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Low MR in Sorties


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24 minutes ago, akira_him said:

Maybe we should just don't show MR but show hours played instead

Gonna be a sh1t storm I swear.
Like Sorties, min 1000 hours.

Just like the old Conclave system where people demand your CR rating to be at least 1.3k before they let you join T3 or T4s.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

PS. No lowbie hate, just love, but we all gotta work towards something.

LoL I started doing sorties at MR3, my braton (prime, 5 formas deep at MR3) had better upgrades than the weapons most MR10+s were packing.

A person who reads the wiki could easily do sorties with a low MR and basic equipment.  "Hm, they resist viral damage, maybe I won't use that..."

Sorties require half a brain, not a high MR.

Edited by (XB1)SooperSmurph
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MR means nothing because of draco abusers. I see more skilled MR 6 people than I do MR 20 people- because they go on draco, do nothing but 4 spam and rely on their cheese team composition, and do not learn ANYTHING, then tend to end up assuming they're some sort of elites and good at the game and fall flat on their face when they try to do anything legitimately and blame their team.

If you want MR locks on sorties- and want it to MEAN something- DE has to rework the MR system and reset everyone's MR down to 0 (naturally with a grandfather clause that allows us to use all the weapons and stuff we already own prior). Adding a high MR lock on ANYTHING in this game in the MR system's current state does nothing to ensure you get GOOD/EXPERIENCED players on your team- it just increases the chance you get someone from draco that doesn't actually have a single clue how to properly play the game.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)SooperSmurph said:

LoL I started doing sorties at MR3, my braton (prime, 5 formas deep at MR3) had better upgrades than the weapons most MR10+s were packing.

A person who reads the wiki could easily do sorties with a low MR and basic equipment.  "Hm, they resist viral damage, maybe I won't use that..."

Sorties require half a brain, not a high MR.

Sorties are locked at MR4 IIRC, how did you manage to do them at MR3?

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)SooperSmurph said:

LoL I started doing sorties at MR3, my braton (prime, 5 formas deep at MR3) had better upgrades than the weapons most MR10+s were packing.

A person who reads the wiki could easily do sorties with a low MR and basic equipment.  "Hm, they resist viral damage, maybe I won't use that..."

Sorties require half a brain, not a high MR.

Liar liar plants for hire

How do you manage to play a MR 4 locked mission at 3

EDIT: Darn you Noamuth, beat me to it

Edited by (PS4)Uio937
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

No, it isn't valid.  Especially considering that many of the MR required end-game items are simply Prime items that are locked at a low Mastery level.  The Soma Prime, for example, is an end-game gun requiring relatively few mods that are commonly found and can be obtained and used at MR 6.  

Mods are a completely different topic since they aren't actually relevant to MR and a low MR ranked player could, theoretically, actually have all the mods in the game and you'd never know.  That said, the cornerstone mods are extremely common and easy to come by and the vast majority of the playerbase has them.  Especially at MR 4-6.

Depends on what you mean by outperform.  Outdamage?  Obviously not due to inherent differences in the guns base stats.  That said, damage is a VERY small portion of contribution to a squad and anyone running an Ash and spamming Bladestorm can top the damage charts.  That is, again, not indicative of skill and I'd rather have someone who I don't have to worry about going down as opposed to someone completely focused on dealing damage.

Feel free to show where I ever said they weren't?

I don't care about skill; I care about performance.  If you are the damage dealer, I expect you to do damage and quickly.  I don't care that you "360 no scoped" some cannon fodder if there is still a room full of enemies rushing down the defense objective. 

My main is Trinity. My job is making sure you don't do down, and giving you (damage dealers like Ash) energy so they can keep wiping out entire waves of enemies. In my case out performing doesn't mean damage.  It means how well I am keeping you alive and on a full energy charge.

The Soma is very mod and forma heavy. 

I am not saying you need huge MR. I am happy playing with anyone with 8 MR and up.  Lock Sorties to MR8, and I think it would be perfect.

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There are a lot of people who claim to see a ton of low MR players playing better than high MR players, but they are exaggerating for effect. This population is pretty small. I think they should increase the MR lock to 6 and leave it at that. If you don't want to pub it, then don't. Play with friends or solo.

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Everyone who says there isn't a statistical correlation between low MR and bads that you need to carry is wrong.

But anyway don't pug them. Or just recruit channel it and filter out the liabilties by looking at their MR before inviting them



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The choice of playing on PUBLIC  is completely yours , shutting the sorties down for all the new players that wanna try it is just arrogant. Don't judge the peoples , you join there and its your decision....i just host a squad thru the recruit channel for like 2 minutes and complete the sorties pretty fast . If i can , then you can  too ... dont qq like a little girl.

Edited by Xemenone
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7 hours ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

Like for example; if you knew the spy mission through and through and could hack fact you might bring Valkyr so you could just let the alarm go off and get there and hack fast without having to worry about getting knocked down by the lasers.




Funny that this was mentioned... because I saw something like this today on the sortie too. Someone brought in a Limbo for the end spy portion of the mission. We just happened to pick the same room to head to. The rest of the group was all Loki Prime. The room we managed to draw was the Corpus one with the three fast moving laser hall sections.... no f***s given, all he did was rift walk through the entire thing. No alarms tripped or anything. Meanwhile, the person who went to A managed to trip the alarms but still get the hack. That unto itself rather shows that it's not just about MR, frame, or much of anything beyond raw skill and planning.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I don't care about skill; I care about performance.  If you are the damage dealer, I expect you to do damage and quickly.  I don't care that you "360 no scoped" some cannon fodder if there is still a room full of enemies rushing down the defense objective. 

My main is Trinity. My job is making sure you don't do down, and giving you (damage dealers like Ash) energy so they can keep wiping out entire waves of enemies. In my case out performing doesn't mean damage.  It means how well I am keeping you alive and on a full energy charge.

The Soma is very mod and forma heavy. 

I am not saying you need huge MR. I am happy playing with anyone with 8 MR and up.  Lock Sorties to MR8, and I think it would be perfect.

1.  Of course you don't since it would invalidate your entire argument.  Damage is, again, a VERY SMALL portion of contribution to the squad.  You also seemingly shifted the argument away from all mission types to one very specific type.  I won't do that.

2.  That's great, for you.  It also has no bearing on the topic at hand and no relevance to a MR discussion.  You also neglect that any low MR player with access to Trinity and a few basic mods can perform the exact same niche as you and be considered contributing to their squad.  Heck, even a low MR playing Loki and removing weapons from all the enemies is beneficial to the team.  All those contributions become null, though, in your mind when you see the player has a low number next to their name.

3.  No, not really.  Serration, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Split Chamber, and your elemental combos, just like every other crit based primary.  All of those are extremely common mods at this point and can be picked up off the market for 10p or less if a player is unable to find them.

4.  With such a lock you would also be locking every piece of content sorties provide, including Nezha, behind either a paywall or a random MR requirement solely because you can't be bothered to field your own group or solo the mission.  Such restrictions are unnecessary and prohibitive when the option exists for you to simply not run the mission in a public setting with those low MR players you so disdain.

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Solo the sorties or go with pre-made squads. I'm MR 4 and easily solo these missions, not even talking about going with random teams. Why should players like me suffer just because you're a bad player?

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1. it wouldn't invalidate my argument in the slightest. I didn't shift it in the slightest. In the last sortie I did, the 3rd mission was a defense mission. We have been talking about Sorties from the very start.  Try to keep up.

2. It has a ton of bearing on the discussion at hand. You are the one that basically accused me of equating performance with damage.  I just explained how that wasn't the case. You then complained about worrying about people going down, and I explained how it was my job to make sure that didn't happen. And now, you are trying to put words in my mouth.

So far, your only "arguments" have been ad hominem and strawman fallacies.  Moving on.

3. All those also take up a ton of energy and a ton of fusion cores.  A low MR player is less likely to have those maxed out.

4. You are wrong and have done nothing to support that claim logically.  Also, Sorties were promoted as content for the high level, min-max-minded, end game players. There is no reason to make it accessible to newbies, that have plenty of other stuff they should not only be focusing on, but are also likely just to be a drain on the team.


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8 hours ago, ZombieLorde91 said:

Something funny about Mastery Rank, all it does is give you the availability of other weapons and a few perks like more loadouts on regular games. I think the problem (as well as the stigma of the topic) is that generally speaking, a low MR player indicates a newer player. Although partially true, what if a player has logged over 1 year worth of playing time in Waframe and never has leveled up his MR? Would it be fair for him to start grinding for MR cuz people see him as a noob and there he is, kicking more &#! than some of the MR20 I have seen in this game? If a min cap is gonna be added, I think it should be based on hours logged, not to a MR.

kinda agree with this...
im MR 21 with 3k hours in game im here from the start
and have a friend in my ally that is MR 14 and have almost the same time ingame as me (he dont like dogs and archwing so didint use them at all) a few trash weapons he can pass them too but at survivels and end game mission types he does it ok.....(actualy he does more raids then me)
ok is MR14 not 5  but thats just a exemple how MR means nothing in skill lvl and exp in game

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15 minutes ago, LABAL said:

And we'll get the story with cosmic spectres all over again.
Conclave rating is meaningless and obsolete.

yea i had a ash with 630 conclave points and killed evryS#&$ on sight made for tatical alerts

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

 IMO MR8 should be the absolute lowest possible allowed.

I think it’s fair to say that they should allow running the mission at any MR, but only allow you to PUG it if you're MR8 or above. How does that sound?

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2 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:

I think it’s fair to say that they should allow running the mission at any MR, but only allow you to PUG it if you're MR8 or above. How does that sound?

still dont agree u have players mr 6 7 that got teatchings from mates and help getting mods and can kick arsses pretti well

also i remember when MR7 was max rank

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1 minute ago, venon23 said:

got teatchings from mates

If they have friends, then they can run the sorties with friends. I don’t want to deal with someone just starting out who barely knows how to mod throwing himself onto the mercies of PUGs for sorties.

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well is not like that allways

1 minute ago, ChronoEclipse said:

If they have friends, then they can run the sorties with friends. I don’t want to deal with someone just starting out who barely knows how to mod throwing himself onto the mercies of PUGs for sorties.

EX: i teatch and give tons of stuff for my clan mates but i can play with them only ate weekends cuz the time  get one in a normal day of the week evrybody is asleep

and some time there is 4 in a team 4 in other team and 2 guys join with other 2 randowm

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Mastery Rank doesn't determine how well someone would do in Sorties. All Mastery Rank determines is how many things someone has leveled up. You could be MR 5 and have played hundreds of hours and be very knowledgeable at the game. Sorties are for players who know the game well enough to play through difficult missions, that's why a new system should be put in place to help prevent handicapped players from playing them until they are ready.

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