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Hosting Normal LoR for Learning Experience


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I am willing to host a teaching LoR for those who may not have any experience in raiding but want to learn. I'd like to create a comfortable environment for people to learn the raid and be able to make mistakes without being insulted or feeling disrespected. Again, this is a teaching/learning LoR, so anyone who is concerned with failing the mission please do not respond. While the end goal is to complete the raid, the primary goal is for beginning raiders to have a space to learn the aspects and mechanics of the raid so that they can gain the knowledge they need to accomplish raids without being told what they need to do. There are a few ground rules and suggestions I'd like to establish for anyone considering to ask for an invite.


Ground Rules:

1) You must have a mic - the raid relies on teamwork and a mic is essential for communication to facilitate that team work.

2) MR means nothing for this raid - I don't want to know anyone's MR. I do not care about your level of experience with Warframe. If you are truly interested in learning the raid and are open to accepting direction, that is good enough. The Warframes you have and how you use them will be far more important than your MR and I will get to that in a bit.

3) No insulting or blaming other players - raids get a little intense and people can be competitive so sometimes they become a little frustrated. That is OK, but remember that this is a teaching raid so players will make mistakes and that's OK too. If a player only wants to rush through and get the arcane reward, please find another group to raid with.


- If you can, make some keys of your own. Since people will be learning, it's possible that we will fail the mission. The keys take 6 hours to make so if everyone has a key, having a keyshare will at least allow us to try a couple of times.

- Do some research prior to the raid. Look at some videos, guides, or anything you can find on the Law of Retribution. You're not expected to learn to do the raid from the videos or guides, but it will help you learn a little about what you can expect in the raid and you can bring any questions you might have after doing the research to help you better understand how to do the raid.

- The raid is about team work, not about killing the enemy. As such, everyone will be working together to incapacitate the enemies while performing various activities to complete the raid. Move as a group so that no one is left behind and everyone is protected. Warframes used should be modded to focus on crowd control abilities.

- Frames necessary for completing the raid are constantly debated and you will come across many frames that people do not like in raids. While I am usually for playing with frames that you enjoy playing with, I am going to suggest frames to use for this raid for the sake of making it a little easier as beginners. After you grow comfortable and experienced, I would encourage you to branch out and try frames you want to play with. For this raid, I would suggest the following frames (in no particular order):

1) Trinity - Trinity is a tremendous help to the raid because of her healing and energy providing skills. There are two builds that many people use, sometimes having both in a raid. That is the Blessing build and the EV build. Many people prefer a Blessing build, but an EV build will be sufficient for this raid.

2) Mirage - for those interested in using Mirage, make sure your build is centered around Prism. Her doppelganger is fun, but it is her blind ability that is essential for crowd control.

3) Frost - for those interested in using Frost, make sure your build is centered around Snow Globe.

4) Nova - for those interested in using Nova, make sure your build focuses on Molecular Prime, primarily on slow prime (high power strength and high duration).

5) Loki - for those interested in Loki, have your build focus on Invisibility and Irradiating Disarm (syndicate mod necessary). Also, you want to have a large energy pool if possible (prime flow mod).

Other frames that can be useful are Vauban (Bastille), Nyx (Chaos), Excalibur (Radial Blind), and Volt (Speed/Energy Pool). This is in no way to suggest that these are the only frames to play with in a raid, only that for the sake of learning the raid I'd like to stick to the first 5 frames if possible because they will make getting through the raid easiest, hence learning the raid easier.

- If possible, players should be using Corrosive Projection as their aura mod. Aura mods can be discussed more in group.

- Players should always equip ciphers and energy pads in their gear. It can makes things easier and can be used in cases of emergency.


With all of that said, please let me know if you are interested. You can message me here or look me up on PlayStation (PSNID: BttnsMcBoomBoom). Experienced players willing to teach are also very welcome. I will try to be on tonight at about 9 PM EDT (no promises), but should definitely be on Monday at about 11 AM EDT. Remember that the raid is about working together. Help each other and trust in each other's ability to fulfill given roles. AND DON'T FORGET TO HAVE FUN!

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Can help sherpa tonight, preferably as Mirage.  Can bomb run with Loki P or Nova P (maxed Primed Flow, Escape Velocity on Nova P), can do EV (and drive), can Frost... but I'd much rather sherpa as the cc :smile:.  Second choice would be EV, that's what I used to sherpa a couple buddies through a while ago.  Good on you for organizing!

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Hey! Thanks for responding. Your help would most certainly be appreciated. Haven't had any responses for learners yet. Wondering if this was a good place to post as many new players are not even aware of forums. I'll send you a friend request when I get on console and let you know how many responses I get. May also ask on recruiting chat, though in afraid I'll just get people looking for a free key and could care less about teaching newer players. I just think teaching newer players enriches the community. Plus I can understand their experience because I find myself in a similar situation with nightmare LoR. In any case, I'll friend request you when I get on console. Thanks. 

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Thank you for being awesome. I posted a week and a half ago and got no response for help. This is what I've been looking for. I actually ran the raid last night two times because the bomb carrier glitched out on the last phase. I'm constantly trying to learn what I don't know as far as mechanics. I'm not sure on the third phase. I know about 30% of what I should know for that phase. It's super easy as long as you can take direction and have mic. I would like to run raids any time after 10 pm eastern time. If possible I'd run a couple times even if there aren't rewards on the repeat. Is that possible? If so I'm down. Hit me up. Babcocck. 


Ps I will be running the raid every night if possible but need more Warframe friends or framies. Lol. So far I have me and a couple friends and we know we could run with just four. It's only hard cause we don't have the resources (friends that play Warframe ) fell free to add me if your new. That way we have more squad potential. 

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