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(RETIRED) Warframe Concept:Bahamut Infested Dragon Warframe (Includes special Prime Bahamut version)


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7/4/2016 -Added Augment Mods and Passive ability
24/4/2016 -Added stats and conditional passives.
28/4/2016 -Added cast times and energy costs for abilities.Although they may seem high,this is in order to compensate for the abilities' high damage and possibilities.Also added more details as to Bahamut's appearance and a new passive.
1/5/2016 -BAHAMUT PRIME!!! So to complete the story,I gave the basics for Bahamut Prime,which is Bahamut,before the Infestation took over half of his body and altered his abilities.Also made a BUNCH of changes and added MANY new things.Now Bahamut's like a completly new Warframe.
17/5/2016 -Added new operator as a reward.I thought I'd be really nice to have a new operator :)
8/6/2016 -Removed shields,added more uniqueness. *Puts on sunglasses*  Also added "Coming Soon" and other concepts of mine.
15/7/2016 -Decided to retire this concept,thus no more updates will be posted

Check out my other ideas!
Orokin Cipher use: 



Classified (

Before I begin I wish to say that this is my first ever post.I kinda fixed it but now there's just spoiler tags everywhere.


So,we all basically know that Warframes are immune to the Infestation.We also know that the Infestation was created by the Orokin and that Chroma is a Warframe who has killed an ancient beast (AKA a dragon) and uses it as a pelt.Well,what do these have in common you may ask?I'll tell you!
For a while now I had the idea that we only saw Chroma feature a "Dragon" theme to his gameplay and at the same time,we never saw any "Infested Warframe" gameplay.Sure the Tenno are immune to the Technocyte virus....Or are they?You see,at one point during the Patient Zero quest we see the results of Alad V's experiments,those being an Infested Mesa.I repeat, an Infested Mesa.Yeah,we're told that it's not actually a Tenno,it's just the Frame.But what if it isn't?What if The Tenno are vulnerable to the Infestation?
So my Imagination,being lively as ever came up with Bahamut,The Infested Dragon Frame.As my imagination proggessed,I started threading so much lore already in the game with this new story,that made me think it just had to be part of it.The story behind him goes as following.



 A 4-Tenno squad goes on a mission to clear out a massive scale Infestation in Earth.Great War,pre-Warframe era (well kinda).The Tenno consist of a Rhino Prime,Trinity Prime.Excalibur Prime and Bahamut Prime,which is a completely different story (ADDED DETAILS BELOW).But anyway.The mission seems to be going as planned,only it isn't.A large Infested beast appears out of nowhere that nearly annihilates the cell.However,Bahamut had other plans.Sacrificing himself,he allows the other three to escape while he distracts the beast known as Lephantis with no weapons,no nothing.Just him and his abilities.An unwinnable fight.Unwinnable indeed for Bahamut loses the entirety of his left side.His arm and leg ripped clean off,the Infestation sees he is of like flesh inside the suit.Unable to damage him externaly due to the suit,but able to turn him into one of them when they reach below it.Bahamut Prime (Which for my ease I'll call Bahamut from now on) is left to die,except that Lephantis leaves a little gift behind.A large Infested mass that slowly eats away at Bahamut.Dispite their efforts,Rhino Prime and Excalibur Prime,who returned afterwards,being unable to bear the idea of leaving Bahamut behind to die for their sake,do not succeed in taking him to safety in time and by the time they do find somewhere,the Infestation has already reached and borrowed inside him.His wounds are gushing blood,he's fading by the minute.Even Trinity Prime can't save him anymore.His death is iminent.Lephantis is nowhere to be found now,the cell takes this chance to extract,in hope that the Orokin may heal the injuries sustained by Bahamut,but Bahamut knows well what will follow.Soon his conciousness starts to fade fast,the wounds now crawling with infested mass.His last request is to be burried under the Holy Dragon Tree.The last flame of his life flickers away.After hours of long fighting for his life,Bahamut loses the fight and dies before the eyes of his friends.As he requested,the three friends burry Bahamut under the Holy Dragon Tree,although not knowing why he requested that specific location.
QUEST:(Solo only)



The years pass and we reach our time.A new cell consisting of a Trinity,an Excalibur and a Rhino go to Earth by the orders of the Lotus.A strange new reading has been picked up by Cephalon Simaris and appears to be a very similar reading to the one he picked up during The New Strange.The Lotus believes this reading might lead them to whoever was controlling Chroma.However,the Lotus loses connection and the cell is lost deep within uncharted forest terrain.
  The player is contacted by the Lotus and is requested to find the missing cell (Mobile Defense).During their search,the player is contacted by Cephalon Simaris and the Lotus,saying that the reading is back and is stronger than ever.Towards the end,the player find a new tile set,the Holy Dragon Tree. (ANIMATION) While closing in on the tree,the player is attacked by a black shadow and loses their consciousness.By the time they realize what occured,the player loses their Warframe and is forced to use another one (similarly to how the Recovery mission works).
  The player is returned to their ship.Cephalon Simaris and the Lotus notify the player that the reading once again disappeared after their Warframe was captured and fear that whoever this person may be,for whatever reason they seem to be capturing Warframes.Then Alad V bumps in,saying that he "happened" to have overheard of their conversation.Alad V then notifies them that he has finalized a new device that enables him to track down anything and anywhere.Although at first there seems to be a lack in trust towards Alad V,the group decides to use this device and track down whoever is responsible.After another Mobile Defense the player is contacted by Alad V,saying that the tracking didn't work due to a lack of power where he currently is located.However,he has succeeded in deciphering a "note".The note features the strange voice that was heard in The New Strange saying:"You shouldn't have come here....Leave immediately.He's coming for you....Ba....ha...mut...".The Lotus is the first to break what seems to be a never ending silence.Shocked herself,she lets the group know that Bahamut was one of the Legendary Dragon Warframes.Cephalon Simaris mentions that heavy research indicated to him that these were one-of-a-kind Warframes with grand abilities, and that Chroma was one of them.Alad V says that he has a rather great interest in this subject,implying that this is another one of the Lotus' secrets that should have a "great" outcome.After a long time of arguing,Cephalon Simaris says that the Sanctuary ought to have enough power for Alad's device to work.Although the Lotus doesn't agree with Simaris' decision to take Alad in,she has no choice but to follow,as Simaris and Alad seem to be getting along very well.
  After a second try,the device seems to be operating properly.As the player is heading to extraction,they are yet again attacked by an unknown force.Only this time Alad V has made preparations since his entry to Simaris' Sanctuary.Alad sends Mutalist Holograms to rescue the player.When the player is taken back to their ship,Simaris asks Alad how he managed to send those units to the player.Alad replies by saying he simply unified his technology and Mutalist knowledge with Simaris' unit samples,which allowed him to visually summon those Mutalist Holographic Units,or MHU's.Although currently limited to some Mutalist units,Alad believes that with Simaris' help and conviction,they should be able to turn the Sanctuary into a place where Holograms of enemies can be used against the enemy itself.
  After Simaris and Alad have a short talk,the Lotus interrupts to ask with great impatience if they can see the target.Alad replies saying that they have clear view.Then he implies that this is more fun than he first anticipated and would like to continue this hunt.Simaris also says they should continue their hunt.Alad says that before their hunt,the player should meet them in the relay to acquire a new summoning charge,the MHU summoning charges and following his lead,Simaris reminds the player to not forget of the Synthesis Scanner to acquire a scan of what ever seems to be after them for further researching.Afterwards,the player heads to earth once more to hunt down the dashing shadow.As soon as the player drops down they utilize the MHU charges to summon some Mutalist units and start chasing down this shadow.After several missions in which the player receives parts of Bahamut,the player finnaly starts the real hunt,as said by Simaris.Alad V and Simaris then contract the player to head back to the Holy Dragon Tree and activate a transmiter given to them by Alad.After the player crafts the transmiter,they head to the Tree and defend it.After a set amount of waves,a light flicker occurs that cuts of all transmitions and plays an animation to the player of Bahamut appearing,holding their captured Warframe and imbuing it with Infestation.Bahamut's left leg and left arm is now nothing but Infested Mass,which seems to have replicated his right side.Along his body can be seen Infested Mass in the form of almost tentacles,breaking through his Warframe armor and covering his body in a way that makes them look like armor.The player must then eliminate Bahamut and neutralize their Warframe to escape.However the player is instead captured and Bahamut appears before them ready to destroy their Warframe.The player then uses their Operator to purify their second Warframe and use both Warframes to overpower Bahamut.During this stage,the player can cycle between Warframe and use their powers,but cannot use weapons and remaining in one Warframe for too long will allow Bahamut to recapture the other,sending the player to square one.After successfuly defeating Bahamut,the player's operator loses conscioussness which leads them to an animation in which the mysterious voice returns and shows them images.The player is in an almost dream like state where they learn the truth behind Bahamut.
   A scene of the Great War incident appears before their eyes.The player is shown what happened and then what followed after the incident.They learn why Bahamut Prime choose the Holy Dragon Tree as his burial ground,the reason being that Bahamut knew that the Tree's power would maintain and stop his Infestation from spreading further and gaining control over his body,turning it into a puppet.But years later,the grineer started toxifying the sacred grounds,resulting to the Tree losing power.Soon it would be too late.Bahamut would awaken as an Infested puppet with no control over his body.The player is then shown Bahamut's original Operator's gratitude for releasing them (implying the Operator and Bahamut Prime) from this millennia long torture.The player then wakes up from a literal dream as the Lotus attempts to wake them up.Followed their awakening,the player gets to choose one of their Warframes to control and head to extraction with,while the Lotus activates the other Warframe and uses it to help the player reach the extraction point


If you think the Lotus using a Warframe is a bit too much,how about the Lotus travelling to a lone Tenno ship that she needs to find beforehand located in the Origin System at least 100 times a day considering how many players play Second Dream.




  As the Lotus explains what occurred,the player offers his Synthesis scan to Simaris and receives Bahamut's blueprint in exchange.The player is informed of the fact that Alad V will be joining the Sanctuary and will also be offering MHU charges in exchange for mutalist scans.The player will have then successfully finished the quest and can move on to build Bahamut.




Bahamut blueprint,MHU charges,MHU scanner component (A component attached to the Synthesis Scanner to enable the scanning of MHU targets),MHU targets (assigned by Alad V somewhat like Synthesis targets),Osiris/Ammon* Operator,Osiris/Ammon* Operator voice pack.

*Osiris=God of the dead  Ammon=Unseen,concealed or hidden



Bahamut's left leg and arm are made up of Infested mass.Specifically his leg is a copy of the right leg and so is his arm.However each piece has tentacle like infested mass curving around his body.These also appear on his back,piercing through his Warframe and curving neatly towards his chest.These all act as armor (covering his body) and have spear like ends.The arm specifically has a released state and an "imprisoned" state.In it's imprisoned state,it resembles the right arm only that it's made up of Infested mass.However,during the released state the arm "mutates" into a spear like form.Of course,the further up towards the shoulder you go,the bulkier it is and has a greater resemblance to an actuall buffed up arm and the further down towards the fingers you go the more it looks like a spear meant to impale enemies with.He has a very sleek and shock/thunder themed Warframe that has most of his decorative design on his helmet and chest with rather simple design otherwise.He also has what seem to be remnants of wings attached to his back (Also taken over by Infestation).He is fairly slim but not like Nekros.His arms are quite buffed and his legs also.His helmet has an apperance similar to a combination of Volt's long back design and has facial characteristics like those of Chroma's Amaru helmet.At the face portion of his helmet there's a large crack along the middle and the right side is completely gone,showcasing what seems like a face underneath.there's a visible red eye and the face itself looks like a grineer butcher's face (the characteristics anyway).The feet a have an appearance like that of Frost,but not quite like them,The torso looks like that of Oberon and the hands are slightly smaller than Rhino Prime's.

For Osiris/Ammon I don't really have any specific ideas yet for his appearance,but would gladly take recommendations.His voice is deep and has a slight egyptian accent.He has a serious attitude and is always focused.



Health:275/380/500/666 (yes the number of the beast for a beast of infested mass)
Armor:666 (yes the number of the beast once again)
Power:175/200/230/262 (Matches Ivara's and Loki Prime's power stat)
Sprint speed:1.35 making Bahamut an incredibly fast frame
Friction:High (Very low sliding capabilities due to heavy frame of Infested mass)
Parkour abilities:High (Higher than average Jumps,Bullet jumps,Glides,Latch times etc.)





1)Bahamut's unstable Infested state causes him to infect any enemy who melees him (40% chance),infecting them with spores that deal damage.
2)When playing missions against the Infested,the Infested will be reluctant to attack him (but will attack anyway) and Bahamut will be able to see where and when the Infested will attack.

Conditional Passives:


A)If Bahamut is equipped with: a)Boltace, b)Venka or c) Ack & Brunt : a)Increased damage output b)Increased attack speed or c) Decreased damage taken.Ability is constantly at 10% respectively.
B)If Bahamut is in a squad with A) another Bahamut or B) a Chroma:A)His casting speed is increased by 1.5x or B)His sprint speed is increased by 1.1x.Ability does not stack with each extra Warframe (I.e. two Bahamut Warframes and a Chroma won't lead to 2.25x cast speed and 1.1x sprint speed but will lead to 1.5x cast speed and 1.1x sprint speed).
C)While running,Bahamut has a chance to ignore FATAL damage he receives at the cost of adding aggro points (+1).When his aggro points reach over 15,he will lash at a nearby enemy,(This is due to his unstable infested state) kills the enemy instantly (no matter what the level) and then assaults the nearest Tenno.When the ability activates,Bahamut is set in an AI mode (uses Stalker's AI) and charges at the closest Tenno.As soon as it activates,Bahamut will hold his head and appear confused.The player shall hear a voice saying to him "Subdue to us...." or something along those lines.Then he shall charge.During this ability ( about 10 second duration),Bahamut is set to use Entysing SpearClaw so he can be easy to dodge.NOTE:When Bahamut is fighting Mutalist Alad V in a cell and he is controlled,this ability will activate prematurely no matter what.In other words,when under Mutalist Alad V's control,Bahamut will always use Entysing SpearClaw.

1st: Impel*1 Strike


Bahamut mutates his left arm into a spear and charges forward for an impaling strike to his selected target which fills them with toxic infested spores that lead the targeted enemy to explode from within.
Range: 5/15/20/25 meters
Initial damage: 500/1000/1500/2000
Spore damage: 100/200/250/300
Upon erupting,the target receives another 200 damage
Casting cost: 25 power
Ability casting time: 1 second initially,with a 1 second charge after impaling an enemy (time in which the enemy is filled with toxic spores)

2nd: Venomous Howl



Utilizing his infested state,Bahamut's howl of pain and agony summons rays of pure toxin from the ground dealing heavy damage to anyone they touch that heals him and buffs friendly damage while reducing enemy damage.
Range: 10/15/20/25 meter radius
Damage: 2000/2500/3000/3000
Damage: 10% /15% /20% / 20%
Damage: 1.2x /1.3x / 1.4x /1.5x
Casting cost: 75 power
Ability casting time: 3 seconds,in which rays are constantly being summoned

3rd: Entysing SpearClaw



Bahamut activates his left arm mutation to its max,turning it into a shield to defend himself from enemy attacks and activates his inner power,turning his right hand's fingertips into claws.He later infuses them together to create a combo of great offensive slashes and perfect defensive prowess.Attacks have a high chance to proc with corrosive,slash,toxin or Vampire*
*Unique to this ability,allows Bahamut to regen health for every tick that damages the target for a progressively greater percentage.Otherwise works exactly like a slash proc.
Damage:300/450/600/700 Slash
Attack speed: 1.08
Damage reduction while using shield-arm:50% /60% /70% /70%
Proc chance:20% /20% /25% /25%
Crit chance:30%
Casting cost: 25 power
Channeling cost: 15/10/5/5 power/ second (Initial)   50/40/30/25 (Final)
Ability casting time: 2 seconds (Damage vulnerability applies during this time period)


DURING THE ABILITY:(Abilities are based on Entysing SpearClaw's level)
When casting Impel Strike: Tysis*2 Strike:


 Bash enemies down with your shield-arm,then strike with your claws for a devastating strike.
Range: 5/10/15/15 meters
Bash Damage: 1000/1450/1600/1750 Impact
Slicing damage: 2000/2500/3000/3500 Slash
Casting Cost: 75 power
Ability casting time: Instant
No status chance
No critical chance

When casting Venomous Howl: Rhessurectus Howl: 


Finely tuned sub-sonic howl that revives downed allies and enables the casted rays to penetrate in their target's mind,spreading deadly nerve poison within their blood while they are caused to attack each other (Targets affected are proc'd with confusion and a never-ending toxin proc that eats away at them),although Bahamut is also affected by the nerve poison. 
Range: 10/15/15/20 meter radius
Damage: none
Casting cost: none
Channeling cost: 20 power/ second and 4 health/ second
Proc chance: 100%
Revival range: 10 meter radius
Casting time: 4 seconds,followed by channeling



4th: Chaos Screech


Bahamut screams and uses his breath attack to deal grand Toxin/Corrosive damage,with a chance to paralyze,petrify or confuse enemies.
Damage:300/450/600/800 Toxin/Corrosive
Chance to apply an effect:45% /55% /65% /75%
Effect duration:5sec/10sec/15sec/20sec duration
Casting cost: 25 power
Channeling cost: 15/15/10/10 power (initial)  40/35/30/25 power (Final)
Ability casting time: 1.5 seconds
NOTE:Unlike Spectral Scream,Bahamut's Chaos Screech does not slow him down.

DURING THE ABILITY:(Abilities are based on Chaos Screech's level)


When casting Impel Strike: Stirred Kaos Field:


Become the embodiment of Chaos by lashing at enemies within a toxin cloud** you breathe out that eats away their armor.
Cloud Stats:
Range: 20/20/25/25 meter radius
Damage: 200/300/400/400 gas/ second
Bahamut's Spear-arm stats (While in the cloud,Bahamut will use a special heavy-blade type weapon which will be his left arm in a spear like form.It will funtcion like a left-handed hammer during quick melee attacks)
 Damage: 1000/1500/1500/2000 Corrosive
Attack speed: 1.00
Casting cost: 75 power
Channeling cost: 10/10/5/5 power/ sec
**The toxin cloud will be stationary and Bahamut will be within it,unable to get out.While inside the cloud,Bahamut gains +100 health +50 shields and +60% movement speed,but also becomes blind like anyone who enters the cloud (friendlies included,but they get a marker to exit the cloud.If they decide to stay within the cloud they gain their vision eventually,only slightly darkened).The only way for Bahamut to know where the enemy is at,is via a secondary set of "eyes" that enable him to use infrared vision.The cloud will deal gas damage via a 100% chance for a gas proc.The cloud leaves when the ability is un-casted or re-casted at a different place.

When casting Venomous Howl: Venomous Screecher:


 Embody the sound of death filled agony to a noxious pitch.As long as you can that is.
Range:50 meter radius
Damage: 10,000,000 viral&toxin / second (Yes really) (The damage is meant to be split between toxin and viral,so 5 mil toxin and 5 mil viral damage)
Casting cost: 100 power
Channeling cost 30/25/20/20 power/ second and 150/125/100/75 health/ second (Does that balance the crazy damage enough for you?)
BONUS: Bahamut's movement speed is increased by +65%


Augment Mods:




Augment mods shall be offered from New Loka and Red Veil (chosen these two because I think that they fit well).Stats shown are at max Rank.

Toxic Regen: (Impel Strike Augment) Repeatedly tap the power button to steal the target's health and add it to yours. +50 LIFESTEAL -10 Energy/Tap

Howling Blast: (Venomous Howl Augment) Rays can knock down enemies,opening them to finishers. +60% Chance to knockdown enemies +100% Finisher Damage

Annihilation Screech: (Chaos Screech Augment) Increases chance and duration of ability effects. +40% Base status chance +40% Status duration

Augments will only work for the basic abilities.





I honestly think that Bahamut would be a really cool character concept.-I have yet to think of any stats for Bahamut other than low shields in exchange for very high armor and mobility,rivaling those of Valkyr so I leave that to anyone who believes this should be a thing that does enter the game-.Also any drawings are appreciated so feel free to draw up any sketch up of Bahamut (unfortunately my drawing skills aren't that great so I can't do such a thing).

Lotus Description: "This is Bahamut.Once taken over by Infestation,now released from his prison of insanity.Beware Tenno.Bahamut may be free,but he's still unstable.He may strike at anytime."
Market Description:Once overrun by Infestation,Bahamut uses his quick and lethal strikes to annihilate his enemies.


*1:I choose Impel for the name of this ability because it's the only one that has no relation to Bahamut Prime's abilities,thus showing that Bahamut is being driven to use this ability.Definition of Impel: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/impel
*2:Tysis is taken from a word in Ancient Greek Mythology;The punishment that occurs after committing a sin against one of the 12 Gods of Olympus.It is spelled Tisis (Τίσις) and one of it's synonymns is Yvris (Ύβρις) which roughly could translate to "cursing".
Tisis: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%84%CE%AF%CF%83%CE%B9%CF%82  Yvris: https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%8E%CE%B2%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%82 (You're gonna need a translator for this one I couldn't find an english version)
Names for the operator and their meanings (Yes really) :http://babynames.net/all/egyptian


Bahamut Prime

"The best offense is a good defence" -Anonymous 




Bahamut Prime,that being Bahamut before the Infested Mass,does NOT have the same abilities as Bahamut.As a matter of fact,they are completly different in terms of power and damage output.Bahamut is a CC/Damage Tank based Warframe,while Bahamut Prime is meant to be a HEALER BASED Warframe.I wrote this at the beggining to avoid confusion and/or misunderstanding.And do not forget this is MY implementation of Bahamut Prime.As far as I know this is but a mere fan concept.There's nothing that says this WILL be in the game and even if,by some miracle,DE decides to add Bahamut in Warframe,I very highly believe they will have a basic Prime version released and not the one my Imagination is depicting.

So to make things better,I added Bahamut Prime due to Bahamut being bassically Bahamut Prime with a few..."alterations" to his appearance (those being the Infested mass that makes up the entirety of Bahamut's left side) and a bunch of them in terms of abilities.


STORY: (I will add the story if the post seems to be getting a lot of attention or a bunch of people ask me to)




Like I mentioned earlier,Bahamut Prime is the exact same Warframe as Bahamut without the Infested mass and with no cracked mask.However he does also include a pair of golden wings,dragon based wings, on his back.
If you still insist I'll give you a description...fine.
A shock/thunder based Dragon-Frame with sleek golden wings on his back.His helmet is similar to Volt's but the face shares characteristics with Chroma's Amaru helmet.His arms are buffed and are slightly smaller than Rhino Prime's arms.He has a slim waist like that of Oberon or Nekros and his legs are also like Nekros' legs,but they also feature Frost's characteristics (the armor-like parts on the front).Most of his decorations are situated on his Chest and Helmet and consist of Thunder-like desings.His back is identical to Chroma's without the pelt.I suppose you could try and add a bit of "Prime bling".




Sprint Speed:1.5 (Talk about fast huh?)
Friction and Parkour abilities are normal




1)Bahamut Prime drains energy from his enemies
2)Bahamut Prime drains his energy from himself to halt all lethal damage that the squad takes (does not affect Bahamut Prime himself)
3)Bahamut Prime can gain 250 energy when passing by death orbs


When Bahamut is of assistance to the squad (heals them,gives energy,restores shields or absorbs damage), he is given Guardian points that are stacked into 4 different levels.Each level has it's own bonuses and is separate from the others.The current level achieved and the number of points can be seen at the top right hand side of the screen.The level names,point requirements and bonuses can be seen below.

1st level (0-15 points):Protector
+0.2 energy regen

2nd level (16-24points):Defender
10% damage reduction

3rd level (25-39 points):Savior
25% reduction in casting time

4th level (40-60 points):Guardian Angel
+0.5 energy regen aura
+10% energy pool
10% damage reduction
50% reduction in casting time
+1.2 health regen aura
-30% movement speed
-1 Guardian point per 5 seconds of time that no points are accumulated in
-10 health / second 
-20% Total health pool
-10% Total shield pool
+40% health,shields and movement speed on kill for 10 seconds but -5 Guardian Points

Conditional Passives:


A)If Bahamut Prime is in a squad with a Bahamut:He disables his aggro passive against Tenno
B)If Bahamut Prime is in a squad with a Trinity[Prime]: Increased energy pool [+reduced casting speed]
C)If Bahamut Prime is used on a solo game:Increased movement speed by +5% his original speed 

1st:Halo's Flaw



Lash forth with a pair of mighty,sharp claws to stun your enemies and drain their energy.
Damage: 50/100/150/200 slash and electricity (so 100 of each at max)
Attack speed: 1.35
Enemy energy drain*(or Energy leeched from enemies):10/15/20/20 energy/ second
Status chance:35% chance to proc with Slash,Electricity or Energy Blast**
Critical chance:20%
Casting cost: 25 power
Channeling cost: 5 power/ second
*Energy drained from enemies is shared with the entire squad,but you can only drain energy whilst attacking the enemy (the attack lands a hit).
**Similar to Trinity's Energy Vampire,this proc makes a blast that shares energy,but only within 10 meters from the target.Works just like a Blast proc.

DURING THE ABILITY:(Abilities are based on Guardian level)
When casting Naught Aria:Hail o' Aria



Imbue yourself and all those around you with electrical conduit energy,enabling you to leech health of of enemies.
Range:15 meter radius (includes effect radius)
Life Steal:+0.1/0.2/0.3/0.3 LF
Duration:5 seconds / 10 seconds / 10 seconds / 15 seconds
Number of affectable enemies:5/8/10/12 
Casting cost:75 power and 10 Guardian Points
Casting time:1 second

When casting Hollow Catalyst:Flawed Hollow


Leech health from your allies to give them temporary invincibility(If ally is lower than required health ability will not cast on said player)
Range: 100 meters
Health leeched:80/70/60/50
Duration:5 seconds / 8 seconds / 10 seconds / 12 seconds
Casting cost: 100 power and 15 Guardian Points
Casting time:1 second


2nd:Naught Aria


Fly through the air in a straight line.Enemies caught in your path are grounded* and opened to finishers.Friendlies caught in the path gain increased damage resistance via an electric shield
*Attaches all enemies to the ground with electric currents,making them unable to move.
Flight distance:10/15/15/20 meters
Duration:5/10/15/15 seconds
Bonus damage:10% / 15% / 15% / 20%
Damage resistance:10% / 10% / 15% / 15%
Casting cost: 50 power
Casting duration: 4 seconds

3rd:Hollow Catalyst



Connect your team's shield generators and simultaneously overcharge them to max capacity,whilst absorbing the damage your nearby allies take*.
Effective range: Infinite
Shield restore:50% / 60% / 60% / 70%
Shield overcharge:60% of base shield capacity
Invulnerability range: 15 meters
Invulnerability duration: 3/5/8/10 seconds
Damage Bahamut Prime takes during Invulnerability duration: 90% / 50% / 30% / 15% of damage dealt to the squad.
Duration:10/15/20/25 seconds
Casting cost:75 power
Casting time:5 seconds

*In case that said player cell has no shields,or someone is using an Inaros,Hollow Catalyst simply adds energy to the player equivalent to:(Total players*25) / (1/ Power strength)




Summon your inner Dragon Spirit and devastate your enemies while empowering your allies.
*The ability is sphere-shaped.It includes a long casting animation,large cast cost,but in return offers the ability to effectively destroy anything within the ability's range.As soon as the ability is casted,Bahamut Prime will start preforming Narta-like movements in the center.Soon,a sphere of elecricity will form.As Bahamut Prime reaches 4 seconds of casting,he will rise off the ground with electicity escaping his body and entering the ground.Then he shall drop,slamming the ground and releasing a shock wave in the proccess.Then Bahamut Prime will once again preform Narta-like movements for as long as he has energy or until the ability is cast off.A giant chinese shock-themed dragon will roam around the sphere dealing damage to all in his path.Thunder will also drop from the sky to directly incapacitate enemies.Bahamut Prime is invulnerable when the ability is active.Rays of light come down on friendlies within the sphere and grant them increased damage,reduced damage taken and increased movement speed
Range:20/30/40/50 meter diameter
Dragon Spirit damage:1000/2000/3000/4000
Thunder damage:Insta-kill
Number of thunderbolts:1/2/2/3
Thunderbolt recharge rate:1 per 10 seconds/ 1 per 10 seconds / 1 per 8 seconds / 2 per 15 seconds
Casting cost:150 power and 50 Guardian Points
Casting time:4 seconds initial cast 2 seconds of airborne casting followed by channeling (No energy is drained during this time)
Channeling cost: 20/20/15/15 power/second

*Raijinryuo is Japanese,can translate to Thunder Dragon King and would be pronounced Rai-jin-ryu-u-ou


Edited by (PS4)exterminator00cy
Decided to retire this concept.
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This is a really good concept that seems very thought out. Sadly will most likely not be seen in game, but personally as someone who is in love with dragons, would love to see another dragon frame in the game. Especially one with this type of story behind it.

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Just now, Marfalcoln-Xinskarr said:

This is a really good concept that seems very thought out. Sadly will most likely not be seen in game, but personally as someone who is in love with dragons, would love to see another dragon frame in the game. Especially one with this type of story behind it.

As a matter of fact
First of all thanks for the compliment.Second of all I do also think that we won't be seeing such a thing in-game for at least a very long time but I thought I should at least post it and finally,the whole story was taken into consideration over 20 times and I have thought and rethought how to thread it nicely into the lore of the game.I have been thinking about the whole thing since I finished The New Strange about 2 months ago and published it now due to the Second Dream and the Infested Door that appears on PC. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)exterminator00cy said:

As a matter of fact
First of all thanks for the compliment.Second of all I do also think that we won't be seeing such a thing in-game for at least a very long time but I thought I should at least post it and finally,the whole story was taken into consideration over 20 times and I have thought and rethought how to thread it nicely into the lore of the game.I have been thinking about the whole thing since I finished The New Strange about 2 months ago and published it now due to the Second Dream and the Infested Door that appears on PC. 

Infested Door will lead us to Typhus the Parasite Frame. I'm sure of it :devil:


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I like the concept but we already have toxin. i think it would be even better if the 4 mutated it so much it became corrosive. 

As for stats, i thought armor higher than valkyr (maybe 650) but 250 health and 175 shield at max rank 250 energy at max rank and a speed of 1.5. since you said speed was kinda important, and it appears to be a type of caster. i know i would heavily use those abilities. If you think these are good cool. if not you can use them as a base. :) I like this concept alot. also i think i may attempt to draw it if i have time.

Edited by Zendai
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Not sure if this was intended or not, but his 1st should plant a infested tissue bomb of sorts into the target, that after a slight delay will detonate and chain to a few enemies, the number depending on strength stat. 


I say this becuase the way you described it sounded like slash dash. Just trying to give idea for an original ability

Edited by Marfalcoln-Xinskarr
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1 minute ago, Zendai said:

I like the concept but we already have toxin. i think it would be even better if the 4 mutated it so much it became corrosive. 

As for stats, i thought armor higher than valkyr (maybe 650) but 250 health and 175 shield at max rank 250 energy at max rank and a speed of 1.5. since you said speed was kinda important, and it appears to be a type of caster. i know i would heavily use those abilities. If you think these are good cool. if not you can use them as a base. :) I like this concept alot

I honestly can't bring an opinion in terms of stats which is why I let the people who watch this thread to decide Bahamut's stats.And yes Bahamut is meant to be a caster type that uses his abilities and speed as much as possible to strike his foes down.On the other hand,the corrosive idea does mix in well.Although I didn't mention much about Bahamut's Prime design,or as a matter of fact nothing at all almost,I suppose I can say a bit to bring in the corrosive feel.Bahamut Prime is a shock based dragon.Yet again,there is a shock based frame,but this will help bring in the lore for Bahamut.So since Toxin+Electricity=Corrosive I suppose a corrosive base would indeed be better.Oh and the reason for Bahamut Prime being electricity while Bahamut is a corrosive/toxin based frame is because Bahamut Prime will feature his abilities before the Infestation.That's the idea anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Marfalcoln-Xinskarr said:

Not sure if this was intended or not, but his 1st should plant a infested tissue bomb of sorts into the target, that after a slight delay will detonate and chain to a few enemies, the number depending on strength stat. 


I say this becuase the way you described it sounded like slash dash. Just trying to give idea for an original ability

Actually,this wasn't my intention at all.The way I imagine it is he mutates his arm,rushes forward and impales his target while releasing the toxic spores within his target's body to make them erupt.Also unlike slash dash,this is meant to deal a very high amount of damage to a single target.But then again,if the majority believes that this is an ability in need of change then there's nothing wrong with changing it.

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1 minute ago, Marfalcoln-Xinskarr said:

Personally I am ok with Either versions of the ability, it was just the way you described it sounded very similar to slash dash. I am sorry for the misunderstanding. 

No need for apologies.There was no error in your comment.Feel free to express yourself,that's how I want it to be.Otherwise this will not see the light of day.Don't you agree?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, I really like this concept!  Very well thought out and just cool all around.

BUT, that conditional passive where he can insta-kill a fellow Tenno has got to go.  It truly fits his design and all, but that kind of thing is just not okay in a group play setting.  You WILL see players dropping groups because of this, especially when trolls get their hands on it.  And they will...

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On 4/24/2016 at 5:32 PM, Windspike said:

Wow, I really like this concept!  Very well thought out and just cool all around.

BUT, that conditional passive where he can insta-kill a fellow Tenno has got to go.  It truly fits his design and all, but that kind of thing is just not okay in a group play setting.  You WILL see players dropping groups because of this, especially when trolls get their hands on it.  And they will...

I thought about that myself,actually.For the past two days I've been grinding my head to find a way to make it a bit more balanced at least.I understand that this will lead to people dropping out of groups,but in all honesty,I believe that in a similar way you may troll people by shooting them with an OP weapon while under a rad proc.And as you implemented yourself,it truly fits the style of the frame.Perhaps an insta-kill is too much.What about an entire effect?Say instead of an insta-kill on both an enemy and a friendly,he simply insta-kills the enemy and moves on to attempt to run at a friendly to kill them,instead of dashing at them?Plus a red outline will appear around the targeted Tenno (Like Ash's Bladestorm) and after a set amount of time he'll return to normall (say 15 seconds perhaps?) .That way,the targeted player will know and will attempt to dodge Bahamut.In the meantime,all squad members can attack Bahamut to down him or simply ignore and dodge him until his timer resets.When he's revived,he'll be back to normal with no aggro points.This can also push players who use Inaros to drain health from Bahamut in order to revive themselves and down Bahamut.
What do you think about this side of the coin?Should I change it to this one?

To be fully honest,whilst creating that passive,I simply thought of the easiest way to code such a passive ability in the game.Because taking away control from a player to set them in a specifically animated state isn't very amusing,even if it is for a little while.

  Thanks for the feedback on the ability and the post in general.If you ever think I should change/add something,let me know and I'll happily look into it to see if I can change/add it in a way that fits the perspectives of this Warframe.

Edited by (PS4)exterminator00cy
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  • 3 weeks later...

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