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Colour Blind? ME TOO!


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Is anyone else like seriously colour blind and has trouble playing certain missions in this game?

The main two examples I can give is Excals EB. I seriously hate Excal for many reasons, but the main being, my type of colour blindness is affected by how colours contrast with each other. When you have an array of pretty colours flying everywhere; thanks EB, I can't see a damn thing. It has gotten to the point where I play most missions Solo or just leave the Squad with the stupid, spamming Excal in. (This actually make me think there should be a kick from squad option)

The second example is infested. They have these toxic clouds, I quite simply cannot see them at all.

So many times I have died because I have just walked through one, completely unaware.It becomes more than frustrating when you trying to enjoy a mission but you just die every three feet from no fault of my own.


I would honestly like this post to go quite far, just to raise a little bit of awareness for DE that Colour blind people may have a few issues with certain things. So if you are colour blind, just leave a comment, just so we can tally up some numbers.

Thanks guys.

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Kicking someone for having pretty colours seems a bit harsh. Thats why we dont have a kick person option. Cause people would exploit it and troll with it.


Now with the actual point. I can  see how EB and gas clouds would drive colour blind people nuts. I would also like to see some love for the colour blind players. Their lives matter too ya'know.

Edited by Doomauculas
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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

Oh, so due to your color blind, we shuold all pay for it?


Yeah no thanks, if your really color blind, then go solo or maybe get some special contact lens or so, or just stop playing, sorry to sound harsh, but we shuold be on our keezes for this one thing.

That was too harsh dude... DE could make a simple option in the sertings menu to tone down effects for colour blind people. Most games have it. So it wont affect you and your little pretty warframe colours.

Edited by Doomauculas
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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Oh, so due to your color blind, we shuold all pay for it?


Yeah no thanks, if your really color blind, then go solo or maybe get some special contact lens or so, or just stop playing, sorry to sound harsh, but we shuold be on our keezes for this one thing.

Games have Colour Blind Options. In fact, this is the first game I have ever come across that doesn't. I said nothing about making others pay, so well done for jumping to a ridiculous conclusion.

As I have already Stated, I play Solo most of the time anyway, and I will not stop playing because one person got their back up. Have some understanding before you comment.

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Yeah, kicking them for playing the game, because YOU have a problem would be incredibly rude.
I agree, having a Colour Blind Mode would be good, but yeah... that bits harsh.

Also, have you tried talking to them about it.

In our group, a couple of people had a problem with the brightness of some of our Excals.

We helped them figure out ways to adjust their settings (glare, particles, bloom, etc. you could also adjust your contrast in this case?)
Then we found colours that were better - dark shades are less obnoxious, especially the darker blacks found in Stalkers palette, which is nearly invisible.

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I'm surprised that there isn't an option.  I know a lot of games that come with a colour blind option so that all can enjoy.  I know it won't help with team members and how they dress up their fashionframe, but there should be an option to help out in missions. 

Whereas I don't think that a kick option would help, hopefully this can escalate to DE and they can implement a fix for a colour blind option. Who knows maybe it would be pretty easy to roll out with respect to the problem colours presented in the game regardless if they are in the environment or on a frame.


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8 minutes ago, Doomauculas said:

That was too harsh dude... DE could make a simple option in the sertings menu to tone down effects for colour blind people. Most games have it. So it wont affect you and your little pretty warframe colours.

I'm fine with a colour blind option too.

However - and please don't take this the wrong way - provided it does not affect the other half of the population at all and does not take away from our experience. I'm very sick and tired of a seemingly minority complaining about XYZ effect and how their PC can't handle it or they just simply don't like it or don't have physx and DE for some reason then changing it universally, leaving those who had no issues with it, with lackluster effects and in want of the old effects.

Stuff like this should always be optional. Still miss the old channeling kill effects and the glory days of physx.

Edited by Naith
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4 minutes ago, Naith said:

I'm fine with a colour blind option too.

However - and please don't take this the wrong way - provided it does not affect the other half of the population at all and does not take away from our experience. I'm very sick and tired of a seemingly minority complaining about XYZ effect and how their PC can't handle it or they just simply don't like it or don't have physx and DE for some reason then changing it universally, leaving those who had no issues with it, wanting the old effects back.

Stuff like this should always be optional. Still miss the old channeling kill effects and the glory days of physx.

I know i see what you're saying. But making the game a hassle for a minority is a pain and a loss in revenue. The change wont effect everyone. No one is forcing you to play with less particle effects. Im not colour blind and i love my pretty colours. But an option that makes the game playable for everyone (even if it is a small group) and no one get penalized for it, will be good for the game. This wasnt about their computer being crappy. It was about their eyes not being able to handle all the effects on the screen.

If you're computer is the issue there isnt much DE can do that would fix your problem and not effect other players. They are kinda stuck with that one.

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Sadly, being that my problem is with how colours contrast, Adjusting setting wont work, I have already tried. At the moment, I use on over monitor filter to try and dampen the rainbow spectacle, though this does help some-what. Something like Excals EB is just a migraine explosion. Due the the actual design of it. The actual arch and then the tail of it . . . For me, it literally blocks out the entire screen.

I have tried asking people to maybe not do it so close to me, though most take the attitude of "why should I care" or don't English so we are unable to solve the problem.

Nova's MP has a similar Effect as well, Especially with bright Reds and Greens, though these dissipate pretty quickly. I have already been in contact with a GOTL, and he said that bring it up in the Forum is the best option. He has taken me through everything else.

As such I am here.

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I have some sort of color-blindness. I haven't been 'officially' diagnosed, but I believe I have a protanomaly of some kind, perhaps deuteranomaly. I have some difficulties distinguishing blues from blue-greens and purples, yellows against whites, oranges with reds, and pinks against purples.

Largely, however, in this game, I encounter very little issue. The worst I've had is when a white UI is against snow, or a blanketing ability. Otherwise, it is quite easy for me to distinguish. The Infested Clouds have more than simply a color to distinguish them, being varying intensities and darkening with black, as well as effects and sounds. They are hard to see in general in some maps, but I do not have an issue with them. In fact, they tend to blend in a bit, which should be easy for you to see?

I used to have an issue with the Common vs Rare mods, their colors, but with the mod UI rework, the colors vary enough for me to see well.

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2 minutes ago, Naith said:


That's what OP was trying to make aware. People just assumed that they wanted to make fashionframe less glittery for everyone else. Im just here to elaborate what the OP wanted, and I'm on board for a colour blindness option for people who have trouble with colours and effects ect.

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Suggesting a Kick penalty to someone because of a problem you have seems a bit harsh and unreasonable. The better thing to do would most likely be turn down the bloom effects and the color intensity in the settings instead as a temporary fix.

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The option would simply be a colour dampener. If any of you have any Blizzard games, their Colour Blind options are actually great and do work. (Yes I am aware of the difference between DE and Blizzard, just pointing out that it is do-able).

The functioning is the same as how everyone Contrast or brightness setting work. Just because you change your brightness doesn't mean my view changes. It is a Process relayed from the game account to your monitor.

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8 minutes ago, Doomauculas said:

That's what OP was trying to make aware. People just assumed that they wanted to make fashionframe less glittery for everyone else. Im just here to elaborate what the OP wanted, and I'm on board for a colour blindness option for people who have trouble with colours and effects ect.

That's most likely due to previous events such as when they changed Hall of Mirrors to only have two clones shoot as opposed to four, simply because it caused performance issues on lower end computers. Then they changed it globally as opposed to just having more settings for low-spec computers. I really do miss my armageddon Thunderbolt-Attica build.

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5 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

Suggesting a Kick penalty to someone because of a problem you have seems a bit harsh and unreasonable. The better thing to do would most likely be turn down the bloom effects and the color intensity in the settings instead as a temporary fix.

I am not saying I would kick people because I am colour blind. I am saying I would kick someone, If I explain to them that their EB is seriously messing with my eye, causing me a migraine, for which I have been hospitalised, and rather than taking it seriously, they take it upon them selves to follow me around. For that, yes, I would kick you. Adjusting my settings does nothing. There are various forms of Colour blindness, it isn't all just blue, greens, and reds. I see darker colours better than lighter colours, but if you put a dark colour and a light colour next too each other. I cannot see the dark colour. If you put a colour scale from green to blue in front of me. I see yellow. If there is any transparent/ faded colour in front a darker background. All I see is black. 

What setting are in this game, do nothing. I seriously cannot stress this enough.

The grineer Hack Consoles, I have to count, I can't see it. Just a big orange disk. I am making do with what I've got, thus far. But I really would appreciate, and I am sure that there are other people with a similar issue who would appreciate a colour blind option.

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16 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Oh, so due to your color blind, we shuold all pay for it?

Yeah no thanks, if your really color blind, then go solo or maybe get some special contact lens or so, or just stop playing, sorry to sound harsh, but we shuold be on our keezes for this one thing.

  1.  Lenses do not exist to 'fix' the problem. Colourblindness is typically the result of the physical condition of an individuals cones. You'd have to invent a manner of eye surgery to 'fix' it.
  2.  The game has already made a couple of concessions for colour accessibility, such as the changes to Lockers and the Stars on Mods to tell their rarity which I can't recall anyone complaining about whatsoever. Much further stuff should very much come under a graphics option, just like in other games: For example, Invisible Inc, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Borderlands. Graphics - Options - Colourblind mode. This would have no effect on you whatsoever unless you activate it.

You get the benefit of Hanlon's razor but try to appreciate the other side, rather than getting your hackles up immediately. Try using the Veil of Ignorance when approaching something you don't understand so not to come off abrasively.

30 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

Is anyone else like seriously colour blind and has trouble playing certain missions in this game?

The main two examples I can give is Excals EB. I seriously hate Excal for many reasons, but the main being, my type of colour blindness is affected by how colours contrast with each other. When you have an array of pretty colours flying everywhere; thanks EB, I can't see a damn thing. It has gotten to the point where I play most missions Solo or just leave the Squad with the stupid, spamming Excal in. (This actually make me think there should be a kick from squad option)

The second example is infested. They have these toxic clouds, I quite simply cannot see them at all.

So many times I have died because I have just walked through one, completely unaware.It becomes more than frustrating when you trying to enjoy a mission but you just die every three feet from no fault of my own.

I would honestly like this post to go quite far, just to raise a little bit of awareness for DE that Colour blind people may have a few issues with certain things. So if you are colour blind, just leave a comment, just so we can tally up some numbers.

Thanks guys.

  1.  The Excal rant is not helping you. Not only is it not something you have any right nor reason to penalise so heavily, if you're with people who do such regularly, either inform them or find some countermeasure. Does it suck? Yes. Does it justify your statement? No. You're not helping our case by going off the deep end of responses
  2. With respect, the Infested gas clouds are not that common. Now, whilst I don't know which kind of colourblindness you have that makes that difficult (you certainly sound much more affected than the common Red/Green Deuteranopia types), the fact that it does and contrast doesn't help raises a few practical questions: firstly, can you distinguish literally nothing? Confusing a colour shouldn't make it impossible to recognise the shape is there all the same, which suggests the Mutalist toxins blend.

A colourblind graphics option would be nice. As of the moment, the closest we have is 'Colour Correction' which...honestly, on or off the only difference seems to be tonal intensity rather than an actual colour-palette alteration as a true Colour-blind mode would do.

And, for the sake of argument, according to the anniversary Warframe has around 12 million+ players. Colour blindness affects 8% of people on earth, so by that ratio, a theoretical 960,000~ players of Warframe are directly affected by colour blindness. 

2 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

I am not saying I would kick people because I am colour blind. I am saying I would kick someone, If I explain to them that their EB is seriously messing with my eye, causing me a migraine, for which I have been hospitalised, and rather than taking it seriously, they take it upon them selves to follow me around. For that, yes, I would kick you. Adjusting my settings does nothing. There are various forms of Colour blindness, it isn't all just blue, greens, and reds. I see darker colours better than lighter colours, but if you put a dark colour and a light colour next too each other. I cannot see the dark colour. If you put a colour scale from green to blue in front of me. I see yellow. If there is any transparent/ faded colour in front a darker background. All I see is black. 

What setting are in this game, do nothing. I seriously cannot stress this enough.

The grineer Hack Consoles, I have to count, I can't see it. Just a big orange disk. I am making do with what I've got, thus far. But I really would appreciate, and I am sure that there are other people with a similar issue who would appreciate a colour blind option.

Strictly speaking, there isn't actually any other kinds of colourblindness as they're all related to the state of the cones in the eye which perceive Blue/Green/Red light. It's their lack of function/presence and them not working in concert, that leads to the deficiencies in sight. Have you had it properly diagnosed so you know what specific form it is? That'd make conversation easier.

However, considering the above I'm rather sad to say I don't know what to suggest that could work. It'd be a very tall order to make something that'd work and I'm sorry to say that odds are, if you're in a literal 1% or lower group of affected people, there may not be deemed any point actually making it easier as it's for a very small pay off. This isn't to say it's right that's how it'd likely be, but more 'don't get your hopes up'.

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43 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Oh, so due to your color blind, we shuold all pay for it?


Yeah no thanks, if your really color blind, then go solo or maybe get some special contact lens or so, or just stop playing, sorry to sound harsh, but we shuold be on our keezes for this one thing.


How @(*()$ ignorant can you be?

The game should have colour blind modes; every game should.

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4 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

I am not saying I would kick people because I am colour blind. I am saying I would kick someone, If I explain to them that their EB is seriously messing with my eye, causing me a migraine, for which I have been hospitalised, and rather than taking it seriously, they take it upon them selves to follow me around. For that, yes, I would kick you. Adjusting my settings does nothing. There are various forms of Colour blindness, it isn't all just blue, greens, and reds. I see darker colours better than lighter colours, but if you put a dark colour and a light colour next too each other. I cannot see the dark colour. If you put a colour scale from green to blue in front of me. I see yellow. If there is any transparent/ faded colour in front a darker background. All I see is black. 

What setting are in this game, do nothing. I seriously cannot stress this enough.

The grineer Hack Consoles, I have to count, I can't see it. Just a big orange disk. I am making do with what I've got, thus far. But I really would appreciate, and I am sure that there are other people with a similar issue who would appreciate a colour blind option.

Unfortunately people are like that, but it still could be easily abused by others so I doubt they would implement that

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As a player who is not colour blind, and likes the game maxed out, i can honestly say i understand the excal situation... the glare on EB is insane, and for me, if I play excal (which rarely ever happens), I can't see jack **** in front of me while spamming attacks. I could use a darker colour, but seriously... going purple jedi is way more fun.

Another nice thing would be being able to adjust the intensity of warframes skills, more as a visual part than an actual setting. Some frames glow, and others blind the sun, it would just be nice to play without being hindered visually. 

Whether this is possible or not, not my problem tbh, I'm just giving my two cents on the matter, and a possible (possibly stupid) solution.

#supportthecolourblind xD

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18 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

 Lenses do not exist to 'fix' the problem.

There are the enchroma glasses, but apparently only work for red-green colorblindness.


For OP, I think this belongs in feedback, and more in a " I would like DE to look into this", instead of "why haven't you done this yet", as Blakrana mentioned, DE's proved they are willing to work and accomodate for color blindness.

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