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Sect Of Osiris - FULL.


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We are currently going dark for the next month. Will post a new advert once rolls and numbers have been leveled out. Thank you all for your interest in this amazing community we've built! See you at Storm!


What IS Sect of Osiris?

Built mostly in secret and from the ground up by a couple of people; Sect of Osiris was started to help newer players. Learning and growing together.
We want to build a friendly and helpful team that's willing to work together and work with others. Building bridges, not burning them down. No quarter will be given for those who do not wish to make the community a better place as a whole.

Current Clan Features:
:Low Clan taxes. Currently set to only 1% and will go up in increments of 1% every 10 players to a max of 5%!
2:Fast clan ranks. If you stay loyal, Active, help each other out and in turn help the clan grow you will move up in the ranks quickly. 
Clan ranks: ( From highest to low)  Pharaoh(Warlord), Vizier, High Priest, Nobel, Overseer, Scribe, Neophyte(New member), Servant (initiate)
3: Nearly ALL Blueprints are done already. Our "Vizier" Moonheart has worked tirelessly working toward every item, weapon and frame along with myself. Just a few more and everything will be completed.
4: Clan Emblem.
5: Helpful players. While small, we do like to help each other out. All you have to do is ask. It can't hurt.
6: Discord voice and text coms!
7: Proud member of the Tenno High Council Alliance! THC is currently 25 clans strong! There should never be a shortage of people to party up with! 

Future plans:
Community growth: In keeping with the theme of "helping and growing", I would like to create alliances with other clans as it only serves to help each as a whole in game. I'd like to help Warframe as a community grow through our efforts as well. Helping new players not affiliated with the clan. So only the friendly and helpful need apply.
Furture Dojo layout: 

"Vizier quarters" will be personal gardens picked and placed by the highest ranking members. A personal space to call and make your own on top of knowing you helped shape the future of the clan.
Clan raffles: As an avid Void runner I come across a LOT of prime stuff that I have floating around in my inventory. I usually sell this stuff for the Ducats but I thought it would be nice to have clan raffles for our members in the future! Once a month I'd like to host a raffle for a pot of prime odds and ends to be given away to a few players. This is NOT currently an event but something I would LOVE to do for everyone as a way to give back to even the newest members when our numbers grow!  If implemented, anyone could hold a giveaway making it a monthly community celebration event! 

Must be Mastery 5 or above.  If you are below this requirement please don't let that stop you from taking interest. We've taken in a few low ranks and helped them rocket to 5 and beyond already.
Must be active! If inactive for 20 days you will be removed without warning. Nothing personal. Active players are important to healthy growth of a clan. After 20 days it's safe to assume you've stopped playing. Please let clan members know if you are going to be gone for more than this time due to personal circumstances. If removed you can always contact me or one of the Viziers and request return. I understand things happen and each person has a life.
Must be willing to teach! You were new once and so is the Mastery 3 that just joined your squad. If you are a helpful and friendly player you are more than welcome. Warframe will only grow if you make a positive impact on new players. Without that impact and interaction the game will only grow stagnate and die out. This clan is going to be about more than just US. It's about the community. 

Feel free to PM GrimmDoll or myself, respond here or contact me in game if you are interested.
All questions welcome.
We look forward to growing WITH you.

Edited by RetroNomad
Updated available slots, updated new emblem design
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I'm interested in joining.

Mastery Rank: 5

Activity: Everyday for around 2 hours minimum

Skill: In between veteran and noob. Played a long time ago then moved save to ps4 before quitting. Am now returning on fresh-ish account.

Can voice if needed?: Yes

Highest ranked warframe: Rhino [30], Excaliber [30], Atlas [30]

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Good to see you're coming back to PC!
I'll send you a FR asap and we'll get you started!

4 minutes ago, PositiveVibez said:

I'm interested in joining.

Mastery Rank: 5

Activity: Everyday for around 2 hours minimum

Skill: In between veteran and noob. Played a long time ago then moved save to ps4 before quitting. Am now returning on fresh-ish account.

Can voice if needed?: Yes

Highest ranked warframe: Rhino [30], Excaliber [30], Atlas [30]


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4 hours ago, TheBlackSenju said:

Hi im interested in joining your clan but i only just recently started playing the game, im mastery rank 3 but im very active on the game so ranking up wouldn't take very long is it still possible for me to join with my low rank?

That's not a problem at all. We have a couple members near your rank so you should be able to party up and not feel left behind. I'll send you an FR in game!


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You guys sound like what I am looking for. Only MR 7 atm but hopefully I can figure out how to lvl more efficiently playing with other people. Please let me know if you possibly have room for one more. Thanks. 

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1 minute ago, Lewicite said:

You guys sound like what I am looking for. Only MR 7 atm but hopefully I can figure out how to lvl more efficiently playing with other people. Please let me know if you possibly have room for one more. Thanks. 

Absolutely! I'm currently logged out but I'll send you an FR once I return in around an hour.

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I'm interested in joining, My user on PC Is PigRambo. 

Mastery Rank: 7

Activity: Varies daily, but am active regularly.

Skill: Relatively good at the game, have played for a bunch of hours and a few on ps4, Great knowledge of modding and builds. 

Can voice if needed?: Yes

Highest ranked warframe: Ash Prime [30] Rhino Prime [30] Frost Prime [30] Excalibur [30] and a few more very close. 

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Hello, I really love the core values of this clan and would be interested in joining. It also seems like it will be loads of fun :D. If you have room, I was wondering if I could join! If it helps, my in game name is dastuffster. 

Mastery Rank: 8

Activity: Varies but usually active everyday, especially at night. 

Skill: Well... I'm okay I guess. Probably have alot to learn still xD. 

Can voice if needed? Yes.

Highest ranked warframe: Frost Prime [30], Valkyr [30], Trinity Prime [30], Volt Prime[30].


Edited by dastuffster
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I'm interested in joining, I specialize in Heavy combat frames.

Mastery Rank: 6

Activity: Time varies, But on almost daily. 

Skill: High level of skill in combat and Tactics. Not up to par on the meta though. Extremely good at mod optimization.

Can voice if needed?: Yes

Highest ranked warframe(s): Frost Prime [30] Inaros [30], I have a multitude of other frames I am working on leveling up. 

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Hey! This seems like a nice and mature clan. Mind if I join in? Nep-Nep is the IG

Mastery Rank: 6

Activity: Time varies, But on almost daily. 

Skill: Though I have been soloing a lot with different frames capable of soloing like Rhino and Valkyr. I have taken a liking to the some casting frames like Nyx and Hydroid. In terms of playstyle I tend to stay back and use a rifle to take out enemies a far. So if you need someone to watch your back I'm here.

Can voice if needed?: Yes, though this is only on the weekends due to IRL reasons.

Highest ranked warframe(s): Loki, Valkyr, Hydroid, Rhino, Nyx

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I'm currently on and off a lot tonight but I'll be happy to send you both the FRs tomorrow sometime during the day!
Look forward to meeting you.

Friendly.. Yes. Very.
"Mature"..... Eeehhh? lol. We like to have fun, chat, party up and not get too serious about anything. ( We may in the future once we can put together teams for the 8 player raids though )

Edited by RetroNomad
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If you guys are still recruiting I'm interested in joining. I currently have my own clan but since I'm the only one of the group doing anything I'm just going to dissolve it.

I have 20 warframes and am currently MR 9 and am pretty close to 10. I already have discord installed since my friends have a server which we use to communicate when we play warframe. I'm on pretty much everyday and at the most I miss 2 or 3 days

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Hey everyone. Sorry for the hiatus and lack of invite. I've been juggling quite a few things.
If you've moved on no harm no foul!
I'll be on tomorrow when everyone else should be as well and I'll be sure to contact each of you first thing when I log in.

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I would be interested in joining I am a former Xbox one player starting fresh looking for a good clan to run and chill with.

In-Game name is RagingNSkinny

Mastery Rank: 8

Activity: Varies, But I am on almost everyday. 

Skill: Solo stealth and also a lot of melee combat and explosive weaponry!

Can voice if needed?: Yes 

Highest ranked warframe(s): Loki, Nova, Excalibur, Vaubaun, Mirage, Inaros, Ivara.

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