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Low MR in Sorties


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Weird. I've never seen anyone below mr10 for some reason. And usually, the higher it gets, the higher mr I meet in public team (in the third  stage it's almost always mr 15-18 to 21)

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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5 hours ago, aerosoul1337 said:

If you are really tired about this.

Solo is a lot easier since enemy number scales with squad size.

And low MRs still can do it it they have skills or clan to help them.

I think Sorties has a fixed spawn no matter the squad size.

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15 minutes ago, Currilicious said:

I think Sorties has a fixed spawn no matter the squad size.

It does not. Was doing survival recently, first time was in full squad and the number of enemies was so high + viral damage that it all sent Wukong straight into revive two times. Was curious about this viral condition, went there again solo - number of enemies decreased significantly. 

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2 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

It does not. Was doing survival recently, first time was in full squad and the number of enemies was so high + viral damage that it all sent Wukong straight into revive two times. Was curious about this viral condition, went there again solo - number of enemies decreased significantly. 

I can confirm this.

Plus, a lot of times, going solo makes more sense because while the number of mobs increases with the team's size, the team's prowess may not. Although the extra affinity is nice if you haven't capped focus for the day ^-^

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5 minutes ago, Asphe said:

I can confirm this.

Plus, a lot of times, going solo makes more sense because while the number of mobs increases with the team's size, the team's prowess may not. Although the extra affinity is nice if you haven't capped focus for the day ^-^

I'm just still not sure how rewards for sortie roll. Some times I feel like I get better ones with the team, some times it's the opposite. Still can't figure it out.

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2 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

May be its just random?

Well of course it is random. Just there was a specualtion you shouldn't get r5 cores unless you got majority of stuff that you can get only once a season. I mean, regardless of anything. But someone wrote here that rewards roll for the squad. Meaning if they got nezha's helm and you already got one in the previosu day(s) you'll get cores - but my experinece contradicts with it. So I've no idea what to think of it and what's the best way to do 3rd stage, solo or in a team.

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On 4/8/2016 at 6:25 PM, Nomen_Nescio said:

It does not. Was doing survival recently, first time was in full squad and the number of enemies was so high + viral damage that it all sent Wukong straight into revive two times. Was curious about this viral condition, went there again solo - number of enemies decreased significantly. 


On 4/8/2016 at 8:43 PM, Asphe said:

I can confirm this.

Plus, a lot of times, going solo makes more sense because while the number of mobs increases with the team's size, the team's prowess may not. Although the extra affinity is nice if you haven't capped focus for the day ^-^


Well this is from Wiki, so I don't know what to believe:


Playing a sortie solo will not decrease the difficulty or the amount of enemies spawned. Therefore, it is recommended to play with a full cell when tackling missions that require kills, such as Survival or Defense.


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On 8.4.2016 at 10:51 AM, Nomen_Nescio said:

Weird. I've never seen anyone below mr10 for some reason. And usually, the higher it gets, the higher mr I meet in public team (in the third  stage it's almost always mr 15-18 to 21)

thats pretty much my experiences (while there have been exceptions when i do reruns for fun)

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1 hour ago, Currilicious said:

Well this is from Wiki, so I don't know what to believe:


Well I just believe my eyes. It could be simply because when you're alone you kill less, obviously, but that's about it. And if you're killing enemies with a melee only solo (not melee abilities like EB or Hysteria) there will never be enough life support, or just barely enough to hold out. When I'm in a team in sortie surv I even get 25-30 fps instead of 60 due to the number of enemies around.

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I agree, yet disagree with this. I do not believe that MR is an indication of skill or how well one has modded a frame. That being said, you can pretty much guess an MR4 wont be able to handle Sortie 3, especially if it is Corpus or Infested. I am MR20, and I, on occasion, struggle with those.

That being said, I did the last Sortie with an MR2, just him and I. This person handled himself very well.

So, as stated, it isn't the best indicator of skill or experience, but sadly, I do think an MR cap would be a good thing.
Maybe even have 2 sets of Sortie. One for MR6 + another for MR16 + ?

I would say MR14 and upwards tends to slow you down as you do require quite a bit more to rank up, so the grind and overall play time has to be increased with it, therefore making player experience in game easier to come by.

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24 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

I agree, yet disagree with this. I do not believe that MR is an indication of skill or how well one has modded a frame. That being said, you can pretty much guess an MR4 wont be able to handle Sortie 3, especially if it is Corpus or Infested. I am MR20, and I, on occasion, struggle with those.

Infested of all things? Faction that's the easiest to control and fight? That's just a bit weird.

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Just now, Dod-Regnbue said:

It is the Toxin Auras, once they get to around level 110, you tend to just die outright.

Well... why use frames that can't deal with it then. That being said, I don't remember dying from it even when I used frames like Ash (but with vitality on him of course)

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While there is a large correlation between low MR and general experience with the game, MR is not always indicative of skill. As many have already said here, the only thing MR tracks is how many items you have ranked to Level 30 at least once, and that is done by simply playing the game. While an MR requirement may help keep players who aren't yet ready for Sorties out of those high-level missions, there are players out there who are incredibly skilled and still have a low rank, be it from not bothering to take rank-up tests or simply finding a weapon set they like and not trying out any other weapons.

Sorties do have a couple of safeguards in place, however minor. To participate, one must have the given location available (must have a fair portion of the starchart beaten or just get really lucky one day), and Tenno can only bring Max Rank weapons to the mission. While there isn't a great way to ensure only skilled players will be in a Sortie mission, these rules at least put a bit of requirement on the player. Other Tenno on this thread have some interesting ideas about requisites, be it total playtime, presence of Potatoes and Conclave rating on one's loadout (I like this last one particularly).

Ultimately though, unskilled players will find their way through the cracks and checkpoints of any game and show up in content they aren't prepared for. This will always happen. What's important is how we deal with this. Encourage players to study the game, build a little better and make tactical decisions. And new players: you will always serve some use in a mission. Play cautiously, but make sure to play. Don't be afraid of failing a mission. If you never fail, you're barely trying.

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I agree, yet disagree with this. I do not believe that MR is an indication of skill or how well one has modded a frame. That being said, you can pretty much guess an MR4 wont be able to handle Sortie 3, especially if it is Corpus or Infested. I am MR20, and I, on occasion, struggle with those.

That being said, I did the last Sortie with an MR2, just him and I. This person handled himself very well.

So, as stated, it isn't the best indicator of skill or experience, but sadly, I do think an MR cap would be a good thing.
Maybe even have 2 sets of Sortie. One for MR6 + another for MR16 + ?

I would say MR14 and upwards tends to slow you down as you do require quite a bit more to rank up, so the grind and overall play time has to be increased with it, therefore making player experience in game easier to come by.

Since Sorties are capped at MR4, how did you get an MR2 in one?

Edited by Noamuth
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On 4/2/2016 at 7:23 PM, DaftMeat said:

Recruiting: "Looking to run sorties, minimum MR#"

There's really nothing else to it. Fortunately or Unfortunately, I doubt they have any plans to change the minimum requirements anytime soon.

Though to be honest, this topic seems for something for the Feedback sub-forum than General Discussion, since the conversations from what I can see has been leaning towards the impressions of MR requirements in particular content within the game, and/or ways it can be improved, but that's just me and being nit-picky about something trivial haha.

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i love all the people that go "im MR (above 8),im fine with this"Just because youre fine with it does not mean others are.Honestly you should think about the lower MRs and not just "im not affected so i dont care".

MR 8 is a bit too high,since you should have most of the good gear at MR 6 and above.If its locked,it should be MR 43/4 so we can keep the new players out and all the average players can still enjoy sorties. i am MR7 but i have 2 primes and Mirage.I also have "end game"items like the Tonkor and good weapons like the dread,sonicor and the wraith items,and i do just fine in sorties.Locking people like me out just because MR locks dont affect you is a pretty $&*^ish move.

(and for the people who call me a hypocrite for locking out MR 3s, they should not actually be able to get the good items yet because most of its MR locked and the low MR means they probably have maybe 4 weapons.)

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