogether? 


 10% taxes... wayyyy too much (lol). I wonder how many people start civil war in whatever country you are from due to the toxicity of your tax system because I am sure that your tax values are much higher IRL lol.... I know mine are atleast roughly equivalent. Also 10 person Ghost Clan attacking fully active 4000 person Alliance... and you are surprised about the outcome? Players fighting other players while PvE aspects (other factions) of the game were involved and also attacking each other is EXACTLY what Solar Rail Conflict was before it was taken away... you said you played it but you obviously aren't very educated on the mode and how things actually worked... but you are ready to judge it full on.


 ...and that is EXACTLY what I am talking about in the first paragraph after the links. I don't mean to offend you with this comment but if I do, I apologize for doing so... but they are now going to piece together input from a group of people with either none, or next to no experience in the mode they are trying to improve... aka majority of posters on this and any recent thread involving Solar Rails.... should be interesting.

All of this ^ I couldn't have said it better myself.

Edited by (XB1)CFE Requiem
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Yeah I agree with Xodus... all you guys who are here complaining about the Solar Rails and PvP aspect of them, always had the choice of not playing them. There are 257 PvE nodes in this game... how about the Solar Rail/PvP haters just go play one of those nodes and let the people who enjoy(ed) Solar Rails have the aspect of the game that they found entertaining?

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they didn't say that, in fact they said something about you being able to do a lot of things, including fighting if needed,they are still preparing the absinthe. No need to be nervous before hand xD just see what comes out,only thing not used for fighting are rails, so probably fighting will take a whole other different approach making it more engaging 

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Weren't Dark Sector missions originally PvE? It was made into PvP afterwards which was disabled before Conclave came out.

Good thing, too. It was awful, and it interfered with PvE, which is something PvP should never EVER do. PvP players were fighting for a node that benefits PvE players, and PvE players had to do PvP to get their node back. Where is the sense in that?

Better for PvP to be its own separate fleshed-out multi-mode aspect of the game, rather than having it split into two underwhelming parts.

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On 3/18/2016 at 4:23 AM, DERebecca said:

To follow up, the return of Dark Sector is very flexible (i.e not final in design). I will relay the PvP interests but have no certainty on the results at this time.

I'll say PVE only will serves more number than that " PVP DS "in the past.


the data of before DS war turn in to PVP, (spy1.0/mobile defense)mission reflected it.

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9 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Weren't Dark Sector missions originally PvE? It was made into PvP afterwards which was disabled before Conclave came out.

Good thing, too. It was awful, and it interfered with PvE, which is something PvP should never EVER do. PvP players were fighting for a node that benefits PvE players, and PvE players had to do PvP to get their node back. Where is the sense in that?

Better for PvP to be its own separate fleshed-out multi-mode aspect of the game, rather than having it split into two underwhelming parts.

As Xodus03 pointed out, the Dark Sectors were introduced with the conflict, you get bonuses from them to make them worth fighting for, so the only way in which it interfered was to offer extra maps with the potential for bonused rewards, these sectors should be removed or contested. If you don't play Dark Sectors you've got nothing to complain about, this thread is about wanting to play them, and how they should function. Any poll taken on this count should be carefully worded, many Tenno are hard of hearing; the question here is whether Tenno who want PvP clan conflict should have a game mode.

Edited by Suska
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