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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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Dear Tenno, Corpus, Grineer and Humans, do you ever feel lonely? Do you ever feel like there's something missing in your life? Well, I know what that is! What is it you ask? Love! But it's not exactly easy to find any, so let me, Luv, help you with that! Come to [given location] at [given time] and try Speed Dating! I'm pretty sure you know what that is, so I'll spare you the explaination. We have an unlimited set of tables, drinks and deserts, perfect for your first date. Anybody can join! Even the stalker himself if he feels like his job's getting a bit lonely~.

So what are you waiting for? Take a shower, get some clothes and give it a try!

List of currently active dates and more info (Remade): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b26uG76ykO7_u1SzIE-aCHA_OLpIad9nA-kLqd_nfz8/edit#gid=1286220796

((OOC: You all know what speed dating is, right? Basicaly, you get your OC on a table, someone else gets his/her OC on the same table, and the two will try having a date until one says "Next!". Respect the general rules for role playing, don't get too creepy, and most of all, have fun!))

((OOC again: I revived the thread after it's been dead for a long time. Page 74 is where it begins anew, be sure to read my post on that page, it's important so you can get a sense of the surroundings))

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A black and gray Nyx is sitting at one of the tables, seeming slightly bored. She takes off her helmet, checking her hair. Short, black, and pixie cut, just the way she likes it. Now to wait for her date to show up. Maybe they'd be interesting, maybe they'd be Corpus. She'd always wanted a Corpus test subject, but they were all too smart for her. Maybe she can ensnare one through charm and looks. This should be fun.

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5 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:

"Oh hello! Are you my date? I'm Tori!"

"Ugh. It's a Volt. Like I don't already have like 900 of these idiots..." 

She put on her fake smile and tried to act like she was happy about the matchup.

"I guess I am, baby. Name's Ryder. Nice to meetcha." he said, and lifted his sunglasses. It served no purpose at all, as he was wearing his warframe helmet.
"Hey... ever heard of pinball?" he said in an intriguing voice.

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((This is so wrong. Wrong in any possible way... Wrong so much that I can't hold myself :3  Please somebody help me! ))

As practice shows, such events often gather various individuals of all possible walks. This little archaic soiree was not an exception: a male tenno in his late twenties (at least it appeared so) was sitting at one of the rather peripheric tables, silently drilling his arcane rage thrak helmet. He was wearing a properly modified and perfectly maintained rhino prime-class frame of a quite aggressive color scheme. He seems to be of what ancient Terra denizens would characterize as Caucasoid race with minor Turanian influence, in mid to late twenties age, his hair is jet black and military-style short, two days old stubble, blue-green eyes with a cold shade, perfectly fit to transmit some icy vibe. He was sitting calmly, optically concentrated on his frame's helmet that was peacefully lying on the table. Unlike his seemingly chill exteriors, however, his thoughts were hasty, unorganized and quite controversial.

"How in the name of the void did I end up here? And what the heck am I expecting to find in this place?" he thought to himself, "Bloody Prodman on a hoverboad! I hope no one recognizes me. If lads from the White Tiger Cove ever discover that I was here... Better not to think about that, I suppose. Still, this whole venture seems quite hopeless. Am I supposed to behave like that weirdo with sunglasses? Me - the vet merc - trying to lure some posh madame in a way commonly used by our far shlimazel-ish predecessors who could not even execute their freaking reproductive function without artificially set circumstances?" he sighed after that particular thought,"The fact I'm still here, mentally showering my head with ashes means that I'm probably screwed as much as it looks like..." . He took an inspecting look at the visitors, probably trying to figure whether there are any interesting persons within the sight. 

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10 hours ago, BlackerGames said:

"I guess I am, baby. Name's Ryder. Nice to meetcha." he said, and lifted his sunglasses. It served no purpose at all, as he was wearing his warframe helmet.
"Hey... ever heard of pinball?" he said in an intriguing voice.

"Ooh Ryder. That's a cool name. Definitely not one I've heard before."

"Just fake it for the next few minutes or so... Then you can switch to someone else..."

"Oh pinball! Yeah... No... I've never heard of pinball... What is it?

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((This is so so so wrong, yet here I am... *sigh*))

A greenish Oberon strolled in, looked around, removed his helmet and smirked.

"Looks noice!" he said to himself. The Oberon looked at the people here, smirked again and headed to a free table.

He was fair-skinned, and looked fairly young, maybe around 21. He had light brown hair in a short ponytail and with shaved sides, and a well maintained goatee. The general expression on his face was that of relaxation. He seemed like the type of man that either hadn't really had any strife in his life, or was incredibly unfazed by things.

The Oberon sat down, and looked around, placing his helmet on the table.

"I do wonder if they serve drinks here..." he loudly exclaimed, looking around to find someone who would indeed take his order.

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Two more tenno enter, one wearing a cyan and orange Ember prime frame, the other wearing a grey and brown/pink Zephyr frame, missing the glowes and helmet.
"Oh, look at that! And who said this speed dating was a bad idea?" the Ember said, poking the Zephyr in the side.
"I have to say Luv, I expected there to be nobody here. Must be a dissapointment for most of em that you're already taken, huh?"
"Well, what can I say. So, who are you gonna choose Bird?"
The Zephyr took a look around, checking out the lonely males.
"I'm gonna choooose... that Rhino"
"You sure you can handle one?"
"Oh, shut up..."
The Zephyr approaches the Rhinos table and takes a seat, waiting for the tenno to greet her.

All the other tables are approached by different waiter Ospreys, waiting for the couples to choose their food and drinks.

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Just when the Rhino clad tenno decided to take a look at the visitors, two femmes arrived. Well, now the chances are that this evening will not end as yet another stag-party with rivers of booze, animalistic yells, and philosophic discourses. Wait. One of them decided to move to his dislocation. Bloody sheit! The coal-black haired tenno trained his gaze on the 'intruder', probably figuring out what to do in this situation. When the Zephyr took a seat at his table, he looked at her the same way an average Frost probably glares at some random MOA that makes its way inside his frozen globe, which is not very welcoming. An awkward pause hung in the air; it appears that she waits for him to say something. "Calm down, old man. You've been through more embarrassing situations, and what else did you expect in the place like this anyway?" the inner voice spoke to the confused tenno.
After few more seconds, he put his neutrally-polite, almost 'professional' grimace on and began his introductions: "Good evening, ma'am. The fact both of us attend this untypical event presumes that official introductions are in order. Mind If I take the initiative?" he continued right away, without waiting for her to answer,"When people don't address me with the words like "Tenno scum" or "Want to buy Telos Boltor", they call me Teloch (([Télokh])). I do also have a field call, but the decorations we are currently in do not require operative etiquette. Anyway, may I know your name, lady? Unless it is a cornerstone of your mysterious fleur, of course". He didn't even try to fake a smile after finishing his part, focusing on 'scanning' her further instead.

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12 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:

"Ooh Ryder. That's a cool name. Definitely not one I've heard before."

"Just fake it for the next few minutes or so... Then you can switch to someone else..."

"Oh pinball! Yeah... No... I've never heard of pinball... What is it?

Ryder gasped.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PINBALL IS? Well, lemme explain. Pinball is a type of arcade game, usually coin-operated, in which points are scored by a player manipulating one or more steel balls on a play field inside a glass-covered cabinet called a pinball machine. The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Many modern pinball machines include a story line where the player must complete certain objectives in a certain fashion to complete the story, usually earning high scores for different methods of completing the game. Points are earned when the ball strikes different targets on the play field. A drain is situated at the bottom of the play field, partially protected by player-controlled plastic bats called flippers. A game ends after all the balls fall into the drain. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning "extra balls" and keeping the ball in play as long as possible) and to earn bonus games (known as "replays"). Basically, the best game ever made."

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((Well I'm bored so I'm jut going to join this))

"Come on May, you have to try at least..."

"But I already told you, I do not want to do this..."

"Just give it a go..."

"Well...if you insist..."

A purple, orange nova followed by a green ivara walks into the room, the nova shyly looks around.

"Zenz...I don't think this is a good idea..."

But when she turned around, Zenz wasn't there. She was actually went invisible shortly after their arrival, just to make sure Mayya doesn't mess up.

"Oh well...here goes..."

The shy nova walks up to one of the tables and takes a seat, she was too shy to go up to a table with somebody else by it so she simply just waited, part of her wanted someone to come up to here and sit by her but the other part of her just wanted to be alone...

((edit: sorry for asking but why does Blackergames have another account (shrimpoverlord)? Did something happen to his main one?))

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5 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

All the other tables are approached by different waiter Ospreys, waiting for the couples to choose their food and drinks.

The Oberon looked at the Osprey and thought for a moment.

"Drinks for everyone, on me!" the Oberon exclaimed. He was getting slightly bored and there was not much to do. He started drawing something on the table with a miniature version of Hallowed Ground.


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10 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

The Oberon looked at the Osprey and thought for a moment.

"Drinks for everyone, on me!" the Oberon exclaimed. He was getting slightly bored and there was not much to do. He started drawing something on the table with a miniature version of Hallowed Ground.


"Well...he seems nice...maybe I should...erm...I...dunno actually...ah come on Mayya...think..."

Mayya was simply just confusing and worrying herself too much that she ended up embarrassing herself by knocking over her glass (glass cup, Incase you was wondering)


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Mayya notices the Oberon looking at her and looks around to see if he was actually looking at her...

he was...

Mayya turned around to the Oberon and made an awkward but friendly smile.

"Ok...I guess things are escalating...wha..what if I mess up again...?" The nova speaks, shyly to herself.

Still invisible within the room, Zenz watches Mayya acting more nervous then before.

"Well then, things shall get intresting..."

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"Uhh cool, I guess. So what's the point? What are you meant to do? Do you just wait hours a day, staring at a ball? Because that actually sounds really boring." 

"Why do I always get the weird ones? First, some idiot who just wouldn't die, and now some Volt obsessed with pinball and WEARING SUNGLASSES OVER HIS SUIT."

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5 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

"Refills are on me too." the Oberon shouted to the Nova, gave her a thumbs up and returned to burning things in the table with his Hallowed flames.

"That's great!"

The nova soon notices that she shouted across the room to him and soon banged her head on the table. Zenz (who was still cloaked) simply just face palms herself at the shy nova's actions.

"Just calm down Mayya....you're making yourself look childish..." She whispers to herself.


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"Hey, you! Bored looking Saryn!" the Oberon had walked up to Lana's table and sat down bringing her a glass of Bloody Mary. He himself was sipping on something that looked positively toxic, with a multitude of bright colors.

"Are you dead or something? That would be a real mood-killer..." the man stated, scratching his head. He chuckled at his own joke, and poked the Saryn's shoulder twice.

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Lana: "huh... Wha... Oh! S-sorry... I was asleep... Ah! M-my helmet! Oh... Dammit, now i'll just be called a freak again..." *blushes* "i-i'm sorry. Where i'm from, almost nobody is alive anymore... I'm not used to talking to people, let alone them seeing my face..." *fidgets in a flustered manner*

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