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Dear DE: Lepur Ears... Make 'em Permanent please


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Can we please get these permanent, I love these from last 2 years and I really really want them permanent, I have 1 of the loadouts waiting for this event every year, and then miss my ears for ages. Please make them permanent, like the decorationsa from Christmas.... please!!! 

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No some people actually enjoy creating fun, enjoyable and their on unique take on a pallet. and accessories for combat looks are nice, but sometimes you just want some nonsensical fun. I go to my fairy colored oberon and my bunny valkyr alot. for more fun and upbeat color pallets. and it saddens me that I dont get the ears that I so enjoy for the pallet. thats been there for 2 years now for ears alone. non-sense sometimes, but not everyone would where them day to day, its more of an off moment enjoy

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7 minutes ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:

I mean why not if you like bunny ears then why shouldn't you be able to keep them forever... I mean I never took my Christmas decorations down on my list because of pure lazyness so why shouldn't you be able to look like a bunny

ikr Im still rocking the jingle bells in liset

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Eh, I honestly don't think they should be permanent.  I mean, anyone can put up christmas or halloween decorations any time they wish IRL, but doing so after that holiday has passed just makes you look... um... odd is the most polite word I can come up with.  While that doesn't accurately reflect the situation in a game such as this, I personally find it kinda goofy whenever I see someone using the candy cane skin on their scythe.

During the holiday its a cute and in-the-spirit kind of thing, months later, still wearing bunny ears or a pumpkin head? Shrug.  It isn't for me, not disclaiming your desire to want them year round, but DE has their reasons for making them strictly limited time seasonal/holiday themed, I don't see them suddenly changing that.

We went through many threads just like this during halloween with the pumpkin heads, and in november with the mustaches and probably every other holiday only aux items that come out.

They kinda loose their uniqueness if you can just have them any time, ya know?  Enjoy them while you can, take screenshots of all your favorite frames wearing them, they will be gone in a few days.

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@Xekrin @Ifacro

I view the bunny ears the same way I view my candy cane scythe skins (that they let us keep all year round): Its just a bit of harmless fun that no one else notices and doesn't detract anything from anyone elses enjoyment of the game and doesn't impact them in any way.

There literally is no downside to keeping it around.

And if some people are so offended by seeing those things outside of the holidays why not ask for DE to include an option to just disable all holiday skins so that you don't see them.  Meanwhile the people who like them can keep them and have literally no impact on you.

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besides this looks... curious for more appereance diversity, warframe has more serious approach than games like team fortress 2 to allow this permanently

its not like i'm against it, but what's happen if someone want to do the second dream quest with moustache and bunny ears on and show this to other people? they will take this game like its supposed to be? perhaps the developers see this way (redtext doesn't count)


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It's not enjoyable for everyone.

Frankly, it's bloody stupid and I can't wait for this holiday to be over and the damned things are gone for another year.

Normally, I don't get too wound up about this because it is a holiday and a bit of levity is OK. A bit. However, this sort of thing is only clever for about 15 minutes then it starts to get old quickly. About the time you see your 200th Excalibur with bunny ears hopping about, you're ready to kick puppies.

So, consider this a very strong "NO" vote against making this particular eyesore permanent.


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