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Hate The Space Magic Gentleman?


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I am thinking about building Limbo (since I beat the Limbo quest not too long ago...I'm a sucker for quests and lore), however, I have heard a lot of controversy.

Some say

"He suks, dun bother, werse fram evr."


"He unique! I wuv em!"

I know some abuse his abilities and there are those special trolls, fortunately I have not run into one. I do not plan on using his abilities for that either.

Sooo what my question really is, why all the hate? Take the trolls out of it (honestly I've had more Nova and Loki trolls), is he really the "worst of the worst?" when looking at the frame itself?


...is it the hat?


Why or why not?



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I've only met one good Limbo Player, that actually helped the team and used his powers correctly on defense and offensive situations. I was amazed. The rest of the time....well it's got the troll frame reputation for its reason.

It's the ridiculous hat. 

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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IMO, Limbo is fun to use, but rather a solo frame.

It takes way more effort to use him in team missions, since his abilities is hard to synergize with others well.

Especially if the Rift-thing is not used well, it often turns into a troll to teammates.

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16 minutes ago, CloneWarsrulz said:

I am thinking about building Limbo (since I beat the Limbo quest not too long ago...I'm a sucker for quests and lore), however, I have heard a lot of controversy.

Some say

"He suks, dun bother, werse fram evr."


"He unique! I wuv em!"

I know some abuse his abilities and there are those special trolls, fortunately I have not run into one. I do not plan on using his abilities for that either.

Sooo what my question really is, why all the hate? Take the trolls out of it (honestly I've had more Nova and Loki trolls), is he really the "worst of the worst?" when looking at the frame itself?


...is it the hat?


Why or why not?



He has a very high Skill/Knowledge curve. Unfortunately, most people you'll meet will have no idea how to play most frames in the game, with Limbo being the most misunderstood.

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He's overall underwhelming. Anything he can do in a solo situation, others do much better. He's only worth taking in a team that can communicate well. Even then, other frames would be more useful until around lvl 200+ enemies start spawning.


TLDR: He isn't useful unless you can communicate with your team and you plan on going over an hour in an endless mission.

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4 minutes ago, Zachatoo said:

He's overall underwhelming. Anything he can do in a solo situation, others do much better.

This is not a good reasoning, its the same as saying "X thing can do what Y can, but better".

Now, Limbo is underwhelming in a PUG match because, as you said "He is only worth in a team that communicates" and 99% of the matches are in complete silence. Another thing is that he takes players out of the fight, while that is good in a pintch, most players have the sense to know when the situation is getting bad and to fall back. Being unable to pick things up even inside Cataclysm is bad and the damn thing shrinks. Limbo is also squishy as hell, maybe if he had a damage redution from enemies inside the rif with him and it would be good, hell give the damage redution to all players while inside the rif and make Cataclysm STOP SHRINKING. He needs to be teamplayer, a frame that increases the survivability of all others while granting bonus to allies and denial to enemies: a mix of Trinity and Frost.

I tried REALLY hard to play well as him, but I had no success.

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Limbo is EXTREMELY useful for sortie defense/rescue.  Simply Banish the target and laugh.  Now admittedly unless you Rift yourself as well, you'll be unable to survive.  But take it the way I do it (max your duration, to hell with range) and you'll find that it goes by much easier.  Your team can freely ignore the hostage and do what they do best: murderize everything.

Especially if it's Infested.

That aside, Limbo can be an invaluable support frame if done right, and an obnoxious troll if done wrong (this isn't always on purpose, by the way.  I've met MR14+ players who have no idea what he even does).

Basically, the key to being a good Limbo is to build smart, play smart, and be a heads-up team player.  Taking five seconds to remind your team that if they happen to get hit by a misaimed or badly-timed Banish, they can simply perform either a forward roll or a backflip to escape will greatly contribute to their attitude towards you.

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To this day I don't own Limbo as his quest line makes frequent use of archwing missions, so I dislike him for that.

Other than that, I personally haven't run across too much Limbo hate. Probably because I never run into one either. On the rare occasions I play with friends that own Limbo the whole Grindframe feeling goes out of the window. Frames usually seem to fit into two possible roles, sometimes crossing the line a bit: nuking the map, coming from orbit and bringing the utility to allow your weapon and/or teammates do that instead. With Limbo, there's suddenly a strategic momentum to slaughter, a very unique and very different feeling to what usually is happening. He can prevent damage with ease -- coming in and coming out. I can imagine players that are used to shred away in familiar environments would prefer to not have that changed in the excessive way Limbo does.

I, for one, look forward to get control of him, somewhen, in a far, far away future where I defeat archwing.

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The hate is because he gets in the way of gameplay. His design is base around putting artificial walls between him and his enemies but it also happens to put walls for your allies this is the issue. Aside from that he is fairly fragile out side of being alone in rift walk and his damage abilities are weak outside of low level cataclysm blasts.

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9 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Limbo is EXTREMELY useful for sortie defense/rescue.  Simply Banish the target and laugh.  Now admittedly unless you Rift yourself as well, you'll be unable to survive.  But take it the way I do it (max your duration, to hell with range) and you'll find that it goes by much easier.  Your team can freely ignore the hostage and do what they do best: murderize everything.

Especially if it's Infested.

That aside, Limbo can be an invaluable support frame if done right, and an obnoxious troll if done wrong (this isn't always on purpose, by the way.  I've met MR14+ players who have no idea what he even does).

Basically, the key to being a good Limbo is to build smart, play smart, and be a heads-up team player.  Taking five seconds to remind your team that if they happen to get hit by a misaimed or badly-timed Banish, they can simply perform either a forward roll or a backflip to escape will greatly contribute to their attitude towards you.

While he is great at defense missions, he hampers the hit-and-run playstyle you usually do on other missions, hence he is not useful because he disrupts the flow of fighting by either banishing the enemies or players, or drops Cataclysm.

Edited by Second_Measure
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I see Limbo as another way to cheese, however, the less the team knows about him the less effective he will be. He also goes against the most important principle in WF - people like killing things. He usually doesn't need to kill things, he can just go into the rift.

I've tried using limbo for long excavation missions, put a cataclysm around an excavator, turn yourself into a living decoy with rift walk and you can keep hordes at bay by just walking back and forth while sniping the lone guy that gets through (even nullfiers will mostly focus on you and move slowly giving you plenty of time to never get into the bubble). This sadly doesn't work in practice, people will assume you're in trouble or they're just kill hungry and will try to kill everything even if it kills them. Frost is actually Limbo's biggest enemy, when using limbo, I've met way too many frosts who were "helping" by putting a globe around my cataclysm, removing my ability to shoot inside it.

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I would posit that you will almost never see a good Limbo for the same reasons you don't tend to see a good Loki, Vauban, or Volt in random groups.

Once you get truly good with them, the rest of the group would just kinda get in the way, imo.

I don't use him because I don't like the way he looks... If his new skin comes out looking different from the current (preferably Dresden-esque than the current stage magician look) style, I'd probably build and use him then.


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I wanted Limbo because he had the top hat. Having gotten him, kinda underwhelming. But as others have said, he is a great character for defensive missions types. I was farming for neurods on Lau, Earth, using the excavation mission, and would throw up a 4 around the excavator. Since there wasnt a frost on the team, I did have the best defensive ability for it. 

That said, if there was a frost, I wouldnt have been needed. 

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Limbo is also good as Selective Banishment - take the big, bad, kill-everyone enemy out of the picture, permanently.

Step 1: Duration build.

Step 2: Rift Surge.

Step 3: Banish annoying enemy.

Step 4: Shoot them in the face with a Sancti Tigris/Vaykor Hek/other OP shotgun at point-blank range while they're still on their arse from the Banishment.

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Only thing i dont like about that dude is his looks.

His abilities are some of a mixed bag for me.

He has an intresting power play going for him, but the issue for me is finding best way to play him.

FInd that and i can flesh out my modding plans.

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1 hour ago, CloneWarsrulz said:

“He suks, dun bother, werse fram evr.”


“He unique! I wuv em!”

Basically, he’s an extremely niche 'frame with inconsistent, oddball mechanics.

For instance, Limbo can stop progress entirely in Corpus missions by popping Cataclysm on an elevator. I discovered that by doing it; the group was waiting in the elevator for one other guy, so I popped Cataclysm to feed us energy… which meant that we couldn’t go on until I dropped the Cataclysm. It was unintentional, but I felt like a complete jerk for not thinking about all the stupid little miscellany that make his powers so weird/inconsistent/trollish.

He has some powerful utilities, but very few things nobody else can do.

1 hour ago, CloneWarsrulz said:

…is it the hat?

The hat itself isn’t the problem; the fact that he’s a street magician in spaaaaace (and so obviously so) does not fit the game’s aesthetic.


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6 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

Limbo is also good as Selective Banishment - take the big, bad, kill-everyone enemy out of the picture, permanently.

Step 1: Duration build.

Step 2: Rift Surge.

Step 3: Banish annoying enemy.

Step 4: Shoot them in the face with a Sancti Tigris/Vaykor Hek/other OP shotgun at point-blank range while they're still on their arse from the Banishment.

Or you could, simply, skip right to 4 and shoot him in the face - Why the effort doing all this for a single enemy?

And that's basically the problem with Limbo.

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Just now, Second_Measure said:

Or you could, simply, skip right to 4 and shoot him in the face - Why the effort doing all this for a single enemy?

And that's basically the problem with Limbo.

You could, yes.  But what if you're in Sortie?  You need to one-hit them or that sucker will kill you.

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He's (in my opinion) the best frame to use on Corpus spy missions.

Just press 2 and walk through all the lasers. (just make sure to avoid cameras and enemies).

Also I'm not too sure at what level this isn't as effective but pressing 4 and then repressing it is an excellent clearing tool. Kill all the enemies in the room, and those that survive are knocked down.

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