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Alert System Is Absurd


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Missed both Vauban Chassis BP's and the Glaive BP. First time in weeks of playing I've seen either. Obviously missing both wouldn't be a problem if there was a reasonable way to get either but coincidentally there isn't. I could probably say what I was doing at the time but does it really matter? With no way to know beforehand what is going to pop up, simply leaving my computer for an hour would cause me to miss most alerts.


I get that the devs want active events where a lot of people log on to cooperatively complete them and get some unique rewards but right now it's just frustrating to wait weeks for that one thing you want (need) to pop up, and miss it because you were out to dinner, or sleeping, or at work, or school, or just simply leaving your computer at all. Please change it.

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What Reigan said. Not getting Vauban doesn't prevent you from advancing through the game by any means. It's just another playstyle. You have the same chance to get it as anyone else and if you can't wait, then buy him with platinum. DE is a business and they would go out of business if they made everything easy to get. It's the nature of free-to-play games.

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Except you don't really NEED Vauban, and Glaive have been just overlayed by the Kestrel that is basically the same thing with a diferent name. (Seriously, it even spins when you melee with it.)

I don't need anything to play this game. To imply bad gameplay systems can remain implemented because they reward you things you want instead of need is ridiculous. I don't even really need Warframe.


More rage threads, YEAH, thats gonna fix the problem! Keep at it!

Not rage, gameplay feedback, in the gameplay feedback forum. The system is bad so I want it changed.


What Reigan said. Not getting Vauban doesn't prevent you from advancing through the game by any means. It's just another playstyle. You have the same chance to get it as anyone else and if you can't wait, then buy him with platinum. DE is a business and they would go out of business if they made everything easy to get. It's the nature of free-to-play games.

Again completely missing the point. Also why are 11 of the 13 frames available from grinding bosses, one is available from mission rewards, and the final one only available from the alert system (which punishes people for not being at their computer at all times) or login rewards, where a part has the same chance of appearing as 2500 weapon affinity.

Yes, thank you, I realize F2P games aren't a charity. I've paid atleast $100 for World of Tanks and $60 for Tribes Ascend in the past year alone. I realize the developers need to make money for the content they make. Perhaps I would be more willing to part with my money if the glaive wasn't $10 and the Vauban wasn't $20. Because at that price point they are competing with entire AAA games.

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Yes, thank you, I realize F2P games aren't a charity. I've paid atleast $100 for World of Tanks and $60 for Tribes Ascend in the past year alone. I realize the developers need to make money for the content they make. Perhaps I would be more willing to part with my money if the glaive wasn't $10 and the Vauban wasn't $20. Because at that price point they are competing with entire AAA games.

Y'know.... You're actually right, the price for weapons and warframe is way too high to be viable options of purchase. The only thing i accept to buy in this game is the eventual Forma or Potato, that's it. I refuse to pay an entire game (on discount, sure) just to get a virtual item i could have gotten in another way anyways. I will pay 75 plat for a Warframe, tops, and 50 plat for a weapon (that i'll just max for mastery and shelve anyways.)

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Instead of raging about the warframe you are having a hard time getting, what about the storyline?  What is warframe about, there is lore but there is so many unknown things such as:  Are the Tenno really human, can't tell from Cryopod.  Who is the Lotus ( or who are the Lotus)?  Where are some cool cutscenes that we can watch ingame.  Sorry but getting angry over RNG for alerts is crazy.  Be pretty cool to see more than just the head of Lotus, what if she is sitting in a chair with a metal wire coming out of her head like in the matrix, what if the only human about her is the head?  Will she ever take off that helmet or hat or whatever it is?!  The only thing I have gathered is the bosses you fight have done something or another to cause possible harm and your job is to kill them, no other story behind it all.

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Instead of raging about the warframe you are having a hard time getting, what about the storyline?

In the Gameplay Feedback forum? Where people are supposed to point out problems with the system? No, this is exactly where it belongs.

Or I would like to say that, but Raidyr, you did not offer any kind of suggestion for a solution, only pointed out a problem. A problem that has been pointed out before. I completely agree that Alerts should be looked at, but they need a viable option to change it, not people pointing out the problem over and over with no solution.

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Or I would like to say that, but Raidyr, you did not offer any kind of suggestion for a solution, only pointed out a problem. A problem that has been pointed out before. I completely agree that Alerts should be looked at, but they need a viable option to change it, not people pointing out the problem over and over with no solution.


I really don't see a problem with it, sure blueprint drops are coming around slowly, but it wouldn't make any sense for them to be coming out at a rapid pace and everyone has all the blueprints for everything in a week.  Believe it took 2 weeks before everyone who always looked at the alerts got vauban, when I got it I was pysc'd.  And over the course of 2 months I have almost every blueprint from the alert system.  There is a cell app that lets you know about alerts.  I don't have a cell that can use this app, but I have a computer program that lets off an alarm when something I want is on the alerts.

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This in no way solves the problem.

If you think there is no problem, why does this topic show up almost daily?

Personally I have no problem with the current Alert system, but enough people do that something should be done, the question as always is, 'what?'



they show up because ppl think the whole world is against them and the want justice for not playing warframe at the time when the alarm was up

and they are the only one who suffer from this really evil rng, and it only wont to make their life even worse

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Instead of raging about the warframe you are having a hard time getting, what about the storyline?  What is warframe about, there is lore but there is so many unknown things such as:  Are the Tenno really human, can't tell from Cryopod.  Who is the Lotus ( or who are the Lotus)?  Where are some cool cutscenes that we can watch ingame.  Sorry but getting angry over RNG for alerts is crazy.  Be pretty cool to see more than just the head of Lotus, what if she is sitting in a chair with a metal wire coming out of her head like in the matrix, what if the only human about her is the head?  Will she ever take off that helmet or hat or whatever it is?!  The only thing I have gathered is the bosses you fight have done something or another to cause possible harm and your job is to kill them, no other story behind it all.


There is no raging or anger. It's weird that people are somehow picking that up in my thread. Anything you want to talk about? Also props for shooting down my feedback and turning this into a complaint thread about story.


In the Gameplay Feedback forum? Where people are supposed to point out problems with the system? No, this is exactly where it belongs.

Or I would like to say that, but Raidyr, you did not offer any kind of suggestion for a solution, only pointed out a problem. A problem that has been pointed out before. I completely agree that Alerts should be looked at, but they need a viable option to change it, not people pointing out the problem over and over with no solution.


The most obvious solution would be to make the things that are alert-only, non-alert. At the very least weapons and frames because it doesn't fit within the context of the other weapons and armors that are available for sheer grinding. Catalysts/Reactors being available in some other way would be nice as well considering the sheer amount of power they add to your characters


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yeah that would be great im waiting since a month on potatoes for banshee and since u8 for my dread and hate.



but if i can acomplish everything easy why should i play this game


yea its sometimes hard, and yea i could facewall everytime i miss potatoe alert or something i want but hey

other ppl may got it even worse



 just stick with this page :3 never miss importan alerts

Edited by Depar
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Except you don't really NEED Vauban, and Glaive have been just overlayed by the Kestrel that is basically the same thing with a diferent name. (Seriously, it even spins when you melee with it.)


Honestly if that's the way you're gonna look at it we don't NEED to play Warframe. Warframe NEEDS us to survive. Fact. If people can't get what they want they will stop playing and Warframe dies.


The alert system has been a constant source of complaints in the near 6 months I've been playing this game. There have been many suggestions on ways to fix it yet whenever DE comments on it they say they don't have any intention of changing it any time soon.

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I really don't see a problem with it, sure blueprint drops are coming around slowly, but it wouldn't make any sense for them to be coming out at a rapid pace and everyone has all the blueprints for everything in a week.  Believe it took 2 weeks before everyone who always looked at the alerts got vauban, when I got it I was pysc'd.  And over the course of 2 months I have almost every blueprint from the alert system.  There is a cell app that lets you know about alerts.  I don't have a cell that can use this app, but I have a computer program that lets off an alarm when something I want is on the alerts.


So as long as I'm always at my computer and have the 5-15 minutes to play Warframe it's not a problem? The twitter and the fan sites and cell apps are a symptom, not a solution.


they show up because ppl think the whole world is against them and the want justice for not playing warframe at the time when the alarm was up

and they are the only one who suffer from this really evil rng, and it only wont to make their life even worse

Nothing so conspiratorial. People just think it's a bad system. If you don't eat or sleep or work or go to school you might not think it's a problem, but for those of us who can't access a computer 24/7 it's inconvenient.

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i missed many alerts too  which i want like i sayd before, but yeah i like the game and can look away from some minor problems

like the rng, yeah it needs tweaking like other stuff, but we have to w8

hunting down DE with pitchfork and torch while not bring us any further

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I work, study and manage to get stuff on alerts.


The only twitch Id do is make item alerts stay up for maybe 2-3 hours, other than that Im pretty satisfied with it and patiently waiting on the 2 items I havent managed to get in the last 2 months Ive been playing.


Theres 3 frames obtainable only by a tough luck system and people get all &!$$ed out, its funny tbh. Talkin abou Vauban, Banshee and Frost Prime.


Lets shill out and wait, if youre lucky youll get what you want.

Edited by Hybridon
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I work, study and manage to get stuff on alerts.


The only twitch Id do is make item alerts stay up for maybe 2-3 hours, other than that Im pretty satisfied with it and patiently waiting on the 2 items I havent managed to get in the last 2 months Ive been playing.


Theres 3 frames obtainable only by a tough luck system and people get all &!$$ed out, its funny tbh. Talkin abou Vauban, Banshee and Frost Prime.


Lets shill out and wait, if youre lucky youll get what you want.


Yeah, I manage to get stuff during alerts too. I think I have 4 of every scavenger and have earned hundreds of thousands of (unused) credits. My problem is the stuff that you can't get without doing alerts, stuff like the glaive and vauban. Every frame relies on RNG but it's RNG that I can do on my own terms. Alert RNG causes 9 hours of pistol scavenger and 2k credits then waits until you go to bed or work or school and it drums up a pair of vauban pieces and a glaive, or a potato, or a warframe helmet. Please by all means put the Vauban pieces in the mission reward table like Banshee is. It only took me a week to build that. Meanwhile I've been waiting 3 weeks for Vauban alerts and only have one of the three pieces.

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Yes, lets get all new content handed on a plate, thats what we need.


The alert system needs to get fixed, yes it does. But putting all wfs on bosses or other similar ways isnt the way for devs to get people to pay plat for them.

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Yes, lets get all new content handed on a plate, thats what we need.


The alert system needs to get fixed, yes it does. But putting all wfs on bosses or other similar ways isnt the way for devs to get people to pay plat for them.

The hyperbole in this thread is hilarious. I don't want the content given to me on a plate; the only thing to do in this game in the long term is to grind stuff. Why can I grind for 92% of the warframes yet one is locked behind an absurd gate?


If it's because Vauban is supposed to be a cash grab, I think that's fairly obvious at this point. Banshee not dropping off a boss makes sense since there wasn't an available boss so it was thrown into general mission rewards, making it more difficult to get but still possible on your own terms. The fact that this wasn't repeated with Vauban, which is equal but different to Banshee, tells me that their new policy is to make warframe parts only available from alerts or login rewards and frustrating players into paying money because their previous model wasn't working.


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Obviously missing both wouldn't be a problem if there was a reasonable way to get either but coincidentally there isn't. 



Pay. Money.

Stop complaining about free stuff you can't have.

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Rather than just comment on how bad it is, give your own suggestions as to how to improve the game. I read one part of the Hot Topic where DERebecca and Steve talked about the Iron Skin change and people raging and whatnot but no solution at all. No "rather than doing it this way, why not that way?". So, I'm going to say that until you have some sort of REASONABLE suggestion to back up your frustration, can it.

Edited by matrixEXO
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