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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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21 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

Clans form and disband all the time. People move on from one game to another. When the armistice began the game had been out on XB1 for roughly 7 months--I imagine a lot of players who started playing Warframe got burnt out on it or started playing other games to help get rid of the burnout.

I've been in clans where the warlords have gone AWOL. It happens to large clans as well as small, people submit support tickets or ask what they can do to replace inactive warlords all the time.

Sure, I'll humor the fact that a lot of the PvP oriented clans probably left the game, but I highly, highly doubt that players who focused primarily on PvP and left after the armistice made up 40% of the playerbase. Not to mention there were other games coming out all the time--one notable title that stands out is the House of Wolves expansion for Destiny that launched about a month or so after the armistice started.

So you are not going to message them to see what happened yourself ? Ok. Got it.

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Our community took a huge hit when rails got put on hold. We had no idea how long it'd be, didn't expect this long, for sure. I don't think any of these polls about if PvP should be in Dark Sectors are fair, they should have asked that back when it first got put in armistice.

Bring back rails, make clans and alliances have a purpose again. We have more than enough PvE grind available as it is.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Bubba5234 said:

Our community took a huge hit when rails got put on hold. We had no idea how long it'd be, didn't expect this long, for sure. I don't think any of these polls about if PvP should be in Dark Sectors are fair, they should have asked that back when it first got put in armistice.

Bring back rails, make clans and alliances have a purpose again. We have more than enough PvE grind available as it is.

No doubt! A lot of the old clans and alliances lost a large portion of Dark Sector focused players. And that's expected considering that these clans and alliances were founded for Dark Sectors! And many of them have already said that they won't invest anymore time in them unless they know for certain that they will be pvp oriented in some form.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)BroadsideMobste said:

When Dark Sector conflicts were taken out of the game, ALOT of notable players left, and when people asked where they were one response was very common to hear, "They'll be back when rails return".

I don't think this widely known to people on other platforms. Xbox one warframe got rekt by the armistice and just now starting to recover.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I don't think this widely known to people on other platforms. Xbox one warframe got rekt by the armistice and just now starting to recover.

The case isn't that different in PC as well... We lost many good players in PC as well, and I had been looking forward to dark sectors pvp for a really long time. pve has gotten too boring most of the time, because it is just endless grind for literally nothing that I need.... 

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6 hours ago, (XB1)xX2FAB4U said:

Awe Beijing you remember NxGEN

( I was the last real warlord that did anything)

How could I forget ? The opening attack was spectacular by you guys, it caught us completely off guard because we thought it was just from some random alliance. Then you guys took the node, in 9hrs btw. Not too bad. What I remember the most was our counter attack a week later. We attacked at 4am. Like, who does that ? JOE DOES !


Edited by (XB1)CFE Discord
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as far as i know the competition in PC ceased after the alliances noticed that it was better to collude with the enemy, at least that was the popular knowledge, also using the battle rewards to offer millions of credits but coordinating its timing in order to allow a particular group of players to get the reward, just like any administrative system its rules had leaks and on the bigger scheme competition went to a second plane, they way you talk about it looks like you didnt get to that point of meta-dark sectoring

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Like discord said u got clans disband because of the rails people stop playing cause of the rails letters if u play xbox and look at the people who stop playing and the amount of clans that not here nomore you will see that the rails is the main part of this game its like clan wars in cod this is are war and its in the name of the game WAR FRAME look at it WAR FRAME so why stop something that people build there clan and alliance to compete for ask me that ??????

Edited by (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME
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And when the vote happened for pvp to be in rails there was no announcement telling us are anything we was actually down alot but when PS4 and XBL found out about we came back and almost won tell me why wasnt there a announcement on it and why wasnt it at least in the game to notify us that a pole was taking.

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I personally im TOTALLY aganist that clans can have control over a PvE content of the game.

Many people know the dark sector wars were, they were a total hell, broken, and exploited. I thank DE that they decided to stop them before it was late. Lets not corrupt this game. I have seen already what can happen in other games.

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5 hours ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

And when the vote happened for pvp to be in rails there was no announcement telling us are anything we was actually down alot but when PS4 and XBL found out about we came back and almost won tell me why wasnt there a announcement on it and why wasnt it at least in the game to notify us that a pole was taking.

For real. I don't think it was rebford's intention to have the poll be official or something. Maybe she was just trying to get a general feel of the community.

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On 3/18/2016 at 2:48 PM, Vandrachia said:

There's a reason why Warframe was suddenly dropped when Solar Rails were taken down. I think most players want to have it, as they hear of the "Glory days". Please, bring them back. All of the newer players want it, if not a major percentage.

To be fair, the highest category was " no pvp" but all the combined votes for the varying levels of some PVP to all PVP completely outnumbered none at all. I think they got that message. If it were just "yes" or "no", then "yes" would have won.

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22 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

To be fair, the highest category was " no pvp" but all the combined votes for the varying levels of some PVP to all PVP completely outnumbered none at all. I think they got that message. If it were just "yes" or "no", then "yes" would have won.

I believe the number for no pvp was at 36% which would mean that the majority of players supported having pvp in some aspect. I just hope DE doesnt turn it into some minor side game for the new rails.

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44 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

I believe the number for no pvp was at 36% which would mean that the majority of players supported having pvp in some aspect. I just hope DE doesnt turn it into some minor side game for the new rails.

The problem is the people who voted definitively for PVP are going to want competitive pvp. All the in-betweeners who only voted maybe-ish for pvp may just want some pvp-on-the-side and that won't be good.

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On 07.04.2016 at 3:57 PM, rockscl said:

as far as i know the competition in PC ceased after the alliances noticed that it was better to collude with the enemy, at least that was the popular knowledge, also using the battle rewards to offer millions of credits but coordinating its timing in order to allow a particular group of players to get the reward, just like any administrative system its rules had leaks and on the bigger scheme competition went to a second plane, they way you talk about it looks like you didnt get to that point of meta-dark sectoring

Indeed. As far as I saw, Dark Sectors have turned into one of the most corrupt player-controlled systems I've seen in games so far. I REALLY would rather not have such things return.

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On 3/18/2016 at 1:56 PM, tocorro said:

I myself started playing because it was a co-op PvE. 

And am not using PvP at all - tried it and didn't like it, neither Dark Sector conflicts, nor Conclave.

But you are not here to shut down PvP or the solar rails just because it doesn't interest you. You wouldn't cast a vote to get rid of solar rails because it doesn't appeal to you. That would be horribly selfish and there are very few people out there that are honestly that selfish. 

People here who do not support PvP need to understand that over 75% of the game is co-op. Very little is PvP. 

Consider the solar rails the PvP version of the raids. Where you get bigger teams together to achieve a bigger goal. That is what we do. It's a bigger PvP battle than anything conclave offers where the sharpest competition is for those of us that like the hardest challenges. 

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14 hours ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

Indeed. As far as I saw, Dark Sectors have turned into one of the most corrupt player-controlled systems I've seen in games so far. I REALLY would rather not have such things return.

Didn't happen on consoles. It was fairly balanced and some of the best PvP I've ever played in a game since the UT series. There were no taxes over 25% anywhere. In fact, several nodes were at 0%. The big alliances (Arbiters Rage, Art of War, Imperial Tenno) always had some sort of conflict going on whether it was against them or us. The final days of the rails were amazing. We were just about to begin another huge war with Imperial Tenno and then DE took away the rails.

Edited by (XB1)CFE Discord
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23 hours ago, (XB1)CFE GizzyMcFish said:

   75% of your game is co-op PvE. To remove PvP from Dark Sectors is to remove THE POINT of alliances and rail-wars. For those of you who did not know the glory of rail-wars. I feel sorry for you. It truly was beautiful to behold.

"glory of rail-wars"

-Clans exploiting the changes on the defenses to avoid being attacked

-False promising clans who ended up with 100% taxes (stealing your dreamed despair)

-Players being bribed for fighting for them.


Glory is what you call it, i call it corruption and shame.

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16 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

"glory of rail-wars"

-Clans exploiting the changes on the defenses to avoid being attacked

-False promising clans who ended up with 100% taxes (stealing your dreamed despair)

-Players being bribed for fighting for them.


Glory is what you call it, i call it corruption and shame.

Yeah. You guys got the off brand ripoff version of solar rails on pc. We got the deluxe edition where people had 0% taxes and no defense exploits.

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43 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Yeah. You guys got the off brand ripoff version of solar rails on pc. We got the deluxe edition where people had 0% taxes and no defense exploits.

in the best case, you would play darksector for a while until a really ambitious alliance decides to play travian in warframe, only that travian is seasonal and warframe could only get rid of its controller by internal problems that leaded to betrayal, it wouldnt matter how good you could be in the actual pvp, the game was played so much out of the game that ppl couldnt even login at a special key time, darksectors had like 3 layers of metagame and what happened inside of the battle was the less important, it needed a mayor rework and obviously that is why DE has scrapped their own ideas along this year of armistice

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