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Pluto isn't a planet


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As the title indicates Pluto is not considered a planet anymore and especially not in the future. If you include pluto then you'll have to include Eris, though not as recognized, it is larger then pluto and occupies the same Kuiper belt. Likewise base on the asteroid belt isn't a terrible Idea either.

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they reversed the decision in the future. part of lore.

And god freakly bless them for it, Pluto is a planet, becuase we damn well want it to be!

Just becuse some egg head was running out of research grants needed to do something ballys to make his investors happy DOESN'T mean Pluto isn't a planet anymore.....

Yes, This annoys me. Yes I'm still upset about. and Yes, I will be Killing Grineer AROUND THE PLANET OF PLUTO for a while after this post, just to make a point.

What point that is.. i don't entirly know, but its a good one damn it!

See you out on the far end of the Rails Tennos!

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I'm not saying Pluto being a playable area is a bad thing but, like it or not, there are planetoids larger then Pluto and planetoids smaller then Pluto, all of which reside in the Kuiper belt. The same originally happened for the asteroid belt. first there was a planetoid then there was the belt, except in this case no one remembers the names or existence of these planetoids and only recognize the asteroid belt. Its not just that some eggheads thought it was too small, it simply resides in an area of space called the Kuiper belt home to several like sized rocks and planetoids.

Besides many moons are larger then Pluto and Eris, which is larger then Pluto, also resides in the Kuiper belt. Unless you want to name every distant rock a planet, and trust me many have tried, Pluto was just discovered first, if we discovered Eris first we would be having this exact discussion but in reverse.

Seriosly, the same happened with the asteroid belt and its just happenning now, no matter how much the lore wishes it to be, unless you blow up all the planetoids, rocks and iceballs, Pluto can no longer be recognized as a planet.

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None of us are very good at the "stealth" portion of being ninjas, but this thread was started in hopes of clearing the misconception as well as possibly openning up more areas in our solar system. I, like many, want to see this game succeed and without proper a factual bases, which would give the game more depth and a better connection to the current and future understanding of space and our galaxy. With things outside of our solar system this is more difficult, but within the system its not difficult to find this larger amount of data.

Even if not everyone will care nor appreciate realistic portrayals put in to games (being the few who posted replies to the thread, not to sound hostile, just pointing it out as a fact), many others will enjoy in reading these facts up and having a real world connection to it, no matter how small.

So in the end, it's more levels and more users. I honestly do not see the fault in that.

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On Pluto lies Outer Terminus of Solar Rail. That is why it is included. Probably it will be important to the future plot. Why it is on Pluto? Ask Orokin era engineers (ie. write to Steve or Rebecca).

And I would start being astronomically correct by fixing collision between Jupiter and Saturn - that is possibly disastrous event affecting gravitational equilibrium of Solar System daily. Also, where is Moon.

Edited by SabreUr
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On Pluto lies Outer Terminus of Solar Rail. That is why it is included. Probably it will be important to the future plot. Why it is on Pluto? Ask Orokin era engineers (ie. write to Steve or Rebecca).


Also, Pluto is the planet of the hearts. *sniff*

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Pluto is not a planet no matter how much you want it to be. Pluto ia a dwarf planet.


As you can see, Pluto doesn't live up to the size standards. This applies to the other three dwarf planets as well. Warframe devs should add Haum ea, Makemake and Eris if they wish to complete our solar system.

Edited by Ecfor
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they could also add planets's satellites

In a certain way there are, 2 missions on Jupiter are called Io and Europa, two of Jupiter's satellites. Dunno if other missions are named following the same rule(Jupiter has lots of satellites but Io and Europa are the only 2 i can remember).

Edited by Zephon
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Pluto is not a planet no matter how much you want it to be. Pluto ia a dwarf planet.

As you can see, Pluto doesn't live up to the size standards. This applies to the other three dwarf planets as well. Warframe devs should add Haum ea, Makemake and Eris if they wish to complete our solar system.

And why is that? This is not an educational game. If they are willing to expand mission areas they can add other dwarf plantes. Or moons. Or battle stations. Or whatever, it's their game. And give me one quotation from game (exact quote) were Pluto is regarded as planet.

In a certain way there are, 2 missions on Jupiter are called Io and Europa, two of Jupiter's satellites. Dunno if other missions are named following the same rule(Jupiter has lots of satellites but Io and Europa are the only 2 i can remember).

Uranian moons are also included as mission sites. Also Phobos and Deimos on Mars.

Edited by SabreUr
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And why is that? This is not an educational game. If they are willing to expand mission areas they can add other dwarf plantes. Or moons. Or battle stations. Or whatever, it's their game. And give me one quotation from game (exact quote) were Pluto is regarded as planet.

Uranian moons are also included as mission sites. Also Phobos and Deimos on Mars.

See post #10, before making this comment.

It 's not only to clear a misconception. It's also a way to improve some of the games feel for some of the players who are interested in the stuff as well as adding new content and as I said previously there is absolutely no down side to having a correct star map other then the effort put into making it, and the solar system, being the first system you play in, is important for that first impression.

And whats an online game without a couiple non-important areas, as long as they are playable or interesting, there is nothing to complain about more content.

And yes, the colliding Jupiter and Saturn is a lot more important, graphically, but I still ask the devs to take this into consideration.Seriously it is the little things that count in games as well as the big ones (including full weapon data and upgrade depth)

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See post #10, before making this comment.

It 's not only to clear a misconception. It's also a way to improve some of the games feel for some of the players who are interested in the stuff as well as adding new content and as I said previously there is absolutely no down side to having a correct star map other then the effort put into making it, and the solar system, being the first system you play in, is important for that first impression.

And whats an online game without a couiple non-important areas, as long as they are playable or interesting, there is nothing to complain about more content.

And yes, the colliding Jupiter and Saturn is a lot more important, graphically, but I still ask the devs to take this into consideration.Seriously it is the little things that count in games as well as the big ones (including full weapon data and upgrade depth)

Triple sign\

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Pluto is the only dwarf planet / astral body in the Kupier Belt with a site of interest. As such, it has been picked out and has been made special. This is not about education or scientifically accurate depiction of size, distance or relevance. Pluto has importance plotwise. It is entirely irrelevant if Pluto is a planet. Which it is not, clearly. Otherwise, we'd be dancing on Ceres, too.

This is the clip/mag discussion, in space. Same difference.

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Well, I already made that comment.

Yes, Pluto is not a planet, but it is celestial body. Devs did not invented Pluto, nor they put any invented planets in game. It's accurate - not complete but accurate. And they did not called Pluto planet nor 9th planet. I think Pluto is only mentoined in it's description.

They decided that they will put only one dwarf planet - it's their right to do so. If they would change order of plantes - yes, that would need correction. And this is Closed Beta - they have many things on their heads ie. new tilesets, which are more important than implementing additional planets which will do nothing. TBH implementation of moons would made more sense - Earth without Luna is... weird to say the least. Dwarf planets are good thing for future post-release content-patches.

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Yes, though I have been incorrect in assuming that they labeled it as a planet it still doesn't hurt to increase the accuracy in which these areas are portrayed. And like I've said before taking these thoughts into consideration and implementing dwarf planets and additional side content to better portray a future solar system would be a great thing, though I never stated it has to happen right away. And for many, including myself really do appreciate it when a game does offer a deeper analyses to the areas in the game rather than a short blurb, not to make any direct comparisons but Mass Effect had detailed lore and infomation regarding a lot the content and it was really something great for something so small.

It is also something to make clear, yes, I and many others know the game is in beta and that the gameplay is by far more important then the content right now (as seen by lack of story and lore in the game itself currently), but it does absolutely no harm for the comunity to make suggestions on things that could greatly increase the depth of a game. Its not like how some may complain about balancing issues which are much more difficult to fix or are swayed by biases. And also to make it clear its not like particular topic is sugnificantly more important then some others, also that the devs are not to change or add something to accomodate every post on the forum, but it is important to take things like this regarding something, that might not have bothered players in previous generation of games, but will affect the community now, some may not be initially bothered by the lack of information and accuracy to begin with but with out a sutble lack of depth send a good number or players, potential and/or otherwise, away from the game.

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When it comes to spatial objects and planetoids in particular, the various decisions over what is what are made on a whimsical chance. The issue over pluto might be meaningless when we finally find out exactly what it is.

If it is a gravity effecting dense mass object that has things revovling around it, I would call it a planet because it would qualify. Besides in the future, they may consider more things to be planets becuase they can put a livable space on or in anything.

It doesn't matter what it is called now because it could be different in the future.

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