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Ok, This Is Really Starting To &!$$ Me Off.


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I only understood one thing of this wich is essentially that your mad bcz someone else took your kill bcz they was there with melee wich is a way they would play -.- If fx bullets pass through or something then all those WHO uses melee would complain bcz asshats took their kills like you are doing now.


Not fixable in the essential way with just friendly fire or bullets pass through bodys, would just move the problem from ranged to melee.


I uses melee ALOT bcz I 1 hit them so it goes faster for me to kill them.

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I only understood one thing of this wich is essentially that your mad bcz someone else took your kill bcz they was there with melee wich is a way they would play -.- If fx bullets pass through or something then all those WHO uses melee would complain bcz asshats took their kills like you are doing now.


Not fixable in the essential way with just friendly fire or bullets pass through bodys, would just move the problem from ranged to melee.


I uses melee ALOT bcz I 1 hit them so it goes faster for me to kill them.

This my friends, is a Design Council member. *slow claps* I fervently hope that he is not representative of others.


The thing you failed to understand is that OP is -not- complaining about kill stealing. He is complaining about bullets going to waste(and therefore making his play style less fun) because people can randomly step in front of projectiles and they simply do nothing. He's not really mad at the people stepping in front of him, he's mad because the game makes accidentally getting in someone's line of fire  very bad for the person being interrupted. He then goes on to suggest a fix that would make his play style more fun and barely impact others. There isn't a -kill stealing- problem, unless you really think who gets the kill is a big deal. The only time it really matters is when you get a bonus objective to get kills, but that's a flaw with the bonus objectives. Projectile only pass through is a great idea, no idea if it's possible in the game engine though. +1 op, and I really miss the downvote button for ignorant comments.~

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dude anyone can buy a tag, it doesnt mean anything -.- you can do it if you want to help and support DE if not then do not take it as everyone with the tag is more important than other people ty. Now we got that away then.


And ignorant comments is for the eye of the reader.

That is not how I read hes msgs, Sniper ammo boxes needs more droppings that I can agree on, but not the bullet pass through, I do defence with friends, and we do internal competitions on wich one of us get's the most kills and such, and I know that many others does the same, as a personal competition.

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my friend always gets mad at me cause i have a habit of jumping in front of his shots. i'm not trying to, i just don't pay attention to anyone else when i'm trying to kill xD. but yea, i agree, shots need to be able to go through people. you can set up and move around all you want. none of that matters if someone suddenly decides to say screw your aiming and jump in front.


and for whoever was talking about melee: those bosses you can one shot with your melee can be killed just as fast or faster by snipers. melee is ok but guns just end up outclassing them except for when you need aoe (possibly with the exception of when thunderbolt decides to proc and the ogris. though i don't have it so don't know how good it is). also, people shouldn't be forced to change their playstyle just because someone wants to run up and melee a boss, blocking their shots.


also, sniping in defense missions can actually be extremely effective. they're one shotting everything they shoot from afar (assuming they can aim). you're not doing more work just because you're running into melee range. if that's how you want to play then fine, but it's not necessarily a better strategy. what works in this game changes depending on what you're up against and what everyone's using.


i saw someone mention snow globe too. while leveling up my dread in infested defense missions i got so freaking tired of frosts spamming snow globe like it's the best skill in the game. against corpus and grineer, sure, it's great. against infested it's annoying though. and every single one of them ignored chat when i asked them to stop and pointed out that we can't shoot through it from the outside. not everyone wants to melee all the time. fine, use it if they're getting to the pod to try to slow them down if you want. also hate the ones that go in to melee a boss and use it right on top of them.

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my friend always gets mad at me cause i have a habit of jumping in front of his shots. i'm not trying to, i just don't pay attention to anyone else when i'm trying to kill xD. but yea, i agree, shots need to be able to go through people. you can set up and move around all you want. none of that matters if someone suddenly decides to say screw your aiming and jump in front.


and for whoever was talking about melee: those bosses you can one shot with your melee can be killed just as fast or faster by snipers. melee is ok but guns just end up outclassing them except for when you need aoe (possibly with the exception of when thunderbolt decides to proc and the ogris. though i don't have it so don't know how good it is). also, people shouldn't be forced to change their playstyle just because someone wants to run up and melee a boss, blocking their shots.


also, sniping in defense missions can actually be extremely effective. they're one shotting everything they shoot from afar (assuming they can aim). you're not doing more work just because you're running into melee range. if that's how you want to play then fine, but it's not necessarily a better strategy. what works in this game changes depending on what you're up against and what everyone's using.


i saw someone mention snow globe too. while leveling up my dread in infested defense missions i got so freaking tired of frosts spamming snow globe like it's the best skill in the game. against corpus and grineer, sure, it's great. against infested it's annoying though. and every single one of them ignored chat when i asked them to stop and pointed out that we can't shoot through it from the outside. not everyone wants to melee all the time. fine, use it if they're getting to the pod to try to slow them down if you want. also hate the ones that go in to melee a boss and use it right on top of them.

I can agree on that the frost globe is $&*&*#(%& to be used in infested.


Also yes the melee is not the best thing to be used vs others than infested(wich melee is one of the best ways as I has experienced, having sentinel with full gear and just OP melee wep, like Orthos)


But he was not mentioning as of wich enemy he was referring 2 so I just mentioned that I personally like meleeing them as hell, I rarely uses the Bow, Rifle, Pistol, Maschinegun whatever bcz I mainly just play vs Infested.


Vs Ancients the Hate/Orthos is really good, only wep I found wich is better is despair(needs to be nerfed a Little in my head), since the normal sniper is just not me, but Again that is just me.

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yea, i just mentioned infested because that's where i was really having that problem with frosts and melee because someone else was talking about it and i know it can be a pain to shoot through meleers. though, i've been on all sides of this. i've gone through doing nothing but meleeing, sniping, automatic rifles, shotguns, everything. i've probably blocked 10x more shots than i've had blocked and i know it's a pain. i also can't see a real reason to keep it in the game if they can change it.

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this isnt COD.

you're right, this is warframe, where there are many different types of weapons and abilities that allow you to play in many different ways. one of those ways happens to be sniping and whether or not it's how i like to play i like having options and if there weren't so many options i (and likely some others) wouldn't be playing.

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There is actually big enough rooms for sniping on defense missions. 

Funniest thing is that latest sniper is not even designed to fit for large rooms, at least not with that projectile travel time. 


Sniper rifles do not have projectiles. They are hitscan weapons. There is no travel time.


Edit: And before the Wikipedia warriors jump down my throat for making an absolute statement, yes, there is technically travel time for hitscan, but it's so miniscule that human beings literally can not perceive it even at immense ranges. It is more so an issue of calculation time.

Edited by Kahruvel
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Sniper rifles do not have projectiles. They are hitscan weapons. There is no travel time.


Edit: And before the Wikipedia warriors jump down my throat for making an absolute statement, yes, there is technically travel time for hitscan, but it's so miniscule that human beings literally can not perceive it even at immense ranges. It is more so an issue of calculation time.


You are also forgetting the weapon he is referring to,  the Lanka, is an energy weapon, and the game uses projectiles for everything anyway. Even if you had a Snipetron the jerk that wants to be at the front of the pack will jump in the way a good chunk of a time or go for your target.

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What's so funny about the truth? If yer pressing the trigger on a sniper and a derp walks in front of you just as you click, it's not hitting your target.

...woah... that means at the second you pressed the button the "hitscan" was on the derp. Hence the derp took the bullet. I'm not sure what part of projectile/hitscan you're not understanding...
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...woah... that means at the second you pressed the button the "hitscan" was on the derp. Hence the derp took the bullet. I'm not sure what part of projectile/hitscan you're not understanding...


The part I'm getting at is if ya got a shot lined up and nearly immediately someone walks in the way, it's missing no matter. Use the projectile based snipers or the bows, and the risk of 'misses' like that get even worse. Not everything is hitscan here, if anything.

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Chronic sniper here.

If a derp wants to get in front of my target, I pick another. Either the derp kills the target or I get to snipe it once derp dies or runs away.

Yeah, derps are irritating, but I adapt.

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Always used snipetron, paris and dread. never had this issue. Derpmates in your way? Find a better position, move closer for larger target, or wait for them to be thrown away by said bosses knockback. That said I will agree that damned snow globe is the biggest troll for a sniper, they need to make friendly shots pass right through it.

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How is this a personal problem? 

You are wasting bullets because there are people that are jumping in front of the enemies waves, this is serious problem,  less annoying with automatic weapons, but insanely irritating with slow weapons, where every bullet counts. 

You ask for people not to jump and run around in a space ninja game? Bro, i think you wont win this fight here......

Edited by Venarge
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Solution: Vauban bounce.


In all seriousness, I too am annoyed when players run in front of me and sponge up my shots, but it's bound to happen. Should they remove this? I don't think so. It's realistic enough for me to appreciate it and enabling friendly fire is completely out of the question. In my opinion, allowing us to shoot through friendlies is a little lame and would require no effort in our part.


I'm more frustrated when a Loki sets up a decoy in the center of a lane and basically grants any mobs close-to-safe access to the middle of the lane. I generally ask pugs to not place their decoys in the line of fine and they usually act in accordance. They should allow you to shoot through Loki's decoy.


I also love when your running the dam level and pugs enjoy running to all four corners of the map to finish off enemies. It's not until wave 10-15 that they begin to die. As cruel as this sounds, I don't even make an effort to revive them so they can learn from their mistake. 


I'd suggest scooting over an inch or so to allow space for your sniper. There's no need to let such a minimal complication get the best of you. If you know it's going to happen, why not learn and adapt?

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It's not even always about projectiles, or sniping, or defense missions. I have this happen to me constantly. Instead of fanning out and firing at targets, moving while meleeing, or moving behind targets to leave firing lines open, people act like idiots.


I constantly have people walk through me and then stop right in front of me and begin firing, forcing me to strafe because they couldn't be bothered to walk sideways instead of forward, and I'm using boltor, kunai, vipers, and the paris (which is the only one of these really classed as a sniping weapon). 


The point is that people are too stupid to understand that everyone requires clear line of sight on the target to use almost any weapon effectively. All they pay attention to is the fact that they're able to do damage, and they don't care a single ounce if they're preventing you from doing the same or not.


Projectile weapons are worse in general for sure. They will stop at friendlies, corpses, and skills like snow globe, even if those things appeared in the line of fire after the trigger pull. However hitscan is only moderately better. It's still intercepted by friendlies who decide while you're firing away with your boltor or tossing kunai that the best place to shoot from is right in front of you.


Hell, even my friends do this, and I've asked them to stop repeatedly. The back of my frost-playing friend's head has eaten more of my kunai than I care to count, because he insists on running directly through me to stop in front of me and shoot his boltor or latron.


I actually think a pretty handy fix for this most of the time would be making collision, or better collision, with teammates. If the guy ran into me when trying to walk forward through me, he'd have to walk around. Then I'd know for sure if he walked clear around to stand in front of me that he was only doing it to be a jerk.

Edited by Zamte
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Ultimately, you want to run with friends that you can openly tell to not get in your way.


If you willingly choose to run with pugs, then be prepared to not have the most sensible players by your side.

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...the game uses projectiles for everything anyway....

Not everything is hitscan here, if anything.

Good to know you're backing down from your original statement :P

If you clicked when some derp happened to walk into your reticle, the "bullet" takes no time to hit the derp's arse, it will not hit a second derp that also happened to wonder across your reticle a split second after.

This is different to projectile weapons such as the paris, dread, kunai, despair, bolto, boltor, akbolto. Because even after you click, while there is nothing between your reticle and ideal target, there is still a possibility for a derp to take that arrow/thing in the arse before it hits your ideal target.

Hitscan weapons are better in that you get the opportunity to click and hit a target before derps try to walk in front of you, projectiles require you to hope that derps don't run fast enough to take arrows in their backsides...

Edited by CloudPies
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