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Ash Rework (Straw poll)


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EDITED TITLE: Due to comparisson issues but both Warframes share a slight similarity 

Whats up Tenno

I hope You guys are hungry?

Because today You're in for a Treat!

I have done research for a while in forums and never really made a thread till now this is my second thread.

Soo I figure You guys are Starving and Noone can go fight the forces of Evil on an Empty Stomach! X_X

As the Title Implies that is Your Main Coarse soo I will serve You appetizers (Ash entire kit)  before feeding You the entree.

Without further a due....

PASSIVE:Hemorrhage: Any Slash Slash bProcs dealt by Ash (be it his weapons or his abilities) deal 25% mre damage and last 50% longer



Ash was the FIRST Warframe that had innate PHYSICAL WEAPONS associated with his frame, in this case his HIDDEN BLADES he uses in his BLADE STORM ability. The second frame with this innate physical weapon was Mesa and her Regulator pistols she uses in her Peacemaker ability

Proof Ashs Blade storm can be a Stance, Ash is a melee focused Frame not a Caster and this would make sense be interactive and fun imo.




This is a Comparison of Stance Ultimates Procing Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus but not Bladestorm, tho Bladestorm was Casted Undetected and still I get Rewarded the get 10 kills unalerted Stealth challenge? You get My Logic? This should be taken into account with this Bladestorm concept and Killing enemies undetected will assure You One shot Stealth Kills obviously. Reward Ash players for Killing in Stealth Bladestorm. As You clearly see Exalted Blade waves and Hysteria and Primal Fury Kills in Stealth are OP why would Bladestorm a Stealth Warframes Ultimate cannot benefit from this bonus is Ludacris and thats why stealth is Broken. Bladestorm as I invision it is a Super Stealth Assassination with Shadow Clones so I wanted to implement that into Ash. Seen above One Cast of My Bladestorm achieved all 10 Kills I needed. 





-should scale off of Melee mods for late game damage scaling  


-casting animation is lack luster and we cant see anything but a trajectory, what are we throwing?


-Aesthetic purposes, can we make it appear like a spectered glaive, or exalted glaive as you guys call it?


-Enemies suffering by Shuriken Slash/Bleed DoT Procs can be Free-Teleported to with No Line of Sight as long as the debuff is still active, this state is considered a DEATH MARKS and gives Ash players the incentive to use this in synch with Teleports to move about quickly and execute enemies.

fuuton__rasen_shuriken_by_kubiaxk-d53tc7  Reference of how Shuriken could visually look aesthetically

tumblr_n3gjc3TQIU1sji00bo1_500.gif  Better animation on Casts for Aesthetic purpose and creativity instead of Tesla/Smite Shuriken casts





-AoE Smoke Bomb, that chokes and stuns enemies, opening them to Finisher kills


-The duration is fine, but dont hinder us to sitting in the Cloud, Ash is Lethal and Elusive not a sitting duck, this isnt Cloak arrow (KEEP CURRENT INVISIBILITY MECHANICS)


-Increase the Clouds range a bit for some CC and access to late Window to Smoke Shadow for Allies/Operator/Rescue Hostages


-Enemies inside the smoke cloud are considered under Ashs DEATH MARKS and can be Free-Teleported with No Line of Sight as Shurikens DoT, as long as there are enemies inside the cloud choking. This allows for more Synergy with Ashs kit and allows faster movement in the field. Grants the player more tools to their kit allow CC and quick entry in and out of battle

example of Smoke Screen AoE/CC Choke Cloud shown in video





-Free-aim Short range Teleport (SHORT RANGED) maybe 5-10-15m's at most

Free-Aim Smoke Dash Teleport example here


-Smoke Bomb on Targeted Teleports, guaranteeing our Finisher Kills, the smoke bomb only stuns the enemy you targeted


Hope Your still Hungry?

Heres Your Main coarse Tenno!





Cast animation- Ash summons his shadow clones, lights flicker similar to Stalker/Acolytes then *POOF* disappears within clouds of smoke.


Aesthetic purposes only, a Fan artist (Fulcrvm) designed this as a Oni Helm but we came to the conclusion Ash morphing into this form in Blade storm by being consumed by Dark Void energy is something i wanted to consider it




-Ash is rendered Invisible in Blade storm while stationary or moving and not attacking and appears visually similar to Grineer Manics invisibility. Energy drains per attack since Ash has a small energy pool, This concept requires You to kill and based off of kills and abilities casted your energy drains.


-Movement speed/parkour capabilities are increased a (%), wall latch drains energy per second.


-Ash may take damage while invisible and not attacking


-When You attack Ash/Clones reveal themselves BREAKING INVISIBILITY emerging from smoke bombs, Ash/Clones attack the same enemy simultaneously. The enemy under attack can only be damaged by Ash and is highlighted in a Red tint as now


-When Ash attacks breaking invisibility he trades for Invincibility as current Bladestorm and deals the same damage as now (Finisher/Slash/Bleed proc) Makes sense because Finisher kill animations Render the Player immune to all damage this meta should work in current Bladestorm iteration 


-Bladestorm scales off of Melee weapon mods (SLASH/FINISHER/ATTACK SPEED mods only) Strictly to Bladestorm damage should keep it balanced from functioning with elemental melee mods etc.Mods like Buzzkill Jagged Edge Rending Strike  function for the Slash damage Bladestorm distributes, Finishing Touch and Covert Lethality for the Finisher Damage


-Bladestorm can attack Manics as well as Bosses (Vor/etc) no more Glitch cam and fire and forget, Hello interactivity


-Casting Shuriken Ash/Clones throw 1 large energy shuriken each (3 shurikens) 


-Enemies hit by shuriken will bleed DoT and Shuriken will spawn 1 clone each enemy hit, attacking the enemy till the DoT is over, the clones deal 25% of Ashs damage


-Enemies under attack by clones may take damage from allies and be killed as a result.


-Smoke Screen provides invis as well as CC for Blade storm, enemies within the AoE Cloud are highlighted in red tint


-Free-aim Teleport range is slightly further and drops small smoke bomb with free-aim teleport as well as targeted teleport


-Kills dismember enemies like any slash weapons do because (Finsher/Slash Damage) He is a NInja why not?


-Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus is achieved in Blade Storm as long as You remain undetected to enemies


-Toggle to activate and reactivate


All Stance Ultimates have combos so this will have combos as well. All the attacks will look and feel fast and elusive Ash/Clones appearing and disappearing from smoke bombs Slashing and striking in an Omnislash style


This idea is influenced from tryna farm regular Ash from Mr.Manic. I was just thinking of how Manics behave, they disappear and reappear and there attacks are swift lethal elusive strikes with dash and small smoke clouds as we know thats how we are able to somewhat detect these pesky creatures location to wp them. Being that we are forced to Farm Regular Ash thru them I wanted to adopt some similarities into Blade storm as well as gather some influence from Stalker in the Casting animation (Lights Flicker) aesthetically since Ash is an Assassin this effect I think would look cool.





Assassins Barrage- E, E, E, E, 

Dark Torment- E, E, pause E, E, E, E

Feudal War Cry- E, ^+E, E, E, E, E 

Raging Vengeance- E (Hold)E, E, E, E

Oni's Blood Lust-(Hold momentarily, then release) E

Shadow Betrayal-(During Knee Slide) E

Storm of Dragons-(In Air) E

Crimson Skies-(During Wall Dash) E

Shinobi's Ritual-(Aiming at Downed Enemy) E


Now that I fed Yall the main coarse heres a special treat.... DESSERT!




I think screen shots and videos along with gif's are a nice way of expressing a topic and giving the readers a visual picture soo i wanted to show You this video I came across, now I want you to see how the Grineer Manic acts and functions even tho im sure you are familiar check out how Lethal and Elusive these runts are! Seems similar to a Blade storm soo I wanted to emphasize this concept around them in a way.


Well Thanx for stopping by and I hope You enjoyed Your meal. Hopefully You enjoyed and it was to Your taste. If not atleast know I feed You something healthy and You will have strength to combat the evil forces in the Galaxy Tenno.

Thank You all for your support and feed backs I will link here threads of friends and like minded individuals who share similar concepts about Ash here enjoy!







Guys go and vote now on this poll Gurpgork made to determine whether the community wants to accept another Weapon/Stance Ultimate whether it be a new Frame or an old one. In this case Ashs Blade Storm. Like or Dislike post Your votes! Thank You Gurpgork


Stance Blade Storm ^


Weapon Ultimates ^

Stay on Your Guard Tenno!

Edited by AKKILLA
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U FORGOT THE PASSIVE your a bad host 1st come appetizer then comes meal and lastly dessert.......

Throwing Secondary

and Throwing Melee

get a damage boost of some sort Idk....just an idea

Or Longer latch time and faster wall bunny jumping.

But hey love the idea I feel people may be upset cause some people are getting sick f exalted abilities and some people love the animation sequence of ash as well as the OP radial attack it brings.

I would actually suggest that casting teleport At an enemy would make you do the same as what the present bladestorm does to our enemies and make the clones go after a target as well.

That way we keep that sort of animation property Ash has which is pretty cool.


Clearer example

4th activated

3rd activated Ash animation of normal not altered bladestorm occur and clones go after targets near the enemy the original Ash Teleported to.

Edited by Leavith
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What he did is the same work we have in Excalibur how the 1st and 4th ability work

What I would do to balance is remove the extra effect of Smokescreen

I would also remove the extra effect of Teleport

and would also remove invisibility factor while moving not sure if he mention that you break invi while attacking or moving.

Also remove the invisibility factor while combo not sure if he address it so well but what I understood is that you can trigger this invi factor doing something.

Edited by Leavith
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U FORGOT THE PASSIVE your a bad host 1st come appetizer then comes meal and lastly dessert.......

Throwing Secondary

and Throwing Melee

get a damage boost of some sort Idk....just an idea

Or Longer latch time and faster wall bunny jumping.

But hey love the idea I feel people may be upset cause some people are getting sick f exalted abilities and some people love the animation sequence of ash as well as the OP radial attack it brings.

I would actually suggest that casting teleport At an enemy would make you do the same as what the present bladestorm does to our enemies and make the clones go after a target as well.

That way we keep that sort of animation property Ash has which is pretty cool.


Clearer example

4th activated

3rd activated Ash animation of normal not altered bladestorm occur and clones go after targets near the enemy the original Ash Teleported to.




My apologies good Sir.


I have alot going on and trying to multitask but this was alot of work and thought put into it please forgive Me for not adding abit more seasoning to Your likings but I am willing to make adjustments. Give Me some good suggestions and I will alter it up


Don't you think you may have packed a bit(alot) too much into Bladestorm?


Well this is something that requires alot of thought, and cannot be explained in 2 words My good Man.

Blade storm as we know it is the most buggiest glitchiest and only Curscene animation in Game along with one of the Biggest Radial Nukes in Game. If You have any suggestions your opinion is welcome. May I ask, do You like anyting I have posted? This may have not been your dish and thats respectable just wanna know if You dont like the way this meal tasted then this isnt your type of food



What he did is the same work we have in Excalibur how the 1st and 4th ability work

What I would do to balance is remove the extra effect of Smokescreen

I would also remove the extra effect of Teleport

and would also remove invisibility factor while moving not sure if he mention that you break invi while attacking or moving.

Also remove the invisibility factor while combo not sure if he address it so well but what I understood is that you can trigger this invi factor doing something.


Actually movement doesnt break Bladestorms invisibility, in order to compensate for this he can take damage while invis like walking over fire, toxic, electric, cold, etc... But obviously you take no Aggro from enemy fire cause Your Invis.


Atacking However Breaks invis and Renders You Invincible (Untouchable)

You are compensated with Movement speed and free-teleports for the automatic Blade storm loss. The main objective was to get rid of alot of Blade storm issues like Vomit Cam, Bugs like falling thru maps and getting stuck in mid air animations along with endless animations that cannot be canceled, and the Lack Luster animations. I will agree the Trailer Blade storm we all first seen looks cool, the in game animation DE cut out alot of actual detail like if we werent gonna notice (Atleast some of Us)


Oooh and how could I forget!

Bladestorm is Fire and Forget..... a Bad 90's Ninja Movie.

Have You seen how bad some of the animations look? Like the MoAs animation and several Bosses kill animations?


You know the One where Ash just slaps them with no type of animation or effort at all....


No style or emphasis, we got cheaped out there, Id prefer the same one cool animation then 4-5 different lack luster animations


Lastly, Blades storm doesnt actually Slash enemies apart or proc Stealth Affinity Bonus Multipliers even if You cast the current Blade storm invisible or undetected. 


IKR A Stealth Warframes Ulti doesnt proc Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus while Undetected? IDK Beats Me

Edited by AKKILLA
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What he did is the same work we have in Excalibur how the 1st and 4th ability work

What I would do to balance is remove the extra effect of Smokescreen

I would also remove the extra effect of Teleport

and would also remove invisibility factor while moving not sure if he mention that you break invi while attacking or moving.

Also remove the invisibility factor while combo not sure if he address it so well but what I understood is that you can trigger this invi factor doing something.


The thing is, this Bladestorm's functions overlaps really hard with everything else. Exalted blade only had a mini-blind which doesn't even open up for finishers. Not just bladestorm, but other things such as finishers on smokebimb too. I don't mind improving abilities. You just need to make sure not to go overboard with it. Less is more, so to speak.


Well this is something that requires alot of thought, and cannot be explained in 2 words My good Man.

Blade storm as we know it is the most buggiest glitchiest and only Curscene animation in Game along with one of the Biggest Radial Nukes in Game. If You have any suggestions your opinion is welcome. May I ask, do You like anyting I have posted? This may have not been your dish and thats respectable just wanna know if You dont like the way this meal tasted then this isnt your type of food


I'm pretty indifferent to Ash related reworks, but any kind of interactivity is welcome.

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this is pretty nice, i really like the BladeStorm combos XD. i hope DE is paying attention XD especially the smoke bomb part, it feels like a smoke bomb when the smokes linger on location, right now Ash could just fart for all we know XP 


I would appreciate it if You were mean and threw dirt on my hard work, jk jk Thank You Senpai. Makes Me honored to see this caught Your attention

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The thing is, this Bladestorm's functions overlaps really hard with everything else. Exalted blade only had a mini-blind which doesn't even open up for finishers. Not just bladestorm, but other things such as finishers on smokebimb too. I don't mind improving abilities. You just need to make sure not to go overboard with it. Less is more, so to speak.



I'm pretty indifferent to Ash related reworks, but any kind of interactivity is welcome.


I was hoping to compensate for the sorta loss of Radial Nuke we currently have, I love current Bladestorm mechanic wise, but aesthetically only looks good to me watching a Client in action. when I cast it Thank DE for Arcane Trickery I think that was there excuse to defuse the horrendous animations since You cant see Ash in Bladestorm like so...


 see the resemblance in concept? A small *POOF* Cloud, except My idea ofcoarse You break invis when You attack, unless You cast smoke screen or Trickery procs or shadow step, get Me?

I appreciate Your feed back, do you have any suggestions on what can be added or toned down? Im up for positive feed backs and opinions. Just take note this was alot of hard work and research along with time put in, please be mindful of the work and dont completely change it, unless if You give me your take on Your Bladestorm redesign i dont mind hearing Your idea out, You are free to post what you like heck even make it a thread Ill read and comment my idea with all the positive love i can show :)

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IDK why people love ash so much...He's a way worse version of loki in EVERY way except his 4th ability. Which is the ONLY reason anyone should play ash. I still much prefer loki over ash any day especially if your rocking a irradiating disarm.




They have nothing in common but the invisibility, you know that, right?

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Anyone here ever play evolve? i think blade storm should be a lot like Wraiths supernova


Thanx for bringing this new game to My attention I might get into it. I seen the Super Nova ability while I cant tell which one was the exact ability but it did provide some good reference for a Bladestorm animation rendering.


Awesome comment +1

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IDK why people love ash so much...He's a way worse version of loki in EVERY way except his 4th ability. Which is the ONLY reason anyone should play ash. I still much prefer loki over ash any day especially if your rocking a irradiating disarm.




Ignorance should be ignored. I love Loki and he is a great and vital player in Warframe but please dont come here vomiting your ignorant comments, its distasteful and discouraging to the community of people who do wish to Play Ash.



17.76 second Smoke Screen+Smoke Shadow+20 second Arcane Trickery=#AshMasterRace


I can stay Invisible longer then Your Loki/Prime and provide the team Buff with Smoke Shadow plus the passive effect Smoke Shadow provides which Im sure You arent aware of because of Your obvious ignorance.


God I cant believe I stooped down to Your low level of Ignorance -_________-




All frames are great stop being Ignorant put down your little Irradiating Loki and learn something. As I seen in another thread theres a difference between Noobs/Noobies and Newbs/Newbies. I believe You fall under the Noobs category. Newbs are new players who are willing to learn and get better. 

Edited by AKKILLA
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Nah, it will be something boring like double stealth damage or prolonged stealth counter.


I wish I knew what You are even talking about? I hope not more ignorance. *sighs*


When will this community ever be positive and offer good feed back instead of ignorance and hatred?


I like to offer advice instead of crude ignorance. If there is something You think can make this better or balanced or w.e please offer You positive info Id highly appreciate it :)

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is the invincibility while he moves or on a hit when he attacks? seems like he has quite a bit going on


He deals insane damage, has great mobility and is semi-unkillable with good survivability


This seems like hysteria except your damage is waaaaay higher. Especially if it scales off melee mods.


You could slap on life strike to give him a lifesteal while hes invincible and unranked it would only take like 2 hits.


You'd kill enemies way faster than hysteria because of the finisher damage and inclusion of melee mods so single target dps probably wouldn't be a problem.


Im consdering this on level 60 enemies

Edited by (PS4)Keiji_Haku
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I wish I knew what You are even talking about? I hope not more ignorance. *sighs*

When will this community ever be positive and offer good feed back instead of ignorance and hatred?

I like to offer advice instead of crude ignorance. If there is something You think can make this better or balanced or w.e please offer You positive info Id highly appreciate it :)

I was talking about his idea of a passive. And considering the passives DE gave out the last "reworks" I came to the conclusion that it will be something very situational and ineffective of a boost.

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Are you keeping finisher damage on this?

Hes able to move freely right?

Hes basically invisible while he moves right?

And hes invincible while he attacks?


Im hoping You read this thread thoroughly?


Im a High and Firm believer of Arcane Trickery soo YES!




I am obviously an Ash Fanboy here My good fellow Tenno. For Me to take My day and time to write all this Ash Trash I must really Love the Frame no?


I do take into consideration all of Ashs mechanics and I will also post My build here as I here a tendency of ppl saying Ash is a Bad Loki or Ashs smoke screen is terrible and Arcane Trickery is a Band-aid to smoke screen. 


The ignorance in this community is real!




17.76 second Smoke Screen+Smoke Shadow+20 second Arcane Trickery+10 second Naramon Shadow Step I can achieve longer invisibility then Loki/Prime. Try this build for Yourself. You dont need Vitality Your clearly perma Invis, and dont need Shadow Step but its another means of Invis to fall back on.


I run 2 Maxed Rank Arcane Trickerys dont You think I would be disappointed if this expensive piece of enhancement was just thrown in the trash?


I take Arcane Trickery Heavily in to consideration with Ash :)


I would appreciate if You take some time into carefuly ready the entire thread if You have time My friend. Give Me your honest positive Opinion and if anything you think should be taken into account or balanced lets discuss it


Thank You 

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I was talking about his idea of a passive. And considering the passives DE gave out the last "reworks" I came to the conclusion that it will be something very situational and ineffective of a boost.


I thought you were being mean and just bashing my ideas :(


Well if I give him a Passive it would be well thought out.


Im not great with coming up with ideas on the fly unless if I find a great inspiration but what I can come up with momentarily is this.


Innate: Handspring, Longer Wall Latch, and Breaking Stealth has a (X%) chance to terrify enemies


God those are Terrible scratch that Ill think of some later, or You can offer suggestions I appreciate good ideas.


Back on Topic, whats Your opinion on My Topic? What do You like and what do you not like and if You can offer ideas Id appreciate it :)


Thank You 

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is the invincibility while he moves or on a hit when he attacks? seems like he has quite a bit going on


He deals insane damage, has great mobility and is semi-unkillable with good survivability


This seems like hysteria except your damage is waaaaay higher. Especially if it scales off melee mods.


You could slap on life strike to give him a lifesteal while hes invincible and unranked it would only take like 2 hits.


You'd kill enemies way faster than hysteria because of the finisher damage and inclusion of melee mods so single target dps probably wouldn't be a problem.


Im consdering this on level 60 enemies


Ok. You are Invisible when You dont attack. Copy?


When You attack You break Your Invisibility and become Invincible, taking No damage as current Bladestorm.


No this isnt Peacemaker You arent stuck in Place. No I definetly dont wantto spit out Clones and do what I want, Thats lame and will ruin Bladestorm IMO ask what will happen to the finisher procs and Arcane Trickery with this concept (DE) Steve suggested back a few months ago.


That Bladestorm Idea honestly sounds disappointing.


Yeah another Exalted Ability sounds too OP, Redundant, and maybe Boring if You dont read the concept and understand what it offers Ash.

It keeps Ash as the Main Protagonist of Bladestorm, meaning You the Player are Bladestorm, not just Your Clones. We lose Bladestorm then whats the point of his Hidden Blades existing?


I think we all rather do Bladestorm ourselves. The current form we have works mechanically great but has issues, lack luster animations, vomit camera, no cancel button, Bugs, etc. I can go on forever, but It does work deals insane damage, renders You a God, and even benefits the Best out of Arcane Trickery which I swear I feel DE made Trickery solely for Ash himself


As for the mod scaling, it maybe slightly toned down to certain mods like exp:


Slash Damage mods:

Jagged Edge Buzzkill etc.


Finisher Damage Mods:

Finishing Touch Covert Lethality etc.


Attack Speed Mods:

Fury Quickening Berserker etc.


The elementals shouldnt be considered. I do consider the damage Bladestorm dishes out is insane but with this concept we lose he automatic kills it offers soo now Ash players have to Work for the kills, this is why I had to add alot of detail. Remember a well thought Idea cant be explained in 1-2 words. Im offering a complete discription of its functionality. Synergy with his whole kit as well is something I wanted since these Stance Ultimates offer this, like in Hysteria You can use Ripline Warcry and Paralysis, as well as Exalted Blade and Primal Fury allow Your ability usage while in the Ultimates why not add this to Exalted Bladestorm as I dubbed it :) 

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This sounds pretty OP. 2000*melee mods*power str? Affected by berzerker, fury, lifestrike, ect? Totally invincible while attacking?


Bladestorm needs a rework, but imo, giving every warframe a channeling aether weapon isn't the answer to every problem. I think bladestorm should be more active. Something like you use it and target an enemy, and ash&co teleport to that enemy, marking a much smaller than current radius for damage, you can then look around and if you press mouse1 it marks another small area for a repeat. I think that alone would completely fix bladestorm's current "it's op" problems without it losing it's identity.

Also, bladestorm should never make enemies invincible. Ever. That's the stupidest thing and needs to go. Nothing like blasting an enemy in the face just to have it turn red and then some stupid animation plays, stunning it for a second before vanishing, leaving the thing barely scratched. F*** that, we do not need that.


I think increasing the range of the stun for 2 would be nice. Like, give it a 5m base stun radius, 10m invisibility radius. You leave that area, invisibility over. Would make it more unique vs Loki, and more about escaping a crowd of enemies rather than sneaking around spy missions.


For the teleport, imo, it should teleport you behind an enemy and do a single bladestorm-esque hit with no special animation. Teleport behind them and cut and they take damage. Fits with Ash's identity.

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