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*Sortie third mission now has a chance to be an Assassination mission against a functionally unkillable boss!


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*At least unless partied.

Fixed patch notes.


So how about that boss with millions of effective health, flies around erratically with a small, only temporarily open hitbox, and heals itself for large amounts of health regularly while you're trying to land enough hits to whittle away that impressive health stack?


Jesus christ, you're throwing a tougher-than-Raid-levels version of Vay Hek at us and saying we should be able to even attempt it with 1/4-1/8 the squad.

Sure the mechanics are different, but I think I'd have a better chance trying to solo the damned Raid version than trying to get the bastard to stop flying around and get into the mech already.


I fear for Augmented Armour/Shields and Enhanced Elemental/Physical assassinations in the future.

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I spent 15 minutes using Boltor Prime on today's boss (Vay Hek) and only got his heath down by only 5%. I would imagine that soloing this boss would use up tremendous ammo/health refills and take a few hours to kill.

I'm against Level 100 bosses.

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Done that one in a duet. 
My loadout was: rhino p, soma p, aksomati, war, deathcube with vulkok, 85% maduai
my teammate's loadout: 99% resist trin, soma p, synoid gammacor, glaive prime, huras kubrow.
We cleared out the 'mobile' phase (before entering the final arena) in 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
The showdown phase took about 5 minutes in total when the "turkey" form lasted for ~2 minutes.
I dropped on my arse only once - shortly after reviving the other guy in front of a rampart.
We were rewarded with a vazarin lens.

Does it sound as something hard?

Update: carried 3 groups with the mentioned loadout already

Edited by Teloch
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Well, I went back in on public and killed him, and given that I did so right after posting the OP it marks a roughly 30 minute slog that probably would have taken 10 times longer if not for Vay Hek's flying phase in the final area getting stuck in one spot in the cliff face so we at least had a better time of actually landing reliable hits in the time we did have, and he didn't get a chance to heal off his troops.

Bosses with temporary vulnerability, damage caps and regenerative health don't mix with hyperscaled EHP.


Any other boss and this likely wouldn't have been quite so problematic. But that's just an Energy Reduction.

What next, Melee Only Lephantis? Raptor? Vay Hek again? I'm not even sure you can tag Hek's hitbox with melee, lord knows I've tried while my sleep arrows still worked on him.

Augmented shield Alad? Well, a Mag can probably at least make that one manageable, but we shouldn't have a mandatory warframe, should we?


This needs to be benched until Damage 3.0 shows up with (hopefully) an enemy scaling change to stop this sort of issue. Some bosses only work at the level and stats they're made for, and with full freedom of player choice with regards to what they bring to bear against them.

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My group killed it (just a random pug), but I do not think anyone in the group went into it unprepared (3 Inaros with 3x corrosive projections and I think an Ash with energy siphon). That boss was durable to say the least, and shooting a flying turkey is sorta of humiliating...

Anyway, if this type of sortie is in game it should give a disclaimer that you need top end guns to deal with it. It's not like there was energy to use Warframe powers or whatever.

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Yeah, with a group of four we  only got it down about 1/3rd of the way before he went and healed back to full. 


Corrosive projection shouldn't be required to complete a mission. I dont care if it takes a inventory of ammo plates to beat something, it shouldn't be capable of then healing itself back to max health -.-  

Especially seeing as sorties are often match made, and you cannot expect people to bring it (or even own it) 

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This boss wouldn't be half bad if he did'nt heal through all of the damage. seriously i learned how to glitch out teh last flying part so he skips right to terra frame and still couldn't get him below 50% health because if an enemy stays near him for just a couple of seconds he'll outheal the last 3 minutes of damage

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Welp, that was the dumbest boss fight yet. It's everything wrong with WF's bosses X100. Outhealing DPS by a huge margin, invincibility modes, 99% hitbox is invincible, never-ending non-boss enemies (why can't we hack them out for a short while?), multiple stages that serve no purpose other than to just waste the player's time.


Season 6 worst season on its first day. Congrats. I'm not saying it's impossible - I went in with 1 friend. Guess I'll have to party it up with 4 people I know now. Could've done a raid in the time I wasted on it, though.

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...and here I was, wanting to be happy that the dreaded "level 100 Juggernaut" problem had been remedied.

Little did I know, DE just replaced that problem with another one.

Embarrassing. It's like they're just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. That isn't how it's done, people.

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i like the new "feature" about sorties... its been to long with the easy going sorties. Guys thats stuff for highmr players. if you cant deal with it, dont do it.

I could also start crying that t4surv at 60min+ gets really hard. But i dont do. U know why? Nobody forces me to do it ;)

€dit: ah by the way: Yes i had fun in the last sortie. Grab some good friends and enjoy the game! <3

2nd €dit: Banshee is a must have here. The terraframe is down in under a minute! Also get a blessin trin, well it costs a lot of energy restores, but at least u all dont die.

Edited by -S-O-Kranker
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- Went in a pub, we spent 30-35 minutes emptying our clips on vay hek while trying to kill everything before it could regenerate him => everybody left because too frustrated and the boss still had 100% of his health.

- Went solo with Loki and a Tonkor => took 5 minutes, he didn't stand a chance

You actually don't need to bother with the other units if you just shoot at him every time he lands (provided you have a Tonkor of course, even the Vaykor Hek I had before didn't get me far).






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Was nothing wrong with this lv 100 boss fight. If you dont know HOW to kill the regular Hek on Earth then yea you're probably gonna run into a problem. He heals from other enemies in the vicinity so if you're only focusing on Hek you'll have a problem. If you bring your Boltor Primes and your Somas (TO A LV 100 ENEMY REGARDLESS OF IT BEING A BOSS) you're gonna have a problem.

Bringing someone to slow him a bit is a good idea. Also to all you Wonder Rhinos using roar can do wonders for your damage(2.00 on ui = 200% dmg buff which also = what Molecular Prime buffs so USE ROAR)

I'd also suggest a high damage weapon ie Zhuge, Hek, Tigris, maybe even a sniper.

Tl;dr a high lvl boss is not a problem at all. We have lv 100 raid bosses. And no, dont get on me about it being an 8 man raid cause you can finish it with 4 and it only takes 4 CP to hit 100% armor reduction

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35 minutes ago, Yuri_Treychenko said:

Can we just all agree that Vay Hek in general needs a serious rework. There is so much wrong with his bossfight it physically hurts me to look at it.

definetly this even without the sortie he is the most hated boss in the game


with the exception of people running specific warframes and specific loadouts such as loki , not only is hek a bullet sponge but he has a 4 pixels wide hitbox wich rotates while hovering and rotating  midair  and is invulnerable most of the time, sadly i wasnt lucky to run with a party with one of the chosen warframes and my party gave up after an hour  as it took  50 minutes just to defeat  him on  flying form 


he has too much of everything, mobility, armor,hp, invulnerability, heal, energy drain, passive attacks  

Edited by Retepzednem
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