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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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17 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

"glory of rail-wars"

-Clans exploiting the changes on the defenses to avoid being attacked

-False promising clans who ended up with 100% taxes (stealing your dreamed despair)

-Players being bribed for fighting for them.


Glory is what you call it, i call it corruption and shame.

"Honor, Discipline, Excellence!"

- Funfact: This happend as far as i remember twice, unintentionally done by 2 different tacticians from 2 different alliances(before we knew about the bug ourselves). And everyone accuses us nowadays, as if it were a frequently returning abuse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You know about the bug because we mentioned it somewhere on the forums or beacuse we told someone who told someone else who doesnt like us and made a video of how we eventually could'ce abuse the DarkSector conflicts frequently. Unfortunately most of the times the hosts were simply aborting the mission to get 50% of the battlepay instant. Doesnt matter if you believe me or not, but we reported every bug we were aware of and able to reproduce.

- Due to a lack of ambition no one fought against my rails with 100% tax(and maybe because no one is intrested in a rail on phobos or eris at all). Dont blame me. i never promised low taxes to anyone. My plan was simple: The higher the taxes the more likely someone might rally against us. Unfortunately it didnt work at all. Anyone on the forums simply said: "Dont fight them. Wait for DE to rework then solar rails and then we going to take over blablabla...". That s the "lack of ambition"-mentallity of today's generation. They want everything with no effort. It took us months(!) to take over the system. Do peopel think we simply give up after 1 single temporary loss? Nope. we dont. In my opinion it is the PC community's fault. Worked fine on XBOX and PS4 as far as i ve seen.

- We called it "battle pay" and it is meant as reward and big "thank you" for our supporters. :)

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57 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Yeah. You guys got the off brand ripoff version of solar rails on pc. We got the deluxe edition where people had 0% taxes and no defense exploits.

Oh damnit, i didnt noticed you guys were from Xbox One. My bad.

But anyway, solar rail conflicts were a really bad thing for the entire community.

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1 hour ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

Oh damnit, i didnt noticed you guys were from Xbox One. My bad.

But anyway, solar rail conflicts were a really bad thing for the entire community.

Yeah, I feel bad you guys got that whole 99% tax thing on PC. But on Xbox we didn't have taxes go above 20% and that was only on a few oocassions. Most DS nodes were around 5-10%. Some of them were set at 0%. First time I heard about that 99% tax thing way back, I thought someone was joking with me.

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On 3/18/2016 at 3:27 PM, -cS-Nocturnex said:

That was the motivation for most of the PVP in Warframe. The assumption was, once Conclave was at its apex in balance, that the Dark Sectors Armistice would be lifted. Now that PVP will not play into any element in DS, a lot of folks will feel like they wasted their time in honing their skills here. I would like PVP to be an option in Dark Sector Conflict while other operatives(PVE participants) fill in other roles of Sabotage, however, DE wants inclusivity in Dark Sectors 2.0 than cater the mode to a niche group. I do feel less motivated to play PVP, to a certain degree. I still dream to get Vengeful Revenant.

My clan was built around dark sectors. Everyone left the game or went inactive for long periods of time when they got rid of it:/ iv been waiting for it to come back for so long....;_;

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9 hours ago, rockscl said:

in the best case, you would play darksector for a while until a really ambitious alliance decides to play travian in warframe, only that travian is seasonal and warframe could only get rid of its controller by internal problems that leaded to betrayal, it wouldnt matter how good you could be in the actual pvp, the game was played so much out of the game that ppl couldnt even login at a special key time, darksectors had like 3 layers of metagame and what happened inside of the battle was the less important, it needed a mayor rework and obviously that is why DE has scrapped their own ideas along this year of armistice

uhm no. We had that really ambitious alliance come and they dominated early on and had some of the best real estate for farming nodes on warframe. As you can check on Deathsnacks, they got rekt by Arbiters and Art of War. Art of War were 3 ( 4? 2?) clans that split off from this ambitious alliance and started their own thing. When they came to attack the ambitious alliance`s nodes, they were successful. However, this ambitious alliance even took nodes back from Art of War, so they were not completely out of the fight yet. It took 3 months of fighting to finally beat the ambitious alliance, but it was done. No alliance on warframe is invincible on the rails. This has been proven many times.

What happens inside the rail is more important than what happens in the "Meta Game". If an alliance threw up block rails, you fight until you make that block rails be an actual conquer. You don't need battlepay or even good timing to conquer rails, though they make it significantly less arduous. My alliance has taken rails with no battle pay, and at late/early hours. All it takes is stubborn, dedicated, tenno to fight for their alliance to take the rail.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:


What happens inside the rail is more important than what happens in the "Meta Game". If an alliance threw up block rails, you fight until you make that block rails be an actual conquer. You don't need battlepay or even good timing to conquer rails, though they make it significantly less arduous. My alliance has taken rails with no battle pay, and at late/early hours. All it takes is stubborn, dedicated, tenno to fight for their alliance to take the rail.

The funny part is we told everyone this information when rails where active. In fact in a few post I remember laying out the exact number of troops runs etc etc basically giving our enemy's effective battle plans to fight us. What did they do with this information?

12 hours ago, Fraank said:

 Anyone on the forums simply said: "Dont fight them. Wait for DE to rework then solar rails and then we going to take over blablabla...". That s the "lack of ambition"-mentallity of today's generation. They want everything with no effort.



The only active DS  PC Alliances that where dedicated enough to their cause  to put in actual effort held rails. Sadly the majority of PC alliances fell into 3 other category's.

  • Those that where badly organized or ill managed.

Evan today on PC most alliances fall into this category. Everyone wants to run their own show but not put any actual time or effort into it. They do not check or enforce activity or participation and instead send blanket invitations to any clan that will accept an invite. The result is an alliance near full cap with 30 or less players online out of 4000  at any given time. Most of these alliance owners don't even have decent activity in their own clan. The organizational portion of these alliances are abysmal and communication is  non existent.

  • Those that where unwilling to participate.

Could be players that hated PvP. Could be those unwilling to participate because they got cheesed to many times in rail fights. The excuses where numerous but most commonly involved some bug or glitch that week or just the general lack of reward for owning a dark sector.

  • Those who founded casual Alliances.

Actually nothing wrong with these guys. They where and are doing exactly what they set out to do. Which is use alliance chat for social means with out opting into any DS participation.

Edited by --Skitz0--
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Ok the issue is taxes i can agree pain in the but u got to consider the amount of money we putting in for the war we got to do plenty of raids or pluto to put up for spectors and defending than not only that the alliance i know of had had zero taxes on it so ppl would side with us cause were being fair not every 1 is like that but if that the issue set up a balance paid of 20 % nothing higher. I understand that pc got to test it out first to get all the bugs put before it hits consoles and i thank yall for that but dont take out the part of the game that is exciting to play is PVP it take a high level of skills to play cause spent hours on perfecting that part and im still not great but better if any 1 from pc need advice about pvp just ask us cause we got some of the best players in it even wen they nerf our weapons we find another 1 to make it great or we find away to make the weapon they nerf even better. The only thing i got a problem with is taking pvp out rails wen it should be a balance ground of playing style

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When I was with the Order I never saw taxes set higher than 20%. Xodus can probably give you an exact figure but from my time there I never saw more than 20%. Most of the Order rails were between 5%-10% when I was there. Occasionally they'd go up to 15-20%. However X was with the Order for the duration of the time and he'd be able to give you more exact statistics.

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There is always the ability to use the sun as the dark sector. Since the solar rails allows us to access points it would allow us access to a different dimension where the sun isnt just a massive ball of burning gas but an actual planet. That way without a solar rail it cant be accessed. 

My thought process is like what the lotus did with the moon. Just moved the entire dang thing into the void. 

Since Sol is sun in the sol part of solar it wouldnt be too far off if it dealt with the sun. it would put solar rails dead center of our solar map and not clutter it either. 

Edited by (XB1)CFE Vendetta
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On April 7, 2016 at 0:01 AM, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

How could I forget ? The opening attack was spectacular by you guys, it caught us completely off guard because we thought it was just from some random alliance. Then you guys took the node, in 9hrs btw. Not too bad. What I remember the most was our counter attack a week later. We attacked at 4am. Like, who does that ? JOE DOES !


Lol I would say sorry for jacking your rail but I'm not.

we had to fight to get resources, people are still gonna fight to get a rail, even if it's 1, those people will hold onto it longer then some peoples relationships...

the question is who is left to oppose the rule of ar and aow

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Just putting this out here, every single alliance in this game likes to run PvP and PvE. So taking out the main PvP of the game (Dark Sector wars) and to make it more "Co-op"  Is pretty stupid. Most of these alliances in the game don't like each other, therefor we've been preparing for around a year waiting for these to return and this happens? If PvP were to be removed from Dark Sectors and the only PvP aspect of the game is conclave, I can almost promise you a lot of people will quit the game, a lot of clans will disband, and a lot of active paying/free to play players that have been around for a long time will quit. Also, the PvP in this game brings a lot of activity and competition, clan and alliance leaders get their members to play the game more by influencing them on the "Future Wars" That may not even return, I'm sure most of these big alliances want to fight other alliances for nodes instead of fighting Corpus etc..... We fight enough of them, we farm daily for resources, our only freedom to battle each other right now is Concave and that's just used to hold people off till "Rail Day". But if that day doesn't return, then neither will a lot of players.....

-Leader of "The Sacred"


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1 hour ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Just putting this out here, every single alliance in this game likes to run PvP and PvE. So taking out the main PvP of the game (Dark Sector wars) and to make it more "Co-op"  Is pretty stupid. Most of these alliances in the game don't like each other, therefor we've been preparing for around a year waiting for these to return and this happens? If PvP were to be removed from Dark Sectors and the only PvP aspect of the game is conclave, I can almost promise you a lot of people will quit the game, a lot of clans will disband, and a lot of active paying/free to play players that have been around for a long time will quit. Also, the PvP in this game brings a lot of activity and competition, clan and alliance leaders get their members to play the game more by influencing them on the "Future Wars" That may not even return, I'm sure most of these big alliances want to fight other alliances for nodes instead of fighting Corpus etc..... We fight enough of them, we farm daily for resources, our only freedom to battle each other right now is Concave and that's just used to hold people off till "Rail Day". But if that day doesn't return, then neither will a lot of players.....

-Leader of "The Sacred"


They have already announced that it will not include PvP.  The new Dark Sectors will be only one sector.  They plan to add some sort of game mechanic where clan members will need to actively search the solar system to find the Dark Sector.  They used the word: "Scout".  I'd use the words: "Easter Egg Hunt" or "Scavenger Hunt".  They have also implied that it will be quite a long time before DS returns.  We can safely assume that it will be after the Solar Map update because hunting for a DS in the current meta doesn't seem viable.

I can picture the new solar map Warframe-Payday:  "Hello, Tenno, What do you want to do today?"

Tenno:  "Find the Dark Sector"

Warframe-Payday:  Okay, off you go. Selects random planet possibly adjacent to the Dark Sector.

The catch is that it's a multi-day mission like payday and you can only do one per day.

I sincerely hope that they change their minds.  They really are missing the fact that there is real end game in Warframe.  Events and new cosmetics are not enough to keep players interested.  It's very difficult to motivate MR 21 people to continue playing Warframe when they own everything and have done everything.  Focus is nice, but not really endgame.  Convergence is really bad, but I digress.


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34 minutes ago, (XB1)Zoltan6201 said:

They have already announced that it will not include PvP.  The new Dark Sectors will be only one sector.  They plan to add some sort of game mechanic where clan members will need to actively search the solar system to find the Dark Sector.  They used the word: "Scout".  I'd use the words: "Easter Egg Hunt" or "Scavenger Hunt".  They have also implied that it will be quite a long time before DS returns.  We can safely assume that it will be after the Solar Map update because hunting for a DS in the current meta doesn't seem viable.

I can picture the new solar map Warframe-Payday:  "Hello, Tenno, What do you want to do today?"

Tenno:  "Find the Dark Sector"

Warframe-Payday:  Okay, off you go. Selects random planet possibly adjacent to the Dark Sector.

The catch is that it's a multi-day mission like payday and you can only do one per day.

I sincerely hope that they change their minds.  They really are missing the fact that there is real end game in Warframe.  Events and new cosmetics are not enough to keep players interested.  It's very difficult to motivate MR 21 people to continue playing Warframe when they own everything and have done everything.  Focus is nice, but not really endgame.  Convergence is really bad, but I digress.


Im thinking this "Dark Sector" will be like the other sectors weve seen so far (Naramon Core) and the nodes inside them will be the missions. In my theory, this "Dark Sector"  will have the 26 Conquerable nodes inside it. This makes sense to me. I could be waaaay off though.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Im thinking this "Dark Sector" will be like the other sectors weve seen so far (Naramon Core) and the nodes inside them will be the missions. In my theory, this "Dark Sector"  will have the 26 Conquerable nodes inside it. This makes sense to me. I could be waaaay off though.

I like this idea. What if all those nodes on that planet or zone were conclaves, and different nodes would require different levels of some sort of competitive ranking? This would give the much needed competitive aspect, and also make specific, higher level rails would be more valuable (both for bragging rights and they would get more rewards of some sort). No idea what the ranking would entail, but it would definitely do well with separating players out by some degree.


I really don't think there's much of a point at all in having dark sectors reward pve farming spots; the more separation the better.

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7 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

I like this idea. What if all those nodes on that planet or zone were conclaves, and different nodes would require different levels of some sort of competitive ranking? This would give the much needed competitive aspect, and also make specific, higher level rails would be more valuable (both for bragging rights and they would get more rewards of some sort). No idea what the ranking would entail, but it would definitely do well with separating players out by some degree.


I really don't think there's much of a point at all in having dark sectors reward pve farming spots; the more separation the better.

I was thinking about how the old conclave was tiered with conclave ratings and how PvE is tiered with enemy levels. What if the upper nodes (Sechura, Seimeni, Gabii, Hiercacon) were for people who had high conclave ratings on both their build ( 1k to 2k ?) and from Teshin`s current rank system ? These could be the super valuable nodes. Then the mid tier nodes (Uranus, Phobos, Saturn, Sedna) could be for people who had 500 to 1k. Then the lowers (Earth, Venus, etc) could be 500 and under. I think this could be fair and allow lower leveled players to have their nodes, while the serious alliances could have their nodes at the top.

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On April 13, 2016 at 3:32 PM, (XB1)Zoltan6201 said:

I sincerely hope that they change their minds.  They really are missing the fact that there is real end game in Warframe.  Events and new cosmetics are not enough to keep players interested.  It's very difficult to motivate MR 21 people to continue playing Warframe when they own everything and have done everything.  Focus is nice, but not really endgame.  Convergence is really bad, but I digress.


I couldn't agree more, Dark Sectors were the true end game of warframe, nothing felt better than taking out a newly built weapon/frame and seeing how it faired on a rail! I already know anything i forma and level up will do good in pve, but the true test was how did it perform on rail against other tenno, and did it fit my play style! What Warframe has turned into since Dark Sectors have been gone for the past YEAR is honestly disheartening to see. There was always something to do when we had Dark Sector conflicts. Now when a new player starts playing this game, the only thing they see that there is to do is xp farm for mastery rank. If I'm to speak honestly, the fact that DE is considering taking out pvp from Dark Sectors is disturbing, and since it's been so long since Dark Sectors were here 75% of the community has absolutely no idea what they were like! So when they hold these votes, asking if the community wants them to be pvp or pve, the majority of the community only knows of Conclave 2.0, that's what they imagine Dark Sector pvp being, even though Conclave 2.0 is NOTHING like Dark Sectors were. I still support DE, and enjoy the game, and the community, but I do hope that Dark Sectors return with a pvp aspect to them again.

Edited by (XB1)BroadsideMobste
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If they bring DS back with a PVP element it is still not enough. It needs to be a competitive PVP element between clans or alliances. Just simply having an added PVP element won't be the same. If that's the case I can basically go play another game. It's the competitiveness between the alliances that made those conflicts enjoyable. Just adding a pvp element without making it alliance or clan based won't make a difference.

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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 0:14 PM, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Just putting this out here, every single alliance in this game likes to run PvP and PvE. So taking out the main PvP of the game (Dark Sector wars) and to make it more "Co-op"  Is pretty stupid. Most of these alliances in the game don't like each other, therefor we've been preparing for around a year waiting for these to return and this happens? If PvP were to be removed from Dark Sectors and the only PvP aspect of the game is conclave, I can almost promise you a lot of people will quit the game, a lot of clans will disband, and a lot of active paying/free to play players that have been around for a long time will quit. Also, the PvP in this game brings a lot of activity and competition, clan and alliance leaders get their members to play the game more by influencing them on the "Future Wars" That may not even return, I'm sure most of these big alliances want to fight other alliances for nodes instead of fighting Corpus etc..... We fight enough of them, we farm daily for resources, our only freedom to battle each other right now is Concave and that's just used to hold people off till "Rail Day". But if that day doesn't return, then neither will a lot of players.....

-Leader of "The Sacred"


A majority of the large alliances on warframe are hoping for the rails to come back. We've already lost a few alliances because of armistice. If the rails come back as PvE, it may just finish xbone off.

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On 4/16/2016 at 8:19 PM, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

A majority of the large alliances on warframe are hoping for the rails to come back. We've already lost a few alliances because of armistice. If the rails come back as PvE, it may just finish xbone off.

It has already done a lot of damage.  I would really like to see statistics on how many players are actively playing Warframe.  Not currently registered players or ones that login for the consecutive rewards and then log off.  Not one of my clan members cares about 'fashion frame' or cosmetics.  There is NO end game now.  We need competitive player versus player clan conflicts to keep players interested in Warframe.

I encountered a cool player last night who was MR19.  He had no clan.  We offered him the opportunity to join our clan and he wanted to know why he should join and what our plans were.  Since there is no clan conflict now, he said that he might be interested then, but not at the current time.

I'm not saying that his decision was justified, just an example of player sentiment.


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