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Low MR in Sorties


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I think MR isn't a good yardstick for Sorties.

I would prefer some form of check on the arsenal at the player's disposal. One can gain Mastery ranks by just leveling and tossing stuff out without really having much of an arsenal. So here's the catch.

Player account must:

  1. Have X or more maxed warframes with reactors.
  2. Have X or more maxed primary weapons with catalysts.
  3. Have X or more maxed secondary weapons with catalysts.
  4. Have X or more maxed melee weapons with catalysts.

The number X would take a lil tweaking, but not necessarily the same across the board.

The potatoes are a requirement because lets be honest, any item without one is simply not complete let alone suitable for end-game.

And, a further requirement change on starting a Sorties mission. Every piece of gear must be maxed and potato-ed.

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On 4/3/2016 at 5:50 AM, -Ksaero- said:

In terms of player progression in this game I see 4 steps:

1) A newbie player who gets carried;

2) A newbie player that starts to understand the game's basics and sets his goals to become a skilled player:

3) A skilled player that knows what to do and how to do it, able to take care of himself;

4) A skilled player willing to help newbies, able to drag all the team by himself.


Sorties are not that hard to complete but they are still some kind of an endgame. While playing these missions with skilled players, newbies watch what those skilled players use and how they use it so it gets clearer for them what to aim at. It really helps at progression and getting more experienced.

Moreover, some low-MR players can cope with sorties not worse than any high-MR player (or even better).


Your suggestion is to restrict newbies from getting this sort of experience and to restrict skilled low-MR players that can easily handle sorties on their own. Because what? Because you are lazy? That is your problem.

My suggestion for players like you is to go with pre-made squads, if you are so annoyed by inexperienced players so no one has to suffer.


The only thing newbies should be restricted from is Draco, they learn nothing from there.

Now for spy sorties....that is a whole different can of worms that you really really don't want newbies to touch.

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I don't get the whole MR requirements to do something. Just because someone is MR 20 doesn't make someone a good player. I especially don't get it when i see people saying like "Hosting nightmare LoR MR 15+" i can understand a 10+ i guess but any higher doesn't make you a better player

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On 4/3/2016 at 6:25 AM, DakotaStorm said:

This thread is ridiculous, why should someone like me be locked out of missions because I can't be bothered to level up sh**ty weapons? I currently have at least 7 partially leveled weapons and frames, because I don't like them and have no intention of maxing them. 

Therefore my mastery gain is slow, how darebyou elitests suggest locking people out of content, if someone joins your mission that can't handle it and is dying every 30 seconds, then simply stop reviving them bit don't you dare suggest blocking them from at least experiencing the missions. 

But if you badly need a 4th member of the team and one is permanently dead, I don't think that would help people in any way shape or form.

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18 hours ago, Leavith said:

We could lock it behind the amount of stars the Loudout has...I mean every time we forma our weapons gains a star....and that would be a god reading if  player is good or something along those lines.

But my redeemer has 0 forma and my god its strong in sorties :/

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5 hours ago, LemonEnterprise said:

I wanna talk about how the strange accusations that i am making, quoting from my previous post ' someone that is mr 21'. And yes i was wrong about the Mr4 private lobbies, i dont get that part but you might be right.


Thats what chroma, rhino, valkyr are for, they are tanks and like half of all the warframes avaible cc's are for, they can use their cc to pick up a team mate when they are down. Not saying that they are not a burden, but i want to correct what you said from your previous post, 'MR4's think they are as good as you' that is just plain wrong unless most of the MR4 you meet are jerks. I respect your idea, of private lobbies and that's all i have to say :)


That is until you get a rhino who thinks he cant die, but gets instantly deleted from the map because he doesn't have the mods or the understanding behind Iron Skin

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1 hour ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

That is until you get a rhino who thinks he cant die, but gets instantly deleted from the map because he doesn't have the mods or the understanding behind Iron Skin

That is where you come in, teach them how to mod and how to use the ability instead of raging at him/her, if you are saying this it mean's you have more experience then them so i guess teaching them how to mod is the correct move, hope it works out for you guys. But anyways this is as much as i am going to reply to this topic, i hope it works well for all of you :)

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24 minutes ago, LemonEnterprise said:

That is where you come in, teach them how to mod and how to use the ability instead of raging at him/her, if you are saying this it mean's you have more experience then them so i guess teaching them how to mod is the correct move, hope it works out for you guys. But anyways this is as much as i am going to reply to this topic, i hope it works well for all of you :)

Sorties are meant as end game, not as some mission that newbies can "experience" just because they have rhino and think they are invincible, it is not our job as players who are doing sorties to teach them mechanics and how to play the game, that is what clans and region chat is for. It is unreasonable to thrust that responsibility upon the squad that is unlucky enough to get that one newbie player. 

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43 minutes ago, LemonEnterprise said:

That is where you come in, teach them how to mod and how to use the ability instead of raging at him/her, if you are saying this it mean's you have more experience then them so i guess teaching them how to mod is the correct move, hope it works out for you guys. But anyways this is as much as i am going to reply to this topic, i hope it works well for all of you :)

A) I'm not saying all low MR players are jerks; just that some think they can handle what Sorties can throw at them and they really can't.

B) I'm here to have fun and play a game, not teach someone else how to mod. Generally I do take the time to lend a hand and give pointers, but I will probably drop this game if it turns into a requirement that I stop having fun to teach a new player something that the tutorial is supposed to cover, or something that 5 minutes in Google can answer.

C) The 'frames you listed are decently difficult to obtain and your average MR4 isn't going to have them, let alone have the mods to make them viable.  If you were meaning Vets should have those 'frames, have you seen the current meta?

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27 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

Sorties are meant as end game, not as some mission that newbies can "experience" just because they have rhino and think they are invincible, it is not our job as players who are doing sorties to teach them mechanics and how to play the game, that is what clans and region chat is for. It is unreasonable to thrust that responsibility upon the squad that is unlucky enough to get that one newbie player. 


9 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

A) I'm not saying all low MR players are jerks; just that some think they can handle what Sorties can throw at them and they really can't.

B) I'm here to have fun and play a game, not teach someone else how to mod. Generally I do take the time to lend a hand and give pointers, but I will probably drop this game if it turns into a requirement that I stop having fun to teach a new player something that the tutorial is supposed to cover, or something that 5 minutes in Google can answer.

C) The 'frames you listed are decently difficult to obtain and your average MR4 isn't going to have them, let alone have the mods to make them viable.  If you were meaning Vets should have those 'frames, have you seen the current meta?

I see there are alot of players here that are against my thought and i am not here to do that and i apologize is i offended anyone, the majority of this forum post is against low mr in sortie and if that is so i will just go along with it, like Ankoko said, thats what region and clan chat is for then so be it. But to just say abit more, rhino and valkyr is pretty easy to get imo. Peace

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13 minutes ago, LemonEnterprise said:


I see there are alot of players here that are against my thought and i am not here to do that and i apologize is i offended anyone, the majority of this forum post is against low mr in sortie and if that is so i will just go along with it, like Ankoko said, thats what region and clan chat is for then so be it. But to just say abit more, rhino and valkyr is pretty easy to get imo. Peace

You aren't being offensive, and I apologize if I came across as being offended or if I offended you.  My stance is based on personal experience with lower MR players, and my suggestion was aimed at making both parties happy; lower MR players that can handle the Sorties and higher MR players that are here to have fun and not baby sit new players that get in over their heads. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)drahkel said:

I don't get the whole MR requirements to do something. Just because someone is MR 20 doesn't make someone a good player. I especially don't get it when i see people saying like "Hosting nightmare LoR MR 15+" i can understand a 10+ i guess but any higher doesn't make you a better player

The likelihood of someone being a good player increases with MR. Sure a MR21 player could be terrible, but that's far less likely than a MR8 player not understanding the game mechanics. And once DE gets rid of the fixed grind nodes with the new star map (eg. Draco) MR will become slightly more meaningful again as people will be forced to play different nodes instead of being able to rank up all the gear they bought with plat by leeching a single node with a single game and enemy type.

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2 hours ago, LemonEnterprise said:

That is where you come in, teach them how to mod and how to use the ability instead of raging at him/her, if you are saying this it mean's you have more experience then them so i guess teaching them how to mod is the correct move, hope it works out for you guys. But anyways this is as much as i am going to reply to this topic, i hope it works well for all of you :)

Well that would be the ideal world, wouldn't it? I know that would be ideal for my world. But this isn't Utopia and most people have limited entertainment time. I personally do not think being nasty will solve anything. That said, would you be able to say for certain you wouldn't have murderous thoughts when some bloke wastes half of your gaming allocations? Rhetorical, don't answer that.

Actually, the moment a mission starts, it is all too late. You can't help that newbie with gear setup anymore than you can move Mount Fuji. Nevermind the pace of the game being quite chaotic at times, especially in these missions where you hit the dirt if a mob as much as sneezed at your general direction. Unless, you're on one of those tanky ones. Still, you can ill afford the time to explain technicalities either when you realized that Frost in your squad can't globe thanks to energy reduction,


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Well Locking behind Second Dream Maybe the most legitimate Suggestion we have......

So far Master rank---while it may show you the weapon or equipment the player owns or has use it doesn't mean they are any good

Conclave Rate-it could be good way if they rebalance the numbers

Forma Stars-Not everything need to be forma to be viable

Star chart-It would put people through a lot of hardship and repetition that would make people rage because they may already be good enough but because of the limitation they can't go.

Second Dream-Is good limit as it would require and put people in situation that requires thinking....but in that of itself we are gonna need to scale Second dream and pre-Second dream content to be a legitimate test....but that in itself would make the love of the story content to difficult and task full to be enjoyable.


Now we do have a following suggestion to this...We could lock it behind Rotation Reward Set Missions....

Missions will be assigned a number that number is a flat number and has added value based on the level of the enemy your fighting. Points will only be awarded as long as the missions are different repeating the same mission will not give you any points.If you do a mission that lines up with a Sorti mission such as they match up
of what I mean while I understand that it may not be clear cut fix it is however a progressive system that people as they redo this for every Sorti set Reward rotation the player will how ever get better as repeating the same habit

goes on because they are gonna have to they won't just won't be exposed to one mission

The Example______Now just a side note the numbers are not fully define they are just a fill in spot.



Let say your an average Player and you decide you want to tackle Sorti now today Sorti are Defense/Survival/Interception

As you look a the sorti You notice your require to have 250 Missions Points you wonder what that means.

Well that means that for this Sorti rotation your gonna need 250 Mission points that will unlock Sorti for all the days the rotation is active.

So now how will the missions works.

Well mission will only give points if the mission are different meaning 10 points for doing and completing the mission plus 3 points for every 5 level the mission is.

Now SO as the average Player you say well lets do Some hard level mission and t4 and t3 Void

Mission defining on how difficult they are will give you points and double those points if the mission matches up to the Sorti

SO I do t3 and t4 Defense-they scale around 20-30 and 30-40

So my t3 defense will be

So 10 Points For doing defense Plus 6X3=18

Now you add that 10+18=28 and you double it because it matches the mission of the day getting you a total of 56

Following that I do my t4 defense my score will be

10+8x3=34 points so now I already have 68 points added to the 56 I already have for total of 56+68=124

And then I decide to do Draco

So now if I am not mistaken Draco is like 25-35 not sure on that but I will use that value

10+3x7=31 cause it matches the Sorti mission of the day=61 adding that to what I already have is 61+124=185 

The following that I decide to tackle pluto defense dark sector mission

so that is 10 points 3x8=24x 2 cause again it matches with the mission of the day giving me a total of 68+185 I have for total of 253 points going over the require amount. but unlocking my Sorti for the whole time we have the rotation.



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Wouldn't it actually be easiest, to have a "trial" that you must complete before doing sorties that actually pits you against enemies and situations like you'd face in the sorties. Like a training ground type of thing. Like a Gateway mission that prepares you for what comes next. Solo only so you can't be carried.

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4 minutes ago, Andaius said:

Wouldn't it actually be easiest, to have a "trial" that you must complete before doing sorties that actually pits you against enemies and situations like you'd face in the sorties. Like a training ground type of thing. Like a Gateway mission that prepares you for what comes next. Solo only so you can't be carried.

You thinking a Pre-requisite sorti test....

A Solo Sorti-Extermination against 101 enemies of that faction melee enemies?

Like if is Infested you would only encounter -Charger/Runner/Leapers

If is Corpus you would only encounter-Shock Moa/Shield-Leech Osprey/Baton Crewman

If is grineer you would only encounter-Butcher/Scorpion/Rollers

I feel it would be a legitimate test.

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What about the players that can't solo due to mod choice, experience or frame? Or even players that just log in to play with their friends? Forcing this kind of test is more exclusive to players than a change of MR requirements.

And I still think we should have split reqs, MR4 for private or solo and MR 8 to 10 for public.

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4 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

What about the players that can't solo due to mod choice, experience or frame? Or even players that just log in to play with their friends? Forcing this kind of test is more exclusive to players than a change of MR requirements.

And I still think we should have split reqs, MR4 for private or solo and MR 8 to 10 for public.

Well my friend be more clear....regarding Mod choice or frame

If you cannot solo against a simple test that mimics a sorti then what business do you have with sorit.

Like here You have no experience with a warframe then that warframe has no business being used in sorti

If you log in to play with their friend then play another mission people do sorti for the reward and hardcore aspect out of it(not sure about that last part)

Forcing a Kind of test will Filter people who can do sorti/provide support/and can carry themselves.

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So players that can't do the mission due to to mod choice, experience or frame that will drag down the team should be allowed to ruin it for everyone else on there team because they couldn't be bothered to Get experiance, learn to change there mods, or use a more useful frame for the mission?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Onyx Guarrd said:

I agree with the higher MR requirements.

But to what point just agreeing makes no difference when master rank can easily be gain without acquiring mods or good weapons and warframes.As well as inclusion of experience.

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