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Ash Rework (Straw poll)


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

Ok, here goes Killa,

I like just about everything here and most mirror my ideas almost exactly.

Let's start...

Passive Idea: Love this. I would call it Martial Constitution or Calisthenics or something like that. I think that this makes sense seeing as Ash is the most ninja-ish. I wold make these changes.

  • Innate Handspring.
  • Increased Fire Rate with Silent Weapons (Bows & Thrown Weapons).
  • Increased Attack Speed (or damage) with Kitana-type weapons (Excal is the knight frame, Ash is the ninja frame... this makes sense).

Shuriken: I like the visual tweak to that spectral glaive. That new throwing animation is cool too, but I think the Hikou Prime Throwing Mechanic would be the way to go for speed and efficiency.

Smoke Screen: We have the exact same idea. 

Teleport: I like that Path of Shadows video. That is the same teleport concept as my Shinobi video, only the Path ninja turns black and shadowed, while Shinobi just goes straight up invisible.  Again, we basically want the same thing here, Grineer Manic Ash, except my version adds in a bit more specifics and functionality.

Blade Storm: This is the big one. As far as specifics, I don't got none. Where we do agree, though, is that Ash's new ultimate, in/with our new kit of abilities, should be something that works as an enhancement to all of his other moves, something like ninja magic (ninjutsu), etc.

OMG I forgot to post that!

I was also going to post Innate Handspring, I forgot and also thought people would complain and say its too much for his Passives.

Maybe take out the Finisher concept because honestly the Stealth Affinity Bonus should already Function when Killing Undetected in Bladestorm, just My Logic.

Makes sense for Innate Handspring, Ash is one the Mod as well and a Ninja is agile and able to basically Ukemi from Knock down attacks.

Flawless You never cease to amaze, I wish there were more who thought like You :)

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1 minute ago, rawr1254 said:

Id be happier if his passive was something like slash procs have a chance of being more that one stack. So like 50% chance of 2 stacks 30% chance of 3 stack 10% chance of 4 1% chance of 5 stacks of bleed.

That would be a great idea for the current iteration of Bladestorm. For this concept the Bleeds are pretty much render useless since You will deal more damage to one enemy at a time. the Bleed would only apply when You strike an enemy and leave him alive to do something else the Bleed would count the ticks down.

The concept here is to deal with each enemy and assure Killing each enemy. The thing is since You are not fully familiar with the idea You will reply with Your best knowledge to our current Bladestorm which is fine except our current BS jumps around like crazy and comes back to certain enemies to finish them off applying bleeds, My concept is focused on engaging each enemy Your self head on and finishing them Your self. 

Current Bladestorm is automatic and everything happens for You, this idea You control Bladestorm and go to Town with it NINJA TOWN :)


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Theres some interesting similarities here to Bladestorm and  (PS4)GR13V4NC3's Dash Strike concept from His thread which I really liked. Check it out Hattori Hanzo is a Master at this 5 minutes in the Video he displays a Bladestorm summoning 2 clones and all his attacks are very fast and fluid with teleports and shurikens. This is what i think Bladestorm should function similar to

Edited by AKKILLA
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Read through the topic, please correct me if I'm wrong in any way about the abilities you described. Some things I like, some I don't know whether it would be a good idea or not really, some I wouldn't change. Won't comment on the passive since I'm still re-reading it (some mechanics in this game remain a mystery to me :P)

Before commenting though, when I created my topic and had my mind thinking on it, I tried to keep as much of the original flavor in mind since mostly, it works or makes sense, and the augments would suffer little to no changes. Now, onto the ideas:

-Shuriken: Scaling out of weapons is a no to me, but it's mainly because I fear that would lock him down to specific to specific melee choices to be more efficient. Power Strength should be the one to give power, but base damage should go up at the higher ranks because right now it's laughable. More than one projectile should be kept (I proposed up to 5 at R3 on my thread to keep some multi-target damage) and it would synergize better with the augment -- more targets witha rmor reduced helps clearing with your main weapons, specially melee ones.


-Smoke Bomb: Let's see if I'm understanding this right:

  • Add smoke particle effects
  • Open targets to finishers
  • Keep invisibility as we know (100% agree on this)

Range wise current Smoke bomb seems fine. You can mod it to add further range and have more CC. Opening targets to finishers is risky -- I wrote in my concept that only Bladestorm and only Ash would have advantage over this. I did that because I feared that it would end up becoming yet another Radial Blind as to speak, unless we keep the target stagger at a fixed, low seconds value (2 seems a good value to me) (not affected by any modding power).

The premise of Smoke Bomb is to serve as a distraction, in other words: I throw smoke bomb, maybe I take down some foes, but I'm moving out of the area to either: a) Get further in and kill the target I want to, b) Get out because I'm getting rekt/want to revive a fellow Tenno/wanna go to extraction ASAP. That's why I was hesitant with finishers and still I am.


-Teleport: I actually love how the ability is set up right now. You get into an individual target, open it for a finsiher. If you want, you finish it, if you don't, you run away because you used it to get across the map. You can cast it on allies/companions for this latter purpose too. I wouldn't change its normal mechanics at all -- if it ain't broken, don't fix it.


-Bladestorm: I'm having issues to understand this one, if you could help me get this idea better I'd be thankful :P

  • You summon shadow clones -- how are they controlled? Would it work like Mirage's?
  • I don't think invisibility is needed really, we've got nice Smoke Bomb for this. The point is to give the player a decision on whether how to use it. Besides you wouldn't really stay still much time.
  • Scaling off mods -- well, that's a yes isn't it? :P Even in my conept I wrote it to scale off mods but I need to take a read in the wiki to see how both Exalted Blade and Hysteria scale exactly and see what would be better. Again I'd try to keep some of the things locked, to avoid Galatine Ash or War Ash being the best option (AKA choose the weapon you guys want to use because you like it, not because it just turns Ash into an OP machine of death).

Something else I wanted to say is that even when I wrote clones killing enemies in the viccinity in Smoke Bomb in my thread, I was worried for the engine and the game performance. That's something we should take into consideration here too, I think Mirage has caused enough BSoD already :P I also took into accaount the fact that all this must be coded, and the more stuff you add, the more difficult it will be to implement most likely, hence my draft being more conventional (although yours is actually quite "easy" so to speak, it doesn't deviate that much from current functionalities save for Bladestorm).

That's it from me for now. If I've understood something wrong, let me know. Of course if you don't agree with me on any of my points, I open myself for a finisher attack here! :P

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With bladestorm active teleport you do instant finisher to enemy and small Aoe for clones to finish close enemies.

and personally I think clones should only appear during finishers not run beside you that's mirage's territory.

Edit: small Aoe would not be effected by range mods

Edited by Bloodskll
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On 2/3/2016 at 4:32 PM, AKKILLA said:

Hello Fellow Tenno


I hope You guys are hungry?


Because today You're in for a Treat!


I have done research for a while in forums and never really made a thread till now this is my second thread.


Soo I figure You guys are Starving and Noone can go fight the forces of Evil on an Empty Stomach! X_X


As the Title Implies that is Your Main Coarse soo I will serve You appetizers (Ash entire kit)  before feeding You the entree.


Without further a due....

PASSIVE: Undetected Ash has 100% chance to activate stealth Companions within 20m's (Ghost/Stalk) Finisher Kills undetected proc Stealth Multiplier Bonus (Bladestorm)+Innate Handspring.

Just added this passive, You may say the finisher kill idea is OP but i consider it should be Logic, if you want I can provide proof.


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This is a Comparison of Stance Ultimates Procing Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus but not Bladestorm, tho Bladestorm was Casted Undetected and still I get Rewarded the get 10 kills unalerted Stealth challenge? You get My Logic? This should be taken into account with this Bladestorm concept and Killing enemies undetected will assure You One shot Stealth Kills obviously. Reward Ash players for Killing in Stealth Bladestorm. I hope this serves as Logic evidence to judging My idea as a passive. As You clearly see Exalted Blade waves and Hysteria and Primal Fury Kills in Stealth are OP why would Bladestorm a Stealth Warframes Ultimate cannot benefit from this bonus is Ludacris and thats why stealth is Broken. Bladestorm as I invision it is a Super Stealth Assassination with Shadow Clones so I wanted to implement that into Ash. Seen above One Cast of My Bladestorm achieved all 10 Kills I needed. 



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Hope Your still Hungry?


Heres Your Main coarse Tenno!





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Now that I fed Yall the main coarse heres a special treat.... DESSERT!

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I think screen shots and videos along with gif's are a nice way of expressing a topic and giving the readers a visual picture soo i wanted to show You this video I came across, now I want you to see how the Grineer Manic acts and functions even tho im sure you are familiar check out how Lethal and Elusive these runts are! Seems similar to a Blade storm soo I wanted to emphasize this concept around them in a way.


Well Thanx for stopping by and I hope You enjoyed Your meal. Hopefully You enjoyed and it was to Your taste. If not atleast know I feed You something healthy and You will have strength to combat the evil forces in the Galaxy Tenno.

Thank You all for your support and feed backs I will link here threads of friends and like minded individuals who share similar concepts about Ash here enjoy!


Stay on Your Guard Tenno!



Im glad to see you taking our ideas into Flight! I hope this gets more likes and support. +1


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3 hours ago, Bloodskll said:

With bladestorm active teleport you do instant finisher to enemy and small Aoe for clones to finish close enemies.

and personally I think clones should only appear during finishers not run beside you that's mirage's territory.

Edit: small Aoe would not be effected by range mods

Yes thats the concept, Clones only appear when You attack and break Bladestorms temporary Invisibility. I believe he posted it in the topic. I know its alot to read but try to carefully read it thru. but Yes that is the idea. and when Ash isnt attacking he is visually similar to Grineer Manics and how they function aesthetically. 

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10 hours ago, xLordKogax said:

Yes thats the concept, Clones only appear when You attack and break Bladestorms temporary Invisibility. I believe he posted it in the topic. I know its alot to read but try to carefully read it thru. but Yes that is the idea. and when Ash isnt attacking he is visually similar to Grineer Manics and how they function aesthetically. 

He said they are summoned and ash and they disappear in a cloud of smoke from my understanding they would have invisibility and be seen the same way you see your own ash, he might've ment they are completely gone, but to my understanding like in the video he showed as example they would be beside you the whole time.

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45 minutes ago, Bloodskll said:

He said they are summoned and ash and they disappear in a cloud of smoke from my understanding they would have invisibility and be seen the same way you see your own ash, he might've ment they are completely gone, but to my understanding like in the video he showed as example they would be beside you the whole time.



Here lemme explain, the Bladestorm Idea was originally mines, we are Clansmen. I am actually Clan leader of the clan AKKILLA is in. We talk about this all the time, we just got off of Comms, Im actually a bit sleepy came to check My notifications and go to bed but i will explain quickly. 

The casting animation, Ash summons his clones in a similar fashion with a hand sign like Naruto (Cliche I know) and the appear and disappear into smoke (Cast animation is 1 sec)

while invis You only see Ash, when attacking Ash appears along with his clones. I would be annoyed to see the clones constantly beside Me. I didnt want to remove the clones from Bladestorm just more soo keep it toned down, this way when Ash attacks it seems like if Him and his clones are Jumping each enemy individually instead of being all over the place and separated. In the Hattori Hanzo video i wanted to use as reference so you understand how Ashs attacks would look some what aesthetically.

Basically its like an Omni-slash attack with clones. The disappearing part when not attacking is to give that sense of elusiveness as now. appear and reappear like the current Bladestorm.

I hope that clarifies and sounds better, AKKILLA is having log in issues cuz of infrastructure down time he told me. Check My thread linked in the OP I basically made this same thread Months ago, AKKILLAs version is more up to date with some better references but ultimately we share the same concept.

Hope You like, and Thanks for Your support.

Good Night/Day


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12 hours ago, xLordKogax said:

The casting animation, Ash summons his clones in a similar fashion with a hand sign like Naruto (Cliche I know) and the appear and disappear into smoke (Cast animation is 1 sec)

while invis You only see Ash, when attacking Ash appears along with his clones. I would be annoyed to see the clones constantly beside Me. I didnt want to remove the clones from Bladestorm just more soo keep it toned down, this way when Ash attacks it seems like if Him and his clones are Jumping each enemy individually instead of being all over the place and separated. In the Hattori Hanzo video i wanted to use as reference so you understand how Ashs attacks would look some what aesthetically.

I hope that clarifies and sounds better, AKKILLA is having log in issues cuz of infrastructure down time he told me. Check My thread linked in the OP I basically made this same thread Months ago, AKKILLAs version is more up to date with some better references but ultimately we share the same concept.

Hope You like, and Thanks for Your support.

Good Night/Day


Thank you for the clarification

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3 minutes ago, Bloodskll said:

Thank you for the clarification

No problem, Thanks for Your interest in Ash and support to this thread.

But My question is, do you appreciate this rework? Do you like the ideas, or is there anything you dont agree on? If so, any ideas on your end will be well appreciated.


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3 hours ago, xLordKogax said:

No problem, Thanks for Your interest in Ash and support to this thread.

But My question is, do you appreciate this rework? Do you like the ideas, or is there anything you dont agree on? If so, any ideas on your end will be well appreciated.


I think this is a very well thought out rework and don't see any issues in it reallyand fully support this idea. My only question is does bladestorm have a slight dash of maybe 10m for attacks to cover ground in slightly spread out groups. I think it was in the other conglomerated rework post but it was forgotten in this one.


Overall tho this is  the rework I would love to see applied makes him have good synergy, shows of his unique qualities, and is still a amazing killer. Good job on this.

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1 hour ago, Bloodskll said:

I think this is a very well thought out rework and don't see any issues in it reallyand fully support this idea. My only question is does bladestorm have a slight dash of maybe 10m for attacks to cover ground in slightly spread out groups. I think it was in the other conglomerated rework post but it was forgotten in this one.


Overall tho this is  the rework I would love to see applied makes him have good synergy, shows of his unique qualities, and is still a amazing killer. Good job on this.

Yes, thats the point.

Dashes and teleportations, Free-aim Teleports are promoted and suggested soo we use it more since its under used. I Highly promote free-aim teleports and all the attacks to be swift omni-style dash strike style to compensate for the loss of current Bladestorms auto kills and teleporting rampage.

The Idea here is You do Bladestorm. We are in control of Ashs Bladestorm and we pick and choose who to Kill and allies to revive, life supports to activate etc.

Player choice, freedom, and full control.

Ohh btw before I forget I told Akkilla to add the Shuriken+Teleport synergy. Example. You cast shuriken, and it hits a target. you are allowed to free-teleport to that target even if it leaves your Line of sight as long as the target is still suffering from Shurikens Slash/Bleed proc. Sorta like Blazing Chakram in a way and supports fast mobility along with ability synergy.

Man I can taste all this happening, like how other frames have synergy (Saryn+Spores) I wish DE would read this :)

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Infiltrated thru the Infrastructure thru the use of elusive stealth and subterfuge :)

As Koga states I have to agree. The best way I can exxplain this is observing Grineer Manics, heck I helped a clan mate farm Equinox and noticed Tyl Regor is now a Super Manic and he infact acts same as what we invision. Same as this Bladestorm concept, disappearing and reapppearing only when attacking. It gives away and promotes the elusive lethal aura Ash is suppose to maintain.

Great example, or You can fight and observe him yourself. He summons a Gang of Grineer Manics to overwhelm You, the only thing that did was spark a great idea in us :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its time He is brought out of the Shadows. 

This is one of the Warframes that becomes a serious topic of interest for most of us. We are promoted to Play a Ninjas Play Free Game, and when we join in search of the known Ninja. We are told just Play Loki, Ivara, etc..

This must be attended to.

No Warframe should be seen as a worse version of another, and I have suggestions on how to better Ash keeping his nature in tact while evolving him into what he should be.

Ash is a Stealth Assassin, He should be able to excel in both unseen and open combat. Lets evaluate His abilities now and see what could be done to refresh this out dated Warframe.





SHURIKEN-fires 2 shuriken that seek and destroy enemies dealing slash bleed DoT

*Added melee mod scaling to shuriken for higher level enemy scaling. 

*shurikens can come back to Ash like Glaive. (Would make sense for melee mod scaling)

*Enemies struck by shuriken, that still suffer Slash/DoT can be Teleported to with no LoS 







SMOKE SCREEN-Same duration and invisibility mechanic as now, add a Smoke Cloud AoE that chokes enemies inside, allies who enter (Smoke Shadow Equipped) cloud recieve invisibility buff.

*Enemies choking in cloud are open to Finisher kills, enemies inside cloud are marked red and considered Marked for Death by Ash, free teleport is allowed as long as one enemy is inside cloud. LoS not required.







TELEPORT- Brings Ash in melee distance, stuns the enemy you targeted with a small smoke bomb assuring Finisher kills. Shuriken/Smoke Screen synergy allowed.

Enemies bleed by Shuriken are considered Marked and enemies inside Smoke Screen are also considered marked and allowed to free-teleport with no line of sight required.

*Free-aim short ranged teleports are available (10-15ms)






BLADESTORM-Ash summons 2 clones unsheathing his Hidden Blades, then instantly disappear in a smoke bomb momentarily.

*Bladestorm is now a Stance Toggle Drained Ultimate, You are allowed to attack and cast abilities while in Bladestorm. (Shuriken/SmokeScreen/Teleport)

*Ash is unseen in Bladestorm if the player doesnt attack, when attacking Ash/Clones appear quickly out of smoke bombs attacking in fast swift strikes (Similar to Grineer Manics)

*When unseen Ash takes damage, when seen Ash cannot take damage.

*Scales off of Melee mods

*Can achieve Stealth Kill Multipliers when undetected



Lets conclude some ideal strategies for this Bladestorm. The idea is to take away Press 4 to win from Ash and work for our Kills and Arcane Trickery Procs. As of now I press 4 and Arcane Trickery goes off like My Facebook notifications lol With the proposed Ash evolution Arcane Trickery will have to be worked for now, have any of You Arcane Trickery Ash players thought about this? Arcane Trickery is Fantastic, but it is too easy to proc with Ash's current Bladestorm, plus the current Bladestorm is detrimental to Gameplay.

Yes Bladestorm gets the job done but in a bad way, takes away Your control and may still fail the mission objective. Tho You are Invincible like Valkyr while this animation occurs, you cant stop it or can you revive allies. This has been discussed many times and [DE]Steve spoke about this months ago in NY Comic Con and it sorta was forgotten. Hopefully with good reason.

I hope this idea can bring players together who feel same about Ash together and this can reach the surface, as we all know Ash is always left in the Shadows. Let us play in the shadows with Style.


Edited by AKKILLA
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You don't have controll over it but it's still the strongest ultimate in the game. DE even took the effort to make melee a more or less must have for it to reach its peak... it's fine as it is, it rly is...people just prefer to spam it instead of building up speed and combos so they reap what they sew...


A constructive nerf may be the deletion of combo gain on BS so people actually HAVE TO do something besides spamming 4...this would bring it closer to what they have in mind without changing what it is, because it is splendid what it is..

Smoke screen sounds cool and 2 words for teleport: free aim.

You choose to implement the finisher into smoke screen so why not moving teleport closer to other movement abilitys? Make him blink from a to b, cutting down evrything in his path, set similar to the damage BS is able to deal, indeed gaining combos per hit there.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

You don't have controll over it but it's still the strongest ultimate in the game. DE even took the effort to make melee a more or less must have for it to reach its peak... it's fine as it is, it rly is...people just prefer to spam it instead of building up speed and combos so they reap what they sew...


A constructive nerf may be the deletion of combo gain on BS so people actually HAVE TO do something besides spamming 4...this would bring it closer to what they have in mind without changing what it is, because it is splendid what it is..

Smoke screen sounds cool and 2 words for teleport: free aim.

You choose to implement the finisher into smoke screen so why not moving teleport closer to other movement abilitys? Make him blink from a to b and cutting down evrything in his path, set similar to the damage BS is able to deal, indeed gaining combos per hit there.

Well the icing on the cake here is the Bladestorm suggestion, with out it the whole rework just all falls back on Spam 4 to kill.

I am actually suggesting an ultimate (Although some hate) that allows synergy with all abilities in its ultimate, as Exalted Blade/Hysteria, except with Ashs signature mechanics implemented. The shuriken and smoke screen synergy with teleport adds a faster pace of reaching targets, since we lose that random massive mayhem the current one offers we need something to allow faster access to enemies via shurken and smoke screen teleports.

If You do know Me well I do promote Free-aim teleports all day, I just was in a slight rush must have left it out. I just maybe feel I added alot and want readers to not feel overwhelmed with soo much additions. Tho these additions are vital to implementation, I will add it in there thanx CoolD :)

BTW You dont like the Bladestorm idea? without it this whole thread is nothing really :(

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Nah man sry, i do personally use it considerate, paired with melee. I build up berserker before evry cast so i don't get stuck on eximus units and it's finished in seconds...so i rly don't suffer from the usuall issues other ash players seem to experience and might even be your motivation for suggesting a change? Your idea sure is interresting and interactive but still a downgrade to what it is possible to do now... all i rly want to see happening is the implementation of better melee support! In short more mobility and something more usefull then the current invisibility... his shuriken, well that's a global issue with first abilitys i advocate as such...

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Nah man sry, i do personally use it considerate, paired with melee. I build up berserker before evry cast so i don't get stuck on eximus units and it's finished in seconds...so i rly don't suffer from the usuall issues other ash players seem to experience and might even be your motivation for suggesting a change? Your idea sure is interresting and interactive but still a downgrade to what it is possible to do now... all i rly want to see happening is the implementation of better melee support! In short more mobility and something more usefull then the current invisibility... his shuriken, well that's a global issue with first abilitys i advocate as such...

I see, You have your opinion.

That doesnt mean Bladestorm could be better which it is a Bad &#! ability conceptually but mechanically the only thing good is it kills while keeping the Player alive.

Its still suffers and You shouldnt ignore these facts because it works for You, it works for Me as well as all the Ash players in My clan. Arcane Trickery procs are given away for Free with Bladestorm currently. 

We should be able to control the Badestorm action, My best idea was a Stance Bladestorm allow us to do the Bladestorming while allowing use of our other abilities

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14 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

I see, You have your opinion.

That doesnt mean Bladestorm could be better which it is a Bad &#! ability conceptually but mechanically the only thing good is it kills while keeping the Player alive.

Its still suffers and You shouldnt ignore these facts because it works for You, it works for Me as well as all the Ash players in My clan. Arcane Trickery procs are given away for Free with Bladestorm currently. 

We should be able to control the Badestorm action, My best idea was a Stance Bladestorm allow us to do the Bladestorming while allowing use of our other abilities

Don't get me wrong there, a stance that adds slash and enables actuall finishers is as close to perfection as it can possibly get but the strong points are still range, finisher damage and slash that scales accordingly....the slash proccs are kinda easy to manage as they don't scale off the dealt damage but off the base damage of your ability so it may become stronger in this category but weaker evrywhere else. I like the current BS as it doesn't limmit you in its execution...you can gain combos and use melee on your offhand and basicly target enemys on the other side of the map with a little aiming. This freedom would just vanish if you center it around ashs melee range. Free aim would add to his mobility but you still couldn't get to where he is now. You'd just run outa targets real fast and create the need to constantly move to even hit 3 enemys. And The worst case scenario is DE removing the body count combo influence as they did with evry other channeled ability...


Nah man, i'd rather keep the frickin effective bladestorm and continue playing him as caster/mele hybrid before trading it for an interactive downgrade.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Don't get me wrong there, a stance that adds slash and enables actuall finishers is as close to perfection as it can possibly get but the strong points are still range, finisher damage and slash that scales accordingly....the slash proccs are kinda easy to manage as they don't scale off the dealt damage but off the base damage of your ability so it may become stronger in this category but weaker evrywhere else. I like the current BS as it doesn't limmit you in its execution...you can gain combos and use melee on your offhand and basicly target enemys on the other side of the map with a little aiming. This freedom would just vanish if you center it around ashs melee range. Free aim would add to his mobility but you still couldn't get to where he is now. You'd just run outa targets real fast and create the need to constantly move to even hit 3 enemys. And The worst case scenario is DE removing the body count combo influence as they did with evry other channeled ability...


Nah man, i'd rather keep the frickin effective bladestorm and continue playing him as caster/mele hybrid before trading it for an interactive downgrade.

I see.

I see exactly what is going on in Warframe. A press 4 to watch ability is actually preferred over fixing it as an interactive ulti. in other words Ash players prefer being lazy keeping the horrible current form only cuz it works mechanically.

Sad truth, DE will rework and destroy your press 4 rampage, i only offer an alternative version to Bladestorming ourselves.

[DE]Steve's vision of reworking Bladestorm sounds Fantastic too, press 4 to send clones while you no longer take part of the action.

Good Job

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